A month later, Han Yanyan and Ding Yao took Qiao Chengyu to the place where people gathered for the first time. They all know that Qiao Chengyu has been looking forward to this for a long time, and they also know that Qiao Chengyu will probably ... be disappointed.

He was really disappointed.

Qiao Chengyu has been looking forward to seeing where humans live. Not that he didn't believe Xiao Yan's words, but that he wanted to find a better way out. After all, someone like him from a prosperous place would definitely not want to live in a garbage dump all his life.

But after seeing it with his own eyes, he understood that Xiao Yan was really true. Even if there is a society formed by human beings, the order of this society has already collapsed. He witnessed two robberies in the town and saw several fresh bodies. He also saw with his own eyes that most of the people's trading models have been degraded to barter.

Qiao Chengyu deeply understands that the knowledge and skills he has acquired in the past are not enough to make a living here.

In addition to saving his life, Xiaoyan and Xiaoyao did provide him with a place to stay.

Since returning that day, Qiao Chengyu has become extremely silent.

Xiao Yan said to Ding Yao, "He knows that I can't do it without me, will he be better for me?"

Ding Yao said, "depending on the situation, divide people."

But the consequences did not, Qiao Chengyu did not accept Xiaoyan because he knew the status quo. This made Xiaoyan very frustrated.

Every day with Qiao Chengyu, a walking hormone, Xiaoyan became more and more restless.

One night she couldn't sleep over and over again, making Ding Yao annoyed and saying, "Either you go to sleep with him or I kill him. You choose."

The little smoke sat up, his eyes lit up like two fires in the dark. She took a deep breath and got out of bed.

Ding Yao closed his eyes and continued to sleep, but before he fell asleep, Xiaoyan returned. His body was cold, and when he got into the bed, he hugged him in his arms to keep him warm.

"He hasn't slept yet," she said. "He's sitting in front of the porthole. There is nothing visible there, there is something blocking it, and the moon and stars can't be seen at all. But he looks outside ... he can't leave this place anymore. He, he must be sad, right? "

Ding Yao asked: "What matters to you? What matters to me?"

They can't live without it. According to their understanding, the savings of the two people so far are not enough to buy half a ticket.

Xiaoyan was silent.

Qiao Chengyu is very adaptable, he quickly adapted to life here. Although often silent, he never works lazily. But Ding Yao knew that he had a big weakness—Qiao Chengyu hadn't killed anyone yet.

If you want to live on this planet, you can't kill people. But from the beginning to the end, Ding Yao never thought of really accepting Qiao Chengyu, and naturally he would not be so kind to think of ways to remind or change his weakness.

But when people are malicious to others, they are often bitten back by this maliciousness.

With Qiao Chengyu, Ding Yao must not follow the work. Ding Yao watched Xiao Yan beg for Qiao Chengyu and turned around. In order to complete her, she often stayed at home, giving her and Qiao Chengyu a chance to get along alone.

One day, he stayed at home and heard the alarm. The siren at the entrance was triggered.

He immediately put on the imager and held the gun to ambush, but he heard Qiao Chengyu's anxious voice echoing in the corridor: "Xiaoyao!

Ding Yao's heart tightened suddenly. He flew over with a gun and saw a tall man holding a slender figure in the imager. Naturally Qiao Chengyu was holding Xiaoyan.

"She was shot!" Qiao Chengyu hissed and exhausted. "What to do? What to do? Is there a way? Tell me!"

Ding Yao ignored him, rushed to touch Xiaoyan's breath, and then touched the carotid artery. Fortunately, alive.

"Where's the wound?" He asked.

"Stomach!" Qiao Chengyu answered anxiously.

"Come with me!" Ding Yao said.

Ding Yao and Qiao Chengyu quickly ran to Xiaoyan's studio, and the medical cabin repaired by Xiaoyan was inside. Because it was not used much, Xiaoyan was too lazy to move it out, and kept it there.

"Take off her clothes," Ding Yao ordered, "all off."

At this time, he couldn't care too much, and Qiao Chengyu immediately started. The coat was okay. When he got the tight-fitting clothes inside, Qiao Chengyu cut it with a dagger and tore it off.

"Put her in." Ding Yao said, "there is no more narcotics and painkillers, and while she is in a coma, rush her to the surgery."

Qiao Chengyu picked up Chi Guoguo's small smoke and put her into the treatment cabin.

"A white light swept away!" He said.

"Scanning," Ding Yao said.

"There is a purple light!" He said.

"It's sterilizing," Ding Yao said.

Qiao Chengyu was standing next to the treatment cabin, looking through the transparent hatch, watching the precise mechanical arm extended, and the laser cut open the wound, exposing the damaged intestines and organs inside. The laser repaired those wounds, and the muscle layer wounds. The last light flickered, and a warning sound was issued: "A shortage of body repair fluid! A shortage of body repair fluid!"

Qiao Chengyu asked anxiously: "What to do?"

"Nothing," Ding Yao said, "the thing has never been there. Take her out."

Qiao Chengyu took Xiaoyan all the way back to her own room and laid it gently on the bed.

Ding Yao took a bag of nutrient solution from the cabinet, heated it a little, and handed it to Qiao Chengyu: "Give this to her. We don't have the repair solution, we can only carry it by ourselves."

Qiao Chengyu tried to feed the nutrient solution to Xiaoyan, but Xiaoyan was unconscious, and the nutrient solution flowed out of the corner of his mouth.

"Be careful not to waste." Ding Yao said, "This is a high concentration, specially prepared for use after injury."

After two trips to the settlement, Qiao Chengyu already knew that the nutrient solution he usually drank was more expensive than food. The mother and son usually said nothing and silently gave him the same treatment as them. The food on this planet is severely lacking in nutrition. Although it can fill the stomach, it can not maintain human health. It is just that it makes people "alive".

He looked at the unconscious little smoke, and then looked at Xiaoyao with gray pupils. When he bit his teeth, he took a bite of nutrient solution, leaned down to kiss the little smoke, pried open her teeth, and passed it to her.

Finally, she let her drink a bag of nutrient solution, and watching her face become a little bloody, Qiao Chengyu felt exhausted physically and mentally. As he relaxed, he sat on the ground with his butt, and his shoulders fell down. He leaned over and rubbed his face, his mind confused.

But Ding Yao did not give him time to organize himself.

Ding Yao's muzzle rested on Qiao Chengyu's head. Qiao Chengyu stunned: "Xiaoyao?"

"Do you know? She is a genius." Ding Yao said, "She was twelve years old and her father was killed. She lived alone away from the crowd, and she learned by herself with a holographic helmet. Someone even for her Someone in the name of the mechanic sent her to abduct her, but those people were killed. "

"Her skills are also trained by simulation exercises. Her genius is more than her mind. She is a genius who can go through several men by herself. She took me eight or nine years ago, carrying and holding her. , Dragging, just carrying me like this, has never been hurt like this. She is so powerful. "

"So, tell me ..." Ding Yao said coldly, "Why does it hurt her to go out with a big man like you?"

The person in front was only about his waist, but Qiao Chengyu lived with them for more than half a year. He knew that Xiaoyao was not an ordinary child. Among the three people, Xiaoyan has the highest force value, followed by Xiaoyao, who is the weakest. This is also because Xiaoyao's eyes are damaged and his vision is hindered.

Xiaoyan may be an all-round genius, but if Xiaoyao is not blind, he is definitely a fighting genius.

He was too lucky to come to this difficult world of life and meet two such people. Otherwise, he will probably not survive the initial difficulties.

Qiao Chengyu pursed his lips, his face paled.

"We ... met someone." He skipped the process and talked directly about the most important part, "Xiao Yan overpowered that person, she, she wanted to kill him ..."

"And you, the holy father's heart attacked and stopped her." Ding Yao could already infer what happened later, "as a result, that person almost fought back and killed her?"

Qiao Chengyu took a deep breath: "I didn't see it, it was too fast. She blocked my view. I don't know how it happened ..."

Before he finished speaking, Ding Yao's gun suddenly turned, and gave him a shot in his head!

Although Ding Yao was still a child, he was different from Qiao Chengyu who passed through his body. He was reborn. He was born here, an interstellar human who grew up drinking nutrient solution. His genetic level is much higher than that of Qiao Chengyu. What's more, Han Yanyan has set him to a "supernormal" level far beyond ordinary people.

At this moment, he knocked Qiao Chengyu down. Qiao Chengyu was bleeding from his forehead, his head was dizzy, his ears were buzzing, and he could not get up for a while.

"Who do you think you are? Where do you think you are now?" Ding Yao, full of suffocation, went up and gave him a kick, "Is this the flower world of your president? This **** is a little careless Where it will die! "

"If it weren't for her, I would have killed you the first night you came here."

"Put me your stinky shelf! Do you think you can live a good life?"

Ding Yao kicked him fiercely. Qiao Chengyu had severe pain in his abdomen, curled up his body, clenched his teeth to hold it, and did not groan.

"She has saved you more than one life. From now on, you are her!" Finally, Ding Yao said, "You remember what she wants, you give her!"

Although there is a shortage of medicine and less medicine, the most important wounds were repaired by laser fusion. Xiaoyan survived, but he lost too much blood, hurt his vitality, and was weak.

Ding Yao pressed her to rest in bed: "Lying at least two days."

Xiaoyan rebelled: "When did I lie so long?"

Ding Yao: "When have you been so hurt?"

Xiaoyan's resistance is invalid.

Xiaoyan lay down for two days and didn't want to get up. Because Qiao Chengyu has been with her by her side, she is meticulous to her.

Qiao Chengyu has not realized that with the treatment technique and the constitution of Xiaoyan, lying for two days has exceeded the standard. He hasn't gotten out of his inertia of thinking. He always feels such a serious injury. Even if the wound is treated, he should lie down for ten and a half months.

On the fourth day, Ding Yao said politely to the ruddy little smoke lying on the bed: "You lie down, I take him out. There is no meat in the house."

He was still pretending to be weak and could only watch Ding Yao take Qiao Chengyu away.

When the two returned at night, Xiaoyan ran to the entrance to meet them, but saw Qiao Chengyu's face pale. He didn't say anything, his eyes passed by her.

"What did you do to him?" Xiao Yan asked in the bathroom.

"Just let him adjust to the life here." Ding Yao braced the wall and said, "The vest is rubbed again. It hasn't rubbed for me for four days, and it has accumulated mud."

Xiaoyan stopped, "You ..."

Ding Yao said impatiently: "Yes, I forced him to kill. A man who dare not even kill, how do you want him to live here? It is more likely that he will die early."

Xiaoyan was silent for a long time, picked up the towel and rubbed his back with Ding Yao, rubbing his skin red.

When Ding Yao fell asleep in the night, she rose quietly.

Qiao Chengyu actually fell asleep and was awakened by a nightmare, panting quickly, and sweating coldly.

He killed and was forced by Ding Yao.

Killing was so easy for them, but Qiao Chengyu came from a peaceful, stable, legal society. Murder is a hurdle that cannot be reached. The palpitations at the moment the trigger was pulled were always there.

He can't go back, he can't go back to the original world, he can't go back to the original self.

Qiao Chengyu sat up, quietly pressed his forehead against his knee in the dark, and closed his eyes.

There was a sudden sound of footsteps in the room.

"Who?" Qiao Chengyu opened his eyes and asked in a low voice.

"I." Someone answered in the dark, "Smoke."

It's small smoke. Who else besides small smoke?

In fact, when he and she became familiar with each other, he changed his mouth to call her a small cigarette instead of a cigarette to distinguish him from his wife.

The woman in the dark came over and climbed into bed.

"Sad, right?" She said, "for the first time."

Qiao Chengyu felt bitter.

"I'm sorry for making you suffer," the woman in the dark muttered, "I know, it's bitter ..."

"But I have always been so hard."

"So I hope someone can accompany me."

"Unfortunately, the Creator chose you."

"You are the one who came with me to suffer."

Qiao Chengyu lifted his eyes. In the darkness, he could only see her outline faintly.

Her eyes seemed particularly gloomy in the dark, giving her original gorgeous face a different taste. With the same face, the temperament of a person will change due to changes in his eyes, and he looks like a completely different person.

Somehow, at this moment, Qiao Chengyu felt that she was completely unlike the "little smoke" during the day, but gave him a sense of familiarity.

The woman in the dark held out her hand and stroked his cheek.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault ..." She sighed and said "sorry" to him again.

Qiao Chengyu said astringently, "Nothing with you ..."

"Shh--" The woman in the dark interrupted him, her voice filled with love and sigh, "It's me, it's me, I'm too bad. You don't know how bad I am."

Qiao Chengyu couldn't understand her words. She looked so mysterious that she didn't look like a little smoke during the day.

But Qiao Chengyu could not soberly distinguish.

The woman's hand touched his cheek, his fingertips ran across his auricles, and they circled gently.

Qiao Chengyu felt the rapid blur of his past life. Master Qiao, illegitimate son, heir, group ceo, all these are quickly blurred. Including his beautiful, dazzling, noble wife.

Even her appearance in a wedding dress was blurring.

In the darkness, he could only feel the horror of the first murder, and the soft and warm palm of the woman.

The gentle circle of the fingertips on the auricle caused a goose bump on his back neck.

Qiao Chengyu grabbed that hand. Four eyes stared in the dark.

Man and woman.

Qiao Chengyu leaned down and kissed this woman in the dark ...

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