Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 9: Volume A: Polygonum flowers are in bloom and there are many doubts

This middle-aged monk looked to be around forty years old.

He has a ruddy complexion, slightly high cheekbones, a hooked nose, triangular eyes, and serious gaze, and his hair is combed very smoothly.

There was a strand of beard under his chin, which he kept gently stroking between his fingers, which was obviously his habit when thinking about problems.

Another mature monk standing a little further away came over and bowed slightly.

"Brother Yi Dao, I'm afraid that something like this cannot be concealed. It will soon shock the entire Yiyang and even Yi County. I'm afraid we must come up with countermeasures immediately, otherwise if someone takes advantage of it, it will be very detrimental to everyone. .”

Yu Xianxian and a group of people carefully detoured from the side.

Although he didn't know what happened, there were a few people inside whom Yu Xianxian knew. Judging from everyone's faces, something terrible and terrible must have happened.

Everyone said that they would work together to tide over the difficulties. Elder Yi of the Xiyun Sect didn't know what happened in person, and whether it was related to the changes that happened here before.

Originally, Yu Xianxian did not dare to disturb this uncle who had always had a bad temper. However, he just brought a group of people in and everyone's eyes were focused on them. Instead, Yu Xianxian could only step forward to greet him.

"Disciple Yu Xianxian led the disciples to meet Master Yi." Yu Xianxian crossed his hands respectfully, pressed his left palm on his right palm, pressed it against his lower abdomen, and bowed deeply.

This is a very respectful etiquette for the elders in the Taoist sect, and it also shows the power of this Xiyun Sect elder.

The middle-aged monk glanced at Yu Xianxian, and his face looked a little better: "Well, is this the group of disciples we have introduced?"

"Uncle, yes." In front of so many people, Yu Xianxian didn't explain much. Xuan Chimei had already been there, but Chen Huaisheng was not.

"Well, I understand. Just stand aside and wait. I have something else to do here."

Taoist surnamed Yi nodded, then turned to the mature monk who had been standing aside waiting for him to speak: "This matter really needs to be investigated. I remember that since the year before last, there seems to be no peace here in Yi County. ?Did something happen to Baishimen at the end of the year before last?"

The faces of everyone changed slightly, but the red-faced man with a broad mouth still nodded reluctantly: "Brother Yi Dao is right, Yu Wentian, a disciple of the sixth level of Baishimen's Qi training, died at the foot of Chongwen Ridge in Zhang County, but..."

"I know that the matter of Baishimen has nothing to do with us, and we don't care much about it. On the ninth day of March last year, a direct disciple of the head of your Chonghua Sect died in Fengtong Ridge, Liao County. Have you ever found out the reason?"

The man with a red face and a wide mouth looked even more ugly. He gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "It has not been found out, because only the stumps are left. It seems that they were swallowed by the monster. However, there are many doubts about it. If it is really a monster, why not kill it?" Eat all the stumps and still have one left?"

Speaking of this, the man with the broad mouth of Honglian almost burst into tears. It was obvious that he was very sad to lose such a direct disciple of the inner sect.

"But in recent years, there have indeed been traces of many monsters in Liao County..." The face of the black-robed monk from Lingyun Sect became increasingly ugly.

"My nephew is very talented. He has only been in Taoism for twenty-five years. He is already at the sixth level of Qi training and is approaching the seventh level of Qi training. There are indeed traces of monsters and beasts in Liao County in the past few years, but they are all on the edge of the extremity area, not far from Fengtong. The mountains are far away, and most of them are first-order monsters. The second-order monsters have never been heard of. What kind of monster can easily devour my nephew?..."

He has been practicing at the sixth level of qi for twenty-five years since he entered the Taoism. He is indeed quite good. In other words, when he is around sixty years old, he is basically expected to hit the foundation building avenue. He is definitely an elite disciple among ordinary sects.

The monster that can easily swallow the sixth level of Qi cultivation must be at least the second level monster. Even the second level monster is difficult to easily succeed, unless it is a surprise attack.

However, it is unlikely that a second-level monster would appear in a mortal place. If it did appear, it would wreak havoc on a place long ago and everyone would know about it.

"Do you mean it was done by a monster? What kind of evil thing could it be?" The middle-aged monk was slightly moved.

It is no secret that monsters like to eat people, and they prefer to devour monks, because the essence of the monks' bodies is extremely attractive to them.

Every part of the monk's body is a treasure to the monster, and it is impossible to abandon it without eating it, so the red-faced monk's statement that there are remaining parts is indeed suspicious.

It is normal for monsters to eat people, but monsters cannot easily leave the forbidden areas. At most, they move in the fringe areas, and they are easily discovered. All they need to do is work together to strangle them.

But if it wasn't a monster, but it had such a shocking behavior of devouring body parts, it would be a bit scary.

He couldn't think of anything other than evil things, but evil things could appear anywhere, especially in places where lay people settled, where evil spirits and ghosts were prone to appear.

"It's hard to say. My nephew only had a leg and half a head left. His death was horrific, especially the head, which was obviously eaten away, and all the brain marrow was sucked out...and the leg part. The wounds were even more jagged, with residual muscles..."

Hearing the vivid description, all the disciples behind Yu Xianxian who had not yet started turned pale, especially the girls, who felt like vomiting.

Chen Huaisheng also shuddered when he heard this.

"Evil ghost?" The middle-aged monk shook his head, "If it is really evil, it will never commit this one crime. Even if it can lurk, it will never last more than a month. But after that, will there be another incident in Liao County?" Have such a thing happened?"

"Brother Yi Dao, I thought about it the same way. Then in September last year, at this time, two casual cultivators from Sui County, Master Huo Wenzhong, came to Li County to visit friends. One of them was at the fifth level of Qi training, and the other was not yet in Although they were innate Taoists with good qualifications, they disappeared and their whereabouts are still unknown..."

The middle-aged monk couldn't help but frown.

Disappearance is the most difficult thing, especially for this class of monks.

The location of Yiyang County is quite special. It is located in the Yushan Mountains, but borders Nanchu to the south.

In addition to the extremity area in Yushan Mountain, the boundaries between Da Zhao and Nan Chu are intertwined, and it is difficult to distinguish them in the first place.

Fortunately, the population in the mountainous area is not large, and it is adjacent to the forbidden area, so although there are often disputes, they have not escalated to the point of being out of control.

But because it is located on the edge of the forbidden area, many cultivation disciples will definitely come to these places for activities, mainly hunting monsters and collecting elixirs.

There are many people who enter Baoshan due to greed and end up encountering bad luck every year. Who can say that your disappearance can be related to this evil ghost?

"Continue." The middle-aged monk said expressionlessly.

Swallowing his saliva, the red-faced monk said bravely: "Then in February this year, heavy snow closed the mountains. Lu Jinguang, a fourth-level Qi training disciple of the Lu family in Dingling, disappeared near Anxingji, Liao County. Only one of his remaining shoes was found at the scene. , there are beast tracks, similar to tiger and leopard monsters... In July this year, Xiong Wenren, a fifth-level Qi training disciple of the Southern Chu Zijin Sect, disappeared near Dingling Wusheng Fort,..."

"Lu family? Purple Gold Sect?!" The middle-aged monk was shocked, "Why did the monks from Nanchu disappear in our area?"

Although monks from various places also communicate with each other, when crossing national borders, they usually have to go to the monasteries in various places to say hello first to avoid unnecessary disputes.

"It is said that he originally went into the mountains to hunt in Nanchu, but he came to our side without knowing it. He also traded some goods in Tianhefang, stayed at Chaimenlou Inn, and went to Wusheng on the third day. Hunting near the fort is gone and never comes back..."

The middle-aged monk immediately asked: "Why do you say that he didn't go into the mountains again and return to Nanchu?"

"Some of his luggage is still at the inn, and some goods are stored in Tianhefang. He originally agreed to return to Tianhefang in two days to settle the bill..." the red-faced monk explained.

The middle-aged monk took a breath of cold air.

Calculated in this way, from the year before last to this year, plus what happened today, so many things happened in Yiyang Mansion, but the Jiulian Sect didn't get much news.

Even though Yiyang Mansion is not the center of gravity of the Jiulian Sect, the land of the Five Prefectures of Yi County is located in the southeast corner of Da Zhao. Its location is very important and the Jiulian Sect cannot abandon it.

In the three prefectures of Yiyang, Huozhou and Langling in the south of Yi County, Jiulian Sect has always controlled the situation through its quasi-ally Lingyun Sect and Chonghua Sect, so it did not pay too much attention.

As long as nothing serious happens, the disciples recruited by these houses every year can be received in time, and some special materials needed by the sect can be delivered on time, then it will be fine.

Now it seems a little careless.

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