” Hotel !”

Qin Xiaoxian responded .

Jin Xing’s expression changed .

” A lot , or just one or two ?”

Qin Xiaoxian is very modest .

” It’s fine to be honest !”

” There are also several cities such as Yanjing , Modu , Shenzhen , Dalian and so on ~”

hiss ~~

Hearing such a response , the audience at the scene couldn’t help taking a deep breath .

before that .

They do know that Lao Qin is rich .

But I never thought that Lao Qin’s family was so rich .

The benefits of the hotel industry are considerable .

, the places Qin Xiaoxian mentioned are all the top first-tier cities in China .

in such a city can be imagined .

” You do have mines at home ~”

” No wonder it’s usually so generous ~”

” What car did you drive here today ?”

Jin Xing is also straight-minded , and asks whatever comes to his mind .

hmm ?

Qin Xiaoxian was stunned for a while, somewhat surprised by this question .

Finally gave an answer .

“I ‘m driving a Porsche today !”

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ”

After hearing the car driven by Qin Xiaoxian , the audience at the scene exclaimed again .

Sure enough , poverty limits their imagination !

” You just said that you feel sorry for your father , can you be more specific ?”

Jin Xing is also very emotional , Lao Qin is really inhumane ~

more curious about the story between Lao Qin and her father !

” When I was 18 years old , I just joined Deyun Club , but my father forced me to go back and wanted me to follow him every day and learn to do business with him !”

” I did go back for a while , but I felt that this kind of life was not suitable for me , so I finally chose Deyun Club and didn’t follow my father’s idea !”

Speaking of this , Qin Xiaoxian’s face is also a little more sad …

Loyalty and filial piety have been difficult since ancient times .

Now he is actually facing the same thing .

Between his own ideals and his father’s wishes , he couldn’t take care of them at the same time .

In the end, you can only choose to hurt one of them .

” But I think your father should understand you now . After all, the achievements you have achieved so far are enough to make him proud !”

Jin Xing also comforted at this time .

Qin Xiaoxian nodded .

” Now I really feel that I owe a lot less . At least I have proved that my own choice is correct . Even if I don’t rely on my family , I can still live well !”

When he said these words , Qin Xiaoxian seemed extremely proud and proud .

This is also what countless young people who want to prove themselves want to say .

Many people want to be able to live a better life , to be able to change their destiny .

Neither chose to follow their parents’ plans .

In the eyes of parents , having a stable job , even if the income is only two or three thousand , is enough .

At least it’s stable and there won’t be any surprises .

But what kind of life does a few young people want ?

Who doesn’t want their life to be better , and who doesn’t want to be able to rely on their own hands to create more wealth ?

In the limited youth , if you don’t work hard , if you do n’t work hard , who knows what the result will be ?

There may be some people who think that taking youth as a bet is too expensive .

After all, if it fails, it is likely to be ruined for life .

But even if you don’t work hard , you really choose two or three thousand jobs , and choose to live in peace and stability .

Isn’t this life ruined ?

Every day is spent in ignorance, and there is no pursuit at all .

Apart from being the king of mouths on the Internet , there is absolutely no way to prove yourself .

you sure you want this kind of life ?

Many people in the audience felt the same way .

Although they didn’t have the great ideals like Qin Xiaoxian, they never thought they would be able to stand out in the entertainment circle !

But at the same time, I also hope to shine in my own industry and be able to use my abilities to create unprecedented value .

, Jin Xing looked at Qin Xiaoxian with a little more appreciation .

As the chat deepens .

He found that he liked Qin Xiaoxian more and more .

This child not only has a good personality , but is also very idealistic and ambitious .

Such children are really rare in today’s entertainment industry .

” Next, I have a question that I particularly want to ask. It can be regarded as a multiple-choice question !”

” Among the many songs, which one is your favorite ?”

Qin Xiaoxian thought about it seriously .

” For now , my favorite is to serve the country with loyalty !”

” I think he represents the soldiers of the Celestial Dynasty and the national spirit !”

Jin Xing also agreed excitedly .

” To be honest , I also like this song very much . When I hear this song , I feel that my whole body is full of energy !”

Jin Xing said this very vigorously , and even deliberately showed off his muscles .

This move also successfully amused everyone at the scene .

hahaha …

” Next question , do you think your laughter is plain water or wine ?”

Qin Xiaoxian hesitated slightly .

?3.6?” I think it’s wine !”

” Boiled water gives the impression that it has no taste . Although it is very thirst -quenching , it always feels a little less interesting !”

” But wine will make people unforgettable , and it will really make people enjoy . I think my cross talk is for people to enjoy !”

Good !

When Qin Xiaoxian said these words , the whole person seemed extra confident .

The audience at the scene also recognized it !

” Okay , as an actor , you should have enough self-confidence !”

Jin Xing also agrees very much .

People can be confident , but not conceited .

Many people don’t understand this concept .

It’s actually quite simple !

Talented people say this , it is self-confidence !

Those who have no talent say such things , they are arrogant !

Judging from Qin Xiaoxian’s previous achievements , he does have the confidence to say such a thing !

” If you were acting, would you rather be the villain or the decent ?”

” Rebel !”

Qin Xiaoxian did not hesitate .

” Why the villain , I think many people should like positive characters !”

Qin Xiaoxian nodded .

” It’s true that everyone likes the positive characters , but I think the villains are more challenging !”

Qin Xiaoxian only said half of what he said .

The other half took into account the broadcast problem , he did not say .

In his view .

Compared with the so-called positive role of the decent , everything about the villain is the true temperament !

When they do anything, they do n’t take too much into consideration .

Everything is done according to their own ideas .

This is the true state of a person .

People who don’t do it for themselves will be punished by heaven and earth .

In this world , there may really be altruistic people .

But only very individual .

The vast majority of people are still typical egoists .

Everything revolves around your own interests .

Although he doesn’t agree with the evil things done by the villain , he appreciates the villain’s decision when facing the problem ! .

Chapter 127 Lao Qin made Jin Xing completely cool , this is the real man (4 more , please subscribe !)

Chapter 127 Lao Qin made Jin Xing completely cool , this is the real man (4 more , please subscribe !)

and answer session gave Jin Xing a preliminary understanding of Qin Xiaoxian .

It also gave everyone a deeper understanding of Qin Xiaoxian .

This kind of talk show is definitely the best way to get closer to each other !

A more real Qin Xiaoxian is being known by everyone .

By the end of this session , Jin Xing was extremely surprised .

“To be honest , before this , I only knew about Lao Qin , but I didn’t know it, but after this Q&A session , I think I already know a little about you !”

Qin Xiaoxian nodded when he heard the words .

” In fact, people are like this . Only through communication , only through contact , can we get to know each other better !”

” It seems that we should communicate more in the future !”

Jin Xing picked his thumb and agreed with Qin Xiaoxian’s point of view very much .

Then she spoke again .

” I heard a sentence before , that is to say that everyone’s success is two-sided , there is suffering and sweetness , and it will never be smooth sailing , but this sentence seems to have a different understanding on you, do you think so Is it ?”

Qin Xiaoxian looked at Jin Xian , then nodded .

” I think this sentence is really different for me!”

” Compared with other people’s inspirational life , such as my master , for example, brother Yue , my life may be smoother , and there are almost no setbacks !”

” Including my fire , it ‘s also very unexpected . It ‘s almost not supported by Deyun Club . It’s inexplicable because of an interview !”

hahaha …

When Qin Xiaoxian said this, he seemed very proud .

For him , this is definitely a very honorable thing .

After all, in the entire entertainment industry , few people can have such an experience !

” Indeed , but this is what makes your character more prominent . Logically speaking, it is impossible for a person like you to think too much, and you always feel that everything is a matter of course !”

” But I didn’t see this in you . Instead, I saw the humility and cherishing that only those who have experienced hardships have . I think this is really rare !”

Jin Xing praised Qin Xiaoxian very sincerely .

Sometimes people are like that .

that are too easy to get are not particularly cherished .

Qin Xiaoxian’s journey has almost always been smooth sailing .

In addition, since childhood, the family conditions were excellent , food and clothing were worry -free , and he never suffered at all .

Logically speaking , he should n’t think too much about it .

Qin Xiaoxian is different . He knows no less than other experienced people in all aspects !

This is really surprising !

” I think a person’s character has a certain relationship with his experience , but it’s not all !”

” It still depends on how you look at the problem . The same problem , if you face it from a different angle , you may get different answers !”

” In the eyes of others , my success is indeed too smooth , it can be described as smooth sailing , but everyone does not see the hard work behind me , nor the hardships I have paid for success !”

” If I don’t have enough ability , if I don’t work hard enough , then even if I can achieve such a result , it will be difficult for me to hold on to this score . Now the entertainment industry is changing too fast , and you may still be the brother of someone else today . But tomorrow may be a passerby !”

Qin Xiaoxian gave his opinion again .

” This is a very good word , and people’s eyes must be broadened !”

” Two people on the same starting line , one succeeds and the other fails . The one who failed must not be jealous of the one who succeeded , but should sum up the lessons of his own failures and ask the experience of the one who succeeded humbly . Only in this way can you have hope . Success !

Jin Xing agrees very much with Qin Xiaoxian’s point of view .

No matter when a person is , he must not think about looking at the shortcomings of others , but should look at the advantages of others !

The shortcomings of others will not help you in the slightest , but will make you blindly confident .

the advantages of others may be what you lack the most on the road to success !

” We all know that Lao Qin is a very good creator , and he has left us a lot of popular songs on the stage. Today, I came to the stage of Jin Xingxiu , can you improvise and create a song for everyone on the spot ? Let’s see how strong your creative ability is ?”

The rising Jin Xian also thought of Qin Xiaoxian’s creative ability .

Tell the truth .

Her request is actually a bit excessive .

After all, without any preparation , such improvisation is a big test even for the best creators !

But Lao Qin didn’t feel anything .

One is that he understands Jin Xing’s character , and the other is that he understands his own strength !

Improvisation ?

It doesn’t matter at all !

” No problem !”

Qin Xiaoxian responded very decisively !

” I know that Teacher Jin Xing is also a very good dancer . At the same time, she also helps countless dancers to pursue their dreams in her own way !”

” Today I hope I can use a song to help everyone bravely pursue their dreams . I hope everyone can put on the wings of their dreams and go further and further on the road in the future !”

After Qin Xiaoxian finished speaking , Jin Xing asked very warmly .

” Old Qin , do you need a piano , our program team has a piano !”

Hearing this , Qin Xiaoxian was very surprised .

” If there’s a piano , it would definitely be better !”

As soon as he finished speaking , the staff lifted a piano up .

Sitting gracefully in front of the piano , Qin Xiaoxian slowly played the piano .

The soothing music made everyone on the scene close their eyes .

He quietly listened to his next singing .

Jin Xing took off his chin with his hand and looked at Qin Xiaoxian with anticipation .

I want to hear what kind of song he will bring .

it can make everyone stronger as he said .

With the gradual deepening of the rhythm , Qin Xiaoxian also spoke slowly .

” Every time I’m wandering and loneliness, I’m strong

I don’t cry every time I’m hurt

I know I’ve always had invisible wings

Take me to fly ~, fly over despair ~”

When he finished singing the first stanza , Jin Xing’s whole body seemed to be electrocuted .

This feeling was something she had never experienced before .

She thought that Qin Xiaoxian’s creation would be very exciting , and she also thought that she might be moved .

But I never thought it could bring her such a big touch .

After singing these few lines , she couldn’t help thinking of her own experience .

I thought of my experience when I was chasing my dance dream .

At that time , in order to be able to pursue their dreams , to be able to achieve success in dance .

She practiced day and night , repeating the same movements over and over .

But even so , the results were still poor .

But no matter what the situation is , her heart is very firm .

She knew that this dream-seeking path was destined to be lonely .

Even he thought about giving up and thinking about living in a different way .

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