Ding Yao stood outside the car, lit a cigarette against the door of the off-road vehicle, put away the lighter, and turned to look at the girl standing on the roof.

Armed with a thin waist, it was inextricably gripped, but it was slender but gave people a sense of strength. The fluttering wind was blowing her forehead, and she was looking at him. Seeing that he turned around, she jumped off the roof neatly and asked, "Can the internship be over?"

Ding Yao spit out a white smoke and said with a smile, "Return to normal."

He shouted, "Xie Hao."

Xie Hao's name is very grand. He is a short, thin young man. When he heard the call, he came over: "Boss?"

Ding Yao said, "You are with Xiao Han." He told Han Yanyan again, "Xie Hao is a department of space. Our warehouse is well protected."

The eschatological materials are precious. Except for a few left-behind cars, everyone else, whether it is a search team member or a team member, scatters to search for supplies.

Han Yanyan took the short young man to choose a direction and left the team.

"Xiao Han ... sister." Seeing Han Yanyan turned back, Xie Hao temporarily added a "sister".

This girl obviously looks very young, but I don't know why when she looks at you, she always puts a lot of pressure on you, and it will make you ignore her young appearance. However, the team was originally a strong one, even if she was young, she rushed to the water dragon just now and shouted an elder sister.

"Sister Han, I heard that you have both water and ice?" Xie Hao asked.

"Yeah, how about you?" Han Yanyan asked with a smile.

"I'm just space," Xie Hao Dun said, "I have a lot of space. In our space department, Zhang Ziqian is bigger than me, and no one else is as good as me."

"Oh." Han Yanyan seemed to ask casually, "What about Ding Yao? I heard he is a thunderbolt and space system."

"Oh, sister Han, how do you compare Boss Ding to us? He has to be excluded, otherwise it is too unfair." Xie Hao said with a smile.

It is not difficult to hear that in his heart, Ding Yao is high above him, and he is not on a step with him or them at all.

Xie Hao was so arrogant that when he saw something that was useful, he touched it into the space.

Han Yanyan exploded his head with ice cones, turned his head to look at the guy, and suddenly smiled and said, "Xiao Xie, I heard a rumor, I don't know if it is true."

"Huh? What?" Xie Hao was squatting on the floor and pulling a cabinet to see what else was in it.

Xie Hao burst into the blood all at once, stuttering, "Han, Sister Han?"

Unexpectedly, Han Yanyan Roufen's lips pressed against his ears and said in an inaudible voice: "I heard ... kill a space power, his space will burst, and everything inside will come out. It's ... "

After such a beautiful girl whispered against her ears, the heat was still digging into her ears. Xie Hao couldn't control her heart, and it took only a few seconds to reflect what Han Yanyan said.

At that instant, cold sweats came down.

In the last days, silly Bai Tian died long ago. Xie Hao reacted to this moment. The first idea was to recruit a gun in the space.

Han Yanyan stepped back, as if regretfully saying, "I don't know if it's true, I really want to try it."

Xie Hao relaxed.

"Sister Han, you can't spread such words." He complained. "It will kill people. Fake! Absolutely fake!"

Han Yanyan grinned.

Obviously a beautiful girl, why is it so infiltrating like a ghost in a horror movie?

But she is so powerful that she can stay in the team and have no shortage of materials. That was just a joke. Xie Hao thought with self-assurance, and said, "This side is empty, go and see there."

After turning around, he put on an ice shield.

The ice shield was translucent, Xie Hao opened his eyes, and clearly saw the other side of the ice shield. A zombie **** mouth opened, and he kissed this ice shield. He and the mutant zombie that fell silently from the ceiling kissed indirectly across the ice shield. If it weren't for this ice shield, the zombie's mutated mouth with sharp fangs would bite directly at his face.

Han Yanyan grabbed Xie Hao's neck collar and dragged him back behind him!

The ice shield shattered, and the mutant zombies rushed forward, and a thick ice arrow facing a baby's arm shot into the large blood hole and nailed him into the wall. The mutant zombie had just held the arrow shaft exposed from his mouth, and the ice arrow burst and burst, smashing the zombie's head. The headless body slid against the wall and sat motionless on the floor.

Xie Hao then recruited a pistol from the space and held it. Han Yanyan has solved this mutant zombie.

"Okay, it's okay." Han Yanyan kicked him. "Get up."

Xie Haojiu got up, looked at the mutant zombie, and then looked at Han Yanyan. Putting down the gun, Fangdian Fangdian chased up: "Han ... Yan sister! Yan sister! Wait for me!"

Now called "Sister" again, but sincerely.

They returned to the convoy when the sun was tilting west. Ding Yao went back one step ahead of them, and saw Xie Hao had to come back all at once, only nodded, and continued smoking.

The alive came back and the team drove all the way to their destination. Han Yanyan still has an impression of this place, there are many mutant zombies in this factory. But she was waiting in the car in the last round.

She got out of the car, moved her hands and feet, turned her neck again, and looked at Ding Yao.

Ding Yao said: "Clear the court first."

Han Yanyan followed.

During the day, the big guy was in the car and saw only the corpses that were swept by the water dragon. Clearing the market this evening, Han Yanyan was truly a formal appearance in front of the big guy.

When the backup power source was found and the lighting turned on, the team members looked at Han Yanyan differently.

In the evening, she was allocated a room in the dormitory building. She lived next door to Ding Yao. Xie Hao very diligently sent her clean sheets and a full set of toiletries: "Sister Yan, everyone in the bath room is using it. I will call you when everyone is done."

Han Yanyan looked down from the window and saw Ding Yao and a few backbones meeting under the lights at the door of the building to distribute tomorrow's work. Although she has a strong fighting force, she only joined the team and is not yet a backbone.

After the men had a meeting, several people gathered to smoke, Ding Yao did not know how to look up. Several others also looked up. But this round, there were no yellow paragraphs, no coaxing. The slim figure standing by the attic window is awesome.

"The boss is really decisive. He pulled Xiao Han directly into our team. If Xiao Han had the management committee pick it up, we would have a headache for the bandit named Qi."

"I can't see it, Wen Wenjing's beautiful girl, why is it so scary? Let's start without any hesitation."

Ding Yao looked at the shadow upstairs with a cigarette, his eyes were dim.

He already knew that Han Yanyan was strong in combat, but she had so much combat experience and was so calm when facing the enemy that it was surprising.

Behind this seemingly young girl, there must be many stories.

The slim figure of the window suddenly disappeared, and Ding Yao paused with his cigarette in his hand.

After the battle, they were all sweaty, and sometimes there was pus on the corpses. Ding Yao went upstairs after smoking a cigarette and went to the bath room to take a shower.

The shower room was empty, there was only one person in the compartment, and white water vapor escaped from the gap above and below the worn wooden plank door.

Ding Yao walked over and saw Han Yanyan showing his shoulders and Xiaoyue back. Her pony tail was untied and she was washing her hair up.

Han Yanyan wiped his face and saw Ding Yao.

"Finished?" She asked.

Ding Yao nodded, turned around and took off the black tight-fitting T-shirt, which was still on the middle wooden bench, and threw it beside Han Yanyan's clothes.

Han Yanyan turned around and rushed his back, then turned back and saw Ding Yao entering the compartment opposite her.

She closed her eyes, washed her head again, tore off the towel on the wooden door, wiped the water, and wrapped her body out.

The speed of a man taking a bath is unlike the speed of a woman. Han Yanyan put on her underwear, and Ding Yao wrapped up in a bath towel.

The two were separated by wooden benches, each wearing clothes back to back. No one wants to seduce anyone.

Han Yanyan has no interest in this man. Maybe she will fall asleep when she is interested, but when she is not interested, he is no different to others.

Ding Yao also did not mean to collude with Han Yanyan. He doesn't lack women. Although Han Yanyan is young and beautiful, he doesn't think about her for the moment.

Before the powerful strength and unclear details, men and women can only be ranked at the bottom.

There was only the sound of getting dressed in the bath room.

"Little Han." Ding Yao put on his pants and asked, "Have I seen you before?"

Han Yanyan put on a t-shirt and said, "If the two of us have seen each other, we should not forget each other."

"So too," Ding Yao said softly.

But he did have a strange feeling about Han Yanyan from unknown sources. He couldn't even tell what the feeling was like, did he like it? Is it disgusting? Is it trust? Still suspicion? In short, it was a chaotic chaos cluttered in my heart, but it was inexplicable.

"Gather at seven tomorrow." He turned around and finally reminded. Having said that, he put away Han Yanyan's dirty clothes that were soaked with sweat and pus.

Players usually carry only necessary supplies such as water, food, medicines and weapons in their backpacks. Other miscellaneous items such as clothes, camping supplies, toiletries, etc. used to improve the quality of life are uniformly kept by the team's space department. These dirty clothes were taken back to the base, and there were logistics personnel to clean them.

Everyone performs their duties and cooperates with each other, and the entire team is an organic whole.

Among them, the combatants are without doubt the highest status and the best treatment.

Han Yanyan was dressed, wearing a large towel on his head, and was wiping his hair. Long hair is always troublesome.

"I see." She sat on the wooden chair and raised her head slightly. Half of his face was exposed under the towel.

Ding Yao glanced at her and turned to leave.

"Will he remember me?" Han Yanyan asked.

"His memories of other worlds are all locked." Li Zhou replied, "he will not remember the past in this world."

"So what's going on?" Han Yanyan frowned.

If Li Zhou now appeared in human form in front of her, he might be holding his forehead: "Because you made such a merciless abandonment to him!"

"... Don't you say you won't remember?" Han Yanyan argued.

"I won't remember, but ..." Li Zhou sighed. "Since you pressed that button to kill him to the present, it is actually less than 20 minutes in real time, and it is only three days in the simulated world. . "

"..." Han Yanyan sighed, "I see."

Although the memory is not there, the emotions are still there. Just as she was pulled by him to block the knife, and then went to Qiao Chengyu's world, the anger continued directly in the past. It took her four months to travel the world and go shopping so that she could calm down slowly.

Ding Yao doesn't remember the last round of the world of mine stars, nor the last round of the last world, but Xiaoyao's last strong emotion is still in his heart.

There was hate and anger in that mood, and there was Xiaoyao's attachment to Xiaoyan.

Out of the quarry world, Han Yanyan can look back at that world more calmly and objectively.

"A bit overkill?" She asked.

She did more than Xiaoyao.

"But I can't help it," she said. "Moreover, the attendant agreed."

"When you justify yourself," Li Zhou said for a long time, "you are losing yourself."

Han Yanyan stopped her hand to wipe her hair. She looked at the water stains on the concrete floor for a long time, and ripped the corners of her mouth.

The attendant stood next to her.

When he saw her and Ding Yao talking briefly, he sat quietly and wiped his hair.

He actually observes Han Yanyan more in the world than his prince, Duke Kline. Because the plot advances and all the variables come from Han Yanyan. When Han Yanyan did not make contact with the Duke, the Duke did not need to worry about him.

She is the one he really needs to monitor, and she is the biggest variable.

The attendant suddenly saw that the corners of her mouth moved and made a smile. Her eyes were cast on the floor, but she was not in focus. That smile makes people feel sorrow.

The attendant couldn't help it, and reached out to touch her head. His hands passed through her body.

The woman in front of her was not real, but an image parsed in his brain.

The attendant then retracted his hand.

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