Stratholme God

Chapter 298: Expeditionary Force Five Heroes (2 more)

   Chapter 298 The Five Heroes of the Expeditionary Army (2 more)

   McDonald's now attends the Throne Council, usually with Rivendell and Alleria, which represent his two major factions: the local knights and the elves.

  Rivendell was still in the Swamp of Sorrows, and there was only Alleria beside him.

   She was about to move when McDonald secretly grabbed her palm.

   "What?" A question came from the language of wind.

   "The expedition itself is fine, but there is a demon smell inside Lordaeron."

  Alleria is a very assertive woman. She knew immediately that McDonald had more important tasks for her.

   This is the trust accumulated after incidents, especially after the "Book of Medivh" incident, she is more aware that McDonald's has information that cannot be told to her.

   Of course, McDonald knew that this was equivalent to weakening Alleria in disguise.

   Originally in history, Alleria would gain the power of the void and become a void elf. The power of the void cannot be said to be weak. Many elves in Silvermoon City tried to master the fallen magic power of the void, but most of the guys who did so ended up going crazy.

   The void whispers that linger in the ears of the Void Elf forever are similar to the whispers of the ancient gods, and it is true that it is weaker by a few grades.

   The key is... Ugly!

  After Alleria became a Void Elf, her skin was still the same as that of a high elf. The key is that after the explosion, her dark blue skin looked similar to that of a draenei, perhaps a little darker.

   At the same time, his body is full of black energy. If you say this is a devil, McDonald's will believe it.

  As a dog with a face, McDonald's couldn't accept that a pretty fair-haired elf girl turned into such a ghost.

   plus one more is in ten years.

   McDonald's decisively chose to sacrifice Halduron, the tool elf.

   The next throne meeting is all about wrangling and squeezing toothpaste.

  The kings took turns calling themselves poor, and McDonald continued to pretend to be dead under the guise of refugees.

   Turned around halfway, and Turalyon deeply realized Lothar's original predicament - it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

   What is the deputy commander of the alliance, just one who holds a bowl for alms.

   All countries, especially Lordaeron, don’t give a small amount of money, and the Alliance can’t do anything.

  It has become a common practice for everyone to stare at Lordaeron. Generally speaking, if Lordaeron is 10, Dalaran will pay 7, and then each family will probably be 2333 or something.

   National strength decides everything.

   As everyone knows, Lao Taizi will feel aggrieved, how can he have any money and food?

  Turalyon was a native of Lordaeron, and Lao Taizi had to make a statement.

   "The Seventh and Eighth Legions of the Royal Family of Lordaeron are at the command of the Deputy Commander."

   A lot of bosses looked constipated on the spot.

The   Royal Army Corps sounds intimidating, but some common sense knows that this is the new cannon fodder army.

  Yes, the ball is over.

  Everyone could not help but turn their attention to the second local tyrant.

   "Halduron Mingyi will lead the 4th Ranger Brigade waiting to be dispatched."

  Turalyon was a little bit stagnant of qi and blood stasis, and none of the four main battle armies of Stratholme would come out. Who doesn't know that the strongest rangers under McDonald's are the three Windrunner sisters, who knows that the current Mai Zhencai doesn't send any of them, and sends a junior.

Local tycoon! you've changed!

  Turalyon was a deep man, and he couldn't help it: "Lord Stratholme, can you think about it again?"

"No soldier can go on an expedition with peace of mind when his hometown suffers a disaster. His Excellency Turalyon is a great man, and he considers the overall situation, but the soldiers under my command are all lay people. If their relatives in their hometown starve to death, they will not have the heart to fight. ."

  Lordaeron suffered from food shortages and nearly froze hundreds of thousands of people to death in winter. Everyone knows about it.

   The McDonald's family carried most of the refugees from Lordaeron, and everyone would have resentment.

At this time, it was Bolvar who was a good man. He stood up and said, "Thank you to Duke Stratholme for helping out in the most critical time of Stormwind Kingdom. For three years at the Dark Portal, Stormwind Kingdom has a surplus of food. Our country is willing to support Food and grass for the 50,000 people on this expedition, and a portion of the food to be sold at a reasonable price to Stratholme."

  McDonald's spirited up.

Hi! Lao Taizi, you see, this is a good person worth investing in. What are you like.

  McDonald's face beamed: "Thanks to Your Excellency Fordagan's support, we will discuss it slowly after the meeting."

   With Bolvar taking the lead in repaying the debt, everyone naturally remembered that when their family was at their worst, it was McDonald's who helped out. Now Stratholme can no longer squeeze anything, and everyone has nothing to say.

   So you squeeze a little, and I throw a little.

  The personnel and supplies were gathered so-so.

   More unexpectedly, the main force of the expedition force became the Arathi of Stromgard.

   It’s funny to say that Lordaeron had something to do at home, and the soldiers had no intention of going out.

  The Arathi people had no food at home, and their soldiers could not support themselves, so they had to go out to war. Even if they can't pay the army, they don't even have rations. The Arathi Highlands have been devastated by the orcs. The food production in the highlands was originally low, but now it is even lower.

   If you don't eat the food of the alliance, even the soldiers will starve to death.

  The final result was that Turalyon personally led the team, the main force was the Arathi army of Danas, plus Khadgar on behalf of Dalaran, Halduron on behalf of Stratholme, and the dwarf on behalf of Kurdran*Wildhammer.

   Basically, the five heroes of the King Valley statue in Stormwind City, replaced by Halduron.

   I don't know how the system will decide, anyway, in the end, McDonald's gave out 50,000 gold coins symbolically, as a way to give these guys a ride.

   As for the Warsong clan that attacked in Stranglethorn Vale, after the main force of orcs retreated to the Dark Portal, they also retreated.

  Grom and his people were selectively forgotten by the Alliance.

   First, the environment in Stranglethorn Valley is disgusting.

  Second, the alliance was unable to launch an expedition on two fronts, and could only temporarily let this beastman, who was all armed with cold weapons and did not pose a big threat, be part of the division.

time flies……

The initial progress of the    Expeditionary Force was smooth. Turalyon led the army to break through the defense of the Orcs at the other end of the Dark Portal, and entered the Hellfire Peninsula in the future, and then sent back a lot of information about the Orc world.

   Then on October 3, the Dark Portal blew up.

MacDonald, who is familiar with history, naturally knows that this is after Khadgar grabbed the head of Gul'dan and asked Kurdran Wildhammer to transport this god-level magic weapon back to Azeroth, and gave the Dark Portal to Azeroth. fried. He also knew that one of the five heroes on the opposite side was not dead.

   This did not prevent Mai from pretending to first propose that statues be erected in Stratholme for the five people.

"Seriously, the explosion of the Dark Portal is not the same as the explosion of the opposite Draenor world. According to the equipment I have equipped Halduron, he has a high probability of surviving. It's just that this does not detract from his fearless spirit of sacrifice and dedication. Hard work. I want everyone to know that Halduron was lost for Stratholme's sake."

  The news spread in the territory on the third day, MacDonald announced that Halduron had been promoted to Viscount by leapfrog.

  God is a meow, and he is treated differently when he is standing.

  The main entrance square of Stratholme City, Halduron's statue is scheduled to be a golden bronze statue, and the other four are stone statues.

   (end of this chapter)

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