Dean's eyes bulged, his mouth opened like a dead fish, but he couldn't make a sound. A few seconds later, he thumped on the small platform and lost his vital signs.

Ding Yao got up from his back and opened his coat. He is not interested in his gun. He was too young, too weak to control the recoil, and had no accuracy in firing. But as expected, Dean had a grenade hanging on his waist.

Ding Yao took Lei in his pocket, looked up, stepped on Dean's body and continued to climb up ...

Mario and Corley both mumbled and walked back.

"Is it him?" Mario said angrily.

"Probably ..." Of course Coley wasn't sure.

"How do you know that he's gone, even the eyes and brain have been eaten by the mouse, and it's a bone, how do you know it's him?" Mario asked back.

"The hair is still there, and the color is right," said Collie.

Mario thought it made sense and thought: "Then go back and tell Mr. Matrett that he is dead?"

The two walked to the place where they had just separated from Dean. Mario looked up and shouted, "Dean? Dean? Where is it? Come out. The man is dead."

Tossing him down from a height was a grenade with a safety bolt pulled out.

The two men also came and went in the sword. The pupils suddenly shrank, and they fluttered sideways. The grenade exploded, and the shock wave blasted two people out and rolled to the ground.

Ding Yao cleverly climbed down from the garbage mountain and looked over. Mario was dead, and Collie had a breath. Ding Yao made a stab and ended up with him.

His blade had not been retracted, but he heard a slight noise behind him.

The mantis catches cicadas, and the carduelis is behind.

Ding Yao just remembered looking back and seeing a dazzling white light, his eyes hurt. The white light suddenly disappeared, and his eyes suddenly became dark, and he lost his visual ability. Someone kicked him fiercely on his chest and flew him out ...



When I woke up, my body was cold like ice, and it hurt everywhere.

The eyes also hurt, opened, and the eyes were dark. Ding Yao's first thought was dark.

The second thought ... what about Xiaoyan?

You have to save her, he thought.

He moved and found that one of his legs seemed to be broken, he had severe pain under the ribs, and he should have broken a rib.

You have to save her!

He slowly propped himself up and crawled slowly.

At this moment, there was nothing else in his mind except Xiaoyan.

For five years, day and night companionship, so familiar with each other's breathing. Sleep together, bathe together, hungry together, kill together. She cleaned up his **** butt, and he and she never needed to cover up in front of each other.

In five years, he has changed from a babble to a boy who can kill alone, and she has changed from a girl to a woman. But between him and her ... not the desire of men and women.

In Xiaoyan's eyes, he may be a child. In his eyes, Xiaoyan is a child.

In the end, who watched who grew up? Who has developed who?

When he was a white-collar worker, he was calm but not cold, decisive and not arbitrary. He used to feel a sense of falseness in that past life. Those emotions in memory, he never seemed to have.

But now, those false things are beginning to come true. He could feel those emotions that once felt illusory.

Many women have chased him and loved him.

But their love for him is conditional. Either he loves his face, or his body, or his imposing manner. Of course, it is more about loving him, and loving him has the ability to support them and protect them.

The love of all these women is conditional. If one day he loses the condition they love, he is sure they will leave her.

Only Xiaoyan, and only her love for him is unconditional.

When she found him in the dump, she didn't immediately step forward to pick him up. In that short time, this young girl who avoided the wicked to survive alone must have fought inside. Then he wept, and she picked him up.

From that moment, she loved him unconditionally.

There is only one kind of love in the world that can achieve such purity and selflessness, which is love from mothers.

He called her "Mom" with a single voice, and neither felt ashamed nor offended. In fact, he had long been used to calling her like this.

She's gentle and caring for him, and deserves that title.

What a terrible thing is the habit itself. Like dripping through rocks, he thought he had been acting, and until now he found himself in the show.

He has to save her. A girl like her cannot fall into the hands of those men!

Ding Yao crawled forward with his teeth.

Somewhere on the Trash Mountain, Han Yanyan sat there with a fruitless expression.

This fruit was picked from Abbey's training room. An automatic rainwater irrigation system is located in Abbey's cultivation room. Although others are dead, many crops are still alive. Take a closer look, the irrigation system was actually from Han Yanyan's hands. It was Abek who ordered the system from her more than a year ago.

Han Yanyan even considers continuing to maintain this system, so that Arbor's training room can always have fruit and even some vegetables. On this planet, these are more expensive than meat, and individual varieties can even catch up with the price of nutrient solutions.

Han Yanyan's feet already had several cores. After all, she had waited for Ding Yao to wake up for hours. Finally saw Ding Yao crawling below like a dying dog, she threw the fruit in her hand, stood up and looked down at him from top to bottom.

Too deep into the play, too real.

Every time he lifted his eyes to look at him, the light of his eyes naturally felt gentle. When he slumbered, he thought about holding him in his arms.

At this moment, she seemed to finally leave the stage and recover herself. After removing all the camouflage, her expression was expressionless.

When Ding Yao's small body crawled and disappeared, Han Yanyan shook his neck, warmed up a bit, and was about to re-enter the scene ...

Ding Yao felt unable to support it. Although his will was hard, he couldn't support it physically.

His eyes were dark, and he didn't even know his direction was right. Just as he felt dizzy and his consciousness became unconscious again, he felt he had a hallucination.

As if he heard the little smoke sizzling and shouting his name.

When the hurried footsteps rushed from far and near, when the familiar person held his head and wept with joy, he realized that it was not an illusion.

Xiaoyan, who fled those people, is fine.

The breath supporting Ding Yao finally let out, and he passed out in Xiao Yan's arms.

When I woke up again, I couldn't see anything, and gauze was wrapped around my eyes.

The palms touched, like him and Xiaoyan's bed under him. Touch it again, and the injuries on your body and legs are all right. With a Gamma Knife device, surgery is not a big deal.

The fear of this planet is not injury but illness. Because of the severe shortage of drugs.

Ding Yao woke up only slightly, and immediately a pair of warm and soft hands took his hand. Xiaoyan ... just beside him.

Her hand was large, his hand was small, and she could not hold it. She could only let her hold his hand tightly in her palm.

He couldn't see his eyes, but was awake, and opened his mouth and asked, "What about those people?"

"I killed two." Xiao Yan said.

"I killed three. You killed two. There were no leaks. What about their spaceships?" Ding Yao asked.

"Hidden," Xiao Yan said.

"What about corpses?"

"It's processed."

Ding Yao asked, "How did you find me?" He remembers crawling for a long time, and he has basically lost his way. What's more, Xiaoyan doesn't know where Abbe lives.

"Tracking chip," Xiao Yan replied, "I sewed it in your jacket."

It turned out that she was worried about him all the time, and when he didn't know, put such security measures on him. She usually talked so much and was so mean that it was trivial and useless. What she did for him, she said nothing.

Ding Yao finally relaxed a little. Except that he had a bandage on his eyes, he had no physical problems. He held up and sat up. Xiaoyan reached out and hugged him, holding him in his arms.

Ding Yao has a habitual position in her arms, and her body fits naturally.

"I killed Dean," he said. "Your revenge is half. Unfortunately, his father bought a ticket and left here more than a year ago."

Xiao Yan was silent for a while and said, "Dean is only the child of my enemy, and his father is my enemy. If he has already left, this enemy probably ... will not report it."

"You can leave here to find him." Ding Yao said.

Xiaoyan smiled bitterly: "It's too easy for you to say. This year, more and more people are bartering directly, and whoever has an energy mine in their hands is unwilling to take it out. It is said that the depths of the mine are too hot It will bake people directly. I, my whole life, probably can't live without it. "

Ding Yao just wanted to say something, and Xiao Yan's lips suddenly stuck to his ears. He knew what she was going to say.

Sure enough, she said very lightly in his ear: "... Yao, one day you left here to see Leo Parker, remember to help me kill him."

Xiao Yan never said the name aloud. Although Ding Yao always felt strange, he was already used to it.

And what she said, he had long remembered in his heart. He agreed without hesitation: "OK."

"Xiao Yao is the best. Mom loves Xiao Yao." Xiao Yan patted his vest gently.

Ding Yao suddenly asked, "Those people ... have hurt you?"

Suddenly he had a problem, Xiaoyan couldn't disguise herself completely, and her body froze.

Ding Yao's heart sank.


He only spoke two words, and his mouth was covered by the small smokey fingers: "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh), the slender smokey fingers

"Shh ..." She shuddered slightly, her voice light as if she had lost her strength, and she was dying as if with a hairspring, "Don't ask ..."

That body trembling, Ding Yao had seen a lot in the last days.

Deep in the alleys, in the shade, and even in the dark corners of the streets where people come and go. Women's eyes are full of tears, and they cling to their uncovered, scarred body, shaking with fear, pain, and nausea.

Ding Yao has seen too much and has been numb.

He later treated the women in the Thunder team to match their beauty, which was quite kind.

He never felt anything wrong or bad.

But now, feeling the trembling of Xiaoyan. Her cheeks were wet by her falling tears. The tears ran into his mouth, salty and bitter.

Ding Yao's heart was blunt and unspeakable.

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