, it will be presented to everyone together with the pilot film of the movie .

believe that with the cooperation of the songs , the pilot film of the movie can also be more enthusiastic !

For Wu Jing’s request , Qin Xiaoxian agreed without thinking .

In the end, I worked overtime to create a song – [ Serve the country with loyalty ! ?

Wu Jing is extremely satisfied with this song .

This song not only reflects the central idea of Wolf Warrior 2 , but also shows the passion of soldiers .

Perfect for this movie !

I have to say , Qin Xiaoxian is really a fucking genius ~

After listening to the demo of the song , Wu Jing quickly contacted the post-production team .

Let them make the pilot film of the movie today , and accompany this song of serving the country with loyalty sung by Qin Xiaoxian !

And when this pilot film came out , Wu Jing also uploaded it to the Internet for the first time, and for a time , the whole network was in a boiling state !

All the viewers who saw this pilot film were proud of the strength of the country and moved by the protection of the soldiers !

At the same time, everyone also had the idea of becoming a soldier , and wanted to become a character like Leng Feng in Wolf Warrior .

Wear military uniforms and defend your homeland !

” Wolf smoke rises from the river and mountains to the north

Dragon flag roll horse long neigh sword as frost

Heart like the vast waters of the Yellow River

Who can resist in twenty years ?”

When the melody of the song plays , when the lyrics of the song are presented in the pilot .

Every viewer who watched was moved by it !

is our honor that we live in this peaceful age , but it is also the result of countless soldiers fighting to be the first .

Without the dedication of the revolutionary ancestors, without the protection of modern soldiers .

It’s impossible to have the current peace and prosperity

” Where the maddened sword is directed

How many brothers and feet are buried in the bones

He Xibai die to report the country

I can’t bear to sigh, even more speechless, blood and tears fill my eyes ”

and fall of the world is the responsibility of every man .

Today’s society , although at peace .

But no one can slack off .

A weak country without diplomacy will be beaten if it falls behind !

This is a bloody lesson ! .

I want the country to be prosperous and the nation to be prosperous .

It’s not just someone’s business .

It is the result of the joint efforts of all .

Maybe we can’t go to the battlefield to defend our homeland and defend our country , and we ca n’t be a soldier and fight on the front line !

in our ordinary positions and contribute our due strength to our country .

For researchers , their biggest thing is to study hard .

Strive to develop more and more powerful weapons and have more and more advanced equipment .

If a country wants to be strong , scientific research must be the first .

The country does not need these scientific and technological forces to expand its territory .

There is no need to rely on these technological weapons to provoke wars .

But must not have the support of these forces !

This is the foundation of a country’s strength .

For doctors, the most important thing they should do is to save the dying and not forget the original intention !

Don’t be harassed by greed , and don’t let the patient get the help they deserve .

For countless ordinary workers .

Their job is to do their job well .

Be able to guarantee your own life without causing a burden to the society !

This is the greatest contribution to the country !

When a country has no poor people , all people can eat and eat well .

The crime rate in this country will also be greatly reduced .

Everything can be developed in a good direction !

“The horseshoe goes south to the north and people look north

People look north, the grass is green and yellow, and the dust is flying

I would like to defend the land and restore the frontier

dignified heaven will let the Quartet come to congratulate ~”

But to say the most exciting , there is no more than these two lyrics .

These two lyrics sing about the soldiers who are fighting on the front line , and they sing about the most lovely and amiable soldiers !

Without their protection , without their power !

In today’s society , although it is in an era of peace , we can still see the shadow of the soldiers marching forward bravely …

a natural disaster , it is always the soldiers who are fighting on the front line !

When there is a major accident and you need active force , what everyone sees will always be soldiers !

It is precisely because of the dedication of the soldiers , it is because of their fearlessness .

Only then can everyone still hold hope and laugh at life no matter what the situation is !

Not long after this pilot came out .

CCTV immediately made a comment .

“The country needs positive energy , and the entertainment industry needs positive energy even more . Thank you Qin Xiaoxian and this song of serving the country with loyalty . It allows us to see the strength of the nation and the greatness of the military !”

As the most authoritative media organization in China .

Being able to name and praise Qin Xiaoxian is definitely the greatest honor and affirmation for him !

And after CCTV made a comment .

Other media have also expressed their opinions .

” This song is really inspiring . I suggest that it be listed as a must-learn song in elementary school , so that everyone can cultivate the heart of serving the country with loyalty from an early age !”

” Thank you Qin Xiaoxian for his creation , thank him for letting us have songs to express our emotions , and at the same time, thank you for the countless soldiers who defend our home and the country . It is because of your existence that we can enjoy life so safely !”

” Being in the army is definitely a glorious thing . Being able to defend the family and the country is definitely a lifetime dream of countless people . Let us bravely step into the army in our youth to defend the glory of the motherland !”

” What is a really good artist , I believe everyone has the answer now . Compared with those so-called excellent artists who can only kneel and lick , this kind of performance with practical actions is really worthy of admiration !”

And after the media expressed their thoughts one after another .

Many netizens also followed closely and expressed their feelings !

” This song is so shocking , it makes people’s blood boil , thank the soldiers for their dedication , you are the pride of all Chinese people !”

” Soldiers are really admirable . Even in today’s peaceful era , they are still training hard every day , always preparing for war , thank them , because of you , we have become happier !”

” This song really makes people want to cry , I am a soldier , this song sings the emotions I want to express , and every soldier I sing wants to express the emotions , thank Lao Qin , thank him Give us a chance to speak up !”

” Compared to those songs of love and love in the entertainment industry , this song is the real positive energy , and the Wolf Warrior 2 filmed by director Wu Jing is also a real hot-blooded movie . I can’t wait to get into it. The theater , go to appreciate the style of the soldiers of the Celestial Dynasty !”

for a while .

The whole network has set off a wave of awe for the soldiers !

Everyone expressed their feelings for the soldiers .

They also understand the difficulty of soldiers .

of film to show everyone the soldiers of the Celestial Dynasty .

Qin Xiaoxian, on the other hand, used singing to make everyone integrate into the blood of the soldiers .

After this .

The whole kingdom is singing this song .

Countless singers and netizens have all released their singing on their short video platforms .

Everyone uses this 3.6 method to express their love for the country and their respect for the soldiers .

Deyun Club was also praised by the media because of this incident .

Guo Degang was very emotional at this moment .

before that .

Deyun Club and the mainstream media are almost incompatible .

Especially after the turmoil in August of that year , it was even more troublesome .

They have reports about Deyun Club , and they are all negative news !

Especially when it comes to reporting on apprentices !

Every time either the apprentice beats someone , the apprentice quits , or the master and apprentice turn against each other !

There is hardly anything good anyway !

But this time .

Deyun Club, named by mainstream media .

But it is rare to have positive reports !

Guo Degang at this meeting was extremely happy .

Now .

Qin Xiaoxian’s performance is more and more recognized !

Even look at his current development .

There is a feeling that the blue is better than the blue !

At least in terms of layout , this kid is completely open !

Much stronger than his master !

When Xue Zhiqian heard this song .

The whole person even had the urge to kneel !

The first five minutes to write the first actor is amazing enough !

I didn’t expect that this would make a propaganda song for Wolf Warrior , which directly attracted the attention of the whole people .

Even CCTV praised it !

What kind of fairy singer is Qin Xiaoxian? This creative ability is really terrifying ~

It seems that he is fortunate enough to be able to get the songs composed by Qin Xiaoxian , which is really the accumulation of virtue from his ancestors !

At this meeting, Xue Zhiqian secretly made up his mind .

From now on , we must hug Lao Qin’s thigh tightly .

Don’t look at Lao Qin looking very thin now , but his thighs are absolutely so thick that you can’t hold them !

Even being a licking dog next to Lao Qin is fine .

Lick the dog, lick the dog , lick to the end , everything !

? Ask for flowers , ask for evaluation ! ] .

Chapter 122 The partner of the small theater holds the great master , Lao Qin wants to beat someone (3 more , please subscribe !)

Chapter 122 The partner of the small theater holds the great master , Lao Qin wants to beat someone (3 more , please subscribe !)

This song of serving the country with loyalty , coupled with the pilot film of Wolf Warrior 2 , makes everyone look forward to this upcoming Wolf Warrior 2 .

Even judging from the current market conditions , this movie is very likely to create a new history of the Celestial Dynasty !

, such a sensation also put more pressure on Wu Jing and his team .

If this film cannot be made to show the effect expected by everyone , then everyone’s disappointment will increase exponentially .

, if such a film with a military as the theme fails to meet expectations in the final performance , it will also be a kind of blasphemy to the military .

This is something Wu Jing can’t accept no matter what !

He has confidence in his script and in the acting skills of the actors .

The final post-processing , even if it takes a little more time , must not let everyone down !

Qin Xiaoxian has gained a lot of emotional value with this piece of loyal service to the country . At this stage , his overall emotional value has reached 100 million , and there is a trend of continuous growth .

For Qin Xiaoxian, who has never fought such a wealthy battle , this is really a very happy thing .

” Ding , congratulations to the host , the cumulative emotional value has exceeded 100 million , and you will receive additional rewards from the system !”

Any extra rewards ?

, Qin Xiaoxian didn’t pay much attention to the fact that the emotional value was more than 100 million .

Anyway, in the current situation , 100 million is nothing to him .

After all, this is the result of a cumulative period of time .

Qin Xiaoxian is already mentally prepared for this .

When he suddenly heard that there were additional rewards , Qin Xiaoxian was instantly interested and wanted to see what the rewards were !

” Ding , congratulations to the host , getting the emotional value upgrade product – prestige value !”

[ Prestige Points : As long as someone pays attention to the host , they can reap the corresponding Reputation Points , which are an upgraded version of Emotional Points ! ?

After seeing the system’s explanation , Qin Xiaoxian was very excited .

There seems to be no difference between the emotional value and the reputation value , but in fact they are worlds apart .

The collection of emotional value is to harvest the corresponding emotional value only after the other party has to produce emotional changes .

Prestige, however, is completely different .

As long as someone pays attention , as long as someone understands , they can get the corresponding prestige value .

In terms of collection speed , the reputation value is definitely several times or even dozens of times the emotional value !

indeed a happy thing for Qin Xiaoxian .

Thinking of this , the 100 million emotional value in front of me doesn’t seem to be that important .

” System , what skills can I exchange for one hundred million emotional points ?”

” Ding , answer the host , the current emotional value can be exchanged for master-level driving skills , master-level billiards skills , and master-level basketball skills . Is the host redeemable ?”

Yes !

Although these skills do not seem to match the emotional value of a hundred million .

But for the rich and powerful Qin Xiaoxian , these are not important at all .

After upgrading to prestige points , it is definitely a piece of cake to get prestige points !

” Ding , congratulations to the host , you have obtained master-level driving skills , master-level billiards skills , and master-level basketball skills !”

[ Master driving skills : The current driving skills of the host can be comparable to the top racers , and at the same time, they are stronger than the top racers in terms of reaction and control , and can deal with various emergencies ! ?

[ Master-level billiards technology : The billiards technology of the host under the 9 -ball rule is on par with the world’s top masters ! ?

[ Master basketball skills : Except for the unchangeable physical fitness of the host , other basketball skills can reach the world’s top ! ?

After finding three skills , Qin Xiaoxian didn’t have much reason .

However, he was still very satisfied .

These skills are also very helpful for his future acting career .

When actors create a character , in addition to the necessary acting skills , sometimes they also need some specific skills .

When the protagonist is a billiard player , then he must master some billiard skills more or less .

And when the protagonist is a racing driver , you must also have a certain understanding of the racing car and be able to skillfully complete some basic operations .

But now that Qin Xiaoxian has these skills , he will become more competitive when he plays this subject matter .

Coupled with these skills , all of them are magic tools for flirting with girls .

Believe that with these skills .

Qin Xiaoxian’s peach blossom bond can also become more and more vigorous .

Qin Xiaoxian has never advertised himself as a gentleman when it comes to love .

After all, in the entertainment industry , I face so many beautiful stars every day .

It would be a lie to say no .

If you have the opportunity to complete in-depth exchanges with each other .

For Qin Xiaoxian, it is not unacceptable !

Occasionally you love me , it’s not bad !

After the promotion , Qin Xiaoxian returned to the small theater again .

For the small theater , Qin Xiaoxian also has a special plot .

Every time he came here , he would have a different feeling .

Very safe and relaxing !

However, Qin Xiaoxian’s return today is not a normal return .

Sun Jiuxiang is currently performing in Team 7 .

But Qin Xiaoxian came to the fifth team today .

At the beginning, Shaobing spared no effort to invite him .

, Qin Xiaoxian refused because of various reasons .

Psychologically .

Qin Xiaoxian still feels that he owes some sesame seeds .

not easy today , so he stopped by to see the performance of Team 5 .

After seeing Qin Xiaoxian appear .

Everyone in the five teams was also very surprised .

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