Yao Chen kicked the table over.

"You fucking! Whose money was collected! You dare talk nonsense!" He grabbed Lao Wu's collar, and Lao Wu was strangled and unable to breathe.

The police in the room reacted and used an electric baton to separate them.

Lao Wu was rescued, snoring and holding his knees, panting, and quickly stopped the police from using further force on Yao Chen.

He pulled his tie, loosened his collar, and sat next to Yao Chen with a buttock. "I have been with you for more than ten years. When did I tell you a lie?"

Yao Chen had just been shocked and couldn't get up. He lay on the ground and gritted his teeth: "I! No! Believe!"

Old Wu also felt sad, shook his head, and sighed: "Gentle township, heroic grave."

"You, old man, you are planted in this woman ..."

Yao Chen asked to see Han Yanyan.

No matter what Lao Wu said, Han Yanyan refused to believe it one day without confessing it himself. But Han Yanyan refused to meet him.

Yao Chen only met his wife in court two months later. It was also at that moment that he truly believed that it was her, who was deliberately collecting evidence, ventilating reports, and finally gave him a fatal blow.

He stared at the woman dead.

She was wearing loose clothing and had not seen her for two months. Her belly was already big. This posture softened her charming face. She put her hand on the country's constitution and vowed to be true.

As a wife of Yao Chen and a pillow trusted by him, she knows too much and it is important. The evidence she got in her power was too deadly. Yao Chen has no capital to withdraw his confession.

He kept staring at her while she was testifying in court.

She is emotionally stable and has a gentle tone.

How can a woman maintain such calmness when she sends her husband and father of the child in her womb into a mortal situation?

How does her heart grow?

Is she interested?

Yao Chen's hands were fisted until his joints became pale.

Han Yanyan has always avoided the sight of Yao Chen. Based on the experience that Qiao Wenxing got from the last world, she feels that the world can end here around the court. That being the case, she didn't need to contact him again.

Because of this, the children in her stomach developed naturally and did not go to abortion.

Anyway, it will disappear with the world.

But when the judge announced in court that Yao Chen and his important affiliates were sentenced to death, the world did not show any changes, did not shake the mountain, and did not eat all the white light.

Han Yanyan frowned slightly, looked up slightly, and looked around. Does it have to wait until Yao Chen is executed?

Or did she ... use the wrong method this time?

Han Yanyan finally set his sights on Yao Chen, only to find that Yao Chen had been staring at her.

The man's eyes were red with suffocation under his eyes. If he is not handcuffed now, or is not standing behind an iron fence, he will probably come up and peel her and bonnet her.

Han Yanyan felt breathless.

She stared at him for a while and looked away.

Yao Chen is today because of his crimes and crimes.

Yao Chen is today because of his crimes and crimes.

Yao Chen is today because of his crimes and crimes.

Han Yanyan meditated in his heart.

She once again thanked the person who set the mission goals in this world, because Yao Chen was such a bad guy and villain, that she could be sent to court and sent to prison without psychological pressure.

He was just paying for his sins.

Not because of her.

Stepped out of the court, clear sky. Jiang Yan took a deep breath, and felt that the things that had been pressing his mind over the years were finally gone, and there was a sense of relaxation in the sky and clouds.

Looking at the same sky, Han Yanyan didn't feel that way. She frowned deeply, wondering why this was the case? Why doesn't this world end? Why is there not even a trace of it?

Even a small earthquake can give her peace of mind.

"Then ... what are you going to do in the future?" Jiang Yan asked her.

Han Yanyan asked: "When will the house be sealed?"

"I can make them two days later ..." Jiang Yan hinted to her, "If you have anything you need, hurry up and go back to pack."

Because of the frozen inventory of Yao Chen's assets, incidentally, Han Yanyan's assets were also inspected. Jiang Yan found nothing in her name, and all her assets were in Yao Chen's name. Her bank account has only a few hundred thousand, which is an okay deposit for the average wage earner. Compared with her previous standard of living, it may be just a bag and a bracelet.

There should still be some valuable things or some cash in that mansion. Jiang Yan can give her some leniency with her authority and let her "clean up."

But even if it was sold into money, that money would not make her live a life again.

Jiang Yan had a mixed taste in Chen Min's heart. She pulled Yao Chen down by herself. What was the picture?

Han Yanyan returned to her and Yao Chen's home. Everything is the same here, only one man is missing.

This man had a fierce **** with her in every corner of the house, and he would also help clumsily when she cooks for him, messing up the kitchen. He took her overbearingly and waited tenderly. The matter between two people can be properly written into a romance novel, and there is a pen.

Han Yanyan returned to this home and looked around for a week, feeling that the room was cold and strange.

She was not in a hurry to "clean up", whether it was clothing or money jewelry, it was not important to her. How to end this world is important.

In contrast, the last world of Qiao Wenxing was too easy. She didn't need to fight him head-on, almost lying down to complete the task. In this world, she almost exhausted her painstaking efforts, as opposed to Yao Chen day and night, but until this step was reached, the world showed no signs of ending.

Han Yanyan thought for a long time and had no clue.

She tried to call Leo, but still didn't respond.

Han Yanyan was pregnant and easily tired. She finally gave up, her genius was dark, and she washed and slept early.

It's always dry in autumn, and Han Yanyan can't sleep. She yawned and went downstairs to drink water.

She didn't turn on the lights downstairs, she touched in the dark with her familiarity with her own home. I didn't see a dark living room. There was a man sitting on the sofa, staring at her with dark eyes.

The pregnant woman had too much firepower and felt panicked. Han Yanyan wanted to drink something cold. She touched the refrigerator, opened the door, took out a bottle of ice water, and unscrewed it.

Shut the refrigerator door smoothly, there is a bald man standing beside the door, it is a tiger!

Han Yanyan's pupils shrank, and the ice water fell to the ground and spilled. The three tigers didn't wait for her to run, already grabbed her hair and pulled her over.

"Bitch!" He cursed, dragging Han Yanyan away.

There were no people nearby, the house was extremely soundproof, and yelling was useless. Han Yanyan didn't call, struggling quietly.

The light in the living room suddenly turned on, Han Yanyan's eyes stung, and he closed tightly for a moment. Three tigers dragged her hair and dragged her to the living room. Han Yanyan opened his eyes and saw that the man sitting on the sofa was Yao Chen.

He sat there, always resting his ankle on his knee, resting his right hand on his knee, playing with a flying knife. The sharp knife twirled between his long fingers, as if stuck to his hand.

Han Yanyan was pulled by the three tigers, pressing his scalp, his lips tightly watching Yao Chen.

Just then, her cell phone on the coffee table in the living room rang. The caller ID was Jiang Yan, and the two men in the living room had their eyes fixed.

Yao Chen leaned down to pick up the phone, clicked "connect", and put it on Han Yanyan's cheek.

"Miss Han! Are you at home now? Just received the news that the police car that transferred Yao Chen was robbed! Yao Chen escaped, he may seek revenge on you, stay there and stay, I will take someone over!" Anxiously said.

Han Yanyan looked into Yao Chen's eyes and calmly replied, "I'm at home, I'll wait for you."

The phone hung up, and Sanhu slapped in the face: "Smelly bitch!"

The police car was robbed. The three tigers fled innocently at first, and when they heard the news of Yao Chen's downfall, they quietly returned, knowing that Han Chen was the one who toppled Yao Chen and immediately understood who had separated him and Yao Chen.

Han Yanyan slap on the sofa, bumped his raised abdomen, his face appeared painful.

The muscles on Yao Chen's cheeks twisted, and he caught San Hu's wrists stupidly, preventing his next move.

"Brother! Let me kill this bitch!" San Hu said with gritted teeth.

"You go out, let me say a few words with her alone." This is the end of the matter, and it is irretrievable, and Yao Chen is calm.

The three tigers went out angrily to take the wind.

Han Yanyan turned over.

Yao Chen reached in front of her and reached out with her thumb to wipe the blood off the corner of her mouth. Even now, she didn't panic in her eyes, nor was she afraid.

What kind of woman is his wife? He married her without even knowing it.

Yao Chen crouched down in front of Han Yanyan. Han Yanyan instinctively shrank back against the sofa, his body tightened. Yao Chen looked at her for a while, and her gaze fell on her round, ball-like abdomen.

He reached out and stroked the swollen belly gently and asked her, "Are there any moves?"

Han Yanyan was silent.

Yao Chen put her hand on her stomach, raised her eyes, and said gently, "Tell me, who is this child?"

Yao Chen is just like Jiang Yan who belongs to this world. Neither of them can transcend this world. Therefore, they can only think and explore the motivation of Han Yanyan to betray him.

He even guessed in the same direction as Jiang Yan, thinking that Han Yanyan must have had another man.

Only stupid love can make people blind. Only then will Han Yanyan lose everything and kill him.

But Han Yanyan said: "I worked hard with you for eight months before conceiving this child, of course it was yours."

She looked into his eyes and told him gently: "Yao Chen, I have no other man."

Yao Chen stared at her eyes and reasonably told him that she was telling the truth.

"Before I knew you, we had vengeance, didn't we?" He asked.

Han Yanyan said, "No."

Yao Chen's voice was as gentle as a wolf who coaxed Little Red Riding Hood. He said, "Tell me the truth, don't be afraid, I don't hit women."

Han Yanyan stared at him for a moment and said, "But you will kill a woman, right?"

Yao Chen's complexion changed greatly. He stood up and took two steps back.

Han Yanyan looked at the man and told the secret he had buried in his heart.

"There are two unclaimed and unidentifiable bodies in the police morgue. One is a male, your father, and the other a female, your mother." She said, "Your mother is not Your dad killed her, you killed her, right? "

Yao Chen's cheek muscles are twisted.

That night was the turning point in his life.

"She was beaten every day. That man nearly killed her that day." He gritted his teeth. "I killed the man and she hit me like crazy. She said that without him, she couldn't live. Now. In this case, I ... have done her well. "

His whole life has been distorted since then, and he continues to this day.

Han Yanyan was very sorry for him, but her hand still quietly reached into the gap of the sofa cushion ...

Yao Chen suddenly found her movement! His pupils shrank!

Han Yanyan realized that his movements had been discovered at the moment when his eyes moved slightly. She no longer hesitated, and immediately took out the gun hidden there from the gap in the sofa.

Yao Chen gave Han Yanyan too much power, and it was not difficult for Han Yanyan to let his people get a gun for her, without even letting Yao Chen know.

Han Yanyan aimed Yao Chen with the gun obtained by Yao Chen and pulled the trigger.

This is the second time she has fired on Yao Chen. This time, what will happen?

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