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After the wound on her chest healed, Shi Yu put away the jade bottle.

The man next to him came to the woman and grabbed her hand. "Qing Luo, are you all right? How are you feeling now?"

"Of course she is fine. The dagger was not stabbed into the heart at once, it was just a stab in the chest. Now she was rescued by the vitality spring water, and it was intact without a word, but there would be no worry about life. Woman, she is in a long green dress and looks exactly like Mrs. Huotai.

It was only that Mrs. Daitai's eyebrows were tender and weak, and she was a little bit hotter. Although the two look exactly the same, their temperaments are quite different.

Shi Yu's eyes fell on the people behind her.

"Second Master." I haven't seen it in years.

Huanmo looked at her with relief, "It seems that I haven't come back for this trip, you can count it back."

"Master, have you been waiting for me?" Somehow, Shi Yu felt a little hot in her eyes.

She is also human and cares about her relatives and friends. In the past, she didn't think about whether her loved one would feel sorry for herself, but the fact only made her chill.

Although I told myself over and over again, the Huantai family had nothing to do with her. The Huantai couple were not her relatives, so they didn't need to be nice to themselves. But deep down, it was still lost.

And now the appearance of the Second Master just pulls her back from the loss.

"I'm such an apprentice, who are you waiting for?" Huanmo wanted to come and pat her head, and stretched out her hand, but saw that her height was a bit wrong. It ’s a lot taller, you apprentice, you will really surprise your teacher. "

Shi Yu sucked her nose. "Sure, I can't embarrass you."

"It's not shameful." Huanmo looked more and more like her, "I'm going to take you back. I must scare them."

The apprentice's appearance changed. These are small things, and the more he looks, the more surprised he becomes. The illusionist is very talented, and the talent gap is the gap.

They talked with each other, and the others focused their attention on them. After the next teasing Yantai emerged from Huamo, his eyes fell on him and never left.

But unfortunately, Momo didn't look at her from beginning to end.

"Lulu, why are you here?" Yantai Chu's father looked surprised and disgusted at Lulu's expression.

"Of course I came to see what happened to my good sister. After all these years, is your brother-in-law still useable?" Lu Luo smiled at the sister on the ground with a mean tone, "but the reincarnation is unhappy. .Sister, when you robbed your brother-in-law, you should not have thought of such a day now. Oh, I'll tell you one more thing, your two daughters killed each other, but I actually taught you. "

"Sister, why are you doing this?" Mrs. Yantai leaned into her husband's arms, and tears accumulated in his eyes. "I never thought about grabbing your sister. If I knew that Afeng was your fiance, I I will never be with him again. Later you killed my baby, I didn't have the heart to hurt you. "

"You didn't hurt me, but you abandoned my practice and imprisoned me for decades. It turned out to be good for me, sister, you really do." Lu Luo sneered, "Did you think your daughter's life Offset your guilt, so you can live with a clear conscience? "

Shi Yu saw that the grievances of the previous generation also touched herself, she was somewhat surprised.

"Do they really think so?"

"What do you think?" Huanmo said.

Shi Yu was silent.

"Actually this is also a mess." Momo said.

Qingluo and Luluo are twins, Luluo is an older sister, and Qingluo is a younger sister. Lv Luo has a lively heart, and is more enthusiastic about fighting and killing. She made a name for herself in her early years; while Qing Luo is gentle. Although she is a twin sister, her cultivation talent is always worse than her sister.

Boys get married and girls get married. Luluo and Yantai have an verbal engagement. Lu Luo did not like the marriage, but did not refuse, and then secretly left the house to meet her fiance.

When she saw Yantai listening to the wind, it might be that every fierce person wanted a gentle person to tolerate herself. Although Yantai listening to the wind was not good-looking, at that time his character was not as good as it is now. A sense of youthfulness. Lu Luo secretly agreed to the marriage in her heart.

As soon as she returned home to marry, she heard the news of Huantai's refusal to marry. Huantai heard Feng Xiu was no taller than her and refused her. Lu Luo felt a little angry. But thinking about Jun's accident, she wouldn't be able to stick it on her face. When she was about to let go, but she knew that the person who eloped with her fiance was her own sister, Lu Luo was suddenly worried.

However, it is useless to worry about it. Huantai listened to the wind and left Qingluo for three years. The Huantai family finally could not bear the children and grandchildren. In addition, Qingluo was the sister of Luluo. The two were still married. Shuang Convenience took care of the marriage. As for the emotion in Lu Luo's heart, no one understood it in the face of the trend.

Lvluo is not the kind of person who can swallow her voice. She has a violent personality. In order to make her sister miserable, she finally took two children away. Only one was taken back by their husband and wife, the other had no luck.

However, she paid for it herself, and has since been imprisoned in the eighth day.

"I was able to accept you as an apprentice because of her." Huanmo Yin went to Lvluo to teach at the beginning of Taiwan, things have reached such a point, no matter how much right and wrong. Anyway, the apprentice will no longer intersect with Luolu, so let's just stop there.

All poor people.

"Um." Shi Yu nodded. "Then there is the grudge between them, has nothing to do with me?"

Magic Mo stunned for a moment, "Don't you want to see what happened to them?"

"There is nothing beautiful, will they die or not? I was just trying to resolve my grievances with Huantai, their affairs have nothing to do with me." Shi Yu wiped the blood on his hand, a little pity, Just a little bit earlier, she can completely resolve the early stage of Yantai.

"It's a pity that you didn't kill Huantai early?" Huanmo asked.

"A little."

The two of them were chatting happily. Someone around Leng Buding said quietly, "You're in someone's house, talking about killing someone ... This doesn't seem to be good."

Shi Yu looked back, and Chu Jinhuan did not know when she came behind her ...

"Master, come, this is my apprentice. That is your apprentice grandson." As soon as Shi Yu saw Chu Jinhuan and looked at his master again, he suddenly felt that he had found a good person to shake the pot. "Master, you see that I haven't learned anything from you, but your apprentice is also a very gifted person. If he follows me, it ’s basically a misunderstood child. It ’s better for your old man to work hard ... "

"There are no doors." Shi Yu hadn't finished speaking yet, and Huamo and Chu Jinhuan spoke in unison.


"Actually, you see, you're actually quite destined ..." Shi Yu was weak.

"My apprentice teaches himself." Huanmo laughed like Huaer.

"I don't want someone who looks like a woman to teach me." Chu Jinhuan said.

"Little apprentice, you will offend me like this." Huanmo glanced at him, threatening with a smile this time.

"Hehe." Chu Jinhuan said he was fearless.

Shi Yu: "..."

Forget it, most of the big brothers and big brothers are not dealing with each other. She just went to eat melon.

The three of them were chatting and chatting happily next to each other, but the people on the far side were not as relaxed and comfortable as them.

Yantai Listening to the Wind has already fought with Luo, and Qingluo can only cry. The owner of the next Yantai is not so good-looking, his birthday party is now a mess, even if he wants to pretend that nothing has happened.

Huantai had been sitting aside for a while, looking dumb, wondering what was going on.

Seeing this, the eight elders of Lancangzong drank tea, talked, and didn't care much. Only the nine elders have been sitting upright.

He had n’t been around for a long time at the beginning of the stage. In the beginning, he had an idea of ​​maintaining this apprentice. After Shi Yu appeared, he added a measure to his mind and decided to investigate her character .

Over the past few days, Huantai had given him the answer sheet, and he was not very satisfied.

"Forget it." Finally, Momo was bored, and he stood up first. "Apprentice, let's go." He couldn't wait to take the apprentice back to the mountain.

"Well." Shi Yu stood up, and she glanced at the others in the Yantai family. From now on, she has nothing to do with them. As for blood, hell!

As soon as they stood up, the elders of Lancangzong also stood up. "It's not too early, and we should go back."

They made such a statement, and the surrounding guests naturally followed suit and stood up one after another, indicating that they would leave.

The owner of Huantai now has a stomach in his heart, but he can't send it out. If he gets angry at this time, he will be completely at odds with Lancang. But he couldn't get angry at Shi Yu, the culprit, because the elders behind her were even more terrible.

However, when they were about to leave, Huantai stood up.

"Wait a minute!" Yantai Chu stared fiercely at Shi Yu, and the whole person exuded a dark breath. "Shi Yu! Do you dare to gamble with me? Three years later, we will fight again with blood today. shame?"

Shi Yu stopped, and she leaned slightly, "You and me? You deserve it too!"

As he said, he flicked his sleeves and followed Master to leave.

The elders of Lancangzong were a little behind them, mainly because the elders of Jiu Jiu wanted to speak with Huantai.

"You have a temper ..."

"No need!" Interrupted him at the exit of Huantai. "I won't go to Lancangzong again. What I want is a way to become stronger. It is by no means hypocritical like you. Lancangzong claims to be a big one, but it's nothing but in this way."

Her words kept all the words that the Elder Nine had not said in her mouth.

"Okay!" He sneered. "Then I look forward to seeing you shine in three years!"

After that, I walked away.

They all left, and the other guests naturally followed one after another. But after a while, the originally lively living room has become scattered. Those who can stay are also because their power is relatively weak, and they need to rely on the Huantai family in the future.

Huantai looked at all this in front of her, holding her hands tightly.

"Shi Yu!" She gritted her teeth, as if she could make Shi Yu dead without a burial place.

"Why did you just ask the elders of Jiu Jiu?" There was a hint of dissatisfaction in the tone of the owner of the Taiwanese leader. It took him a lot of effort to send Yantai Chu to Lancangzong, but who knows how easily she gave up the opportunity to continue her practice.

"You know that as long as you stay in that Zongmen, we can be safe for a day when we talk about the family. Maybe you can rely on your talents to become the actual person in charge of Zongmen. How can you be so impatient? "

In the plans of the Huantai owners, Huantai will surely surpass themselves at the beginning. Among the young generation of Lan Cangzong, only one Chu Jinhuan is more talented, and the rest are not worth mentioning. Huantai entered Lancangzong at the beginning, and decades later, she knew whether she would become a high-ranking Lancangzong.

If one day she can become the ruler of the Lancang Sect, it would be much better.

"Grandpa, those are just your ideas." Huantai interrupted him without hesitation. "Lan Cangzong ... Even if I passed, they wouldn't necessarily teach me well. You know what, Shi Yu woke Chu Jinhuan to the rescue, Lan Cangzong now thanked her up and down Dade. Let everyone know that the two of us have enemies, how could Lan Cangzong offend Shi Yu for me.

The most important thing is that even if I stay there, I may not be able to compare her. "

This is what makes her feel hopeless.

"Then what do you want to do?" Asked the owner of Huandai.

It is strange that his birthday party was smashed today. Although his face was gloomy, there was not much anger in his eyes.

"I want to find someone who can kill Shiyu soon. At first she could be resurrected for the first time, and I don't believe he could be resurrected for the second time." She only had to think that Huanmo smiled at Shiyu now. Looks like a heart full of intentions.

Magic Mo ...

Magic Mo!

How willing she was to be the one who always had to look up and finally smile so happily at others.

The person who has been behind him for more than ten years is himself, and he is also the first to know him ... Why is he unwilling to look at himself in the end?

After hearing the words from her, the owner of the Taiwanese's eyes flashed with satisfaction. "You can think better. You have to believe that I will arrange the best path for you. Our goal is not just this seventh. day."

"I know." Hutai stood up. "I will never let myself stop here."

The biggest dream of her life is to hope that she can stand side by side with Elder Magic in the future.

As long as this day comes, she is willing to do whatever she wants.

In another place, Chu Jinhuan asked Shi Yu: "Just let the early stage of Huantai pass, is there really no problem?"

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