Stratholme God

Chapter 101: [Operation Woodpecker] (recommended ticket)

   Chapter 101 [Operation Woodpecker] (recommended ticket)

   That's right! This is the domineering power of the Three Lives.

  A lot of resurrection coins are amazing!

I have my own life, then a near-death protection, and a random teleportation. If I can complete the task, I will be rewarded with a puppet doll. Maybe I will have the opportunity to be like the 'Popeye' Hercules in Greek mythology in the future. Pass 12 trials and get 12 life.

   However, these quasi-big guys who will be famous in the world in the future don't know wow!

   They can only feel the determination of the best actor McDonald, and the strong will at all costs for the victory of the alliance!

   Think about it, even the grand dukes who are qualified to jointly sign the "Lordaeron Alliance" treaty are so desperate, so what reason do they have for not working hard for these "little people" who are still unknown at this time?

  Compared to the fiery enthusiasm of the other three, Luo Ning, who was at the lowest point in his career, was so moved that he kept twitching his scarred nose, looking like he was about to cry.

   "Calm down, Your Excellency the future Archmage! We need your wisdom and calmness." MacDonald said something that seemed like a 'one-liner', and he wondered if a werewolf came to kill him, the prophet, at night.

   Just patted Luo Ning on the shoulder, and Luo Ning's voice actually choked up.

   "Oh! Don't be moved so early. If everyone can complete the mission this time and come back alive, I will receive the funds you need on the way to the Archmage, I Stratholme."

   Giving charcoal in the snow is always easier to move people than icing on the cake.

  Ronin at this point in time is a typical hard-pressed person—a nobody, with guilt, wrong spellcasting, and team cancer.

  Someone's original intention was to see if he could abduct the future Speaker of the Kirin Tor, and pretend to be coercive, but not only Ronin, but everyone took it seriously!

   The two elves and one dwarf can't see someone's shameless bottom-hunting behavior, only a noble noble, for the future of the alliance, exhausted his mind to encourage a rookie who may be strong but unstable.

  The flash of humanity is nothing more than this.

   "Okay." MacDonald clapped his hands: "Tonight I hope everyone prepares to make their equipment as silent and non-reflective as possible."

   McDonald's handed out three pamphlets to Shorty, Veresa, and Ronin.

   "You don't need Sagunar, you've done a great job. Windrunner, you just have to be a little more careful..."

   "Wait a minute, Lord Stratholme, the four of us have a very clear position." After someone arranged, Veresa finally asked a question: "Then your role is..."

  McDonald's heart skipped a beat, what's coming will still come.

   In theory, he was a warrior.

   Kuhaha warriors should be at the forefront.

   But with his small body, how could he bear the big axe of the orcs?

  After a shield is blocked, someone must have multiple fractures, yes, it is him!

   How many kilograms he has, he is still a little hard to count.

   After those three axes, he is a rookie who can be slaughtered.

   Of course, the loser is not the loser.

   The momentum must not be weak.

  The four of them saw McDonald's indifferently stepping out his left leg, and the sole of his foot pressed down with a seemingly understatement.

  【Thunder Hundred Strikes】Activate!


   In the next instant, the ears of the four of them were buzzing, and they felt like the world was spinning.

   As if someone lost a [Shock Bullet]!

   The sudden explosion of the wind element caused a raging wave in a small area, and the thick solid wood table and chairs weighing hundreds of pounds flew into the air, and then wrapped in the furious wind element, a strange scene that almost hovered.

   Veresa was shocked to see that a wooden fork was spinning at a slow speed of 1 degree per second, as if everything entered this space, it would encounter a terrifying suppression similar to [time stop].

  For five seconds, the table and chairs that lost the support of the wind element crashed to the ground, scaring the two dwarf guards who were guarding outside to rush in.

   "It's alright! Thank you for your dedication." With one word, McDonald made the guard who had already received the order shrink his head and exit the tavern.

   On this side, all four of them were frightened.

   They asked themselves, in that state, they have no room to fight back.

   Kurtaz gave a high thumbs up and sighed: "The Stratholme God of War really deserves his reputation!"

   The three of them agreed.

McDonnell lit the [accurately calibrated musket] and smiled lightly: "Everyone has seen that, my moves are powerful and dynamic. When I made a move, it was the moment when I failed to sneak in, my whereabouts were exposed, and I had to work hard. already."

   The four nodded together, which was a recognition of McDonald's strength and identity.

   Someone secretly pressed his chest to soothe his beating heart: Ouch, this lie finally made me come through.

   Secretly infiltrated the squad and disbanded like that.

   went out, McDonald saw the disguised Serriek and other guards, nodded, and returned to his room under his escort.

  Close your eyes and turn on the system.

The    feint operation has just begun.

   McDonald's focused his attention on the introduction of the sand sculpture player.

   As a result of the py transaction, McDonald's human players who can call the [Galactic Order Council] at a very low cost, almost for free, are [Operators] in the standard name of the council!

   These guys are mostly players who got into the game with VR consciousness, and gradually discovered the truth of the matter in the game, and then... they went out of control.

  Not every player has the ability to take the lead, there are always some guys who are just playful and addicted to this real different world 'game' that will not die.

   As long as the [Savior] of the world can afford the money for the cloned body, these guys are willing to be workers.

   After experiencing many worlds, each operator will form a system-approved [tag], which is convenient for the savior to search.

   For example, a senior operator named [Junchen Tianya] is very distinctive:

  His clone cost is the cheapest 1 point. Obviously, this guy has a level of hand-to-hand combat and an extremely strong spirit. Every time a normal person dies, his spirit will be damaged more or less, but this guy won't, just like Xiaoqiang who can't be killed, he has [Quick Resurrection], [ Mind Control Immunity] and so on are quite awesome tags.

   The most outrageous thing is that this product also has a tag of [cannon fodder]. The above label is: The death of this operator will not cause the morale of the companion to drop. They didn't have any thoughts about the death of [Junchen Tianya], and even wanted to laugh. If he dies tragically, there is a 25% chance to greatly increase the morale of allies.

   When you see the last [Dirty God] tag, you will find out that this guy is an old driver who doesn’t do business all day long.

   Of course, operators who are really capable of fighting, such as those with group attack ability, often cost more than 20 points.

   Converted to the Shenhao system, if such a powerful operator dies once, McDonald's must at least lose more than a thousand gold coins.

   It was when he knew that tomorrow would be the moment when he had to bleed a lot (lost the family), and McDonald's was in pain, and finally he pressed the OK button in the system fiercely.

  【Operation Woodpecker】Start!

   (end of this chapter)

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