The young man with a dark complexion smiled at Han Yanyan, stood up, and introduced himself: "I am Qi Lei, a company commander of the Nanling Military Region."

He wasn't alone. He was followed by eighty-nine equally healthy men. Everyone was carrying a gun with a bullet bag around their waist. They all have straight backs and look like soldiers.

But where is the "Nanling Military Region". Remove the badges on their hats, tear off the epaulets on their uniforms, and then they would become soldiers when they did not obey the orders of the previous government.

Home and country are gone, everyone is living for themselves.

Qi Lei said, reaching out to Han Yanyan. Han Yanyan grabbed his hand and stood up. Qi Lei let go of his hand and said, "I've been longing for Captain Han's name. I didn't expect it to be so young and beautiful."

His hands were steady and strong, like a forceps. In the previous round, these hands steadily pulled the trigger to kill Ding Yao, but Ding Yao's hidden advanced ability made him escape.

Only in the last round, he did not show up in front of Han Yanyan. This time Han Yanyan played a trick on him and made some fine adjustments to him.

When the attendant saw this young man, he felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't think of it. At this moment, Leo Parker suddenly heard a curse on the communication channel: "Oh!"

Listening to Leo's wrong voice, the attendant asked, "What's wrong?"

Leo snorted a few times, just saying nothing.

The attendant's face sank: "Leo Parker!"

Leo snorted a few more times before snorting and saying, "Did you not find out who this man looks like?"

The attendant asked, "Who?" He would not let go of any possibility of harming the Duke in the world built for the Duke of Kling.

Leo said angrily, "Aren't you looking in the mirror?"

As soon as the attendant officer understood it, he came to understand!

If Qi Lei is not too dark in complexion and his face is too young, a face aloof is a replica of the servant. No wonder he felt wrong from the moment he saw the man. What he saw was his own face.

What is Han Yanyan trying to do? Bad taste? Still dialing?

The attendant couldn't help rubbing his forehead.

Then the heart surged, but it was unspeakable.

This woman often plays chess at random, not necessarily every step, but if you can use it, you will not miss it.

He and the Duke had many companions along the way, but this was the first time that he encountered a woman who had never met the Duke before and understood the belief that the Duke pursued in his life. Such a woman, she knew he had given up on her, but she never gave up on herself.

Qi Lei's appearance took him as a template, and it might be her doing it by hand. It may not have a clear purpose to achieve, but let him see that she might not let go of even a little faintness.

This woman! The attendant sighed softly.

"The head of Qi regiment sees the nephew like his own son, the company commander, the former special commander, and the second commander of the military." Han Yanyan raised his hand to block the sun, and at once he reported Qi Lei's identity, "... don't Go in circles. "

Qi Lei smiled, his teeth showing in the sun. Maybe it's because the skin is too dark, and the teeth are especially white and look particularly healthy.

"Have you been the captain?" He asked.

"Immediately," Han Yanyan answered.

Qi Lei smiled and sighed: "It's troublesome."

"Yeah, although I'm just a Thunder contractor, but ..." Han Yanyan said with a smile, "I am afraid that Captain Qi cannot be a company commander for me?"

"It really isn't." Qi Lei was helpless. "It seems that I can't finish the task my uncle gave me this time."

Han Yanyan said a slap, saying, "Next time. As long as the conditions are enough, everything in the world can be talked about. Boss, how do you change these down jackets?"

The stall owner quoted a price, and before Han Yanyan turned back to say hello to Xie Hao who had been blatantly digging his feet and blatantly wanted to change his job, Qi Lei had winked at his people. A soldier unwittingly opened his backpack and took out a hard currency to the stall owner. The stall owner doesn't care who pays the bill. In short, someone buys it. Bend over and stack a few down jackets. Roll it, roll it, and pass it.

The soldier took it, and handed it to Xie Hao with a wink. Xie Haowan received the hand, only woke up like a dream, and looked at Han Yanyan with a complex mood.

Han Yanyan is like a little girl who was chased by a boy behind his buttocks to pay the bill before the end of the world. He slightly held his chin up and said, "Thank you."

"A little bit, I laughed." Qi Lei waved.

"See you later." Han Yanyan nodded, and then turned to leave.

"Miss Han—" Qi Lei called her, watched her raise her eyebrows, and said, "Captain Han."

The handsome tough young man asked her with a smile: "Is Ding Yao your man?"

Han Yanyan hooked his mouth to the side, took a meaningful look at him, and turned away.

"Hey-have a meal next time?" Qi Lei shouted.

Han Yanyan made a gesture of "oK" behind him.

Qi Lei watched her leave with a smile and put her hand on the gun handle habitually. People in the army do not leave their guns, and people do not go alone. This is a habit developed in the last days.

"Sister Yan! Sister Yan!" Xie Hao trot all the way to catch up with Han Yanyan, "No, I mean what do you mean!"

The digger and the digger were both very bright and not ashamed. Instead, he was an irrelevant person, sweating anxiously.

"I'm famous. I'm new here and I don't have a deep foundation. Someone will definitely want to try and find out if I can dig me out." Han Yanyan said, "Unfortunately, they can't give any higher price than Ding Yao . "

Are you still sorry for you?

Xie Hao sweated for a while, and asked, "The management committee also contacted you?"

Han Yanyan said: "I have been hanging for so long, the management committee has not yet appeared, it is estimated that it will not appear."

Xie Haohan was even bigger. He said that it was getting cold. Why did Han Yanyan still wear that white skirt because it was conspicuous.

"It's funny," Han Yanyan said suddenly, "Ding Yao is so strong, why is he willing to take three minutes?"

"Hah?" Sister Yan, don't jump too fast, I can't keep up.

"Why?" Han Yanyan asked.

Xie Hao looked at her mouth slightly, not as if asking a question, but as if the teacher was following a good guide, and then she became tense and stuttered; Kill the ring. "

"Can't you?" Han Yanyan asked back.

Her eyes were a little scary, Xie Hao felt a little panicked.

No, Sister Yan must be kidding ... right?

After Qi Lei separated from Han Yanyan, he strolled for a while, and waited for a casual companion to return to the team and whisper to him before returning to their camp.

The troops occupied the old campus of a university. The university was originally requisitioned, and the students were demolished to the new campus outside the ancient city. As a result, the old campus had not been demolished, and the end of the world came.

The conditions must be much simpler than the Thunder, but they are suitable for the army. Among the three parties, they are the most numerous, and they cannot be accommodated elsewhere.

Qi Lei went directly to his uncle, the head of the army, Qi Qi.

"People from the management committee didn't contact her. They were better informed than us, and probably already knew that she was the captain." He said, sulking.

Qi Qi also smokes.

They really can't give better conditions than Ding Yao. Han Yanyan's fighting ability is strong, Ding Yao can give her greater power. Not on the army side.

Strange to say, many people have powers in the last days. On the contrary, there are few or weak abilities in the strongest and most powerful troops. The head of Qi Group and Qi Lei will naturally not know that this is the pattern laid down by the creators.

When the strength of the people in the troubled world is reversed, the hearts of the people are dispersed. At the beginning, Qi Qi wanted to use those powers as the main combat power, but those few thought of seizing power. Later, several **** clashes occurred. The head of Qi regiment wiped out aliens and reorganized the troops.

But a small number of abilities were gone, and the army eventually became an armed force without abilities. There are no powers in the last days, and relying on thermal weapons, these people are even more united. The structure of the troops is layer-by-layer management, with distinct levels. There are fixed turnips in each pit, and there are alternative turnips.

Here comes a phantom such as Han Yanyan. The head Qi can only provide her materially, but cannot give her more power like Ding Yao.

"Look at it again." Head Qi sighed.

The reason why a group of ordinary people without power can stand with a powerful power team like Thunder is that they are crowded, united, and ... hot weapons.

After the end of the age, the Qi commander gathered ammunition around and set up a military workshop in the school. But raw materials are getting harder.

The head of Qi group got his mind and wanted to form a team of pure abilities besides the regular troops.

In the last days, if human beings can't restore normal industrial production, they will ultimately have to rely on abilities to fight zombies. The head of Qi looked very clearly.

"Then I ... contact first?" Qi Lei asked.

The head of Qi Group asked, "What kind of person is it? I heard that it's young?"

"Very young." Qi Lei bit the word "very" heavily, paused and said, "But weirdly."


Qi Lei took two puffs of cigarettes and spit out: "I wear a silly white dress like a pure school girl."

When Han Yanyan appeared in Nanling, a white skirt and five dead bodies were taken, and it can be said that he became famous in the First World War. On the same day, the Management Committee and the head of Qi Group heard about this person. I only hate Ding Yao for his fast hand, and coaxed people away on the street.

Han Yanyan rarely shows up outside the Thunder Base, but every time he shows up, he is a white sarong, which makes many people feel speechless.

As far as Qi Lei is concerned, if two women are chased by zombies at the same time, a pair of jeans and flat shoes with short hair and a long hair fluttering white sarong, and he can only save one person. Sorry, he saved the short hair on the flats.

He didn't even bother to look at a woman who could not see the world and had a strong concave shape. However, most of them don't need to be watched, and they are almost dead. Not dead yet, that's really good luck.

However, Han Yanyan is obviously not lucky. She dare to have such a concave shape, she really has this strength.

Qi Lei was carrying the task given to him by his uncle. He originally thought he was going to see a middle school girl with the wrong line. Who knows that the real talent is wrong.

"I can't understand her. Anyone is definitely not stupid anyway," Qi Lei said, "but if she understands clearly, it depends on who has the good conditions and the conditions are enough to talk about. Probably not good with Ding Yao?"

The head of Qi Group felt a problem: "Ding Yao's wrist, shouldn't it. Isn't she just a little girl? Ding Yao can't figure her out?"

"Maybe ... just because it's a little girl, so you can't figure it out?" Qi Lei smiled with a bit of smoke.

Ding Yao recruited newcomers and readjusted the team structure. Han Yanyan directly topped the title of "Four Group Leaders" and had his own team. There are two girls on the third floor, one is a weak power, and the other is an ordinary person. They have awakened the powers that can be used for battle.

Han Yanyan's white dress, which was secretly voiced by many people, finally closed up as the weather became colder. But she and Qi Lei's nephew Qi Lei's secrets passed into Ding Yao's ear.

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