Stratholme God

Chapter 286: I'm not interested in the crown (1 more)

   Chapter 286 I am not interested in the crown (1 more)

   At four o'clock in the middle of the night, the royal study in the Royal Palace of Lordaeron was brightly lit.

   It wasn't that Terenas was busy in the middle of the night, it was that he couldn't sleep at all.

   Looking at the map on the desk, the Stratholme collar has been additionally painted gold, and the Andorhal collar has also been planted with a small Holy Grail flag.

Duke Alexandros Mograine was an upright man. He did not hide the fact that he wanted to lend his territory to Terenas. Long before he proposed to McDonald's, he sent an official letter to the royal family, stating that Your own reason - for the people!

   He and his palace ministers and the civil service group spent the past 3 years at the Dark Gate, and they were exhausted, but there were no good results.

  The people need a lot of food.

   Fertilizers and farm tools are needed to restore production.

   It takes a lot of craftsmen to rebuild a house.

   But more than half of Lordaeron was ravaged by orcs, and the damned orcs burned down all the houses that could be burned.

  Andorhal lacks everything. Since the Duke of Stratholme is absent, he has posted many times and only received a fairly low level of support.

   Sadly, the royal family has no resources to lend to Andorhal.

   In the letter, Mograine wrote almost in tears:

"Your Majesty Menethil, my conscience cannot sit back and watch a humanitarian catastrophe that is almost certain. I must hold the Dark Portal for mankind, but the people of my domain are dying day by day, and they curse their lords Me. I'm not smart enough to save my people."

   "My lack of wisdom is only enough for me to command a large army to gallop on the battlefield. However, no matter how incompetent a general is, he knows that soldiers who are hungry cannot fight, and soldiers whose relatives starve to death have no heart to fight."

   "So, please forgive my willfulness and ask Your Majesty to believe in the Stratholme family's two thousand years of loyalty!"

   A long article, written by Mograine's secretary, personally stamped with the family's fire lacquer seal, shows its weight.

  Is this a forced palace?

Yes! Neither!

  If the royal family can come up with enough resources to help Andorhal to tide over the difficulties, Mograine will definitely go to the royal family without saying a word.

   The problem is that the royal family cannot protect itself.

  The savings of the Menethil royal family for so many years were wasted in the just-concluded war.

   Without saying anything, the Legion directly under the Wang family had the highest battle damage among all Lordaeron troops. The five legions before and after were almost wiped out.

  Although in this era as long as you are not mercenaries, there is no pension at all.

  The knight has rushed to the street, and he can only slowly accumulate in his knight's collar.

   Lao Tzu died, and my son hit the top.

   Given enough time, hereditary fiefs can always heal the knights below.

   But still a loss!

   Terenas took Mograine and Abidis to the south, of course how much he had to take care of.

   Helpless, the royal family has to support the deserving nobles to annex Alterac, so the orcs there are making a lot of trouble.

  The royal family had to rely on their own efforts to restore the livelihood of the two giant territories of Silverpine and Tirisfal, and to swallow Alterac, it was completely powerless.

   Who would have thought that the second time the orcs attacked, the interval required was so short?

   is this kind of moment when the royal family is stuck, and when you look back...


   Why does it seem like half of Lordaeron is gone!

   Stratholme owns mines, and the poor mountains and rivers make troublesome people, and the soldiers there are famous for being able to fight.

  Andorhal has grain, and there are farms in the north of the city, and the fields there are famous for being fat.

  I really gave Andorhal to McDonald's for ten years. If I borrow it every minute, I can't get it back. If McDonald's is independent, no one can control it.

   The biggest headache for Terenas is that he had a conflict with McDonald because of Kalia, and he has not repaired the relationship so far.

Seeing the psychological contradiction of King Terenas, the palace minister knelt down on one knee: "Your Majesty, you must make a decision. Or simply agree to this matter, keep the Andorhal Fortress, and immediately tell the Stratholme family. Marry to show His Majesty's magnanimity! Or..."

   Gong Xiang did not dare to say any more.

  The muscles on Terenas's face twitched.

Of course    is a good idea.

The    bet is that McDonald would not dare to rebel, and then Arthas successfully gave birth to more than one grandson.

  Why Terenas is afraid!

"That fool of Arthas, believe in McDonald's! Once I die, he will be sold without knowing it! Damn it, God will give me twenty more years of life!" Terenas resented. .

   What else can the Prime Minister say? Could it be that he was made to complain about Lao Taizi's late marriage and late childbirth, which caused the kingdom's bloodline to fail?

   Terenas is over 60 years old, which is very old in this era when the average human life expectancy is less than 30 years old. Apart from the scourge of war, human lifespan is not very long. In addition, in the past few years, King Terenas has worked hard, and the physical function is a decline that can be seen with the naked eye.

   Don't talk about other people, even Terenas himself can't believe he can live 10 more years.

  The most terrible thing is that in the 4th year of the Dark Portal, Alsace was only 17 years old, and there were still five years before the marriage of 22-year-old men and 20-year-old women allowed by the nobility law.

The    tradition is also disgusting. It is not an offspring born after a formal marriage, and other nobles do not recognize it. A child born before, even if it is a child born to an unmarried couple, is considered an illegitimate child.

  A formal royal collateral bloodline has a higher line of succession than an illegitimate child.

   Now let Kalia and McDonald's get engaged, of course, you can let McDonald's stop for a few years, I'm afraid that McDonald's will be stuck in time for trouble. For example, he and Kalia just had a baby, and Terenas and Arthas died unexpectedly...

   As a king with high political acumen, how could Terenas allow this to happen?

   "Write a letter to McDonald's!"

   When McDonald received the letter from Lao Taizi, he couldn't help but smile.

  The letter is full of nonsense, only a few words are written straight through the paper and come to the face - the royal family hopes that everything is for the people!

   For the sake of the people, it is not difficult to understand. It is to highlight the word royal, which makes McDonald find it funny.

   He casually circulated the letter from the royal family to the high-ranking officials, and everyone read it, except for Rivendell and Serriek, who were on the expedition.

  The faces of the guys are weird.

   When the letter came back, McDonald threw it aside like a used toilet paper.

   "If I told you that I have no interest in Lordaeron's crown or marrying Princess Kalia, would you believe it?"


   Really shocking speech!

  Most of the important officials are shocked, and there are two girls who are cooing.

   McDonald pointed to Lor'themar, then to the Windrunners, Liadrin, and Valeera.

"I've said it from the day I took you out of Quel'Thalas, the orc invasion is just the prelude to a continuous conspiracy. The arch demon of the Burning Legion is behind everything. If it doesn't work, it's the whole of Azeroth. The destruction of the planet. In the face of such a big crisis, a crown, a political marriage, are all trivial matters.”

   (end of this chapter)

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