Married and married Yao Chen. He said to her, "Mine will be yours in the future."

Quite a bit, "Look, this is the river and mountains that I laid for you". But in fact, although Han Yanyan can swipe his card casually and use cash in the safe at will, he can buy as much expensive jewelry as possible, but Yao Chen never let Han Yanyan hold any assets.

Han Yan Fireworks used his food to eat him, and he could only lie in his palm and live by him.

This man is too accustomed to control and manipulation, including to his wife. Even if he really likes her and cannot do without it, he cannot change his habit of fundamentally controlling her life.

This is the best, if he can master her completely, he can trust her with confidence.

Do it now, just for that.

The life of a graduate student does not seem to differ much from that of an undergraduate. Compared to her busy classmates, Han Yanyan is contrasted with more leisure. After all, the pursuit of life is different.

Han Yanyan said to Yao Chen, "I can arrange some time now. Is there anything I can do next to you?"

Yao Chen mentioned before that she would help him to do things. At that time, she was going to take a postgraduate entrance examination, but she temporarily pushed it out. It was reasonable and reasonable for her to raise it now. Yao Chen didn't even have to think about it. He said, "Okay, you follow me." Let her be his secretary first.

In fact, it was just trying to put her beside him with peace of mind and eyes, taking it out with face.

Han Yanyan does not work, and arranges to go to the company two or three days a week. But even so, Yao Chen quickly discovered that Han Yanyan was particularly relieved to use it. What he can think of, she can think of, where he can't think of it, she can still think of it.

She is like a born professional, which makes Yao Chen really find a treasure.

After half a year, Yao Chen let her get the title of "financial manager". Men do things, women manage money, is a common model of many family business couples. Han Yanyan touched Yao Chen's finances and fainted some veins. It's just that she doesn't have that much power, and Yao Chen has little business.

She can't become fat by a single stutter, she is not in a hurry, goes to school quietly, and does her work steadily.

She still does not have her own independent society. Her friends are all his friends, and the people she deals with are the ones he needs to deal with.

She's been like this since the beginning, and Yao Chen has gotten used to it. He had a strong feeling that Han Yanyan "belongs to him", is his "vassal" and is therefore reliable. This feeling is a comfort zone in the relationship between two people. Once Yao Chen entered this comfort zone, he was unwilling to step out.

Han Yanyan often wears headphones in school. It is her habit to study while listening, and listening.

She listened to Yao Chen's purchase arrangement and called Jiang Yan.

The first two cooperations established a sense of trust between the two people. Jiang Yan did not ask who she was, he only asked her: "Be careful yourself."

The content she disclosed was too detailed and accurate, indicating that she must be a close person around Yao Chen. Such a betrayal of Yao Chen, once found, is likely to end up at the bottom of the Qingshuiwan River.

Jiang Yan's concern revived Han Yanyan's memory as a "women Han Yanyan."

She actually did less than ten minutes as a policewoman, but received all the memories and skills of policewoman Han Yanyan.

In her memory, the policewoman Han Yanyan and Jiang Yan were in a half-dark and half-dark relationship with each other. They had dated twice as if they were working meals, but they never made it clear. She also remembered many colleagues in the police station, who struggled with crime to the end, and sometimes faced **** life and death.

There is also Xiao Yang, a young man full of blood. At that time, "Policewoman Han Yanyan" had argued with Jiang Yan and felt that he was not suitable for undercover. But Jiang Yan needed a new face and sent him away.

Young people are seeking thrills and thrills. When undercover is really attractive to Xiao Yang who just came out of the police academy. His eyes glowed when he took on the task.

"Sister Yanyan, don't worry! I can do it!" He assured her.

It was the policewoman Han Yanyan who selected him from several excellent police school graduates to join the police force. The two of them should not have an incense.

Han Yanyan should have hung up at this time, but she couldn't help but say, "If possible, transfer Yang Jun back. He is too young, and may be impulsive and dangerous."

Jiang Yan's voice changed: "How did you know Yang Jun?"

Han Yanyan was silent for a while and hung up the phone directly. It shouldn't be nosy, she thought.

When the world is over and everything is gone, why care?

But the reason why a person is a person is that he has all kinds of emotions and desires, and that there is always an inextricable connection between people and other people in this world. Han Yanyan kept his head clear and emotional restraint in this world, but after all he did not live himself as a god.

Because of the precise information she provided, Yao Chen's deal was a disaster, she lost her goods and died. It's a pity that he has stopped showing up in person for this transaction, and has provided the second level of insurance-in the event of an accident, he will collapse. But this is still a major victory for the police.

The happier the police, the less happy Yao Chen was. He had realized that there was an inner ghost, and with his temperament, how could he continue to tolerate it.

Han Yanyan watched the subtitles of the TV series at home, and listened to the monitor in the headset with all his heart. This night, something unexpected happened.

Yao Chen was in his extended luxury car at this time, and the eavesdropper was hidden by Han Yanyan in a hidden place in the car. Suddenly she heard the door open, and Sanhu's voice said, "Brother, this is the kid."

Those noises showed that Yao Chen got out of the car. Fortunately, they stood beside the car and talked. A professional-level eavesdropper allows Han Yanyan to dimly hear the conversation.

"That's the kid!"

"It's pretty irritating, Mom is so daring!"

Yao Chen's footsteps went away, and his voice became blurred. There are some conversations in the distance, but I can't hear you.

But a sudden scream made Han Yanyan's heart choke for a while-it was Xiao Yang!

Footsteps approached, and Yao Chen returned to the car. Han Yanyan heard him say, "Old rules deal with it."

Han Yanyan also heard a response from the three tigers, and then the door was closed, and those sounds were cut off. Quiet, Yao Chen should be going home.

Don't worry about anyone except the mission goals.


Went to his!

Han Yanyan immediately called Jiang Yan: "Jiang Team! Xiaojun is exposed, there is danger to his life, locate him immediately, and rescue immediately!"

Jiang Yan was washed and ready to sleep. He was surprised by the call and said instinctively, "I see, now!"

He slipped on his shoes and ran out, calling while arranging. As soon as it was time to make the phone call, he drove in the car and held the steering wheel and suddenly responded.

The mysterious informer called him "Jiang Team" too familiar. He also knew that Yang Jun's necklace pendant had a positioning chip. Even more weird, he was called "Little Jun".

There is only one person in the police team named Xiaojun Xiaojun. It is one of his female subordinates, and he has an affection for each other. The two have already made it clear, and now they are keeping secret from their colleagues.

It was she who picked Xiao Yang into the police from several equally outstanding fresh graduates. With this incense, she was very unusual for this child. Instead of calling him Xiao Yang, he called him "Xiao Jun ".

Jiang Yan felt an inexplicable feeling, but at this moment Yang Jun's life was on the eve, he couldn't help thinking about it.

Han Yanyan, who hung up the phone, also choked.

At that moment, she was possessed by "Policewoman Han Yanyan". During the brief call, her emotional cognition, her way of thinking, and her language habits all belonged to the “Policewoman Han Yanyan”.

This is really going to be fine!

Han Yanyan pulled his hair.

But she suddenly paused, and there was a lightning flash across her head.

She once suspected that Yao Chen was Ding Yao, but later she doubted it.

She suddenly thought at this time, what if Ding Yao was like her? In the new world, not only has a new body, but also a new personality.

As a tasker, she kept all the memories and knew clearly who she was. But even so, she will be affected by human settings, from time to time by the possession of fine. So what about Ding Yao who had no previous world memory? People who have lost their memory and self are not just fine points, they should be ... holistic recipients, right?

But if "Yao Chen" is just a person, how can he ensure that "Ding Yao" is his essence? More likely, "Ding Yao" is just a man!

These thoughts illuminated Han Yanyan's brain like lightning and thunder. By mashing up the doubts she had from the beginning and the doubts that came later, something slowly took shape, and the shadow of the truth was looming.

Yao Chen returned home and saw Han Yanyan sitting on the sofa in a daze. The TV was on and there was something unintelligible. She was obviously not watching TV, and she didn't even focus.

"Hey! What's wrong?" He shook his hand in front of her eyes.

Han Yanyan woke up and patted his heart and complained: "Frightened, you can't even speak how to walk!"

Yao Chen is happy. He had just spotted the spy and was in a good mood. He asked, "What do you want?"

Han Yanyan sighed and said, "I want to live."

Yao Chen was amused by her old-fashioned tone. He overwhelmed her on the sofa, pulled the collar of his shirt and said, "Come and come, let me talk about life with you ..."

The communication of life is in full swing. After the end, Han Yanyan lies on Yao Chen's chest softly, watching him light a cigarette afterwards.

Yao Chen swallowed a bit of white smoke and looked down to see his little Jiao wife, with black eyes like him looking at him.

"Yao Chen, you must be sorry for me in your last life, maybe you will take me to block the knife at the moment of life and death, and you will meet me in this life." She said, "It is really a sin."

Yao Chen trembled with a smile: "Say it the other way around, you should be sorry for me last life, and this life will fall into my hands."

"Ah!" Han Yanyan suddenly got up, "I forgot to bring you the soup that I cooked for one night."

Since becoming a wife, she has also started to make soup. Yao Chen likes her like this. Sure enough, her heart settled, no matter how reluctant she was, she was willing to live with him.

He drank the soup from Han Yanyan's heart, and was very relaxed.

Home is a relaxing place, and his wife is a reassuring person.

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