Stratholme God

Chapter 294: Great Mercy McDonald's (3 more monthly tickets)

   Chapter 294 Great Mercy McDonald's (3 more monthly tickets)

   (monthly pass 21/43)



   I am not dead!

  Wait, is this a dream or something?

   If it is a dream, I must wake up immediately!

  Ner'zhul looked left and right, and all he could see was a cold fog.

   Ner'zhul gritted his teeth, turned his head towards the mist, and rushed towards the mist. Unexpectedly, just after a few steps, he saw a fork in the road again.

   is still those two brands.

  The wooden sign that was blown by the icy night wind made a slight "squeak" sound, and it was obvious that it was not something in the world.

   "I, I don't choose..." Almost as soon as the idea occurred, Ner'zhul noticed that in the thick fog behind him, something huge seemed to be about to rush out in the next second.

   Looking at the more than one hundred gray fog masses that looked like tentacles, and the fangs that were bigger than a house and loomed, Ner'zhul finally couldn't help rushing over.

  This time, he finally entered the world of [Silent Hill].

   There was fog everywhere, and Ner'zhul felt a shudder in his soul just by approaching these places that should not be approached.

   walked in, he found a town that should be human style.


  The neat streets made Ner'zhul, who was accustomed to the chaotic habitat of the orcs, a disgusting feeling.

  The unknown characters, each of them looked like living creatures, staring at him with **** eyes.

  The sound of the wind blew the wind chimes, and the hallucinations like a death knell made Ner'zhul feel sick to the point of nausea. At this moment, the bell sounded suddenly.

   In the blink of an eye, the house, shop windows, and walls in front of him began to annihilate.

  Like a piece of paper that was burnt out by the flames, the edge of which was leaking red flames and disintegrated.

   Suddenly there is no way in front of me.

   A female orc who seemed to be born without arms appeared in front of him.

   The face that vaguely resembled his dead wife was savagely twisted, the eye sockets were wrapped in some old brown gauze that exuded a fishy smell, and some thorn-like wires tightly wrapped around the female orc.

   She approached Ner'zhul as if she was drunk, walking lopsidedly, calling his name in the Orcish language: "Ner'zhul... Ner'zhul... I'm so miserable—"

   Ner'zhul instinctively shivered: "No, you're not her, you're not her!"

   Ner'zhul instinctively wanted to run away, but his legs were abruptly filled with lead, and he couldn't move. He could only watch in despair as the female orc approached, opened his mouth wide, and ate his flesh and blood one by one.

   He could clearly feel the pain of being bitten into flesh and blood, and he could smell the stench from the monster's mouth, but the strong sense of guilt in his heart made him not know how to face this cruel scene.


   Ner'zhul was dead again.

   In the void, the sand sculpture players were shocked. This realistic feeling must be experienced in real life.

  [The Dreaming Tiger King] was stunned for a moment: "Wait, who has been eaten raw?"

  [Junchen] raised his hand again: "I was eaten by a troll rotten moss. It feels similar, so I edited it here with [Super Dream]."

   Everyone was shocked. As expected of a man with the entry for [Quick Resurrection], he had a lot of experience in trick-or-treating.

   For the third time, Ner'zhul, who had been killed twice, finally learned to behave.

As soon as    was resurrected in the dream, he ran into Silent Hill, looking for the so-called safe zone.

   He was not small and found a toilet. When he opened the door that kept dripping with his trembling hands, he saw another corpse covered with thorns and wire.

   "Dang!" The alarm bell rang again.

   The corpse in front of him was deceived on the spot.

  Despite his panic, Ner'zhul's first reaction was to beat the corpse.

Do not laugh!

   Orcs have different brain circuits. Those who can get along in Orcs are muscular men, and Goudan is an example. Goudan also becomes stronger after eating fel fast food.

   In addition to being a shaman, Ner'zhul is very attractive in his tendons.

   Even in the world of Silent Hill, where he became a weak orc drudge, he was still relatively capable of fighting.

   The neck of the corpse was broken in three strokes and one end was stuffed into the toilet.

   At this moment, a strange metallic sound came from outside the toilet.

   It was the clanging sound of shackles hitting the ground, and there was also the scratching sound of extremely heavy metal objects dragging across the floor.

  The door of the toilet was smashed to pieces, and a human with a huge triangular-shaped metal head above his neck appeared.

   Seriously, Ner'zhul didn't know whether to call this thing a human.

   It had extremely strong muscles on its scarlet upper body, but the muscles were covered with ashes, and the bloodstains all over the body were mixed with terrifying wounds. The wounds were even rotting, and maggots were crawling on it.

   Ner'zhul A stepped up.

   The opponent showed more extreme violence than the previous Great Chief Blackhand and Orgrim. The huge metal machete was two meters long. With just a wave, Ner'zhul saw the cross section of his lower body.


what is this?

   My intestines and spine?

  If this was an immediate death, maybe it wasn't so scary. The triangular head dragged Ner'zhul's upper body like this, and when he was still conscious, he pressed his head into the toilet...

“啊啊啊啊——”耐奥祖在噩梦中三度暴毙,三度复活,那完全真实的痛感,让他本来就不怎么强大的心灵备受折磨:“先祖啊!谁?到底是Who? Is Medivh's undead tormenting me? Why?"

   He found that he had no choice this time, and he entered this empty and silent town directly.

   A terrible nightmare, firmly grasped his heart.

   Suddenly, his mind became numb.

It's just that a lot of things are branded into the deepest part of the soul. For example, as soon as he hears the sound of the machete scraping the ground, Ner'zhul will instinctively become incontinent, and then he will turn around immediately and flee in the opposite direction. past.

  If he can really keep all his memories, maybe he will become a real player and completely get through the "Silent Hill" in this dream.

  Unfortunately, from the very beginning, sand sculpture players have reached this point.

The biggest feature of    dreams is that after waking up, the things in the dream will become blurred.

   This is the protection mechanism of the brain, and it is also the place where sand sculpture players use it accurately.

  Ner'zhul wouldn't have a chance to remember clearly what happened at each point in time, only vague fragments, ominous forebodings, and the darkest fears remained in his mind.

   In the cold weather in late February, the earth was already green.

  McDonald took a group of beautiful girls and led a spring outing in Andorhal under the banner of inspection.

   When he accidentally saw in the system that Ner'zhul had been killed 997 times in Medivh's Copycat Nightmare Book, he finally couldn't bear to let Ner'zhul go.

   Exhausted mentally, Ner'zhul, whose soul was filled with fear, suddenly found that the scene before his eyes changed after this resurrection.

  【Dead Space】or【Escape】?

   (end of this chapter)

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