, it is extremely rare for a person to be excellent in a certain aspect .

is almost impossible to be excellent in every aspect !

But did not expect .

Qin Xiaoxian has achieved such an achievement .

As long as it came out of his mouth , he basically did it all .

It feels like NBA legend Larry Bird .

Bird is a player who likes to talk trash very much, and he is also a player who likes to pretend very much .

Although many people dislike him , everyone admires him very much .

Because he turned every brilliance he blew into reality !

Even the old hooligan Michael Jordan has to bow down in front of him !

Today’s Qin Xiaoxian feels like this .

When he said that his ability in a certain area is not bad , then it is definitely really good !

And it’s still top-notch !

At this moment , everyone was extremely envious of Gao Yuanyuan .

To have such a boyfriend is really what a woman can ask for ~

After this .

Qin Xiaoxian cooperated with everyone to play a lot of other games

Everyone had a great time .

When the show ended , the audience below the stage showed reluctant eyes .

of Qin Xiaoxian’s coming is really full of joy and surprises .

At the same time, it also left countless classic pictures !

Let everyone know more about this young and famous rich second generation .

After the recording of the program ends .

Jin Xing asked Qin Xiaoxian and Pan Xiaoting to have dinner very generously .

Neither of them refused .

The three get along very well .

During this period, Guan Xiaoting and Jin Xing were full of praise for Qin Xiaoxian !

Especially Pan Xiaoting .

Almost no topic has left Qin Xiaoxian .

This made Jin Xing on the side also see the trick .

But she didn’t say much about it .

A man like Qin Xiaoxian is indeed too easy to attract the opposite sex .

No matter who it is , it is difficult to resist his charm .

After the meal , the three left each other contact information .

Pan Xiaoting even took the initiative to invite Qin Xiaoxian to have time to play together !

Qin Xiaoxian did not refuse this .

It is a great pleasure to be able to play with equal opponents .

Especially when this opponent is still a big beauty , then this ball is even more enjoyable to play !

Because of drinking , Qin Xiaoxian did not drive that day .

Instead, he found a hotel in Modu and stayed there .

Coincidentally .

Half an hour before he came to this hotel , Di Lieba also stayed at this hotel .

And the paparazzi who followed the filming also recorded the whole process of Di Ali Gerba’s entry into the store .

Originally, this group of paparazzi thought that tonight , they would definitely have no hope of returning home. After all, they have been staring for a day , and they have not found any useful information !

But did not expect .

Just half an hour later , Qin Xiaoxian actually appeared in this hotel .

One is a popular little flower , and the other is top traffic !

When these two people appear in the same wine , it makes people feel excited to think about it ~

Subsequently .

The paparazzi also couldn’t wait to take pictures .

And through the relationship in the first time , I found the contact information of Qin Xiaoxian and Di Lieba .

For paparazzi, the more purpose of filming gossip is to get sky-high hush money from celebrities .

After all, as long as they hammer any melon .

All these stars can be ruined !

In this case , celebrities will spare no expense in order to save their image !

Now .

They photographed Qin Xiaoxian and Di Lieba entering and leaving the same hotel together .

This is definitely the big melon of the century .

And if this is revealed , it will definitely make the whole meager paralyzed again !

Maybe it will ruin the two of them !

With such a receipt , the paparazzi are very excited .

believe this evening is destined to be a day that changes fate !

Di Lieba , who had just taken a shower, received an unfamiliar email .

In the email , it was the photos of him and Qin Xiaoxian entering the hotel one after the other .

” Get ready for 50 million , or I’m sure these will be the headlines tomorrow !”

After seeing the news , Di Ali Gerba was not only not nervous , but extremely excited .

” Has Lao Qin also come to this hotel ?”

” It seems that some fate is really wonderful ~”

On the actor’s stage last time , Qin Xiaoxian left a very good impression on Di Lieba .

The two sides also kept in touch with each other at that time .

Just a pity .

After that .

There was no further contact between the two sides .

Not even on the same show .

This made Di Ali Gerba very helpless .

Not sure why .

After playing a couple with Qin Xiaoxian last time .

of Qin Xiaoxian was always lingering in her mind .

Even on countless nights .

Qin Xiaoxian’s figure appeared in her dreams .

And when Lao Qin called his wife , she really felt that her whole heart melted .

Even in the end , there will be some physiological reactions …

every time you wake up .

Di Ali Gerba is very shy and also very annoyed .

I don’t know what happened to me !

But today .

When I heard that Qin Xiaoxian and her appeared in the same hotel .

He no longer has the shyness he used to be , and he has no worries at all .

Instead, it’s endless excitement .

Without any hesitation , Di Lieba opened the V letter .

I found the note that she clicked countless times , but never sent a message .

” Old Qin , are you also staying at the xxx hotel ?”

Then , she gathered up her courage and asked Qin Xiaoxian .

Qin Xiaoxian, who was taking a bath , did not hear the sound of his mobile phone .

At this moment, I am still humming a song and taking a bath happily .

here Di Lieba is engaged in a fierce ideological struggle .

is Lao Qin doing ?

Why doesn’t he text me back ?

Am I being too proactive ?

I really shouldn’t be doing this !

I’m a girl , so what’s the habit of asking people ?

Oops , what the hell is wrong with me ?

Dilireba , show your pride !

so many rich people chasing you , and you don’t agree with so many little fresh meat chasing you . Why do you care about Lao Qin’s feelings now ?

10 minutes .

Di Ali Gerba’s mind , it was like a slideshow, and all kinds of emotions emerged .

But even so , Di Lieba kept looking forward to the phone ringing .

Looking forward to that person’s reply .

After Qin Xiaoxian finished taking a bath , he turned on the phone unhurriedly .

Saw a V letter and an email .

Lao Qin took the lead in opening the V letter .

Qin Xiaoxian was a little surprised when he saw that it was Di Lieba who sent him a message .

After reading the content inside , Qin Xiaoxian was even more surprised !

When he came , no one else was seen at all .

How did Di Ali Gerba know he was in this hotel ?

” You are also in this hotel , why didn’t I see you ?”

Later , Qin Xiaoxian also expressed his doubts .

Deng Leng ~

With a crisp sound .

, who was doing a fierce ideological struggle , was shocked .

She touched the phone with trembling hands .

Then he picked it up excitedly .

Quickly found V letter , but closed his eyes .

At this time , she could even hear her own heartbeat .


But in the end, curiosity triumphed over shyness .

I couldn’t help opening my eyes .

After seeing the news that Lao Qin returned .

Di Ali Gerba’s expression changed instantly .


Very excited to throw a fist .

Di Ali Gerba responded quickly .

” Yes , but I didn’t see you either . Some paparazzi took a picture of us entering the hotel one after the other . I saw it from the mailbox. Did n’t you receive the email ?”

I saw Di Lieba say so .

Qin Xiaoxian also took the initiative to open the email .

Sure enough, I found a photo of him and Di Lieba entering the hotel one after the other .

There are also paparazzi threats to him .

” Prepare 80 million tonight , or I can guarantee that these will appear on the headlines tomorrow !”

Seeing this scene , Qin Xiaoxian was stunned .

This is really a big world , there are no wonders .

Unexpectedly, he stayed in a hotel and encountered such a coincidence .

Nowadays, many celebrities are exposed under such circumstances .

Celebrities date the way they don’t go in pairs like everyone else .

Instead, choose one after the other .

of him and Di Ali Gerba is exactly the same as those of the couples who were photographed .

If the news does get out .

Even if the two of them are really nothing , I’m afraid they can’t argue .

But these paparazzi are really black .

One opening is 80 million !

This shows that you want to eat a fat man in one bite .

” I also received it , let me take 80 million hush money !”

After reading the email , Qin Xiaoxian sent a message back to Di Lieba .

” Then it seems that you are worth more than me . They only asked me for 50 million !”

, Di Ali Gerba still had no worries , but responded in a good mood .

to Di Lieba was also a bit awkward .

Is she not worried at all now ?

” How do you want to resolve this matter ?”

Then , Qin Xiaoxian took the initiative to ask .

didn’t really affect him that much .

After all, there are not a few things that have framed him before .

But every time it has nothing to do with him in the end .

Everyone has a certain immunity to him , and will not directly believe the content of the melon .

And now , his system has also been upgraded .

From collecting emotional points to collecting prestige .

If the news really broke out .

For Qin Xiaoxian , he can also gain a lot of reputation points !

But for Di Ali Gerba , it’s not a good thing .

After all, she is still single .

If this time is suddenly exposed to love .

And it’s still this kind of melon that is the third for others .

That will have a huge impact on her future love development .

If not, it will affect her career .

Considering this aspect , Qin Xiaoxian took the initiative to ask Di Lieba’s opinion .

However, he was only thinking about it , and didn’t think about what to solve for the other party .

After all, the two are not related and not related , and he has no responsibility or obligation to do so .

” I don’t know right now , where is your room , why don’t I find you , let’s have a good talk and see how this matter is resolved ?”

Di Ali Gerba is back in seconds every time .

It seems that she has been holding her mobile phone , always waiting for news from Qin Xiaoxian .

After hearing such a response .

Qin Xiaoxian’s expression was very strange .

Now that the two of them are entering and leaving the same hotel at the same time , it has already caused a lot of reverie .

If the two of them appeared in the same room again , it would be impossible to wash them even if they jumped into the Yellow River .

However .

The attitude that Di Ali Gerba is showing now .

Obviously with a certain ambiguous plot .

can be seen .

The other party did not object to such reports .

Otherwise .

What Di Lieba said to him was not to come to the room to chat .

Rather, they have already figured out a way to solve this !

But Di Lieba didn’t , she chose to find him as soon as possible and discuss countermeasures with him !

Facing Di Lieba’s initiative to come to the door , Qin Xiaoxian was also a little moved .

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