Jia Ling heard the words and nodded .

” These 18 words of yours really offended half of the entertainment industry !”

Qin Xiaoxian was puzzled .

” Am I right ?”

” In the past in the entertainment industry , everyone has their own characteristics , and they can be remembered at a glance !”

” But in today’s entertainment industry , everyone looks the same , and it’s hard to see what’s different !”

Qin Xiaoxian’s words silenced everyone else .

Although everyone is reluctant to admit it, this is indeed the reality now .

The handsome guys and beauties in the past all have their own characteristics .

Everyone is handsome and beautiful .

But now handsome guys and beauties , especially idol idols .

Almost all of them are about the same length , and there is no recognition at all .

When they stand together, it ‘s really hard for you to tell who’s who ?

” It’s not always the case , like me , it’s still very recognizable !”

Yang Di retorted at this time .

After he finished speaking , everyone smiled again .

have to say .

Yang Di’s emotional intelligence is still very high .

One sentence directly resolved Qin Xiaoxian’s embarrassment .

However, since Qin Xiaoxian dared to say it , he did not consider the consequences .

After all, what he said was the truth !

If you don’t even let the facts tell you now , that’s really sad .

Tucao returns to Tucao , this does not affect the final game result .

Everyone’s first round of challenges ended in failure !

Because everyone failed in the challenge , the first bowl of plain rice noodles was automatically given to the spring tour boy .

However, the youth on this spring tour did not show the slightest joy on his face , instead he felt a little helpless .

” It’s a real vegetarian , there’s not even any soup !”

Hearing the complaints of the youth on the Spring Tour , the mood of several people instantly became much more beautiful .

” It doesn’t matter , we didn’t want to win this round anyway , otherwise we wouldn’t be able to eat this rice noodles !”

” That’s right , the first round is just an appetizer , it doesn’t matter if you can eat it or not , as long as we perform well next time !”

” Come on, let’s go all out and meet the challenge together !”

After everyone cheered , the staff brought the second bowl of rice noodles .

” This is called Fried Noodles . It ‘s a special dish in Yangshuo , and it ‘s usually only eaten locally !”

Hearing the introduction of the staff , everyone’s eyes involuntarily turned to the fried powder .

Compared with the first plain rice noodles , this one is obviously more appetizing .

” I want to eat this !”

Qin Xiaoxian said actively .

” Shut up if you want to eat , so that it can save us a little mess !”

hahaha …

Yang Di’s rant is true enough .

” I think we can change our thinking and start from Cheng Cheng , at least let us have some sense of participation !”

Jia Ling put forward his own ideas in a timely manner .

last round of adjustments .

of Qin Xiaoxian and Zhou Shi can be described as disastrous .

If the two of them are allowed to continue, what will happen is uncertain .

In order to ensure the normal progress of the game , but also to allow others to have a sense of participation .

from Fan Chengcheng’s side is obviously a better decision !

“The ears are easy to use , and I am here !”

Yang Di said very confidently at this time .

You want to say other games , he may not be particularly good at .

But guessing the lyrics and seeing pictures to know people , he is definitely the king of kings !

the entire entertainment industry , there is nothing he does not know !

After the program group gives the first picture .

Fan Chengcheng responded very quickly .

” Zhang Ruoyun !”

arrived at Yang Di , he also showed everyone his strength .

Responded very easily .

” Yang Yang !”

In the photo given to Jia Lingfang , the features are not very obvious .

Recognition is still a little off .

However, Jia Ling responded very calmly .

” Zhu Yilong !”

As fellow villagers , he and Zhu Yilong once attended events in their hometown together .

They still know a little bit about each other .

Everyone got nervous next time .

Because it is the whole body that is about to answer the question .

His performance in the first round was on par with Qin Xiaoxian .

Now everyone is worried about whether he can give an answer .

At this time , the program team gave a photo of him facing .

But after seeing the photo , everyone relaxed !

” Guo Degang !”

hahaha …

This time , there was no hesitation in the whole body .

Mainly because this head shape is too recognizable .

The whole body successfully passed the test , and the pressure was placed on Lang Lang .

He stared at the photo of the actor in front of him , but couldn’t match the corresponding name .

” Hmm ~”

” That ~”

After thinking about it for a long time , Lang Lang finally guessed it .

” Chen Wei stop !”


biggest advantage of this round of games is that there is no time limit .

This gives everyone more time to think .

is very beneficial for the respondents !

After Lang Lang answered , the next one was Qin Xiaoxian .

What the program team gave this time was a photo of a young actor from Deyun Club .

Qin Xiaoxian did n’t recognize it at all .

other people were also dumbfounded , not knowing who this person was .

” Huh ?”

” Huh ?”

Qin Xiaoxian pondered for a long time , but couldn’t recognize who it was , and in the end he could only choose to spoil it .

hands , expressing his helplessness !

” I don’t know that either !”

” Are you sure this is an actor , why haven’t I seen him ?”

Yang Di also asked the director team at this moment .

Most of the actors in the entertainment industry know him well .

As long as he sees the photo , he can basically call out his name .

But Yang Di didn’t know this photo that Qin Xiaoxian answered .

I don’t know who is in this photo !

” This is an actor from Deyun Club !”

Wu Tong did not tell the answer directly , but gave a hint again .

After hearing this , everyone’s expressions brightened , and then they turned their attention to Qin Xiaoxian .

” Old Qin !”

” This is from Deyun Club , are you sure you don’t know it ?”

There was a little more tension between Qin Xiaoxian’s eyebrows .

If it’s someone else , it doesn’t matter if you don’t know each other .

if it’s from Deyun Club , it’s really hard to say if you don’t know him .

” Is this really from Deyun Club ?”

Qin Xiaoxian asked uncertainly .

Wu Tong nodded seriously !

” Indeed !”

After learning this answer , the embarrassment on Qin Xiaoxian’s face became stronger and stronger .

I don’t know my fellow apprentices and brothers , today it’s ugly , but it’s a big deal !

After searching for a while in his mind again , Qin Xiaoxian still couldn’t find the answer .

” I really don’t know that !”

hahaha …

When everyone saw this , they couldn’t help but smile .

This time , Qin Xiaoxian was really embarrassed .

” Who is this ? Wu Tong !”

Jia Ling’s curiosity also came up , and wanted to see who was the same disciple who even Lao Qin didn’t know ?

Wu Tong heard the words and gave an answer .

” His name is Li Hebiao , and he belongs to the Hezi Branch of Deyun Society !”

After hearing Wu Tong’s response , everyone present was stunned .

Jia Ling stared at Wu Tong with an incredible expression .

” Are you sure this is Li Hebiao ?”

of Deyun Club , she still knows Li Hebiao !

of hitting the reporter at the beginning was a riot .

” How could this be Li Hebiao , Wu Tong, where did you find the photo ?”

Yang Di couldn’t help but ask at this time .

He didn’t pay much attention to Deyun Club , but he definitely knew what Li Hebiao looked like .

” Ah , isn’t this Li Hebiao ?”

Wu Tong was a little at a loss when asked .

” Li Hebiao grows like this !”

Qin Xiaoxian immediately took out his mobile phone and searched for photos related to Li Hebiao .

After seeing the photo in Qin Xiaoxian’s hand , Wu Tong’s face became more and more embarrassed .

” Who is this picture ?”

When he asked this question , everyone was a little stunned .

” You are the person who asked the question , what about us ?”

hahaha …

Wu Tong scratched his head in embarrassment

” I’m sorry , maybe I took the wrong picture !”

hahaha …

It’s no longer anyone who can take the wrong photo when the question is asked …

” Then I don’t care about Ang , this is a matter of the show team, it has nothing to do with our guests , this round must be sentenced to victory for us !”

Qin Xiaoxian said immediately .

This photo almost made him not even know his fellow apprentices and brothers .

This is definitely not the case !

” No problem , this level directly counts as your victory !”

Wu Tong also understood that the responsibility for this was indeed the program team , and immediately agreed to Qin Xiaoxian’s request .

Therefore, the Chunyou family obtained fried noodles and successfully enjoyed the first bowl of rice noodles !

At this time, Wu Tong hurriedly asked about the photos of the relevant personnel .

It turned out that this photo was also taken by Li Hebiao .

But it’s not Li Hebiao of Deyun Club !

this show , not only the guests are confused , but the director is not smart .

Chapter 209 The gaffe Jia Ling is a passer-by of my sister ~ (4 more , please subscribe !)

Chapter 209 The gaffe Jia Ling is a passer-by of my sister ~ (4 more , please subscribe !)

” I don’t think it’s our fault that we answered badly , the main reason is that the questions from the program team were also bad !”

hahaha …

For the explanation given by Wu Tong , everyone couldn’t help but smile .

This time I really laughed and cried !

guests can’t answer it . I didn’t expect the program team to be so sloppy when they asked the questions !

Li Hebiao’s photos can also be mistaken !

” Wu Tong, I think you should be careful , maybe he will come to you one day , but he really knows how to do it !”

After that , Qin Xiaoxian also smashed Li Hebiao’s hang .

that Deyun Club beat people is no longer an open secret .

And what cross talk actors are best at is to smash the things of their peers .

In particular, both of them are from Deyun Club , so there is no need to say more !

” Well , in order to make up for my mistakes , I decided to fulfill another wish of everyone and one wish of Sister Jia Ling !”

After hearing Wu Tong’s words , Jia Ling’s expression changed instantly .

” Is Liu Dehua here ?”

hahaha …

Wu Tong’s face changed immediately .

” This is a bit difficult , what I satisfy is a small wish , a small wish !”

After Wu Tong gave an explanation , Jia Ling’s expression was obviously a little disappointed .

Her love for Liu Dehua , it is no secret that she changed to the entertainment industry .

But so far , the two have not appeared on the same stage .

She thought that Wu Tong could fulfill her wish today , but judging from the final result , she still thought too much .

” Jia Lingjie once said that she hopes to invite a popular actor to our show , and today I have fulfilled this wish !”

Although I couldn’t invite Liu Dehua , the program team really paid attention .

Ding Yuxi, the actor of the recently hit TV series , the rumored Chen Qianqian .

When he appeared , Jia Ling’s face really changed !

” God , is it true ?”

” Come on , come to my sister’s side , sit in my sister’s arms ~”

ah ?

Jia Ling’s words made Ding Yuxi a little confused .

I didn’t know what to do for a while .

” Don’t be like this , can you be more restrained ?”

Yang Di couldn’t help complaining .

” Oh , I’m sorry , I’m a little rude !”

” Come and sit next to my sister !”

Jia Ling hurriedly adjusted his state and said to Ding Yuxi again .

Ding Yuxi nodded when he heard the words , and took the initiative to sit beside Jia Ling .

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