After the two of them walked to the director's office, Li An went up and knocked on the door.

"Dong, dong dong..."

"Come in..."

Hearing the voice inside, Li An also walked in carefully with Cui Jue. When they walked into the room, they found that not only Director Yang Zhendong, but also the previous Organization Minister, Propaganda Minister, and even several deputy directors with real power were there.

Yang Zhendong saw Cui Jue and the others coming, and he also stood up and shook hands with Cui Jue again.

Then he took him to the sofa in the office and sat down.

Li An also knew that his task today was to bring Cui Jue here, but now that Yang Zhendong didn't let him go, he found a place to sit down.

In fact, he had guessed why the Municipal Bureau wanted Cui Jue to come, but this was related to Cui Jue's future path, and he had always treated Cui Jue as his own child for so many years, so as long as he was not driven out, he would not leave no matter what the situation was.

After Cui Jue sat down, Yang Zhendong did not say anything specific, but chatted with Cui Jue about family matters.

"Are there any difficulties in your work now?"

"Have you made any changes in your mentality since you have made great achievements at such a young age?"

"How is Cui's father's health? He has dedicated his life to public security work."

Cui Jue was a little confused.

Finally, it was the deputy director in charge of criminal cases who introduced the topic.

"Cui Jue, we called you here this time because we feel that you have great potential. Do you want to make further plans?"

Hearing the words of the deputy director, Cui Jue was stunned at first. After all, he didn't know what further plans meant, but it should be a good thing.

"As long as the organization needs me, I will do my best to fight against crimes like my father did."

Everyone present felt relieved when they heard Cui Jue's words.

After all, it is important for the public security to have a firm political stance, so that he will be given more opportunities.

Yang Zhendong also put away his casual attitude just now, and asked Cui Jue seriously if he had any plans in the future.

Cui Jue was also a little confused at this time. What plans? How to say it? Do a good job and actively solve cases. What else is there besides some.

Yang Zhendong also saw Cui Jue's doubts, and he was no longer prepared to test, and directly stated the purpose of today.

"Comrade Cui Jue..."


Hearing Yang Zhendong calling his name so solemnly, Cui Jue also sat up straight instantly.

"Don't be nervous. Because of your recent performance, the Municipal Bureau has thought of two options for you. I want to ask you what you think."

After hearing Yang Zhendong say that he had arranged two options for himself, Cui Jue did not speak and was ready to continue listening. After all, this was related to his future.

Seeing that Cui Jue did not speak, Yang Zhendong continued to speak: "The first option is that the Municipal Bureau intends to let you continue to settle in the Donghe Police Station for two years, and then promote you to a deputy section chief. If you continue to perform well, you will be arranged to be a deputy director in no more than five years depending on the situation and conditions."

Hearing Yang Zhendong's words, Cui Jue was a little excited. After all, his salary was just raised to a deputy section chief, but he was actually still a grassroots policeman, and the promise of deputy director within five years was too fast.

But Cui Jue knew there was a second option, so he was ready to make a decision after listening.

Seeing that Cui Jue did not agree abnormally, Yang Zhendong seemed to relax. He was really afraid that Cui Jue would agree directly before he mentioned the second option, and he was also afraid that he had misjudged the person.

"The second way may be very dangerous. You must listen to it. If you choose not to agree, you will have to sign a confidentiality agreement before you can leave this room. Have you thought about it?"

After hearing that there was a confidentiality agreement to be signed, Cui Jue knew that the second way might not be easy, because only extremely important things would have such a big scene, and the confidentiality agreement.

But after thinking about it, he decided to listen to Yang Zhendong first.

"Director, you go first. If I can, I will definitely not refuse."

Yang Zhendong looked at Cui Jue's firm look and smiled with relief.

He signaled to the Organization Minister, the Propaganda Minister and the two deputy directors to leave first.

Li An watched everyone leave, leaving only Yang Zhendong and the deputy director in charge of criminal cases in the room. For a moment, he didn't know whether he should stay here.

At this time, Yang Zhendong said: "Li An, you stay. You have watched Cui Jue grow up since childhood. If Cui

Jue agrees, you also have the right to know. "

Then he looked at Cui Jue and said solemnly: "The second road is full of thorns and may even be life-threatening. Comrade Cui Jue, are you sure you want to know?"

"Yes, as long as it is for public security work, it is my duty."


"Young people are hardworking. In this case, we will leave the choice to you."

Yang Zhendong looked at the deputy director Tie Gang in charge of criminal affairs.

Tie Gang also knew that it was time for him to speak: "Next, I hope that if you don't agree, you must keep it confidential after you go out. This will involve Chuncheng's crackdown on illegal crimes for a long time in the future."

"This second road is that we are going to create a new star in the police force of Chuncheng. It can also be said to be the first ray of light that pierces Chuncheng. I believe you have also been exposed to many vicious cases in Donghe Police Station recently.

But that is just the tip of the iceberg for Chuncheng City. The Municipal Bureau is preparing to select a new star in the police force who is representative, has a high crime-solving rate, and fights crime.

Originally, this opportunity should not be held by a newcomer like you, but based on your previous performance, the leaders of the Municipal Bureau held several meetings to discuss and decided to make you the light that pierces the Spring City. "

After saying this, Deputy Director Tie Gang paused, and continued to speak when he saw that Cui Jue's expression did not change.

"If you accept it, the Municipal Bureau will publicize all your previous achievements and fully cooperate with your work. Of course, you will be directly promoted to deputy section chief without waiting for the two years.

Although your position is only deputy section chief, you only need to contact me. I am your direct leader. As long as you can persist, no matter who it is, as long as you promise not to violate the regulations, you can deal with it, even if the person is in a high position or has great power. "

After that, Tie Gang stopped talking and waited for Cui Jue's answer.

After listening to Tie Gang's words, Cui Jue also understood why Yang Zhendong asked everyone else to leave.

Because this content really cannot be leaked, choosing the first path is actually the safest, because there are not so many dangers. He will be only 28 years old after working as deputy director for five years, which is a hundred benefits for him.

But if he chooses the second path, Tie Gang should have something to say just now.

This road is full of thorns and challenges. He has more opportunities, but he will also face greater dangers.

Those criminals who were arrested by him, such as If he escapes accidentally, what awaits him is endless revenge on Cui Jue and his family.

But why did he join the police in the first place?

Is it just to wear this police uniform?

Or is it for his father's wish?

Neither, because he also wants to be a person who can do everything to fight criminals like Cui Dingguo.

He does not have lofty ideals, but he has seen too many tragedies before, whether it is what he experienced with his father since childhood.

And all his experiences in the past two months have told him that he should be a person who redresses the injustice of the dead and brings criminals to the bench to be judged by law.

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