Stratholme God

Chapter 310: The controlled princess (1 more)

  Chapter 310 Controlled Princess (1 more)

   The correct statement is that if Stratholme does not collapse, Lordaeron will not collapse.

   But with Stratholme so guarded, Mr. Ke couldn't handle Stratholme. The fact that the Scourge Legion is so powerful is because of the snowball tactics, which caused the momentum of avalanches in the snow-capped mountains, drowning all the small human resistance troops that were blocking the front.

  【Frostmourne】no matter how awesome you are, you must accumulate enough grievances to release them in one breath.

   There must be a process of primitive accumulation.

  If [Frostmourne] can directly destroy a province with one move without accumulating souls, what is the difference between it and the planet-level great sword that Sargeras inserted into the planet of Azeroth in the future?

   Now, if you can't even roll the first snowball, let's not talk about an avalanche.

  Actually, MacDonald had thought about it for a long time, that Ke could never go to Stormwind Kingdom to develop, after all, the military there was weak, and there were millions of human soldiers and civilians, and hundreds of thousands of orcs died in battle. No matter how bad it is, it is still possible to pull out three to five million undead.

  Mai someone underestimated his influence.

  When he was engaged in bone-burning activities in his own house, he sent a letter to another family by the way, saying that there was something about the Cursed Sect, he was already burning bones, and even if his own citizens refused, he would burn the orcs.

   All countries are truly as enemies.

Especially in the Kingdom of Stormwind, which has the best relationship with McDonald's, from the time when a dozen orcs Hanhan dared to rush to the palace of Lordaeron, Bolvar was accustomed to McDonald's elusive showmanship. He just finished the autumn harvest and immediately organized Burn the bones.

   You must know that it is no secret that the orcs have death knights. Although the first death knight in this life was in Stromgarde, when the orcs retreated to the Kingdom of Stormwind, there were still death knights.

  Bolvar announced that burning the corpse would not be a big hindrance, after all, 70% of the nobles of Stormwind Kingdom were gone. When Bolvar even moved the coffins of the previous Storm Kings out of Stormwind Fortress and put them in the Northshire Abbey, most of the nobles followed suit.

   Burning is unwilling to burn, at least it won't let this thing trap you, at least there is a buffer if you keep it away.

   Then all the unclaimed bodies and mass graves were picked up and burned.

   And Dalaran received the news that Kel'Thuzad had become the leader of the Damned Sect, and his reaction was even more straightforward. Antonidas directly declared Kel'Thuzad a traitor, and then burned his bones more aggressively than anyone else.

   McDonald's only found out after asking. It turned out that there was a clue to this matter. Before he secretly hunted down Kel'Thuzad's whereabouts a few years ago, Mr. Ke had already carried out secret research. Many farmhands near Dalaran have reported finding suspected dead bunny rabbits running around in the fields.

  Antonidas did send someone to check, but found nothing. After Kel'Thuzad disappeared, the vision disappeared, and the matter was over.

   Now McDonald's claims to have 'absolute evidence', and Guan Xuanke is always two or five boys.

   Lao Anzi confirmed on both sides, and quickly sent someone to check the former residence of Mr. Ke. Sure enough, he found traces of death magic and immediately followed up.

   Dalaran originally carried out various magical experiments that could be called mourning diseases, and dissections were more commonplace. The lower limit of ethics and morality was far lower than other places, and there was no concept of respecting the sages at all. The Master's respect is only because of what magic school and what magic he invented.

   As a result, the cleansing of Dalaran was the most thorough except for Stratholme and Andorhal.

   King Daelin was also surprised when he received the letter. After all, he also launched a small-scale cleanup in Kul Tiras, at least to clean up the unowned bones.

   The three companies started a big cleaning. Although the efficiency is not very high, the completion rate in most places is not 30% so far (the compensation money is not in place), but after all, the cleaning is started, and there is not much room for Mr. Ke to choose.

   There are only half of Lordaeron left, Alterac, Gilneas, and Stromgard.

  To be reasonable, the three small countries are all sparsely populated, and their ancestors worked together as bones for 18 generations, and they are worthy of millions of skeleton soldiers. It's incomparable to a Scourge Legion like Lordaeron, which is in the tens of millions once it's violent.

   As for dwarfs and dwarfs, they are not considered.

   Once the population is small, coupled with the long-lived races, there are so many resources, and there is no place to develop if there are more people. The population is naturally small, and the bones are also small.

   The key is that the shorties have a natural disaster. Whether it is Bronzebeard or Wildhammer, once they block the mountain pass, they will not be able to get out, and they will not be able to exert the strength of the natural disaster army.

   It is really hard to play natural disasters in these openings.

   So it's not wrong for McDonald to focus on Lordaeron, and of course, long ears.

   McDonald's is most worried about them.

   The wizard's sect of the elves was originally at odds with McDonald's. The key is that Anastrian is very old, and it is easy to be stubborn when old.

To focus, the high elves are different from their fellow night elves. The night elves use the power of the World Tree and the Well of Eternity. This time point is infinite lifespan. The lifespan of high elves can be about 5,000 years old for commoners. The more advanced the elves, the more Long life.

   As the elf king, Anastrian has recently begun to appear old even though he enjoys the sun well life extension method.

   McDonald asked Alleria that once the Sun King gets old, like his father Dath Remar* Sunstrider, he will probably die in about ten years.

   This is the common practice of high elf nobles: to use the power of the sun well to extend their physiological peak period and compress their old age. Once the magic power declines, it means that the body function declines rapidly, and it is relatively straightforward to die.

   So McDonald's took the long ear side as the second surveillance target.


  McDonald went into the city while bragging with the two fools.

   As a rule, he must first go to the palace to see Kalia, the rumored marriage partner of his legend.

   It wasn't that he wanted to go, but the two fools pressed him to go.

   "Sister, do you think who I brought back?" The two fools had amazing arm strength and rushed into the palace with McDonald's on their backs. It wasn't that he didn't feel that McDonald's was resisting, but that McDonald's resistance was weak.

  The real **** of war Alsace - grip strength 400kg!

   False God of War McDonald - Grip strength 120kg!

   Even if McDonnell added 120 strength after his return, on Earth, it would be easy to break a steel bar or something, but if the two fools exerted a little force, Mai would not be able to resist, and it would be outrageous!

  Alsace thought to himself: McDonald's must be half-push, he's shy, he can hang and beat me at will with his strength.

  McDonald's: You're a tribute! let me go! My lord, my strength is really not as good as yours!

In front of a gazebo not far from the gate of the palace, Kalia was dressed in a white dress and a white dress. Although she put on a fur coat made of white wolf skin, and the long skirt was also very thick, the heart-shaped lace on the chest was translucent and hollowed out, very Well poked into someone's XP.

  McDonald's heart has a capital "embarrassment" in his heart.

  Sister, I don't want to get married yet, so don't tempt me into the pit.

   At this time, McDonald suddenly felt that Onyxia was very pleasing to the eye. You see, with reproductive isolation, even if there is no help from the three gods of death, no matter how you do it, it will not lay eggs.

   Feeling the sight of someone from Mai, Princess Heilong shuddered on the spot, not knowing what she had done wrong.

  The two 'pairs' present didn't even notice that King Terenas was watching this scene with a telescope in the imperial study.

   A hoarse and magnetic voice sounded in the king's ear: "Look! That **** McDonald has already controlled your prospective daughter-in-law."

   (end of this chapter)

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