Strange story player

Chapter 571 [Me]

This news really shocked Qin Manjiang.

Zuo Xian seemed to have figured it out that Jiang Du and Qin Manjiang were the same person. Telling Qin Manjiang these things that Jiang Du had known for a long time would not cause any loss at all. Instead, he could gain the trust of this "incomplete version" of Jiang Du.

With this thought, Zuo Xian stepped forward and walked deeper into the cave while saying: "Actually, the master behind [Tongjie] has not moved for a long time. Suspecting that he is dead is not only my understanding, but also the consensus of everyone in Yuecheng." .”

Having said this, Zuo Xian glanced at Qin Manjiang: "Didn't you notice? As a terrifying existence that can manipulate ghosts and tear apart space, it uses the term "Ghost Talk Game" for its creations, and the execution of the entire game The logic also operates completely according to human logic."

Zuo Xian chuckled: "This is the best evidence that humans cannot understand the existence that humans do not understand. Although this sounds like nonsense, if you think about it carefully, the current rules of the Pupil Realm are basically made from a human perspective. This It’s stupid. Including the way the entire Kaidan game is built, and even those [system sounds] that are neither male nor female, everything is full of artificial flavor.”

"So, we set up a bureau to fish out the people who really control the [Pupillary Realm]," Zuo Xian's voice was full of fun, "Yi Lianhai even discovered that those idiots left behind after arbitrarily transforming the [Pupillary Realm] The loophole has created a creation that can enter the pupil world from another [backstage]. Although there is only one of that thing now, you also know that it is difficult to make something from scratch, but once it is created, Yi Lianhai created It’s only a matter of time before the second one comes out.”

"As for Jiang Du and me," Zuo Xian paused for a moment, but continued, "To be blunt, I want to turn myself into [him]. In fact, Yi Lianhai also has the same idea, but we adopt different methods. Yi Lian Hai was unable to enter the Pupil Realm, and his progress was slower than mine. Unfortunately... I failed, and this road is dead."

"How do you turn yourself into Him?" Qin Manjiang asked a lot.

"Spiritual pupil, enough spiritual pupil and enough emotions can sublimate a person, either turning him into an irrational ghost, or upgrading to him," Zuo Xian didn't hide anything, but there was still a trace of emotion on her face. With a somewhat embarrassed expression, "It sounds very simple, but how do you collect enough spiritual pupils? Then we discovered that what [Pupillary Realm] is doing has actually been collecting spiritual pupils."

"In this way, the purpose of the people who currently control [Tongjie] is also very clear - they are also creating gods." Zuo Xian stopped, looked up at a huge stone door in front of him, and said, "Or It is said that their purpose may be more terrifying than creating gods. After all, judging from the information we have found, the Bai family seems to have been controlling the [Pupillary Realm] from ancient times to the present."

Having said this, Zuo Xian turned around and looked at Qin Manjiang: "You said you came here twenty years ago. If it is true, it means one thing - this world has been determined and is a ring. The circle is not an infinite line."

"And the existence of this matter is enough to show that our world is dead, or that He who created this world is dead."

Zuo Xian's look reminded Qin Manjiang of a person, or her unconfident attitude made Qin Manjiang think of that person from the beginning - Zhong Xueran.

The personalities of Zuo Xian and Zhong Xueran were so similar that if she didn't talk about her Zuo Xian first, Qin Manjiang would even think that Zhong Xueran's consciousness had entered the game.

He was silent, not only because of the similarity between Zuo Xian and Zhong Xueran, but also because of the "Bai family" mentioned by Zuo Xian, although he was 80% sure that the Bai family, and even Bai Yang, must be related to [Tongjie] associated.

But when the window paper was really pierced, Qin Manjiang was still a little irritable.

Is that Yang really the person behind the scenes...

"You don't believe it?" Zuo Xian asked curiously.

Qin Manjiang shook his head: "No."

"Your thoughts are all written on your face. Why don't you believe it?" When Zuo Xian said this, he suddenly realized, "Oh! You feel betrayed, don't you?"

Zuo Xian looked gloating: "I just said that if you want to sublimate, there are two necessary conditions, one is enough spiritual pupils, and the other is enough emotions. Although it is difficult to accumulate spiritual pupils, there is the existence of [Pupillary Realm]. They have woven the framework of the Kaidan game, which can solve this problem. In fact, what is more difficult is to collect enough emotions."

"Human emotions are extremely unstable, and there are great differences between individuals. At this time, the role of guidance is very important. People follow the herd," Zuo Xian said.

"Every time the [Tongjie] game starts, the Bai family will let one of their family members enter to play a guiding role in the entire desperate environment and make the overall atmosphere unified."

Speaking of this, Zuo Xian also became more serious: "Yi Lianhai has also studied emotions. Although you can use the power of spiritual pupils to extract emotions, this thing is too difficult to collect. Everyone only has so much, but once Collected from all spiritual pupil owners in general, those emotions are extremely chaotic and disperse immediately, making it impossible to collect them."

"Therefore, in order to collect emotions, the Bai family needs to make the emotions of the players in [Tongjie] reach a relatively unified level. Whether it is unified positive emotions or unified negative emotions, as long as it is not too confusing, they can perform better. collection.”

Qin Manjiang suddenly understood something.

That's the role that Bai Yang plays in Fucheng's [Tongjie]...

Give everyone hope, help, convey positive emotions, and shape the overall atmosphere of Fucheng [Tongjie].

Qin Manjiang's eyes darkened deeply... Yang, you really did a good job.

But at this moment, Qin Manjiang suddenly remembered something.


Yes...that [my] doll!

In "Wedding Dress", Jiang Du once said that he and Qin Manjiang had the same origin, the same orphan, the same experience, and also got a doll named "I", and his positive emotions were also absorbed by the doll, and Negative emotions are absorbed by your own body.

If the whole world is really dead, the future has an end and the past has a starting point, it is just a circular circle.

That means that every time the [Tongjie] game starts, a [me] is born, and at the same time, positive emotions are constantly accumulated and passed on to the next [me].


Who is the starting point of [Doll]?

That person... has long realized that the necessary conditions for being upgraded to [him] are emotions and spiritual eyes.

He has been working on this for a long time...

Qin Manjiang's scalp suddenly became numb, and he felt like he was being manipulated by a pair of invisible hands.

Both Qin Manjiang and Jiangdu are just one of the "generations" in his plan, tools to accumulate emotions.

Who is the real owner of the doll [me]? !

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