Strange story player

Chapter 518 Fighting

Time goes back to five minutes ago.

Liu Jingqing hid in the ocean ball pool, racking her brains to think of a way to escape.

The water has reached her chin and will soon reach her lips!

The ghost is still lying on the ceiling directly above. Why doesn't it come down?

Do you have to force me to move in order to see me?

Liu Jingqing was a little desperate.

There were only two choices before her. One was to be submerged in the water and drown alive.

The second is to escape from the ocean ball pool and be discovered by ghosts, which will result in death.

But the latter has a slight chance of survival compared to the former, although that possibility is slim.

Liu Jingqing was already secretly planning to fight for her life.

Rather than drowning, she would rather make a last-ditch effort and die.

Wait a moment... When the water reaches your nose, immediately flip out of the pool and run away with all your strength!

She planned an escape route for herself. The most convenient way was of course the stairs, but there was "Zheng Jun" in the stairs, so she could only go down the escalator.

At this time, the water has already come up...



Liu Jingqing's heart was beating wildly. Just as she was counting down to herself and preparing to jump out of the pool, suddenly! There were rapid footsteps coming from below the mall!

The footsteps were not concealed at all, and the movement was so loud that even the sound of water did not cover it up.

who is it?

Soon, there was a crawling sound on the ceiling.

Is it gone? !

Really gone? !

Liu Jingqing was surprised and happy.

After waiting for about ten seconds to confirm that the footsteps on the ceiling had really left, Liu Jingqing climbed out of the pool without hesitation and stumbled towards the railing.

She stuck her head out and glanced downstairs to see who was making the footsteps, but she saw Nie Yunzhen running away at a glance!

what is she doing?

Why was she making so much noise?

This is all to attract ghosts...


Liu Jingqing suddenly understood what Nie Yun really meant. She was attracting ghosts!

That's right...

Liu Jingqing guessed correctly.

Originally, according to Nie Yunzhen's vision, there was only one ghost. As long as the players pulled back and forth and cooperated closely, they could make the ghost spin around.

But she soon discovered that she was naive.

There are more light spots on the red map, which means... the number of ghosts is increasing simultaneously with the number of bells!

what to do……

What to do next?

She didn't expect that there would be more ghosts at all, but... she was already being chased by a ghost. She didn't have to worry about the debt if there were too many lice. Nie Yunzhen gritted her teeth and found the one with the most light spots on the red map. Area - shopping mall area!

Nie Yunzhen's idea is very simple and very realistic. She wants to create as much noise as possible to attract the ghosts to her side, so that other people will have the opportunity to ring the bell!

Only when others ring the bell can the ghost's "hatred" be transferred. She is not that great. In the final analysis, this is just a choice that is good for everyone.

But this choice also requires great courage. After all... most of the time, humans are creatures that harm others but do not benefit themselves.

It was precisely this choice that saved Liu Jingqing, who was trapped in a desperate situation by ghosts.

When Liu Jingqing saw Nie Yunzhen, who made a huge noise, ran around the mall, and then ran out, she understood everything.

Liu Jingqing bit her lip hard and ran downstairs as hard as she could.

Miss Nie... hold on a little longer...

I'm going to ring the bell right now!

Liu Jingqing was covered in water, and she couldn't stand firmly while running on the smooth floor. She slipped several times, and the darkness all around caused her to bump and bump along the way. Her arms and legs were already bruised and swollen.

But she didn't realize it. There was only one thought in her mind...

If you want to save Miss Nie... you must save her!

Liu Jingqing had never run so fast before. After the second stage, she was physically and mentally exhausted, but with the support of her strong thoughts, Liu Jingqing showed amazing resilience.

Judging from her physical fatigue, she would have collapsed from exhaustion in the past.

But at this moment, Liu Jingqing was running wildly in the square. She only knew that Nie Yunzhen ran in from outside the square. She needed to find the direction of the hanging clock, and she couldn't waste a moment!

Where will the hanging bell be?

She was thinking as she ran...

In her mind, she tried her best to recall the changes in the light spots on the red map.

Since the bell rang twice soon, it meant that the location could not be very far away. Her eyes immediately locked on the fountain pool in the middle!

It's must be there!

The distance from that location to any area in Shekou neighborhood is almost the same!

Liu Jingqing bit her lip and drew blood without even realizing it.

Her shoes were soaked in water and kept slipping while running. She simply took them off and threw them away, running barefoot in the square.

Soon, Liu Jingqing saw the hanging clock in the pool!

It is more than one meter tall, almost as big as a small girl, and more than half a meter wide. It is easy to spot for such a large hanging clock.

But at this time, although Liu Jingqing was eager, she unexpectedly discovered something...

When the first bell rang, the lights came on.

When the second bell rang, the lights went out, including the LED lights in the mall.

But why didn't the street lights near the fountain pool go out?

If these street lights weren't still on, she wouldn't have been able to see the clock so quickly.

Could it be said that striking the hanging bell, making a sound, changing the light and dark... has no effect on the space around the hanging bell?

Liu Jingqing didn't have time to think too much. At this moment, her throat was filled with the smell of blood, her lungs were like broken bellows, and her throat was burning.

Rushing into the pool, picking up the drumstick, Liu Jingqing slammed the bell!


In the blink of an eye, the entire Shekou neighborhood lit up again!

While the two ghosts were chasing Nie Yunzhen, one of them stopped and split into a figure again... moving quickly towards the direction of the hanging clock.

Nie Yunzhen also temporarily got rid of the ghost's positioning sensor. With the sudden light coming on and the instant freeze with the ghost, she dodged around the corner and disappeared.

When the ghost chased her again, she was no longer visible.

And at the same moment——

The sudden light turned on became a nightmare for Shen Kui and Chen Zhiyuan.

Chen Zhiyuan let go of his hand, and the body fell to the bottom of the well. Strong pain came from his legs, but he didn't even frown, he just looked up at Chen Zhiyuan.

He watched Chen Zhiyuan get up from the ground and struggled to close the elevator door.

Vaguely, he saw a terrifying headless body flashing across the ceiling.


Chen Zhiyuan...will die!

At this time, Chen Zhiyuan tried his best to close the elevator door. This was the only thing he could do.

Turn around and lean against the elevator door.

Chen Zhiyuan looked up and saw a scarlet neck.

The throat and broken cervical vertebrae could be seen at the neck. It was like a poisonous snake ready to move, "staring" at him from the ceiling.

next moment……


There was a violent banging sound on the elevator door.


Chen Zhiyuan's screams followed.

"Go away!"

"Go away!"

There was a cry of helplessness in his voice.

Under the elevator shaft, Shen Su's eyes turned red instantly.

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