The younger a human is, the stronger his metabolism is. Especially in his infancy, Ding Yao's **** started to recover after two days of drying. Han Yanyan not only seriously applied the ointment to him, but also wrapped him in diapers when he was at home.

"Pissing after crying," she said, "so my mother knows."

Since she didn't dislike it, Ding Yao wouldn't be wronged. He worked hard to save himself, drank a lot of water than the baby's normal amount to hedge against constipation caused by a single rice soup. The situation really eased a lot.

Two days later, Han Yanyan wrapped him more tightly than usual, taking him to a minecart, then taking an elevator to the top of the mountain and out of the mine. This is Ding Yao's first visit to the "outside" since he opened his eyes.

It's a pity that everything is vague, only to see a few huge shadows in the sky.

Suddenly I heard Han Yanyan said, "There is another ship coming."

ferry? Is it near the sea here? Ke Dingyao stopped with his ears supported. The baby's sensitive hearing did not hear any sea waves, but only heard the wind everywhere. The temperature was like late autumn, and it was a bit cold.

Han Yanyan seemed to have something to embarrass. He sighed for a while, and finally sighed and gave up.

"Wait for you to be bigger. You are too young and too soft to run with you when you meet someone." She patted him gently. "Grow up quickly, even the environment is getting worse and worse, weaker The ordered animals can hardly survive here, let alone human children. "

Ding Yao's eyes closed and he opened them again. The baby's small mouth squeezed tightly. Looking up at Han Yanyan's arms, he stared at the sky that could not see at all.

Although he did not see the "boat", Ding Yao speculated that because the "boat" came, there is probably an opportunity to earn coins or supplies to the "boat". But because of him, the girl did not go out again. She only carried him down to the mine every day.

Not only is the mine deep, but the structure is as complex as an ant's nest. Ding Yao never met anyone in it, and he speculated that this was a mine vein that had been mined and abandoned. And the girl digging inside is actually the corners and corners left after the main vein was hollowed out, that is, leaking.

She seems to live on this.

But it's really hard to tell if she leaks such a thing. She digs hard for a day, sometimes she can dig out a few pieces. If she is unlucky, it is also possible to have one piece all day. Her instrument of detection was also ineffective, not very reliable.

One day when he returned to the cave, Han Yanyan took out some of the excavated pieces from his belt and threw them on a wooden box used as a dining table. The biggest piece is just a big baby fist.

Although Ding Yao could not see clearly, the voice of Dang Dang Dang suddenly made him react. This sound is not exactly the same as the sound of the "money" that Han Yanyan used to take him out of the market to sell goods and purchase daily necessities? It turns out that this ore can be used directly as currency.

Ding Yao has realized that many parts of this world are different from the ordinary world. But he came from the end of the zombie, and no matter what the world is, it doesn't surprise him much.

He only cares if he can survive safely, grow up healthy, and then become stronger.

However, if I want to grow up, I have to drink bite by bite.

Ding Yao was agitated.

Ding Yao felt that he was growing too slowly, and Han Yanyan swelled as he looked like he was blowing air, one day at a time.

Ding Yao's vision grew day by day. By the full moon, he could already fix his gaze. When he woke up that day, he felt a clearer look. When Han Yanyan held him in his arms, he tried to stare at her, and finally saw her face clearly for the first time.

Sure enough, as he thought, the girl who called herself "Mom" was just a girl, definitely not more than twenty years old.

Strictly speaking, it is a young and beautiful girl.

Although there is a messy and savage hair that grows like a bird's nest, it doesn't hinder the bright and charming face that appears after curling up the hair.

Unfortunately, Ding Yao was not happy at all when he saw this face clearly. He'd rather she be an ugly girl. In this apparently unsettling environment, she has such a troubled face, which is undoubtedly making it difficult for the two to survive.

Seeing this girl, he couldn't help thinking of Han Yanyan, the last woman in his life. Han Yanyan was only eighteen when he was with him at first, looking at a little older than this girl, but not mature at all. After all, I want to walk among the crowd and have seen it.

The girl lived alone and lived alone, with a look of innocence in her eyes that worried Ding Yao. She has Zhang Shuishui's face. If her heart is naive and innocent ... Ding Yao's heart can't help sinking.

At this moment, he couldn't help but miss Han Yanyan. Han Yanyan has a fierce energy. After his careful polishing, what a surprise.

To the dead ... Don't look back, Ding Yao calmed down and warned himself.

But this girl was really very gentle to him. She never separated from him, and was together for 24 hours. She boiled the rice soup thick every day to feed him, ensuring that he would be full. She would give him a bath every few days and apply him some unknown ointment on the butt, so that his little **** would no longer fester. She would hold him in her arms, shaking gently, soothing gently.

Every day before going to bed, she would pinch his fleshy little hand and whisper to him: "Mom loves Xiaoyao."

Ding Yao had no word about her having to call herself "Mom", but gradually, he became accustomed to her breath without knowing it.

When Ding Yao was more than two months old, some of their living supplies were in short supply. Han Yanyan is going to take him to a market.

He knew what Han Yanyan was going to do, because the girl often “talked” to him—if she talked to herself. She must have been lonely for too long, and finally had an audience. Although he had not yet entered the stage of learning, she was also willing to talk to him. Tell him about his family, or what to do next.

This allowed Ding Yao to have more information, and he felt good. I don't think she's so stingy like a neurosis anymore.

The girl went out to clean up almost like wearing a battle suit. She had two guns pinned to her waist and a dagger tied to her thigh. The hair that was originally chaotic as a henhouse was deliberately torn even more, and the face was painted with black oil paint totem-like patterns. If she doesn't wash her face in this way, she can't see that this is a beautiful beauty ... embryo.

Ding Yao was relieved to see her dressing herself like this. Looking at immature, it turned out not to be stupid.

He suddenly reacted. She bathed very often, but her hair was always messy and unorganized. It was intentional to come. In order to get out this time, she has n’t taken a bath for several days. She works under the mine every day, and she can smell sour when she approaches.

This sour smell has been smoking Ding Yao for several days, but now he understands that this is one of her protection measures, and he feels very happy.

This girl is not only stupid, but rather clever. This cleverness is his guarantee. Judging from the current situation, at least the next ten years, his safety will be tied to her. Naturally, the smarter she is, the better.

The weather was getting colder and Han Yanyan hardly took Ding Yao out of the mine. She just took him to Tiandong every few days to bask in the sun. Ding Yao only felt that there should be geothermal heat below this mountain range. The deeper the mine cave, the warmer it became.

This is the second time Ding Yao left the mine since he opened his eyes. The last time he felt vaguely a huge shadow in the sky, this time, he was taken out of the mine by Han Yanyan and saw the sky.

Although his vision is still weak, the thing in the sky is too huge, which makes up for the lack of depth of vision. So he can still see clearly. On the gray sky, there are five or six huge planets.

That turned out to be the case.

In fact, after Ding Yao opened his eyes, he saw the strange and strange equipment in Han Yanyan's cave, and he had guessed. What he saw now only confirmed the guess. It turned out that he was born on another planet.

Looking at the stuff in the Hanyan smoke hole, a pot of rice and water was irradiated with light for less than a minute, and it became thick rice porridge. Obviously, the technology level of this planet is far higher than his hometown.

Therefore, Ding Yao was not surprised when he saw that Han Yanyan had no tire and was suspended from the ground by a "motorcycle" of a shuttle.

How the environment is not important, what is important is how he survives in such an environment.

Han Yanyan fed Ding Yao as usual before going out and wrapped him with a urine pad. After all, it would be more convenient to go out. As the shuttle flew over the ridge and headed towards a place with smoke, a huge shadow drifted in the sky.

Seeing that shadow, Ding Yao understood what Han Yanyan said "the ship is coming" two months ago. It turned out that ... the spaceship came, no wonder he couldn't hear the sound of the waves.

Shuttle carrying Han Yanyan and Ding Yao run counter to the spaceship. Ding Yao still slept on the road and woke up to the market. In fact, it is not accurate enough to say that it is a market, more accurately, it is a small town with a lot of people.

Upon entering the town, Ding Yao felt a familiar atmosphere even though he couldn't see clearly, nervous and dangerous, as if suddenly returning to the last days. In a place where resources are tight and order is disrupted, such an atmosphere naturally occurs.

Han Yanyan also clearly understood her face. Not only was the black oil paint painted on her face, she also wore a mask, her hair was disheveled and her hair was stinky. These are all camouflages for her self-protection. Ding Yao hopes these camouflages will work.

Han Yanyan has nothing to sell this time. She went directly to the shop where she last bought living supplies in bulk.

She really needs a lot this time. In addition to her daily needs, she asked, "Can't you make warm cloth?"

The other party said, "You can't do it, you lack materials."

Han Yanyan asked him what he was missing, and the man told her. Han Yanyan said: "I just saw someone selling on Hengjie."

The other person said lazily: "Then you buy it, I'll do it for you. I don't run this leg anyway."

Han Yanyan had no choice but to run back to buy it himself. There are more people in Hengjie, and many people sell their stuff along the street. Han Yanyan didn't dare to stay more, pressed his throat to talk about the price, and dragged a half-bag of materials back.

The owner picked up the materials and said to her, "Wait." He turned in and went in.

"Here is the regeneration of materials. The materials are sterilized and recycled." Han Yanyan saw Ding Yao looking at him with **** eyes, and lowered his voice to him. "It's getting colder and colder, keep warm Let me make some clothes and wrap for you. "

She always explained and explained to him in the cave. Ding Yao got used to it, only felt that she was alone for too long and needed to talk to someone.

Han Yanyan thought for a while and said, "Wait a long time, let's go buy food first."

She took him across three streets and went to another shop. Said it was "grain", but bought only a few boxes like tea boxes. Han Yanyan also opened the lid of the box and looked at it, smelled it again, and then paid for it, putting the box in his backpack.

With Ding Yao, she left this shop selling food. But only after walking across a street, she suddenly hurried and turned.

Ding Yao's eyesight is poor, but his hearing is very sharp. The pace of her footsteps changed, and his eyes closed, his eyes opened wide.

Han Yanyan hurriedly walked away and quickly left the crowd.

After leaving the bustling area, there are still many houses. The town can see that when it was really prosperous in the past, it should be called a city, but outside the bustling area, houses and buildings have collapsed and become ruined for a long time.

Although Han Yanyan had a Ding Yao hanging on his body and a backpack on his back, he was still light and quickly found a place to hide.

After hiding, her left hand reached into the bib, and the tip of her index finger pressed Ding Yao's lips. Ding Yao knew that this was to prevent him from crying suddenly. He opened his mouth, slightly covering the fingertips, reassuring her.

At this moment, he heard clear footsteps. Someone found Han Yanyan on the commercial street and followed Han Yanyan. With my feet, I want to know that in this environment, it can never be a good thing.

Ding Yao's expression was frozen.

What would this teenage girl look like? He was curious to know that this girl, who he would depend on for at least ten years in the future, was unreliable.

At this time, Han Yanyan's right hand flexed his arm and touched his lower back ...

After the two white lights passed, the man following from the street fell to the ground, and the dark red blood under him burst out.

Han Yanyan's eyes were quick, and he took off his backpack and waist bag. She didn't look at it, opened her bag directly, dumped the contents of that person's bag into her backpack, then dropped the empty bag, and turned to leave quickly.

At this time, if anyone saw it, she would find that the baby in her arms was smiling happily.

She underestimated her, Ding Yao thought. If you think about it, she seems to have lived alone for a long time. In this environment, she must be able to live to this day.

When she bent down to pick up the body bag just now, her face was close to him. Ding Yao clearly saw that the girl's face was not usually gentle to him, but only indifferent to life.

This is good, very good.

He found a reliable meal ticket.

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