Stratholme God

Vol 2 Chapter 1447: Loyalty is not good at dancing

   Chapter 1447 Loyal officials are not good at jumping

The third child of Ny'alotha* City of Awakening [Prophet Skitra] is a typical Aqir, very similar in appearance to the first child of the temple of Ahn'Qiraj, with a typical lower body a bit like a spider , has thick chelicerae, the upper body is erect, like a erect beetle.

  The whole body is red, a bit like a big lobster.

   Its jaws opened and closed: "Damn! What are the Naga doing? They put the enemy so close!?"

   It's not wrong.

  The entrance of Ny'alotha is very secret. In order to prevent it from being discovered by the existence of the main plane of Ai Xing, it looks like a real ruin. Except for the cat people who were entrenched here before, there is really no trace of N'Zoth.

  Especially the faceless ones with the nature of the guards of the ancient gods, on the surface, they really can't see a single one.

   If you think that the ancient gods have no arrangements, then you are wrong.

  The Naga, which can be seen everywhere in the endless sea, are the sentinels of the ancient gods.

  The south of Uldum is the sea, which happens to be the Naga's territory.

It is not uncommon for the    Alliance to infiltrate on a small scale. Hundreds of sea ships and flying fleets like this are massacred, and the Faceless Legion is caught off guard. Normally, it is absolutely impossible.

  The only answer, of course, is that Queen Azshara released a sea.

   "Kill the evil **** N'Zoth!"

   "For ten thousand years of deception!"

   "Go to **** with the **** slave—"

   Hundreds of thousands of Naga rushed up from the sea, and the huge and towering seaside cliffs could not stop their progress. Because in a series of loud bangs, the cliff by the sea collapsed on the spot with hundreds of tons of high explosives.

  The Tanaris desert area was originally mostly sand and gravel. When the brittle rock formations were blown away, a huge **** ten kilometers wide was formed.

  The male Naga rushed up almost one by one, wearing battle armor with a double-headed fork pattern on their chests, waving their tails and rushing towards the gate of Ny'alotha.

   They held up a kite-shaped shield with the same coat of arms in their left hand, and the cold light on the edge of the trident in their right hand formed a line, like the sharp teeth of countless deep-sea beasts.

   On a cliff by the sea, a small group of more burly male Naga, and a large group of female Naga surrounded Queen Azshara.

   "Your Majesty, is it really good to do this?" a female Naga whispered.

   "We have no choice! N'Zoth will die. First, we don't need to be buried together, and second, who of us doesn't hate N'Zoth!?" The Queen's eyes were burning with the flame of vengeance, and her body exuded a cold breath.

   Back then, who was not a handsome man and a beautiful woman among the upper elves around the queen?

   Become a Naga alive, which is tantamount to a complete disfigurement.

   From the ruler of the mainland to a slave, who can stand it! ?

   This evil spirit has always been deep in the soul of every Naga.

  The queen dances with loyal ministers, almost without the need to mobilize in the clan. When she shouts, it is really a response.

   Just failed to sell information, and Naga was forced to become one of the main attackers.

  Under the cover of the huge amphibious army [Naga], the alliance's sea fleet began to land, and amphibious landing craft rushed to the shore with tanks and infantry.

  There are flying warships in the sky, and there are also mecha units such as [Turtle Ba] and [Magic Crab] who walk on the water.

North of Uldum, the 2nd Army of Stratholme, which had been lurking early in the morning, began to charge. More than 1,000 tanks and armored vehicles, plus more than 2,000 trucks, quickly crossed the desert of more than 50 kilometers and cooperated with the landing force. of the two-headed pinch.

   Of course, betrayal does not come without a price.

   Just as the Naga fell to the Alliance, a majestic and evil voice descended over the battlefield.

   "Azshara! That's how you treat your master!?"

  N'Zoth's voice was quite long, like the high-frequency noise of some kind of underwater creature, almost scratching. It is clear that the language is not fluent, and that kind of knowledge that transcends language penetrates directly into the hearts of every intelligent creature on the scene.

   That voice was sharp, more revealing an inhuman coldness, as if to imply the moodiness of its owner.

  On the beach and among the ruins, all beings couldn't help raising their heads as long as they were not on the front line of the fierce battle. The Faceless, the mantid, and the qiraji fell to their knees, or in various ways paid supreme respect to the owner of the voice.

   "Master!?" Azshara's eyes widened in anger, and the two sword eyebrows were almost straight to the sky. She raised her head high and shouted angrily:

"Xavius! You N'Zoth! All liars! Deceived me - deceived all the Highborne - from beginning to end, you only want us to be the lowest of slaves! For this, You don't hesitate to twist our bodies and souls into ugly monsters! Ten thousand years! A full ten thousand years! We've had enough! Today - we will join the alliance to ask you for this dirty blood debt !"

   Azshara lost her composure in a rare way. In her Naga form, she looked somewhat hideous.

  This is not important, the point is, how could N'Zoth let her go?

   "Huhu! Jie Jie! Hehehe! Disobedient slaves will be punished..." With the gloomy voice, the scene in the airspace in front of Azshara suddenly changed.

   Spiritual power as black as ink appeared out of thin air. They were so condensed that anyone in the past would have thought they were rolling river bank hills or something.

  The strong mental force formed a thick fog, obscuring the vision of the far end.

  Suddenly, dozens of large and small tentacles solidified with mental power leaped across the void and pulled towards Azshara.

   "Protect Your Majesty!" Dozens of female Naga who had stepped into the archmage level together built a protective circle.

  However, they guarded against loneliness.

  N'Zoth's tentacles turned from solid to virtual the moment it touched the translucent magic shield.

   This is not anything substantial!

   is pure spiritual power, directly attacking the soul——【Ancient God Whispering】!

  【You can't resist me! I am familiar with every weakness of your heart... You can't be my opponent...] Just like a whisper, but actually hypnotizing, the voice of the ancient **** shook Queen Azshara's heart.

   In the blink of an eye, Queen Azshara's mental barrier fell by half.

   She finally couldn't help shouting: "[Trident] Save me—"

   Not far behind her, more than a dozen guys who looked like male Naga suddenly rushed to the Queen's side. They put their hands up and down, coughing, mainly through direct physical contact, so that their minds could be connected with the Queen's spiritual sea.

   A moment ago, the whispers of the ancient gods were like rustling grass rubbing against the grass, gently infiltrating the Queen's spiritual defense line, and rewriting the Queen's memory and three views with a ghostly voice that lingered in her ears.

   After a while, N'Zoth, who was far away in the depths of the Awakened City, flashed a hint of surprise in his eyes. Azshara's spiritual sea, which it thought it had firmly controlled, suddenly reverberated with an uneasy power.

   (end of this chapter)

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