Stratholme God

Vol 2 Chapter 788: Howling and swallowing (1 more)

   Chapter 788 Roaring and swallowing (1 more)

  In the urn city of Jinjiangang, there is a strange smell of meat.

   was originally supported by a bunch of light artillery, and no one could eat it, except the orcs...

   There is a high probability that the jar is broken, and it is not that they have not eaten the food of the Alliance. They have already been beaten into dogs by the Scourge, and they have fled, so there is no such thing as losing face.

  The orcs gathered around the large and small fires in twos and threes and ate roasted worm meat.

   Just finished the New Quicksand War, and both the Alliance and the Horde have stockpiled a large amount of Qiraji meat.

  The alliance is better, peel off the hard shell of the worm, cut off the thorns on the worm's legs, throw the meat in the refrigerated train carriage, and transport it to the Jinjian Port, where it will be placed in a professional cold storage.

   There is no way, on the alliance side, people will definitely not eat this, but there are still half of the Black Dragon Legion. The 'noble' pure-blood dragons will definitely not eat them, and there are also dragons and half-dragons. Wow, these guys are just like the orcs, and they don't pay much attention.

The only thing that the    Alliance didn't expect was that they provided insect meat and bonfires, and added some coarse salt from the sea.

   "Oh my God! What did I eat before?"

   "This is too delicious!"

  Similar orc languages ​​were heard in various urns, and the alliance soldiers who understood the orc language rolled their eyes.

   "Hey! Aren't the orcs shouting that they will never be slaves all day long?" Queen Xi, who accompanied McDonald's over, sneered.

   "Orcs will never be slaves, unless they have room and board!" McDonald said a golden sentence that was widely circulated among players, which immediately made the elf girls around him burst into laughter.

   "Giggle!" Laughing was enough, Alleria said seriously, "McDonald, you don't think about taming the orcs, do you?"

  The corner of McDonald's mouth twitched: "Yes, but out of the feelings of the people of the Alliance, the best orcs must be turned to ashes!"

  Seriously, to tame orcs, as long as they are not from a designated clan, it is really not difficult.

Orcs are not of one mind, they are composed of numerous large and small clans. The law of the jungle determines that the tribe's voice is in the hands of first-class clans, such as Blackstone, Warsong, Frostwolf and other clans, while other races with fewer numbers, such as Tauren, Darkspear trolls, blood elves and ogres can only be reduced to orcs' pendants.

   To differentiate the orcs, you only need to recruit some second- and third-tier clans.

   can be done, but not necessary!

The deep hatred between the orcs and the various tribes of the Alliance, hundreds of pages of A4 paper can not be written, the first and second Dark Gate Wars, and before the Haishan War, the Houda brought the Warsong clan into Ash Valley to cut trees. guilty over and over.

   Now even the teachings of the Church of the Holy Light have joined the dogma of "Orcs Must Die", you say, is McDonald's willing to do this?

   If you want a meat shield race, aren’t the half-dragons fragrant?

   To be honest, after watching a lot of orcs, I feel that the painting style of orcs as soldiers is not unacceptable.

   At the very least, it is much better than the X Games held by a certain island country. The opening ceremony is directly "Fengdu Team Building" and "Zombie Live Online". Change the place to broadcast this stuff, and cut off the live broadcast directly to Mother Yang.

   Is this thing expanding its influence?

   Negative influence, right?

   Well, farther away.

   Now the leader of the alliance, Mai, has once again stated that he does not accept orcs as younger brothers, and everyone below will naturally feel at ease.

   The group came to an urn city, which was different from other urn cities where orcs were imprisoned. Looking down from the city wall, it is obvious that there are circles that are indistinct, surrounding an extremely burly figure.

  Steel Tribe version Brain Dump Roar, sitting in the middle, surrounded by a group of also extremely burly orcs who wore a lot of black armor, with an aura of being surrounded by stars.

   Obviously, most of the beggars tend to dress like beggars, and few of them have complete armor, and they don't feel like they are under the fence at all, but they nibble on the legs of insects carelessly.

   "The Orcs are the most powerful and best race in the world! The real powerhouses should have the entire Azeroth world as their hunting ground..." The words are not rude, and this is the pinnacle of orc supremacists.

   Don't look at the miserable appearance of most of the orcs around, the group of orcs from the Iron Tribe didn't care at all. They were madly superstitious about their leader, and they all agreed, making a majestic roar.

   Halfway through speaking, Brain Can Roar glanced at McDonald's, who was walking and scanning him at the top of the city.

   He instinctively determined that this person surrounded by a group of beautiful girls was the rumored leader of the alliance, McDonald Stratholme.

   There is always some kind of inexplicable feeling between the strong and the strong.

   And being looked at by the enemy leader with such a condescending gaze, the brain roar was quite uncomfortable, and without hesitation, he let out a rather exaggerated cold snort.


   Like the humming of a bell, the low-pitched snort like a roar shocked the orcs wandering around in the Weng City.

  In the eyes of the Iron Tribe warriors, there is undisguised hatred.

  The tribal warriors of the plane of Azeroth have complicated eyes. They were once mortal enemies, and they were forced to unite together because of irresistible external forces. Pure orc warriors have their own sense of honor, and this feeling of being saved by their mortal enemy makes them feel ashamed and secretly grateful.

   In the end, the Alliance did not take the opportunity to make a bad hand, and even provided food to them who lost their luggage. This is the greatest kindness and generosity.

   McDonald's met Brain Cannon's gaze without any fear.

   is quite fierce, and it matches Erha's wise eyes!

  My lord, I was stared at by Ke Suen, who has the brightest eyes among the ancient gods. It is not necessarily that the ancient gods can stare at anyone who is pregnant. You are a der if you are a brainless roar?

McDonald's smiled: "Yo! It's not enough to eat for nothing (idiots), and I'm not satisfied. Most of us are satisfied with all of us dying and dedicating our hands to our own land. Forget it, kindness and kindness don't apply to beasts. Lor'themar, let them go!"

   The common language of mankind also has a homophonic stem, and those around you who understand it will make low-pitched laughter.

   The resentful gaze of the Iron Tribe orcs didn't hurt Mai, but a chuckle from the city head made Brain Can Roar break his defense.

   "You..." The brain remnant roared that the blood vessels in his neck were as thick as if they could fit into a can of Coke.

   Here, Lor'themar, surrounded by over a hundred well-armed elite knights, walked down the only sloping ladder on the barn city and came proudly in front of Brain Cannon Roar.

   Garrosh was furious: "Why didn't MacDonald Stratholme come to see me!?"

   This strange brain circuit made Lor'themar want to laugh.

   Well, laugh if you want!

   For the orcs, Lor'themar didn't need to give a good face.

   "Haha! Is the alliance leader the one you want to see? Who are you? Let your warchief come, the leader may consider it."


"Let's get out when you're full! The Alliance doesn't have the habit of raising waste." Lor'themar threw a rough map on the yellow sand: "Here is the **** of the former Gadgetzan goblins, if it's not broken, it's enough to make You go back to Orgrimmar."

   (end of this chapter)

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