Stratholme God

Chapter 292: Sure enough the theft (1 more)

   Chapter 292 It was stolen (1 more)

   "This is [Medivh's Notebook]?" Antonidas looked at the old red book curiously.

   At first glance, Lao Anzi had the feeling that he couldn't take his eyes away.

  This tome is covered with red dragon skin. It is 60cm long, 35cm wide, and 20cm thick. It is extremely heavy. Holding it is like holding a 100-pound rice bag.

   There are two closed longan on it, and it feels like: as long as anyone touches the cover, the book will automatically open immediately, and a terrifying mouth full of fangs pops out, eating the reader in one bite.

   Without touching it, Lao Anzi could sense that the magic element that was almost condensed into essence was flowing very regularly.

   This is a typical feature of the ancient magic circle. There is no extremely rich magic knowledge. If it is forcibly dismantled, it is likely to lead to unknown evil results. Especially knowing that the former owner is a space archmage, it is a normal operation to be exiled to some other dimension to die.

  As the Speaker, Antonidas of course knew that his secret organization [Eye of Violet] peeped at Medivh's magical treasure trove through Khadgar. He gave Khadgar a thoughtful look.

Khadgar shook his head: "Don't touch this thing. Before I find the correct password, I will die if I touch it. Most of the blasphemous spells of Sargeras are recorded on it. Don't think that the archmage can bear this curse. The point is, even if Gul'dan is dead, I can barely sense that there are other orcs peeping at this spellbook."

   Lao Anzi was silent for a while, then nodded in agreement: "Before the war is over, Dalaran will keep it safe. I will personally apply magical protection with you."

"it is good."

   Khadgar's reason told him that if they joined forces, no mages of the same level could crack this level of magical protection.

  Cade's intuition is against him, they are really unreliable, come to a stronger Master Dalaran's magic treasury and take whatever you want.

  All the procedures were done step by step, and after all this was done, Lao Anzi also invited Khadgar to become a Kirin Tor Senator.

  In the past, Khadgar was mostly writing the contract.

Now he has more concerns: "I am temporarily satisfied with the status quo. Even if the war is over, I will spend a lot of time exploring the mysteries of Karazhan. I have no time to take care of Dalaran's side, please forgive me for being unable to join the glorious Kirin for the time being Council."

   Khadgar didn't say anything to death, but Lao Anzi could actually accept it.

  As a mage trained by Dalaran, this is a mark Khadgar could not remove throughout his life. Even if he apprenticed to Medivh in the middle, it was done under the instruction of the council. Dalaran will always consider him his own.

   "That's it, the front line please."

   Khadgar left Dalaran and returned to the front lines.

  Everything looks good.

   On the border of Stormwind Kingdom, the army of orcs was still stuck to death.

  The weather was getting warmer day by day, and all the leaders of the Lordaeron Alliance began to discuss the issue of sending an expedition.

   is the so-called long-term failure.

   After going through the last war, no big boss in the Northland dared to put Baoquan on the two families in the south.

   They didn't expect Stormwind and Ironforge to be able to defend perfectly, and it would be amazing to be able to withstand the winter offensive.

  Unexpectedly, Duke Stratholme, who was extremely active in the last war, pretended to be dead this time.

   You can send troops, but if you ask again, it’s 20,000.

  I don't have any money, and if you ask again, I'm poor.

   No matter who inquired privately, McDonald's just yelled at me - Lao Taizi and Mograine were rude and stuffed me with 2 million refugees.

  Everyone was silent. Throughout last year, the post-war reconstruction of Lordaeron was quite slack. Even if the top had the intention to do good things, the nobles of all levels who had suffered heavy losses due to the orc invasion were frantically making money to make up for their losses.

  The news of McDonald's taking over the Andorhal Land, guess what happened?

   Even the Tirisfal woodlands sent more than 300,000 peasants who could not survive to find relief in Andorhal. If it weren't for the fact that the Silverpine Forest was too far away, it is estimated that all the poor people in Lordaeron would go to Macdonald's command.

  The nobles of Lordaeron also protested to the old Taizi. Arthas cooperated with McDonald to raise the butcher's knife and force the nobles of Andorhal to go to Alterac to die. It made Lao Taizi not a person inside or outside.

   After knowing this, all the families were silent.

The regent of Bolvar was also smiling bitterly. Fortunately, before leaving, McDonald left the funds for the construction of the railway and part of the reconstruction cost of Stormwind City. He also designated the Van Cleef father and daughter to join MI7, so they were not taken away. City building fee.

   No, Van Cleef, who is in charge of rebuilding, has been under pressure from the nobles since he built Watch Castle.

  Those poor and crazy nobles of Stormwind Kingdom, all with eyes as red as rabbits, tried to find ways to make money.

   McDonnell knew about this and was sighing with emotion. The reality is more magical than the game, and there is no need to incite the Black Dragon Princess at all. Those nobles who don't want Bilian have done it more ruthlessly than the Black Dragon Princess.

   On February 13th, the weather was cold and cold. When the first batch of several hundred and fifty thousand Alliance troops set off from various ports in the northern continent, a major event happened in Dalaran.

   The magic treasure trove has been stolen.

   "How is this possible!?" Antonidas was dumbfounded.

  Despite Khadgar's repeated warnings that the [Book of Medivh] was dangerous, Lao Anzi couldn't imagine that the enemy could dig a tunnel with a depth of more than 120 meters overnight.

   Looking at the tunnel sloping downward at forty-five degrees, Lao Anzi's lungs exploded with anger.

   Or Krasus, the long-lived old dragon, has some experience: "This... is likely to be elemental magic. Earth element!"

   Azeroth's magic system is pretty weird.

  Master likes to use arcane as the basis, after all arcane is the magical power passed down by the Titans, and then use frost or fire as a branch of study. Most of them open the door of the elements and directly extract the free elemental power in the two elemental worlds of water and fire.

  The shaman will kneel and lick the creatures of the four elements, make py deals with them, and borrow the power of the four elements.

It took the Kirin Tor's councilors a little while to conclude that this should be an extremely powerful orc shaman, summoning an almost lord-level earth elemental creature, all the way to gather the clods in the earth silently. , come to the back of the treasure house like shopping.

   Melted the walls of the treasure house with the power of the earth element, and then broke the magical protective barrier with the spells they did not know, and took the [Book of Medivh] grandly.

   Lao Anzi was so angry that his face turned blue, and while dispatching a search team, he urgently contacted Khadgar.

   Khadgar's heart was beating wildly on the spot - something happened to Nima's! Sure enough, Dalaran is unreliable! Fortunately, my brother was witty, and as soon as he had an ominous foreboding, he immediately threw the book to McDonald, and turned to the Emerald Dream for the Queen of the Green Dragon to watch.

   (end of this chapter)

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