This year's winter came quickly and urgently, and it turned out to be extremely cold.

Because of Han Yanyan's reminder, the Military Department had hoarded winter goods in advance, so it was not a panic. The Thunder team has ample supplies and is not worried about the weather at all. Even the girls on the third floor still live a life full of food and drink.

After the winter, a few beautiful girls were added to the third floor, one of which was exceptionally beautiful. In the last round, this girl tried to compete with Han Yanyan for Ding Yao, but in this round, Han Yanyan not only did not sleep at all, but even dug Qi Tongtong. This girl went smoothly and smoothly Ding Yao slept.

Although Ding Yao confiscated her, she really had no other fun in this cold winter day, and could not help violently fighting with her. Other men in the team would not dare to touch her at 1:30. After all, this kind of thing has a fresh period, and no one wants to go to Hukou while Ding Yao is still fresh.

"If she can let Ding Yao accept her, I'm convinced." Qi Tongtong said, "If she can't, it's just a fool like me."

Looking back, Qi Tongtong couldn't help sighing. Fortunately, that person's stage of no ghost or ghost has passed. She and the other two young girls who climbed out from the third floor formed an iron triangle. Even if the men wanted to say something unpleasant, they dared to mutter behind, and did not dare to talk nonsense in front of them. Can't beat one person, can't beat three people together?

When it comes to combat effectiveness, none of them is mediocre.

Qi Tongtong quietly asked: "Sister Yan, Zhao Yuxuan asked me to ask, can she ..."

"She can't." Han Yanyan didn't even think about it and refused directly.

"Ah, but she ..." Qi Tongtong also wanted to fight for Zhao Yuxuan. She has a good relationship with Zhao Yuxuan.

"Not everyone can do this, there are certain numbers." Han Yanyan said.

She spoke quite mysteriously, and Qi Tongtong dared not say more. She had almost worshipped Han Yanyan. It was just that I regretted Zhao Yuxuan's heart. Zhao Yuxuan didn't have any bad eyes, so she was a little bit sad. But in fact, funeral is normal in that kind of life.

Han Yanyan looked at Qi Tongtong's expression, and said, "She doesn't even have the courage to ask it herself, and it is doomed to be the one who can't."

What she didn't say is that, in fact, this data adjustment is not only limited by anchor points and baselines, but also affected by the character's own basic data. Some people have room to adjust their basic data, such as Qi Tongtong. Li Zhou moved her hands and feet, and she became the number one in the combat platoon.

Some people have their basic data locked by their own personality logic operations, such as Zhao Yuxuan. In this way, if Li Zhou wants to adjust, it will affect the basic data calculations of the entire world. Therefore, Han Yanyan could only refuse Qi Tongtong.

Qi Tongtong heard the words and sighed.

The first snow came quickly, just like the last round. Snow flakes were the size of goose feathers and were tumbling in the air by the cold northwest wind. Looking out of the window, nothing was clear in the sky.

In heavy snow, all the team members returned and were all cats in the building of the base. Heating is definitely not available, and electricity is not enough to support so many air conditioners. Fortunately, there are abundant supplies in the clan, everyone has something in their hands, and there are no shortage of cotton quilts.

There are wooden abilities, rice and wheat grow well in snowdrifts, and food is plentiful. No one was hungry.

Fire abilities are particularly popular, not only helping to make fireballs, but also responsible for burning boilers. With them, everyone can take a hot bath. Although the bath time is limited to between 8 and 9 pm, much shorter than before, it is always better than no washing.

In the snowy weather, Han Yanyan wanted to take a beautiful nap. The bedroom next door knocked the wall.

Is this really hitting the wall against the girl's head? Han Yanyan wanted to scold his mother. There was no notice next door, and the sound was long-lasting and rhythmic. After listening for a while, Han Yanyan heard a little rhyme.

"Is the Duke of yours really so powerful, or did he exaggerate himself?" Han Yanyan asked into the air.

The attendant was standing by the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the snow outside, and turned to hear the words. The man who questioned him from the air turned over, pulled up the quilt, covered his head, blocked his ears, and showed only a black hair.

"It must have been exaggerated by myself, all men do." She mumbled in the quilt, wriggling, and wrapped herself warmer.

The attendant stood at the window with her hands in her pants pockets and looked at her.

For a moment, I really hope that this is the reality-the Duke is fiercely admired next door, and she has been here for years.

For a moment, the servant's lips even smiled, but faded quickly.

The heavy snow brought terrible cold to the world. But the old saying goes, it doesn't chill when it snows. Everyone knows that when the snow is flying, it is not the coldest time. When it snows, it will be colder.

Older and experienced people looking at the snow outside the window have already faintly thought about what kind of disaster those ordinary refugees who have no ability and lack food and clothing will encounter.

When the snow stopped, the whole world was covered with silver, and the filth and bloodiness brought to this world by the zombies could not be seen at all.

When it freezes, the zombies will also be frozen. At this time, human actions will be more convenient. The premise is that as long as these people have sufficient food reserves and winter clothing. Otherwise, before then, many people will be unable to support the first step out of this world.

Ding Yao planned to wait for the freeze to send the team out. At this time, the search team is better at recruiting people. Those ordinary people without food and winter clothing reserves have red eyes. As long as they give them a gimmick, they will do whatever they want.

The management committee is holding the "orthodox" brand, and they must make some disaster relief measures. At this time, it is in their favor to talk about the price. Ding Yao is planning to get a few buses, as well as gasoline refining from the local law of the management committee. He knew that the management committee had something in it. After all, it was the government and had some resources they didn't understand. Just look at how to pull things out of those old officials.

Beware of the military name Qi, this man is ruthless. Their food reserves are definitely better than the clan, so don't panic and fire at them at this time.

Ding Yao was sweating and thinking about these.

The new girl barked very nicely. She propped her hands on the floor-to-ceiling windows full of mist, and slid out, drawing a clear, faint sight of the situation in the courtyard below.

Ding Yao stopped the rhythm suddenly and wiped his hand on the glass. Through that piece of light, he saw Han Yanyan taking Xie Hao and Qi Tongtong out of the gate of the courtyard. The whole whiteness in the yard was stepped on by a series of footprints by the three of them.

Ding Yao frowned slightly.

What kind of weather does everyone take in cat winter?

"We didn't mean to hide it from you," Qi Tongtong said, "There is nothing to tell you about that."

Han Yanyanmu walked in front of him, Xie Hao flinched and followed.

She planned to go out and knock on Xie Hao's door, but the two guys were rolling the sheets. When did this happen? She hooked up under her eyelids and was not found by her.

In the last round, Qi Tongtong selected Zhang Quanquan, one of the best ice-powered abilities in the team.

Xie Hao secretly pulled Qi Tongtong and winked at her, and asked, "Sister Yan, where are we going?"

Although I don't know what the inexplicable emotion of Yanjie is, his Yan sister will not be angry about these little things. Unless it's really passed on to everyone, she is lace-edged, and she's right to Tongtong ... no no no, then definitely not ... right?

Han Yanyan turned around and glanced at the ugly little man with the eyes of his mother-in-law, saying, "Go to the refugee resettlement area."

There are waves of refugees coming from refugees. There are about 100,000 people in Nanling City. Someone must manage them. The management committee evolved from the former orthodox government plays this role. The allocation of houses, resettlement of refugees, organization of production, and the management committee enable the city to continue to maintain a basic form of human society.

Because of this, the military and various teams will sell the management committee some face. But again, because the military no longer listens to the command, although the management committee later set up its own phantom guard, its strength was weak, and it was also suppressed by the military and various teams.

Now that Han Yanyan has arrived, it is a period when the forces of all parties have reached a delicate balance.

The leader of the military is Qi Lei's uncle Qi, and the team is led by Thunder. Ding Yao is the boss.

Han Yanyan took Xie Hao and Qi Tongtong to step in the thick snow without ankles and walked for a long time before walking to the resettlement area. Most of the "civilians" who do not belong to the military or any clan accept the arrangements of the management committee and live in resettlement houses.

There is actually no scope for resettlement houses. Anyway, everyone assumes that empty houses that are not occupied by any team can be arranged by the management committee. However, if the house arranged by the management committee is taken care of by any subsequent team, it will not be managed by the management committee. The main task of the management committee's own guard is to protect the materials of the management committee, not to resolve various disputes in Nanling City.

"Civilians" were bullied and had no reason to go. The clan and the clan rely on strength to speak, their fists are hard and rational. A delicate balance is maintained between Ding Yao and Qi Qi.

Han Yanyan is satisfied with the small society in which the human settlement is built. In her opinion, all logic makes sense. There was only one thing she felt illogical.

In this world, Ding Yao is the strongest power in the Nanling settlement, and out of the frame of this world, Yao Callander, Duke of Klinn, is such a magnificent figure. A small society with more than 100,000 people is stuck. Why hasn't he become the king of Nanling? Why is Nanling still three points in the Thunder Team, the Management Committee and the military?

When she was building the eschatological world for the second time, she looked at the copied data and went by, and she wanted to understand.

It wasn't that Ding Yao's logic went wrong, but her thinking went wrong.

As the creator of the world, she is standing outside the world frame, from the perspective of looking at the "male lead". Of course, she thinks that the "male lead" should be cool, handsome and dominate the world.

But this system is called "simulation" because it realistically simulates the real world. In this world, Ding Yao views all issues with real-world logic. His logic comes from Duke Kling, who is the head of a political force. He is a politician and his thinking is politician thinking.

The greatest thing in politics is compromise and balance.

In the context of zombies outside, as the leader of the Thunder team, Ding Yao, while developing his own forces, maintained the balance of the three parties' forces unbroken.

After all, Ding Yao didn't know he was the "male lead".

But Han Yanyan is different. She doesn't care about these political balances, and she doesn't need to care about the Thunder team or anyone at all, including Xie Hao and Qi Tongtong who are following her at this time. In this world, she and Ding Yao are the only real beings.

Awakening Duke Kling is the sole purpose of this world's existence.

Therefore, she intends to break the existing political balance in the world.

Because balance represents stability, security is the sleep of the Duke Kling. This man needs a needle-like stimulus.

Han Yanyan took Xie Hao and Qi Tongtong to the resettlement housing area.

Nanling is an ancient city. In the past, in order to protect the cultural landscape here, high-rises were not allowed to be built within the walls of the ancient city. Therefore, in the ancient city, there were many low-rise buildings, including bungalows and courtyards. Many of the refugees who have been settled in these courtyards have now become large miscellaneous courtyards, and even many shacks have been built.

Han Yanyan walked into an alley and kicked a corpse-apparently frozen to death. People in the Thunder Team, even the girls on the third floor, have food and drink, and survival is not a problem. In fact, it is normal to die of hunger in the ancient city of Nanling.

Duke Kling was born with a golden spoon. He would pay attention to the political balance at the top, but would not really see the suffering at the bottom. What's more, the laws of the jungle prevail in end-of-life society, and those who will die in the resettlement area are the weakest and weakest.

Ding Yao said that "all things are used," but in his opinion, these people may not even deserve the word.

Han Yanyan turned his head and said to Xie Hao, "Take out those winter clothes I stocked."

Xie Hao had long suspected it, and now it looks like that, he sighed softly.

The news of Han Yanyan of the Thunder Team distributing the winter clothes and food to the refugees in the resettlement area like a virgin, spread to Nanling in two or three days. Anyone who knows knows.

Nanling City is a mess.

As soon as Han Yanyan entered the Thunder, he quickly rose to become the No. 2 person in the team. She is so powerful that no one dares to oppose it. But this does not mean that everyone is happy about this situation.

Zhang Quanquan first jumped out to question Han Yanyan's behavior and suspected that she had corrupted the team's public supplies.

Faced with the inquiries of Zhang Quanquan in the cafeteria, Han Yanyan said calmly: "The publicly owned materials in Xiao Xie's space have been registered, and there will be no less. I distribute my personal materials."

In the Thunder team, the distribution is flexible. First of all, the basic survival needs of the players are guaranteed, and the rest are allocated according to abilities and follow the law of the jungle. Simply put, the harder your fists, the more you get.

Han Yanyan's fist is hard enough, so she has allocated a lot of materials, even more than a team. If the Virgin Heart breaks out and she takes out all her net worth, she can really support the cost.

Everyone's look at her was very complicated. Some people wept, some admired her, and some thought she was a fool, but she didn't dare to say it.

Ding Yao called her to his room to talk alone.

"Why do you do this?" He asked.

Han Yanyan sat opposite him and replied, "Probably because I'm still personal."

"No point," Ding Yao said indifferently, "no value."

He omitted the subject in front of "no value," but Han Yanyan understood that it was those people she was helping.

She stared at Ding Yao for a long time, she wanted to see through this layer of shell called "Ding Yao", and looked directly at Yao Callander's soul.

"There is no meaning and value, they ... are people," she said.

Ding Yao frowned. He has always admired Han Yanyan, feeling that her behavior logic is similar to him, understand each other and act tacitly. But now, something contrary to him appeared in her behavioral logic.

But Han Yanyan assured him, "I use all my personal property and absolutely no corruption of public funds."

If this is the case, Ding Yao has no reason to forcibly stop her even if she sniffs again.

Han Yanyan not only did not want Ding Yao to stop her, she also wanted to fate with Ding Yao. When it comes to getting up, Ding Yao is definitely the richest man in Nanling.

"Ding Yao." She stood up, walked around the coffee table, walked in front of Ding Yao, supported Ding Yao's sofa back with one hand, and leaned down to smile sweetly to him, "I don't have much savings. Your wealth is so rich and support Click? "

Ding Yao felt ridiculous.

In the first place, he would not make such unrewarded investments. How could she feel that she could treat him like a head of injustice?

Then, her position was weird. Condescending the person below, this will usually be the posture he adopts for women. Looking down by a woman in this position was very weird.

In short, Ding Yao's absurdity at this moment is very strong.

But he looked up at Han Yanyan, and he saw her with a smile and a look of playfulness in her eyes. She leaned down against him, a white face ten centimeters from the tip of his nose, exhaling like blue.

Han Yanyan often feels indifferent. Although he has the trust to live and die with him, he never approached him intentionally.

Ding Yao could not help holding his breath slightly.

"Ding Yao, don't be stingy." Han Yanyan smiled, and it was sweet and greasy.

Ding Yao felt very uncomfortable.

She should calmly reject her unreasonable request, Ding Yao knew very well. Ke Zhang said, but said: "Call Xie Hao to come to me."

"Thank you!" Han Yanyan got up quickly and left quickly.

Ding Yao stared silently at her disappearing back, and lowered his head and rubbed his forehead—it must have been Junjun's possession.

He didn't know that the attendant stood behind the sofa and rubbed his forehead.

Han Yanyan hummed to Xiaoqu and walked to the elevator. The elevator door opened before pressing the button. The thunder most beautiful girl came out.

"Captain Han." She greeted her carefully.

Although this girl is not living on the fifth floor now, it seems that the words "I am the boss's woman" are engraved on her forehead.

Han Yanyan nodded indifferently, flashed sideways into the elevator and pressed the button on the second floor-Xie Hao and Qi Tongtong both lived on the second floor. As he raised his eyes, he went through the narrow slit where the elevator door was about to close, and saw the most beautiful girl in Quan Thunder peeping at her.

Han Yanyan suddenly raised his eyes. Although his eyes were not as sharp as those of Ding Yao, his pupils were dark and his eyes were faint. The girl could not help but open her eyes.

She was relieved until the elevator doors were closed.

It ’s not that pretty, either. The legs are good, but the **** are not as big as hers, but it ’s just amazing, she thought.

Why did Ding Yao remember her?

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