Stratholme God

Vol 2 Chapter 773: Maybe this is fate!

   Chapter 773 Perhaps, this is fate!

  During the game dungeon battle, you can always hear C'Thun repeating the following words:

"You are already dead."

   "Your courage has disappeared."

   "You will be abandoned by your friends."

   "You will betray your friends."

   "You are too weak."

   "Your heart is about to explode."

   When he was playing games back then, McDonald felt that C'Thun was annoying.

   Now consider that a game on Earth is likely to be a spiritual projection of a parallel world. Then, what C'Thun used in real Azeroth was probably some kind of spiritual erosion combined with psychological hints.

The awakening of    Tyrande, the **** stick, is undoubtedly the key to cracking C'Thun's intimidation.

   "Holy Light! This evil is worth fighting for!"

  Er, Uther was roaring in earnest, but Mai Xie's eyes fell on his own girl's 'evil'?

   Starlight lingered on Tyrande, and the Paladins also broke the mental pressure at the same time.

   Taking this as an opportunity, McDonald raised his head high and shouted:

   "The one sent by the Pantheon to clean up C'Thun was Sargeras before he fell. I even cut Sargeras, so C'Thun is a fart!?"


  What a fart!

  The words are not rude!

  Sometimes, epiphany and relief are the same thing!

  McDonald is a bully who even slashed by Mr. Sa. If you follow him, you will definitely win. What is there to be afraid of?

  Thinking of this, many people are completely relieved.

  The real strong man can break through the spiritual shackles of the ancient gods by his own will.

   The second-tier powerhouse can also succeed by relying on the leader and the determination to follow.

   In the air, there seemed to be a phantom sound of "pong pong pong", indicating that the shackles were broken free and smashed into pieces.

  The twenty or thirty heroes present, all of them iron-clad, raised their heads resolutely and looked at the one scarlet eye in the void without fear.

   As an ancient god, how could C'Thun be so embarrassed that he immediately became furious.

   A scene completely different from history happened.


  The big eyeball C'Thun's eyeballs swelled suddenly, as if congested, the eyeballs turned from purple to crimson, and a coquettish red light condensed from the huge yellow vertical pupils, and shot towards the place where the Twin Emperor's Hall was located.

   A mighty one-shot cannon!

   What is even more terrifying is the destructive power of this blow.

  A huge cylindrical passage with a diameter of fifty meters, connected from the main hall where Cthun was to where McDonald and the others were.

   The hard stone wall that the Sword Sovereign could not destroy with a twenty-meter long sword just now showed a molten state under the ultra-high temperature and heat.

   may be the arrogance of the ancient gods!

   Or maybe it's C'Thun's bad taste of slowly torturing the heroes to death.

  C'Thun didn't rub this light cannon on any hero, just used it as a way to open the way.

   "Come down and die!" said the arrogant voice that went straight to the heart.

   surrounded the huge hole, and through the passage, everyone saw that huge and twisted existence.

  A bunch of white tentacles similar to razor clam (King of the Holy Son) arched a large purple-blue eyeball, and on the floor around the eyeball, there were also a bunch of tentacles with eyeballs.

   Just seeing these swaying tentacles is enough to make any hyperphobic sufferer die on the spot.

   Even if he was not frightened, it also caused psychological discomfort for the heroines.

   McDonald put on the back of the female priest's delicate hand: "Kalia, if you feel uncomfortable, you don't have to come down."

The former princess was pale, but shook her head firmly: "I'm not feeling well, but I'll go down. My father almost destroyed this world, and as an atonement for my father, trying to protect this world is already the only one among our siblings. what can be done.”

   Following Kalia's gaze, McDonald saw Arthas with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

   At such a time, the two fools who have been tortured still have time to say one-liners. He patted the Balrog Hammer on his shoulder: "My sledgehammer is already thirsty."


  The history-changing Azeris is so interesting!

  Tyrande was surprised to find that McDonald stood up straight: "Your feet..."

   "Okay. I can't keep the host waiting for a long time."

The    countdown is not over, of course, but the system allows him to owe first in another mode.

   McDonald grinned, and immediately, he was the first to walk down the huge round hole that slanted downwards. Then Magni, Tyrande, Jean, Arthas...

The figures of the   heroes, who seem to be going to **** and have no turning back, moved the operators greatly.

  【Chu Jiayun】: "For us, this is just a game."

  【gavempower】: "To them, to this Azeroth, this is an astonishing gamble that can only be won but not lost."

  [Sniper No. 11]: "It's weird, why am I so moved?"

  【Double wine invites Qingfeng】: "Damn it, we also have a hero template."

The    operators stopped, and they watched the heroes step into the abyss.

  No way, thousands of players with infinite resurrection ability, if there is a hero template, it is bound to become an existence that cannot be accommodated by the laws of the planet of Azeroth.

   This is the limit of the world.

   Besides, C'Thun has never been a super monster that can be handled by crowd tactics!

   Just as the heroes of the Alliance are about to fight the final battle, the Horde just killed [Ayamis the Hunter].

   "Hu! Hu! Hu!" The brain remnant roared and breathed in the turbid and hot air.

   Varok turned his head to look at Vol'jin: "Are we progressing beyond the Alliance?"

  Vol'jin shook his head: "I don't know. According to the news a few days ago, the alliance just broke through the blockade of the four worm leaders and challenged the leader of the Aqi worms, the twin emperors. I don't know what the result will be."

  Varok: "We should hurry up. If the alliance powerhouses face the ancient gods, they will not be silent..."

   It was so hard to die, just as the voice fell, a beam of blood-red light cannons passed through the roof of the temple in the distance and shot obliquely into the dry sky.

   That richness seemed to be real, and it felt like it was overflowing. The evil will that even affected the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj was immediately felt by the heroes of the tribe.

   "Cut!" Brain Can Roar spit out a mouthful of saliva on the sand.

   Can't take a break.

   Little Saurfang roared: "Come on, let's see if the Scarless is a worthy opponent!"

   Watching the next generation of tribal heroes who were excited but more impulsive than rational, Varok was both relieved and worried.

   Suddenly he pouted: "Let fate decide everything!"

  Thousands of miles away, outside the Uldaman region, Varian sat in his command car and said something similar.

   "Perhaps, this is fate!"

   (end of this chapter)

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