Isn't the water power an accepted weak power?

Most of them follow the team in a low-key way and provide domestic water for everyone. After all, tap water is only available in large settlements, and natural water sources cannot be guaranteed to be clean and pollution-free. Therefore, there are usually strong teams, and the logistics department is equipped with one to several water powers.

Most water-based abilities, if they are single-line abilities, don't spend much time and energy exercising this ability. In actual combat, the combat power of water power is almost zero.

But just a moment ago, Ding Yao and his people witnessed a water-powered fighter with one enemy and five enemies, and in a moment, five corpses were seized. Although the dead are not top performers, they are scary enough.

Only Ding Yao and his gang can be fearless.

All around Ding Yao, the Thunder, were strong players.

A high-strength beautiful girl with a white arm stretched out to ask for help. There was no need for Ding Yao to nod. The bearded Sun Lijun rushed forward: "I'm coming, I'm coming. Oops, don't fight with these people , There are many people on our side, just shout out. "

However, in the last round, these men have been watching the excitement, and in the end Ding Yao did not shoot because of her beauty. If she didn't even have a good look in the last round, I don't know if these people will just let go for a while.

Seeing Sun Lijun suddenly healed the injuries on her arm, she smiled and said, "Thank you."

Then he turned his attention to Ding Yao.

Ding Yao looked at the girl up close and felt a strange feeling in his heart. The previous feelings of sullenness that did not know where they came from disappeared inexplicably, and were replaced by unexplainable strange emotions.

Ding Yao forced those inexplicable emotions and asked, "New here?"

Han Yanyan said, "Yes, I have just arrived. I am not familiar with my life. I heard that the management committee has a shelter here? Let me share the house?"

"That kind of place is not for you," Ding Yao said, "you can follow me."

Han Yanyan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I'm Ding Yao. The leader of the Thunder team." Ding Yao handed out an olive branch. "In Nanling, no other team can be better than me here."

Han Yanyan didn't answer him immediately, her eyes glanced at the men around him. In the last round, when Ding Yao said to her "three meals a day, no more than five people", they all smiled and looked at each other with smiles. This time, Ding Yao gave a serious recruitment, and his people looked normal. Even the best-looking round face only looked at her a few more times, and saw her gaze narrowing. Show something frivolous.

Still the same person, but different in strength, they are treated differently. This is really the simplest truth in the world.

"My level, what kind of treatment does it correspond to?" Han Yanyan asked.

Ding Yao said: "Our players are divided into three levels, and you can be a second-level player."

Although Han Yanyan had a rival of five just now, it was more of a trick. These small things are useful for people, but not so useful for zombies. For example, her drowning water polo is completely useless to zombies who don't need to breathe.

Zombies have no power, but they are immortal under their heads. Mutated zombies are high-speed and powerful. What they need to fight is a fighting force with positive hard **** ability.

Han Yanyan asked: "What is the level?"

Ding Yao glanced at her, then turned and glanced at the ice-powered Zhang Quanquan. Zhang Quanquan understood and condensed an ice cone and shot it out. The ice cone was almost wiped out by Han Yanyan, with a cool breeze, and then a "swipe" was nailed to the cement pole behind her.

Han Yanyan gathered his hair and glanced back, then turned back and smiled, but didn't speak.

Six ice cones formed on her side. The six people around Ding Yao hadn't responded yet, they felt the cold rubbing his throat, back of his head, chest, and crotch, and the key points of his body had been walked close by the ice cone.

"Beep", the recovered ice cones were nailed into a neat row on the concrete floor in front of Han Yanyan.

This time, with the exception of Ding Yao, everyone's complexion changed. Zhang Quanquan, an ice-based power, is especially frightened. The more experts, the more difficult it is.

"Let's go." Ding Yao's eyes lifted from a row of ice cones, looking at the girl in front of him and saying, "If you come to me, it must be first-class."

"If there is no more suitable place, I will be a contract worker first." Han Yanyan smiled.

Ding Yao is not angry.

Han Yanyan showed his hand just now, so many people in the street saw it. She is such a powerful miracle. He doesn't take her back now, let alone other teams. First of all, a management committee and a military will use their power to pull her. If he does not take her back today, it is tantamount to leaving her to these two parties.

She is indeed qualified to make a choice.

In this world, the strong make choices and the weak make choices.

Han Yanyan followed Ding Yao back.

This round, she was not arranged to live with the "girls" on the third floor. Ding Yao said directly to the healing power Sun Lijun, who is in charge of logistics, "Clean up the room next to me."

While waiting, Han Yanyan stayed in Ding Yao's room.

Stepping into this room again, she had no feelings.

She also had no obsession with Ding Yao for a long time. It would be ridiculous to say that at the time of Yao Chen, there was something unsettling at the time.

The last world copied Ding Yao. Her words to the servants were that the depth of the stimulus caused by the conquest of the strong was far greater than that of a real child. There is naturally convincing theory. The attendant would buy this account, and Leo Parker gave her permission to copy the existing world.

In fact, it was for her convenience to copy Qiao Chengyu.

And her obsession with Qiao Chengyu also drifted away in the last world.

She didn't decide to kill Qiao Chengyu from the beginning. She is also an individual, not a god, and cannot be left alone. She just followed the change step by step, and developed with the development, and then she reached such a step.

Squeezed out all the value of Qiao Chengyu and wiped out his last softness.

The resumption of this zombie eschatology is only because the person named "Ding Yao" can be completely drained to the end. There is no need to establish a new person.

This Ding Yao is still Ding Yao at the beginning of the zombie eschatology, and does not have any memory of the mine star world.

But Han Yanyan is no longer the last round of Han Yanyan.

Ding Yao and the girl in the white dress had a cordial discussion with employers and employees face to face, and initially determined that Han Yanyan would follow Ding Yao's team.

Han Yanyan knew that there were several teams in Thunder. The second team was led by Lin Ling, the wife of the healer Sun Lijun, and the first was led by Ding Yao himself. This team is the core team of the Thunder team. Except for several other captains, the strongest ability is almost in this team.

Han Yanyan knows better that only one room has been opened on the fifth floor, which is the suite where Ding Yao lives. This is the first time since the Thunder occupied this garden-style hotel, the fifth floor welcomed guests outside Ding Yao. This treatment is not unusual.

There was nothing to worry about, and the two people quickly reached a consensus on the treatment. It happened that Sun Lijun had cleared up the next room.

Han Yanyan stood up: "Then I will go back to the room first."

Ding Yao said: "The day after tomorrow leaves at seven. What do I need? Tell Lijun that he is in charge of logistics."

Han Yanyan nodded and followed Sun Lijun out.

Ding Yao heard a conversation between two people in the corridor.

"I haven't had dinner yet, please let me help you prepare a dinner."

"I got out of the situation before I entered the city, and my companion was gone. All my luggage was gone. Please help me find some clothes to change."

She really didn't look away.

The corner of Ding Yao's mouth was drawn.

"I don't know what your young girl likes, or you go and see for yourself." Sun Lijun said.

So Han Yanyan looked at the room without any problems, and followed Sun Lijun to the warehouse to pick clothes.

Needless to say, the uniform tactical vest and the like of the team also have weapons, and Han Yanyan picked up the same sword as the first round. It took a while to pick out some clothes and shoes to wear.

"What are you missing? Tell me at any time." Sun Lijun said.

Han Yanyan thanked him and returned to the fifth floor with a pile of things. I didn't walk two steps out of the elevator and met a pretty girl who came out of Ding Yao's room.

Qi Tongtong was holding a few canned meats, a bit exhausted, both mentally and physically. She squinted towards the elevator, not wanting anyone to come up.

This pretty girl was like putting on a battle suit instantly, and she put a look of "spring breeze on her face" on her face.

The two beautiful girls glanced at each other, Qi Tongtong felt the tension unilaterally.

This is a beautiful girl she has never seen. She was actually wearing a white skirt!

I go! What world do you dress like this! Are you going to participate in the campus romance drama?

Qi Tongtong's nose is not nose, eyes are not eyes. At this time, Han Yanyan, wearing a white skirt full of anger, wrinkled his nose and said, "Smelly."

Qi Tongtong's complexion changed. The water stopped today, even Ding Yao didn't take a bath, let alone her. The smell of sweat and fishy smell on her body was mixed, and it was an exaggeration to say "smelly". But you ca n’t say it in person!

Qi Tongtong has never been a good-tempered girl, and she wanted to frizz on the spot. Just thinking that it was at the door of Ding Yao, he just swallowed the pressure.

No one dared to roar in front of Ding Yao.

Qi Tongtong took a sigh of relief, holding a can and walking past this green tea in a white dress, ready to get on the elevator. But suddenly I heard the white skirt green tea said, "I have water. Would you like to take a bath?"

Qi Tongtong turned his head suddenly.

Green tea in a white dress with a smile on the face of the old mother.

"who are you?"

"Do you live on the fifth floor? Ding Yao next door?"

"Are you a power?"

"Water power?"

"Well, you're draining water so fast?"

Han Yanyan put a lot of water, Qi Tongtong has asked a series of questions.

Han Yanyan was a little speechless and said to her, "You wash first, then you say, it smells dead."

At this moment Qi Tongtong ignored her saying that she was stinky, and she hesitated instead looking at a pot of clean water.

"I'm not a miracle." She said hesitantly.

Although I don't know how a water system can live on the fifth floor, there are not many female powers who can pity the **** the third floor like Sister Ling. Many female proficients, especially the young and beautiful female proficient, have a particularly bad attitude towards them, and look down on their bones and suspect them to be dirty.

Qi Tongtong didn't want to use the white dress bathtub and was scolded by her after she found out she wasn't a power person. In that case, she would rather smell, and wash it when the water came.

"I know, you're on the third floor," said the white skirt, looking at her breasts. "Lend the towel for you. Wash me with soap after washing."

She went out after speaking.

Qi Tongtong froze for a while, exhaling, and not tangling. Undressed and took a shower. It's clean, refreshing, and really comfortable.

"Are you sure of dual power?" She asked as she washed.

"Water ice." The white skirt answered outside.

"Is your ice system terrible?" Qi Tongtong sweeped.

"It's okay," said the white skirt casually, "a little stronger than that Zhang Zhangquan."

This answer surprised Qi Tongtong.

Zhang Quanquan is the person beside Ding Yao and the Thunder's strongest ice abilities. If the white skirt is stronger than him ...

After Qi Tongtong washed it out, she saw that the white skirt hung up all her newly-acquired clothes, and controlled a stream of water to wash all the clothes over and wash them again. There is no need to twist after washing, all the moisture is detached by her under control, and the clothes dry instantly.

When Qi Tongtong doesn't "work" every day, she tosses her little power, knowing that this seemingly understated operation actually involves the measurement and accuracy of the power. Taken together, these two degrees are the strength of the power.

Qi Tongtong has never seen a water system ability reach this intensity.

She is a girl with a strong desire to survive and has a keen sense of instinct.

Although the white skirt looks particularly fake, especially in the second class, it seems that ... people are not bad. At least unlike some men in this team, the girls on the third floor wanted to go away when they saw it.

Qi Tongtong hesitated for a moment, and gathered his courage to walk in front of Han Yanyan.

"I haven't tried it by the lace," she said, "but it's not impossible to try."

Han Yanyan: "... ????"

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