Strategy to Attack the System

Chapter 69: .Evil Starlight 13

Since they went on fire, Yuanchen has been inconvenient to live in his original apartment anymore. It is a mid-range community with inadequate security facilities. Most of the neighbors are familiar with each other, so it is easy for them to leak Yuanchen’s traces. Moved to Mo Xuan's home, and Mo Xuan often stayed in the company because of busy work. (((Cartino Novel Network

Mo Xuan drove them to the airport. It was almost noon when the three of them flew back to Mo Xuan's house. They were afraid that they would be spotted if they stayed outside for too long, so they hurried upstairs.

Yuan Chen embraced Jiang Fu and walked in front. Mo Xuan was pulling the box behind. When she reached the door, she suddenly found Yuan Chen had a meal, and she almost ran into it.

"What's wrong, don't you have the key?"

Mo Xuan was puzzled while taking out the key from his small shoulder bag, while walking around him.

As soon as her eyes fell on the doorknob, she was attracted by the extra black box on the ground at the doorway. A fresh iris was placed on the beautifully packaged box.

Mo Xuan lost her voice.

"Fu Xian again!"

Unbearable anger surfaced on her face, she strode over in high heels, kicked the black box away with one foot, and made a dull sound of things rolling in the box, and the beautiful irises were vented back and forth by the fine heels. Stepping on, soon lost the beauty of the talent.

"Damn it, I didn't expect him to die! How can I get him to jail!"

"Wait a minute."

Yuan Chen stopped her and said flatly.

"If there is something in the box, it will be picked up by others if it falls outside."

He took out the key and unscrewed the door, and took the lead in Jiang Fu. Mo Xuan at the door was stunned before picking up the box with the gleaming iris.

Jiang Fu, who had slept all the way, finally recovered a bit. He also heard the words of the two just now. When he turned his head, he just saw Mo Xuan throwing the iris into the trash can at the door.

"What's in that black box?"

Mo Xuan opened the black box neatly, and inside was a black USB flash drive, and then she inserted it into the groove of the projector.

When he caught a glimpse of the video and audio logo appearing on the screen of the projector, Yuan Chen suddenly tightened his eyebrows. Before he could stop it, the projector started playing.

All three of them were taken aback, Yuan Chen rushed over with a calm face and suddenly pulled out the USB flash drive, but those few seconds of gasping had been left in the whole room, and the sweet and greasy cry was soft and moist In an instant, I felt red and red, and my heart felt like a drum.

Mo Xuan was stunned for a long time before she suddenly reacted. She didn't know if she was ashamed or angry, her face was red, and she scolded Yuan Chen in a desperate manner.

"I said earlier that you should pay attention! Someone actually took this kind of video!"

Yuan Chen held the USB flash drive and didn't speak, but bent over and picked up the black box, and took out a piece of paper stuffed in the bottom of the box.

Both the paper and the bottom of the box are white. Mo Xuan just took the USB flash drive and didn't notice the paper. Seeing Yuan Chen frowning slightly, she couldn't help asking nervously.

"What conditions are written on it?"

Yuan Chen handed her the white paper, walked to the sofa and rubbed Jiang Fu's head, and said softly.

"I go to the computer to study the video to see if there are any clues."

Jiang Fu took his hand anxiously and asked frustratedly.

"What to do, are we going to die?"

"Don't worry, I will take care of it."

Yuan Chen bowed his head and kissed the back of his hand, then walked into the guest room.

After the door of the guest room was closed, Jiang Fu's gaze immediately moved to Mo Xuan, who was looking ugly, and asked eagerly.

"What are the conditions?"

Mo Xuan sighed, walked to the sofa opposite him and sat down, and handed him the paper.

On the pure white paper, there are many lines of words. Because of its uniqueness, it was entered into the typing system a few years ago. It is still proudly called "Uncle Fu's words" by fans.

Xue Jun is the name of Fu Xian's role in "San Nu Biography".

Jiang Fu rubbed the sharp edges and corners of the paper and said softly.

"Fu Xian's obsession has not yet dissipated."

Mo Xuan sat opposite him and was silent for a while, and then said helplessly.

"He is a lunatic now, and anything can be done. Fu Fu, if this video is known to the media, your future will be over."

The meaning in her words was obvious. Jiang Fu played with the paper silently, his thin white fingers were as white as jade, and they were as beautiful as exquisite works of art.

"Otherwise, Yuan Chen and I will have an open relationship. There are so many fans who support surrender to CP, and they should not object."

The tentative inquiry was full of innocence, Mo Xuan sighed heavily, and interrupted his beautiful fantasy without mercy.

"Fufu, don't you remember the pair of protagonists who became popular because of the Internet drama a few years ago? They announced that they were together shortly after the fire broke out. As a result, the fans who originally called for being so cute and loving were all crazy Scolding them forced them to break up, but even so, they were still strongly resisted and soon disappeared from the entertainment industry."

As if unable to accept that Jiang Fu would end up like this, Mo Xuan hung her head, her burgundy curly hair hung on the side of her white face, her hands were folded against her forehead, and her endangered voice seemed a little trembling. .

"Fufu, I personally brought you to today's glorious position, I can't help but watch you fall, do you understand?"

Mo Xuan is indeed a dedicated agent, not only responsible for Jiang Fu's work, but also taking care of all the major and minor matters in his life.

Without saying a word, Jiang Fu folded the white paper into a boat, and then pulled it back into a small tower step by step, seeming to hide his inner depression with such aimless movements.

"I don't want Yuan Yuan to move."

"But if he doesn't move away, the video will be sent to the media."

Mo Xuan's heavy words were like the last straw that was holding down Jiang Fu. He sniffed and looked at Mo Xuan pitifully. His beautiful and clear eyes were covered with squiggly mist, even when he was crying. moving.

Even more touching than when smiling.

Mo Xuan looked up and stared at him for a while, and said softly to compromise.

"Otherwise, Yuanchen will move out tonight, and I will look for a new residence tomorrow, and then you two will move in secretly."

Jiang Fu's eyes lit up and he said in surprise.


Mo Xuan nodded, and said helplessly.

"I have done so many things for you, don't you believe in my ability?"

"Believe it! Xiaoxuan, you are the best!"

Jiang Fu laughed happily, his eyebrows crooked, his dimples were deep and sweet.

Mo Xuan couldn't help but smiled and touched his head.

After Yuan Chen came out of the guest room, Jiang Fu couldn't wait to tell him this proper solution. A trace of surprise appeared on Yuan Chen's face, but he did not refuse.

He put the USB drive in his hand into his pocket and said in a deep voice.

"I have watched this video. From a shooting point of view, it was made by a close person. Then I will leave here tonight and check the crew of "The Seventh Man" by the way. Someone must be cooperating with Fu Xian. ."

Jiang Fu was stunned and asked uncertainly.

"Have you checked everything before?"

Yuan Chen shook his head.

"This video was shot very clearly, and Fu Xian did not appear in the program group. The only people who got along with each other day and night were the program group and the guests. This time, he should have bought someone else to secretly install the micro**."

He reluctantly touched Jiang Fu's face, and asked warmly.

"You don't have to worry about anything, take a good rest and don't go out."

Jiang Fu frowned unhappy and urged him.

"You must come back quickly. If the police cannot catch Fu Xian, then let's catch him together and beat him hard."

Yuan Chen's gentle eyes were full of smiles, he gave a gracious, and then left with a few simple warnings.

Jiang Fu lay outside the window and watched his figure gradually disappear into the dim street before he reluctantly pulled the curtains.

Mo Xuan took a big bag from the corner and put it on the table to call him.

"Fufu, I haven't had time to eat all day, you're already hungry. These are the snacks I bought from the supermarket before, so you can put it on a little."

Jiang Fu Daqi turned around and walked over to look at the snacks in the big bag, flattered like a kid who was occasionally allowed to eat junk food by strict parents, smiling and joking.

"Don't you even allow me to eat these, saying that I will gain weight and it is not good for my skin. Why is it so good today?"

Mo Xuan deliberately knocked on his head with a straight face, with a smile as soft as strength.

"I'm not all for your own good. Too many things have happened during this period. I believe that Yuanchen can solve this trouble, and the recording of "The Seventh Man" is finally over, just as a farewell to these messy days. Well, when you wake up tomorrow, all your troubles will disappear."

After a pause, she teased the hair around her ears, and said seriously.

"But don't eat too much. I'm going to make some porridge now. You have to keep your stomach to eat, do you hear?"

Jiang Fu was happily holding the potato chip bag and stuffing potato chips into his mouth, nodding vaguely perfunctorily.

Mo Xuan gave him a smirk, then turned and walked into the kitchen.

Before participating in the variety show, Yuan Chen had resigned from the police station, but when he was a police officer, in order to maintain the balance between the officials and the bandits, he had made friends with people on the underworld, and some of them became good friends with each other's appreciation.

After using some disgraceful means to find out the details of everyone in the "Seventh Man" crew, Yuan Chen spent a whole night and finally found out that it was the newcomer girl who was ordered by the host to stay in Jiang Fu's room in advance. Micro** was installed in it, so that video was shot.

When Yuan Chen was blocked at the door of the house, the newcomer girl's face paled in shock, shivering like chaff.

This is a house that the gold master gave her, but the gold master went to stay with other little lovers tonight, so she is the only one here.

The moment she saw Yuan Chen after opening the door, she immediately closed the door in a panic, but the door frame was already held by Yuan Chen's hand. Yuan Chen pushed open the door inch by inch with impenetrable force, her expressionless face floating. Out of cold hostility.

"Who asked you to do this? Say."

The girl stepped back tremblingly, and hurriedly went to find her mobile phone. As soon as she turned around, she was slammed into the wall by a strong force, and then the overwhelming tall figure blocked the light. Yuan Chen's cold face seemed to be lifeless. The ghost is chilling.


The girl cried out of fright. She plucked up the courage to shake her head desperately, crying and crying honestly.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, Mr. Feng made me do this."

"Who asked Mr. Feng to do this?"

"I, I don't know, I really don't know right, once I heard him call and said that he did this for the sake of classmates."


Yuan Chen frowned, let go of her after a few seconds of silence, and walked past her quickly.

The door was slammed shut, and the girl was sitting on the ground as if she was lucky enough to get her life from the line of life and death, her face was full of timid tears, and her whole body was still shaking uncontrollably.

When getting off the elevator, Yuan Chen took out his mobile phone and dialed the previous number again.

"Can you check me up for another person? Feng Zhi, the boss of Jiusheng, and who in the entertainment circle are classmates?"

After saying a word over there, Yuan Chen waited quietly, but did not hang up.

When I walked out of the community, the sky was already slightly bright, the bluish-white traces were still vaguely unreal in the morning, and the huge streets gradually sounded the busy sound of early stalls.

The red light at the crossroads at the gate of the community finally turned green. Yuan Chen glanced around at random and walked towards the opposite side. When he was about to walk, he suddenly stunned, his face suddenly becoming extremely ugly.


After saying a few more words over there, Yuan Chen closed his eyes, his face suddenly turned cold.

"I see, thank you for your help."

After hanging up the phone, his footsteps were much faster than before, and he almost rushed towards Mo Xuan's residence with running speed.

There was a sharp approaching sound behind him, as if a giant beast leaped towards him, Yuan Chen subconsciously rolled towards the open space next to him, avoiding the close impact.

The truck that appeared suddenly slammed the brakes, and then ran over him aggressively.

Yuan Chen glanced at the empty license plate and the driver wearing a hat and mask, and realized that the car was coming towards him and was determined to kill him.

Yuan Chen called the police while running as far as possible into the surrounding alleys. When he was a police officer, he had patrolled the whole city and was familiar with the terrain, so he easily dumped the truck.

When he was about to run out from the alley opposite to Mo Xuan's house, someone suddenly rushed over from the corner, raised the stick in his hand and slammed it down towards Yuan Chen.

Yuan Chen hid his head and kicked at the same time.

Several murderous men suddenly emerged from both ends of the narrow alleys, who seemed to be waiting for him in ambush. Yuan Chen has a strong skill, and because he is worried about Jiang Fu's safety, he wants to get rid of them as soon as possible, so he has a heavy hand.

When he hurried to Mo Xuan's house, the building was already empty. Yuan Chen called them two times with a calm face, but no one answered.

Thinking of what he had heard before, he couldn't help but annoyed and furiously slammed everything on the closet to the ground, smashing the wall severely.

"I checked it for you. Feng Zhi's middle and high schools are all in the No. 1 middle school in F city. The university is an engineering university in a neighboring province. In the entertainment industry, he is a classmate with Mr. Cheng from his partner company. Teacher Huo, who has just become popular, and, oh, and Mo Xuan, the agent who has brought many artists."

The reminder of the comedian's brother also echoed at this moment.

"I think you should be wary of Jiang Fu's agent, Mo Xuan, and she is also inside. Every time the boys next to them look different. Those boys are white and clean, with a slim waist and hips. Ben, I always find it familiar, but later I found out that each of them is one or two points similar to Jiang Fu."

Yuan Chen's face was getting colder and colder, almost condensed into a layer of frost. He turned around and walked away quickly, but he didn't know what he thought of, stopped again, and looked at the apartment carefully.

In the few days they moved here, the only place Yuan Chen hadn't been to was Mo Xuan's bedroom, because after all, they were staying overnight, and it was difficult for the two men to break into Mo Xuan's bedroom.

Yuan Chen stared at the bedroom door blankly for a few seconds, then pushed in.

When you enter the eye, you are full of photos. Every inch of the wall in the bedroom is covered with Jiang Fu. Some of them are glamorous on the posters, and some are visibly cozy and candid photos. Even every foot and every finger are There is a detailed snoop.

On the bed in the bedroom are several dolls that are as tall as a person, embroidered with simple facial features, and you can see the charm of Jiang Fu at a glance.

But the puppet was maintaining an unbearable posture, soft and soft like a defenseless Jiang Fu.

After a while, Yuan Chen, who was standing by the bed, turned on the lighter and burned all the dirt.

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