Strange story player

Chapter 339 The oriole is behind

"Don't open your eyes."

Yan Xiao said.

Qin Manjiang was still restless in his heart. Although he didn't see Yan Xiao, he smelled the aroma of food.

However, if it is just the sense of smell, it can be tolerated.

Yan Xiao withdrew his hand and led Qin Manjiang into the car. He then went to the driver's seat and sped away.

Feeling that the vehicle had started, Qin Manjiang asked: "Where are you going?"

"Drop your tail." Yan Xiao said calmly.

"Tail?" Qin Manjiang wanted to open his eyes and look back, but held it back.

"Have you found the person following me?" Qin Manjiang asked.

He did guess something, maybe Kong secretly sent someone to watch him.

"Counting me, there are four, three men and one woman," Yan Xiao said, "one of them is a man and a woman acting together."

So many people are staring at me? !

Qin Manjiang was stunned. Who are they?

"Can you describe the characteristics of those people?" Qin Manjiang asked.

"The woman holds an umbrella and is conspicuous. The companion man has canine teeth."

Is it a flower? Who is that man? Gu?

"There is also a man, walking alone, with a white turtleneck and heterochromatic eyes."

Wait...heterochromatic eyes?

Among the people Qin Manjiang came into contact with, only one had heterochromatic eyes, Lin.

Lin was the assistant to the doctor who handed him the relic phone.

Lin is staring at me?

Did you receive instructions from the doctor...

"And I," Yan Xiao said, "you can open your eyes."

May I?

What if I lose control again?

Although Qin Manjiang believed in Yan Xiao, he was driving a car. If he pounced on him out of control, the car might be destroyed and people would be killed.

He carefully half-closed his eyes and tentatively opened them a little bit. When he looked at Yan Xiao aside, his face gradually became clearer.

"So you're wearing a mask."

Seeing the face wearing a pure white mask, Qin Manjiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Instead of keeping his eyes closed, it would be more convenient for Yan Xiao to wear a mask.

However... Qin Manjiang was a little surprised that this "physical method" could weaken his appetite.

Although he smelled the "fragrance" around him, Qin Manjiang was able to hold back without seeing that face.

In this way, his and Sora's appetites are fundamentally different.

As expected, the only difference between an acquaintance and a non-acquaintance is that when I can't see my face, my appetite can be tolerated even when an acquaintance is around.

Sora and the others are the difference between ordinary people and spiritual pupil owners. Even if they can't see their faces, the attraction of spiritual pupil owners to them is unstoppable.

This discovery made Qin Manjiang breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately... so to speak, his future is not the same as Sora's.

"Did you get rid of it?" Qin Manjiang asked.

"I don't know, let's talk like this." Yan Xiao glanced at the rearview mirror with a calm expression.

Qin Manjiang had been holding back a lot of questions for a long time.

But before he could ask, Yan Xiao took the lead and said: "After you left last night, they came to see you this morning and found out that you were missing. The phone was turned off and you couldn't be found. Nie Yunzhen was going to launch an attack on all members of the Tongjie. A real relationship is looking for you, and at this time, he appears."

Qin Manjiang's heart skipped a beat.


Yan Xiao is probably referring to the person who is pretending to be himself and chatting with everyone.

"He took on your identity, apologized to them, and agreed to come to Qingtong Bar to make amends."

"That's what you just saw."

Yan Xiao briefly explained what happened in the morning.

Qin Manjiang listened without saying a word. He looked sideways at Yan Xiao's white mask and asked, "How did you find out that he was not me?"

"The bandaging method is different," Yan Xiao said coldly, "I bandaged the wound on your neck. Someone made a perfect copy of you. The bandage on your neck is also a perfect disguise, but that is not my method."

In other words, do you know that your bandaging method is rough and not perfect?

Qin Manjiang couldn't help but say something in his heart.

"So, I knew he was a fake at first sight, but I wanted to see what he was going to do," Yan Xiao continued.

"Then what? How did you find me? And you can still follow me."

Qin Manjiang asked.

"I'm not looking for him, I've just been waiting outside Qingtong Bar." Yan Xiao said calmly.

Just...just keep waiting?

Do you use this stupid method...

However, if he is the first one to arrive near Qingtong Bar, as long as he hides in the dark and waits for observation, it will indeed be easier to find the people who follow Qin Manjiang. No wonder Yan Xiao can find Hua, her companions, and Lin.

"Why do you think I will definitely come to Qingtong Bar? What if I don't come?" Qin Manjiang didn't understand Yan Xiao's persistence.

"That's the only place where you and we have an intersection in reality, and there are a lot of traces of your life there. From what I know about you, no matter what you are going to do, you will probably take a look before leaving."

"Unless you are already dead." Yan Xiao said simply.

"What if I don't come today." Qin Manjiang asked.


"How long do you have to wait? Maybe I will show up at any time. Your method is too stupid." Qin Manjiang didn't know what to say.

Yan Xiao didn't say anything, and just glanced sideways at him. The meaning of his eyes was very clear: Wasn't this waiting?

"Sit down."

Yan Xiao suddenly made a sharp turn, stepped on the accelerator, and the vehicle sped away. Under Qin Manjiang's wide eyes, he quickly moved through the city's vehicles.

Too fast. Is this guy so good at driving?

After a wild ride that could be called a stunt, the car stopped beside the riverside trail.

"Dumped...dumped away?"

Yan Xiao glanced at him doubtfully: "I don't know."

"Then why are you driving so fast?"

"I'm going to the bathroom."


As expected, Yan Xiao went to the public restroom by the river.

Qin Manjiang waited speechlessly, but he understood why Yan Xiao drove the car to this place. The river in Fucheng is just a tributary, but it runs through the east and west of the city. The two sides are flat and broad, and there is no way to hide anyone.

He didn't even bother to look for anyone who was following him, he could just take a quick look at them.

Soon, Yan Xiao came out.

He pointed his chin toward the bench by the river and motioned for Qin Manjiang to come over and talk.

The two of them came to a bench by the river and sat down.

"Is Jiang Du still with you?"

Yan Xiao asked aloud after sitting down.

Qin Manjiang shook his head: "I don't know. I tried calling him, but there was no response. And...I haven't felt his presence since I woke up from the operation."

"What do you think?" Qin Manjiang looked at Yan Xiao. Since Yan Xiao suddenly mentioned this matter, maybe he had discovered something.

Yan Xiao did not hide anything. He looked at the calm river and said, "I suspect that the person pretending to be you now is Jiang Du."

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