Strange mountains and rivers

Chapter 94: Volume A: Polygonum Flowers in Bloom, Party Formation, Competition and Cooperation?

Under the envious eyes of Peng Youshu, Hu Delu and others, Chen Huaisheng and Kou Qing entered the Jiashe. Their arrival also caused a slight noise in the Jiashe.

The number of people in Jiashe is fourteen.

After adding Chen Huaisheng and Kou Qing, there were only twelve people before.

There are sixty-five people in the entire outer courtyard, and House B has the largest number, with more than thirty people. Now that Chen Huaisheng and Kou Qing are gone, House B has three more people, making it fifteen.

Because Chen Huaisheng had been practicing hard for the past few months, five more people entered the Tao one after another and transferred from Bingshe to Yishe.

And a new batch of disciples will soon come to the mountain gate, and the number of Bingshe will quickly increase to more than forty.

It's easy to go from House B to House A. Originally, the entire outer hall is considered a whole, but the psychological boundaries between the three houses are invisibly drawn. Crossing this boundary can also be a transcendence in mentality, and for oneself The self-confidence is also improved.

"Brother Huaisheng, you and Senior Sister Kou will rise to great heights as soon as you leave. The people in Jiashe will definitely exclude you and Senior Sister Kou..." Hu Delu helped Chen Huaisheng sort out the clothes and tidy up the house, while looking around: "You Senior Sister Kou and I need to help each other..."

"Why are Kou Qing and I excluded? Aren't Kou Qing and I also members of the Jiashe now?" Chen Huaisheng asked in surprise. He really hadn't thought about this problem.

"No, before you two were promoted to House A, no one from House B had entered House A for two years, so they always thought that the disciples of House B and House B were not of good quality in the past few years, and they often expressed contempt and contempt in their words. ,..."

Hu Delu obviously knew these aspects very clearly.

Chen Huaisheng thought to himself, so it's like this. No wonder Guo Chongdao values ​​himself and Kou Qing so much.

It turns out that after he took charge of the outer court, no one from Yi House was promoted to Jia House, and the original disciples of Jia House were all promoted from Bing House and Yi House when his predecessor was in charge of the outer hall. Whether it is these disciples or outside opinions, Everyone will recognize it more as their predecessor’s ability.

In a sense, this is also a good thing, because it means that he and Kou Qing can get more resource support from Guo Chongdao.

Maybe it's possible to get a piece of spiritual land yourself?

According to the usual practice, it is difficult for disciples below the third level of Qi Refining to obtain a spiritual field, and those at the first or second level of Qi Refining are even rarer. Even if they can obtain it, it is probably in a remote place with insufficient spiritual energy.

But Chen Huaisheng now really wants to plant the mirage thorn vine to see what the quality of this seed is.

Chen Huaisheng estimated that it would be difficult to get approval from Guo Chongdao now, and he would probably be criticized for being distracted.

When he went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to build the Fire Wheel Thorn in the early stage, Guo Chongdao was not very happy, thinking that he should not be distracted by those things, and that he should consider them after the fourth level of Qi Refining.

Moreover, Chen Huaisheng can also feel that the Chonghua Sect pays more attention to the internal cultivation of spiritual power and pays relatively little attention to magical weapons and talismans.

If he wants to get the spiritual field, he probably has to do something to make Guo Chongdao happy.

"Delu, it's time for you to work hard. Didn't you say that you and Kou Qing also entered the second house together? They have now entered the first house. What about you?"

After cleaning up, Chen Huaisheng motioned to Hu Delu to sit down, and then talked to him about his own affairs.

"Brother Huaisheng, I also want to make progress, but how can I compare with Senior Sister Kou?" Hu Delu's face was full of envy, but there was no hint of jealousy. "Kou Qing could tell at a glance that they were different. We are stationed in Yishezhong The longest ones that have stayed are almost five years. For example, Peng Youshu is almost 20, and Kou Qing and I are considered short-lived..."

"What about me? I'm already over 20 years old, can't I reach the first level of Qi refining in a few months?" Chen Huaisheng said with a smile.

"You, you are different too." Hu Delu was at a loss for words for a moment, "You have accumulated a lot of experience and are able to strike later..."

"No need to flatter me, I am self-aware, but I want to tell you that age is not a problem, you should have more confidence..."

Chen Huaisheng looked at this guy who was considered his first younger brother, and still wanted to support him.

He is less than eighteen years old, but he still has some potential, and he is considered a native of Langling Mansion. Since he has settled in Chonghua, he also needs a native who is familiar with the situation.

Yanjiao, Hu Delu's hometown, is a rather special place. It goes deep into the border between Wuyue and Nanchu. It is also a place with strange mountains and rivers.

"Hehe, Brother Huaisheng, if you can give me some pointers, you can refine your Qi to the first level in just five months. Even Senior Sister Kou can't catch up..." Hu Delu was truly convinced.

I didn’t get started until I was twenty years old, and I realized the Tao right after I started. Is this something that ordinary people can do?

Others always think that if someone starts late, they have poor qualifications, but they don’t look at how long it took someone to become a Taoist?

Although no one knows the exact time, it is certain that it was not more than a year, otherwise he should have entered the door last spring.

Moreover, this kind of special entry must have some background. It is precisely because of these mysterious things that Hu Delu, who was born in a rural gentry, can't help but want to get in touch with him.

Being on one's side doesn't mean that you don't work hard, but that you hope to get the other person's guidance so that you can avoid unnecessary detours.

The guidance of Taoist masters is important, but they have long been strong in the middle stage of Qi refining. They are still in the process of striving for the success of Qi refining. For them, it was decades ago, and they may not be able to truly empathize with them. .

Those in the same room who are at the same level but are far ahead can often provide more practical guidance.

Hu Delu's moral integrity was not good, so his practice rounds were very limited.

Chen Huaisheng is not sure whether the things in his body are similar to others. As Xuan Chimei said, she is in a state of blooming and prosperity, while he is an empty bottle and a full body. What about Hu Delu?

"Delu, what do you see when you practice internal vision?"

"Tree." Hu Delu also became serious and a little excited in his heart.

"What about your spiritual root attributes?" Chen Huaisheng asked again.

"Neutral." Hu Delu calmed down.

"What do you think of the trees?"

"Shallow roots, single branches and few leaves."

"I think your shallow roots are due to your weak Taoist bones. Cultivation is important, but you need to further consolidate your foundation." Chen Huaisheng could only make suggestions based on his own judgment.

"I know it too, but it's so difficult to solidify the foundation. I already know my way, no matter how hard it is to advance..." Hu Delu was slumped.

"Not necessarily, the Taoist bones can be reshaped, but it requires taking risks." Chen Huaisheng pondered.

Although his Taoist bones were originally very solid and strong, in the later period, he was repeatedly severely damaged due to killing treacherous wolves, fighting evil cultivators, and killing mountain monsters. However, he recovered under constant stimulation. This way, his Taoism became stronger. Bones are always in a state of metabolism and become full of vitality and vitality.

This is also an important factor in his ability to rapidly break through the realm and successfully refine his Qi in just five months, besides being born in harmony with the twin spiritual wheels of Yin and Yang.

But can Hu Delu do it?

Hu Delu's eyes showed a fanatical light, "I am willing to take risks, as long as I can succeed in refining Qi."

Seeing that Hu Delu was so determined and persistent, Chen Huaisheng hesitated.

It is definitely impossible to copy what he has experienced to Hu Delu. With Hu Delu's strong foundation, he will definitely die immediately, but it may not be impossible to imitate this kind of impact method.

It's just that this also requires opportunities. It can't just be used to bring out a person's potential. The scale needs to be mastered very well. A little carelessness can lead to death.

After sending away Hu Delu, who was obsessed with Chen Huaisheng's words of "reshaping the moral integrity", Chen Huaisheng guessed that there was no result in this matter, and this guy was probably going crazy.

But there is indeed no such opportunity in a short period of time, and we have to wait.

"Welcome the new junior brothers and sisters to enter the house,..."

When Chen Huaisheng and Kou Qing entered the main hall of Jiashe, they felt a dozen pairs of complicated eyes.

The speaker was Qin Zeju, half a fellow villager with Chen Huaisheng. He was from Anfeng County, Yiyang Prefecture.

He has been in Jiashe for twelve years, but he is only thirty years old. According to the Taoist master's assessment, he has reached the threshold of entering the third level of Qi refining. Maybe half a year, maybe a year, he can cross this threshold and go to the central hall.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are factions.

Unlike Yuan Wenbo, Tong Tong, and Zhao Wuyou who have only been in Jiashe for a few years but have already shown extraordinary talents, Qin Zeju and other "old people" who have stayed in Jiashe for more than seven or eight years belong to that kind of people. He is a disciple who breaks through the realm and advances step by step.

Yuan Wenbo, Tong Tong, Zhao Wuyou and others are not yet twenty years old, and he is already thirty, but Yuan Wenbo and Tong Tong are already attacking the third level of Qi refining like him, which puts great pressure on Qin Zeju. It's huge.

Therefore, Qin Zeju welcomed Chen Huaisheng and Kou Qing, two people who also appeared to be outstanding but were obviously not on the same path as Yuan Wenbo and Tong Tong.

"Thank you Senior Brother Qin and all the Senior Brothers and Senior Sisters. It is an honor for Junior Sister Kou and I to enter the Jiashe. We hope that we can work together with our Senior Brothers and Senior Sisters to enter the Central Hall as soon as possible in the future."

Chen Huaisheng also had a modest smile on his face. Before he finished speaking, Kou Qing had already planned his words: "The order in which you enter the first house doesn't mean anything, it's just the time. I heard that Senior Brother Yuan, Senior Sister Tong and Senior Brother Zhao are known as the top ten. Our Chonghua sect has been among the best in recent years, but my little sister is a little dissatisfied and wants to challenge you all together with Senior Brother Chen during this time in Jiashe. I wonder if Senior Brother Yuan can you dare to accept this challenge?"

Chen Huaisheng's face was stiff. He looked at the high-spirited girl with bright eyes and even her cheeks flushed with excitement. He wanted to rush forward and cover her mouth.

Although I said that I could use the other party as the target of competition, I didn't let you bring it up so openly. Aren't you starting a fight?

And what are the benefits of doing so?

Chen Huaisheng never likes to do unprofitable things, but this girl seems to have a rebellious temperament that likes to cause trouble. Is it interesting?

The expressions of several people are quite wonderful.

Yuan Wenbo was high-spirited, with eyes like lightning, a smile on his lips, and a bit careless, while Tong Tong was calm and composed, while Zhao Wuyou had a look of contempt and disdain.

Others couldn't help but burst into uproar.

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