Strategy to Attack the System

Chapter 64: .Evil Starlight 08

As if sleeping in chaos for a century, Yuan Chen opened his eyes sleepily, feeling very dizzy, with some hangover-like pain. (((Cartino Novel Network

He wanted to find out where the phone was, but when he moved his arm, it felt warm and slippery.

He lowered his head in astonishment, and when he saw Jiang Fu who was sleeping in his arms, his brain shook.

Rubbing his eyebrows vigorously, he tried his best to recall the previous events at a loss, but the most recent memory can only be traced back to when he finished shopping from the supermarket to the downstairs last night. After that, things were vague, like drinking alcohol. Drinking pieces like it.

But he didn't remember that he had drunk at all, and what was going on right now?

The bodies of the two were very close, and he held Jiang Fu in his arms, and he could feel the exquisite and vivid touch, and the undissipated taste was silently telling him an incredible fact. .

What happened to them?

In such a shocked and confused situation, Yuan Chen couldn't think at all, he gently withdrew his hand, trying to go outside to calm down.

But as soon as he moved a little, Jiang Fu, who was resting his arm, muttered a few words, then rubbed his eyes slowly, and asked vaguely.

"What time is it?"

Yuan Chen was stiff and didn't dare to move, staring at the blackout curtains with nervous eyes, and answered in a calm voice as much as possible.

"I don't know, I'll go out and see."

After speaking, he seemed to have finally found a legitimate reason, got out of bed in a hurry, quickly opened the door and left the bedroom.

The blackout curtains in the bedroom made him unable to tell the time, but as soon as he walked out, he was slightly closed by the bright sunlight outside the living room window. After adjusting for a few seconds, he walked to the sofa and sat down unconsciously. Thinking about going.

With his mobile phone on the coffee table in the living room, he picked it up and looked at his watch, but was stunned when he caught a glimpse of the date.

It was the 27th last night, why is it the 29th today?

He was shocked, and turned his head in disbelief to look at the clock on the wall.

It's really number 29.

What did he do on the 28th yesterday.

Yuan Chen frowned tightly, trying to dig out the slightest message from his empty mind, but he really couldn't remember at all.

Like being deliberately blurred.

"Yuanyuan, I'm so hungry."

The nasal voice was still a little confused and sleepy, his heart numb, and he subconsciously looked at Jiang Fu who had walked out of the bedroom.

Jiang Fu was leaning against the door frame of the bedroom. He was still wearing that blue fine checkered pajamas, clear and childish.

The shirt did not have the top button, revealing a white and greasy collarbone. When he raised his hand to rub his eyes, his loose cuffs fell to his elbows. The scattered skin was marked with striking marks, deep and dense, like bones. brand.

Yuan Chen's face changed drastically, and he quickly moved away from his sight as if he was almost burned, his dry throat was like a fishbone stuck in his throat.

"I, I, You"

He didn't know where to start for a long time, Jiang Fu blinked, and replied with eloquence.

"You confessed to me the night before, and I agreed. So yesterday we went out to celebrate with a drink, you were drunk, afterwards"

His tone paused subtly, then he lowered his eyes slightly, a shy blush appeared on his white cheeks, and he whispered.

"You got me for a long time, we went to bed very late."

Yuan Chen stared at him for a few seconds, and then suddenly reacted, his face flushed red, unable to accept this explosive fact for a while, and his beating heart almost burst out of his chest.

He clung to the fabric sofa, trying to poke a hole in his life, trying to restrain his crazy daydream.

Jiang Fu's body is full of his traces, and those words seem to have brought Yuan Chen back to the hazy last night. The enchanting imaginations are implemented one by one, and he seems to suddenly recall the smooth and soft that he can't put down.

He closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Jiang Fu saw him tense his face, waited a while before walking towards him, then shook his arm, jokingly.

"You can't be a fool, or I will be angry."

Yuan Chen raised his eyes to look at him and asked hesitantly.

"Did you really promise me?"

Jiang Fuen let out a cry, and his dark eyes stared at him intently, floating in the soft water.

"I also told you my nickname, Orange Orange, do you remember?"

"Orange Orange"

Yuan Chen murmured unconsciously, and the moment the moment he uttered between his lips and teeth, the anxiety in his heart suddenly disappeared, and the familiar feeling that followed made him gradually believe in Jiang Fu's words, and at the same time, the surprise and love that he felt later spread.

Just like you secretly coveted a fruit candy for a long time, but one day you suddenly discovered that it has been in your mouth. The unpredictable sweetness is a taste that is more intoxicating than countless times, so you dare not lick it easily. , For fear that it will melt quickly.

After Yuan Chen was silent for a while, the dazed and tense expression on the sea-soaked beach quickly returned to his former calmness. He stood up, cautiously bent over and kissed Jiang Fu's lips, trying his best to explore naturally.

"You sit on the sofa first, I'll cook, and it will be fine soon."

Jiang Fu accepted his kiss docilely, and nodded with a smile.

"I know, you go quickly."

Yuan Chen, who was staring at his expression closely, breathed a sigh of relief that was not easily noticeable. Only then did he have the real sense of the boulder landing. He looked at Jiang Fu with joy, gently touched his face, and gave a good grace.

Yuan Chen quickly made tomato and egg noodles. He was absent-minded in eating. From time to time, he peeked at Jiang Fu who was eating quietly on the opposite side. He looked at his hairy hair, his exquisite eyebrows, and the appearance of his small mouthfuls. like.

It was as if he had a precious little milk cat in his heart, at a loss and contentment.

After eating, Yuanchen fumbled and asked him.

"You, do you want to sleep for a while, and if there is any discomfort, I will buy some medicine."

Jiang Fu was stunned, and then couldn't help but smile, eyebrows crooked, very touching.

"Okay, then I will enter the house."

Yuan Chen nodded.

"Then you go in first, and I'll bring you a cup of hot water in a while."

After tidying up the table and washing the dishes, Yuan Chen held the water glass in front of the bedroom for a while before he plucked up the courage to push the door open.

Jiang Fu was not on the bed, nor was he in sight.

Yuan Chen suddenly panicked, screaming as he walked in quickly.


"I am here."

The sound came from the big closet next to the bed, that was the blind spot of the line of sight looking past the door, Yuan Chen breathed a sigh of relief and walked over to him who was squatting and rummaging, and asked suspiciously.

"What are you looking for, why don't you go to bed and rest?"

Jiang Fu searched for it, then raised his head annoyed and asked him.

"Where did you put the sheets, I couldn't find it no matter how I looked."

"What to do with the sheets"

Yuan Chen's words stopped abruptly, he cleared his awkward cough, and pulled Jiang Fu up, annoyed incoherently.

"The bed sheet is under the bed, let me change it."

Jiang Fu leaned against the closet and watched as he lifted the bedboard, took out the sheets from the squares, and then changed to a new one extremely neatly.

He rolled the dirty sheets into a ball and carried them in his hands, trying to look directly at Jiang Fu's line of sight, and said gently.

"Drink some water before going to bed. I'll be in the living room. Call me if you have any problems."

Jiang Fuli drank the water obediently by the bed, then got into the bed awkwardly, rubbed the pillow, and said happily.

"It's been a long time since I worked so comfortable."

Yuan Chen walked to the bed and picked up the empty water cup. Seeing him looking at him with dark eyes open, he hesitated for a moment, bent over and kissed him on the forehead, and asked in a ghostly manner.

"Should I coax me to sleep?"

He regretted it as soon as the voice fell, but when he saw Jiang Fu's bright eyes, he couldn't bear to take it back.

He sighed, his cold heart couldn't harden in front of Jiang Fu, he just wanted to dedicate all his tenderness and love to him.

After stumbling and telling a childish fairy tale, Yuan Chen looked at Jiang Fu who was sleeping again in a daze, stared at him silently for a long time, and then quietly left the bedroom.

In the evening, Mo Xuan came again, and she shared the information she found with Yuan Chen's grasp.

The star's personal whereabouts were not easy to investigate, and it took a lot of effort, but after their repeated investigations and Yuan Chen's keen intuition, it was basically concluded that the fan was Fu Xian.

It was already evening when the discussion was over, and Mo Xuan glanced at his watch and muttered and walked towards the bedroom.

"Fufu has been sleeping for a long time. It's time to eat."

Since confirming his love relationship with Jiang Fu, Yuan Chen has subconsciously regarded the bedroom as a private space for two people, and did not want anyone to break in.

He frowned and hurried over to stop Mo Xuan, but saw that the bedroom was opening from the inside. Jiang Fu in pajamas was stunned when he saw them, and then he smiled vigorously.

"You are all here."

What Mo Xuan was about to say to him suddenly got stuck in her throat. She stared in surprise at the unremoved mark on the clean neck exposed by the collar of the docile pajama, her face suddenly changed.

She turned her head abruptly and grabbed Yuan Chen's collar, her angry voice trembling slightly.

"Yuan Chen! I asked you to protect Fu Fu but didn't let you bully him! You bastard!"

With a slap, she slapped Yuanchen towards Yuanchen, her sharp nails cut Yuanchen's face, and a thin bloodstain appeared under the corner of Yuanchen's eyes.

Yuan Chen grabbed her arm, but said nothing by default.

Jiang Fu hurriedly rushed over to pull Mo Xuan back, and said anxiously.

"Xiaoxuan, don't get excited! Let me explain!"

Mo Xuan was pulled away from Yuan Chen by him, she took a bitterly at Yuan Chen, and then asked Jiang Fu with a green face.

"You tell me the truth, did he bully you?"

Jiang Fu shook his head and answered seriously.

"He didn't bully me, we are together."

The power of this sentence was even more unacceptable to Mo Xuan than the traces on Jiang Fu's body. She looked at Jiang Fu in amazement, and her subconsciously raised voice was sharp like a knife.

"what did you say!"

Jiang Fu looked directly at her extremely ugly face, lowered her voice with some guilty conscience, but was still clear and firm.

"We are really together, so he really didn't bully me."

Mo Xuan's face was blank for an instant, and then she firmly grasped Jiang Fu's arm, her sharp nails pinched Jiang Fu's arm deeply, and angrily questioned.

"You are a hot star, how can you fall in love? Let alone a man! Fuck, he must have forced you, right? Don't be afraid, tell me honestly, did he threaten you to say that! "

Jiang Fu was sore by her nails, frowned and shook his head, trying to calm her emotions.

But Mo Xuan was obviously extremely angry, and he kept chattering to persuade him, the angry words became more and more intense, and it also contained the huge disappointment of being concealed.

Unable to fight against Jiang Fu, he couldn't intervene at all. He looked bitter and at a loss. Suddenly he saw Yuan Chen coming over with a calm face behind Mo Xuan, and after he dragged Mo Xuan aside, he blocked himself In front of.

Yuan Chen looked at Mo Xuan staring at him blankly, and said.

"It's his freedom to fall in love with him, and you have no right to interfere."

"Why am I not qualified! I am his agent!"

Mo Xuan's chest fluctuated violently, she tried her best to calm down and convinced Jiang Fu with all her heart.

"Fufu, do you know how much impact your relationship will have when it is exposed? Your hard work these years will be in vain! No one will tolerate your shocking love!"

Jiang Fu glanced at the silent Yuan Chen, took the initiative to hold his hand, and said to Mo Xuan with a smile.

"It's okay, Xiaoxuan."

"How could it be okay! Fu Fu, you go back with me now! I want to report him to the police station!"

Mo Xuan rushed over to take Jiang Fu away, but Yuan Chen calmly blocked it.

Yuan Chen's figure is tall, not to mention that he is a talent of the police station, and it is easy to restrain a woman.

He looked at Mo Xuan with a sullen face, and made a faint eviction order.

"Don't go crazy with me, you will be scared to orange, I think you need time to accept, then you will not be allowed to have dinner."

Mo Xuan's expression changed and looked at him sarcastically.

"Sergeant Yuan, you are really a beast with a human face."


Yuan Chen replied neither humble nor overbearing.

Jiang Fu behind him showed his head, looked at Mo Xuan with eyesight, and said embarrassedly.

"Xiaoxuan, only you know about this. Don't embarrass us, okay?"

Mo Xuan's lips were white and the pain was unbearable. She couldn't believe that Yuan Chen even took away his whole person after taking away Jiang Fu's trust!

Artists who took pains to bring for four or five years are now standing with outsiders.

A betrayed weakness surged from the bottom of her heart. She leaned on the back of the sofa to barely stand upright, and said tiredly.

"Forget it, I will pick you up when we record "The Seventh Man" the day after tomorrow, and we will have a good talk at that time."

Jiang Fu thought for a while and said.


Mo Xuan glanced at them with complicated eyes, and left the apartment in silence.

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