Strategy to Attack the System

Chapter 34: .Black Princess 05

Brilliant sunlight poured in through the transparent windows, and the light brown floor was paved with a fluffy light, stained with the daunting warmth and warmth. ---End of this Tanmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

Rita was bathed in bright light, her face pale, and she couldn't stop trembling.

The huge chill surging from the depths of her heart crushed her like an invisible boulder. She wanted to raise her hand to cover the dazzling light, but she couldn't move her hands and feet heavily.

"what on earth do you want?"

There is a fear of compromise in the feeble exhaustion.

She had never expected that one day she would bow down to this disgusting knight.

The person sitting on the golden chair was half-bright and half-dark by the sunlight, and his thin lips were bent into a gentle and harmless arc as usual, and the low voice was calm and pleasant.

"The Wing Clan has agreed to cooperate, and vowed not to trouble the kingdom. I solved a major issue for you, so do you want to consider the words to expel me before?"

"But how could you kill the Wing Clan Prince! What if they retaliate against us!"

Rita yelled at him in disbelief, and her trembling body did not fall to her knees under the extremely strange majesty.

Yuan Chen seemed to smile, then said lightly.

"Dragons have always had only one partner, and the prince of the Wing Clan wants to take away my little princess, so shouldn't I be justified and angry?"

Rita choked on his words, and then grabbed another important point in his words.

She stared at Yuan Chen, who was expressionless, and uttered a few words with an ugly expression.

"We don't even know you are a dragon, Xiaofu Xiaofu is still young, can you let him go?"

As if he heard an extremely stupid joke, Yuan Chen couldn't help laughing, but the soft laughter didn't have any temperature, it was as cold as snow.

"Do you think it can be easily changed after choosing a partner?"

The irrefutable refusal caused Rita to take a sharp breath. She bit her lip fiercely, and after a moment of silence, she tried her best to discuss with him calmly, without even changing her name.

"Originally, I was confused to make you wronged as the knight of Xiaofu. Now that I know your true identity, I will send a new knight to protect Xiaofu, and you should not want to stay in our little kingdom. Here, I will also send someone to take you away."

The obvious pleading was already urgently given each other a step down, but Yuan Chen was silent for a few seconds before getting up and walking towards her.

The obvious difference between the arrogant Wing Clan is that he doesn't say a word, but has the natural power to make people surrender.

Sure enough, this is the difference between cloud and mud.

Rita thought subconsciously.

Yuan Chen stopped in front of her, smiling while staring at the pale and stubborn, straight queen, a trace of approval flashed in her deep eyes, and she spoke in a gentle tone.

"I admire your abilities, Lord Queen. But this is the last time I warn you-Orange is my partner, no one can take him away, no one can."

He slowly repeated inch by inch and took all the blood from Rita's face. She couldn't bear to stare at Yuan Chen, who had a tough posture, her soft chest undulated violently, tears of anger and fear poured out of her eyes.

"Xiao Fu is my younger brother, you can't take him away like this! He is my only relative!"

Yuan Chen looked at her crying coldly and sneered.

"If you insist, then he will lose his last relative."

The threat of naked/naked/naked under the suppression of absolute power can only make the weaker party feel more desperate. Rita knelt on the ground and covered her face, big tears seeping from the gap, on the ground. Smashed a small puddle.

Yuan Chen stopped looking at her, turned and walked towards the door. A few steps later, he heard Rita's mouth intermittently, making the last attempt feebly.

"I heard that the dragon clan will become its original form during mating/mating/period. Please, Xiaofu can't bear it"

The tall figure with her back turned her head, and the low ambiguous laughter echoed in the huge room, making her dizzy and her ears buzzing.

"Can't bear it, he has to bear it too."

The unhurried footsteps faded away, and Rita finally couldn't help crying.

She hated her weakness and powerlessness, thinking that she would put the sharpest sword around Jiang Fu to cut off all the dangers outside for him, but she didn't know that the sword also faced the unsuspecting innocent teenager inside, revealing the terrible cannibalism. desire.


The Lakke Kingdom has regained peace and peace. Jiang Fu continued to live a happy little life, teasing little elves every day, going on a swing in the big garden to chase small animals, or being tired and crooked in the house with Yuanchen, all this It didn't seem to be any different from before, the only change was Rita.

I don't know if it is because of Yi Clan or Lien Chan's exhaustion, the smile on Rita's face is much less than before, and every time she looks at Jiang Fu, her brows are frowned and worried.

What is more obvious is that as long as Yuan Chen is present, her whole body will be stiff, with a complex expression of hatred and fear on her face, while holding Jiang Fu's hand tightly, as if the next second Jiang Fu will be Yuan Chen Snatch it from her hands.

Jiang Fu felt very strange and asked them separately what happened, but both of them just said it was okay.

He was very distressed, but he had nothing to do.

The kingdom of the summer past does not have the autumnal appearance of leaves, but the gradually cold temperature still heralds the change of seasons.

Wrapped in a fluffy shawl, Jiang Fu leaned against the bookshelf, happily flipping the "History of Continental Races" he had accidentally seen. The familiar little elf lay on his head and watched it together, flapping his thin wings from time to time. There was a weak chirp in the mouth.

Yuan Chen walked in from the outside, closed the door and took off his cool armor, and walked over to ask him what he was doing.

Jiang Fu continued to read the book without lifting his head, and said with interest.

"I'm watching "A History of Races in Mainland China". It introduces every race in the continent. I haven't heard of many of them. It's amazing."

Yuan Chen paused for a while, then sat down next to him and asked casually.

"Really, for example?"

"En, for example, there is a Patriarch Tos who looks like a white rabbit, but he can change his color to cover himself when he fends off enemies. And the Wing Clan who have been here before, they really sleep on the tree, the branches are so thin, and Not afraid of falling, but fortunately I was not taken away by them at that time."

Jiang Fu muttered his face, flipping through the pages of the book and looking backward.

Yuan Chen brushed his black curly hair that was hanging down, and when he lifted it up, he caught a glimpse of the calligraphy and painting on the page of the book, then the corners of his lips were slightly raised and asked casually.

"Well, it sounds interesting, any more?"

Jiang Fu didn't answer him immediately, he was taken aback as if he had seen something incredible, and he read the page he was looking at again from top to bottom, and then poke Yuanchen dumbfounded, whispering. Surprised.

"Do you know that there are actually two Dingdings in the Dragon Clan!"

Yuan Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, with a look of surprise and interest on his face, motioning him to continue talking.

A light blush appeared on Jiang Fu's face, and he was a little shy and shocked, clutching his head and muttering.

"Also, it sounds so painful to have barbs on it."

Yuan Chen's smile deepened, and he found his fingers intertwined, and then pressed on the pages of the book blown by the wind.

"Look, there is also a note here that the dragon clan’s life cycle is winter, and the adult dragon clan will find a warm unmanned cave and spend the whole winter with his partner."

Jiang Fu opened his eyes wide in surprise, with a sympathetic and rejoicing expression on his face. He hooked Yuan Chen's little finger and shook it triumphantly.

"The dragon's partner is really pitiful, one is enough, there are actually two more. Wouldn't it be over for the whole winter. Fortunately, you are not a dragon, or else"

The muttering behind him became smaller and smaller, Yuan Chen didn't hear clearly, and asked by pinching his cheek.

"What else? Hmm?"

Jiang Fu tilted his head and glared at him, then shook his head and continued to turn the pages of the book.

"Otherwise, I won't want you, and I'll live with my sister, hum."

As if he was amused by his words, or because of something else, Yuan Chen actually laughed very happily, Jiang Fu couldn't read the words with the dull laughter from his chest.

He unhappily slammed Yuan Chen with his elbow behind him, muttering for unknown reasons.

"What are you laughing at? What's so funny."

Yuan Chen kissed his sideburns fondly, and kissed along the curve of his side to the sweet lips, whispering softly.

"I laughed at you so cute."

So cute, I thought I would let you run away from me.

This is never possible.

Even if I watch you cry, watch you scared, watch you begging for mercy, I won't be softened.

My partner, I will only have you in my life.

Without knowing it, Jiang Fu happily accepted his meaningful compliments, and continued to read on the dark blue cashmere blanket, his concentration made Yuan Chen a little bit jealous.

He boringly stretched out his hand and flicked the elf holding Jiang Fu's hair. The round body with short and small wings looked a little strange and harmonious.

His strength was not strong, the elf tried to stand still in a panic, anxiously chirped in his mouth, and finally fell to the page with a shaky chirp.

Jiang Fu was amused by the stupid appearance of it struggling to stand up, and poked its bulging belly, and the cheerful laughter contained sweetness.

"Stupid, you are so stupid."

The little elf who was crowned with a stupid name bowed his head grievously, holding one of his fingers and not letting go, and tweeted pitifully.

Jiang Fu was sprouting again, resting it firmly in his palm, said a serious commander.

"Now we are going to continue reading, you will be fined to stand if you disturb the classroom order, you know?"

Stupid looking up at him blankly, his black bean-like eyes blinked, and then nodded in confusion.

Yuan Chen didn't bother them anymore, got up and walked to the desk, planning to deal with some residual documents.

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