Street Test Program: I Scold A Beautiful Woman For Taking Advantage Of Fire

Chapter 24: The Dharma Is Boundless? The Program Group Set Another Trap! 【Ten Chapters Of Violence】

That is a very special kind of trust. Since childhood, Zhao Yingmeng has never trusted others like this time.

Even her father never gave her this feeling.

Facing Zhao Yingmeng's trust, Lin Fan's expression was very calm.

He has always only cared about how much profit the latter can bring him~.

After going through so many things, he had a vague feeling that he was about to face a very huge force.

And the power he has accumulated is not enough to deal with it, so he needs to accumulate more wealth and power.

The Zhao-style financial group behind Zhao Yingmeng is the 'nutrition' delivered to the door.

Thinking of this, Lin Fan nodded and responded, "I can help you with this."

Since Mr. Zhao has such courage, then I, Mr. Lin, will accompany me to the end.

Hearing this reply, Zhao Yingmeng's originally tense face relaxed a little.

And just as the two of them were discussing the next specific operation matters.

The screen in the live broadcast room suddenly split into two.

The figure of the hostess Xia Ling appeared in the screen of the live broadcast room.

I saw the latter holding the microphone and said in a calm and generous manner: "Hello, everyone, I am the host Xia Ling."

"Very happy, we meet again, this time, what kind of new test will Mr. Steel Richuan bring us?"

"Let's applaud Steel Plate Nikkawa!"

Her voice fell, and a fat figure walked out of the screen in the live broadcast room.

This person's face was full of fat, and his clothes were bulging.

"Hi everyone, I'm Steel Plate Rikawa, a great detective from a whaling country."

"It's a pleasure to see you all again."

Steel plate Richuan waved his fat hand to greet everyone.

As soon as he appeared, the Kyushu country audience in the live broadcast room all showed disgusted expressions.

However, audiences from many other countries have appeared in the live broadcast room now.

For audiences in other countries, Lin Fan has been killing women's rights, which makes them very upset.

The audience in Beacon Country, in particular, can't wait for Lin Fan to be eliminated as soon as possible.

At this time, they were very happy to see Gang Gang Richuan again, who was still very confident.

They really want to know what kind of extremely difficult test this famous detective will bring to them.

As a result, the entire live broadcast room became lively.

As for the barrage in the live broadcast room, Steel Plate Rikawa himself can also see it.

Seeing how lively the live broadcast room was, the smile on his face grew wider: "After three days, we meet again, and I have only one purpose for coming here today.

"That is to eliminate Lin Fan!"

As soon as this remark came out, the number of bullet screens in the live broadcast room also skyrocketed immediately.

"I'll go! This fat pig failed once, why is it still so mad?"

"These three high-level executives, I hate this guy the most, I'll beat you at first sight!"

"Indeed, I don't know what trick this fat pig is thinking of. I hope Lin Fan can withstand the pressure and slap this guy in the face again!"

"It's too crazy, this is simply the bad nature of the whaling country! And last time his test was very cheap, won't this test be too cheap?"

Of course, apart from audiences who are hostile to him, there are also pastoral women's rights and foreign audiences who support him.

"In the last instrument test, I almost sent Lin Fan away, and I look forward to the test of Steel Richuan this time!"

"Steel plate Richuan, come on, you are the pride of our Yamato nation!"

"The people of our Beacon Country are waiting for you to avenge us! Get rid of Lin Fan! Please!"

It is recommended to eliminate him! Otherwise, the cause of women's rights in Kyushu will be over sooner or later!

Looking at the many bullet screens in the live broadcast room, Gang Gang Richuan himself was also very happy.

With a smile on his fat face, he continued: "Our test this time is very simple.

"Test whether Lin Fan believes in Buddhism or not."

"The audience in Kyushu Kingdom must have heard or seen that businessmen and friends around them will wear some jade Buddhas, rosary beads, etc."

"There are even some big bosses who deliberately go to the temple to ask for a consecrated Buddha statue, and put it at home to worship every day."

"Then Lin Fan is a top god, and he is in the business of venture capital, so the probability of believing in Buddhism is a little bit higher.

When Gang Gang Richuan said this, he also raised his right hand and showed the string of beads on his wrist.

"But everyone also knows that this is the 21st century, and materialism is the right way.

As a good man, he should naturally believe that my fate is up to me.

"Instead of believing in those ghosts and gods and Buddhas."

"If we detect that Lin Fan is obsessed with Buddhism, then we will regret to announce that he will be eliminated!"

Steel Plate Rikawa had just finished speaking.

There was an uproar in the live broadcast room.

"This test is too tricky! It will test whether Lin Fan believes in Buddhism or not!"

"Although our native religion in Kyushu is Taoism, there are still many people who believe in Buddhism!"

"Even I, a commoner, have to worship Buddha and burn incense to open a store, let alone such a hero as Lin Fan!"

"Doesn't that mean that Lin Fan is likely to be eliminated?"

It’s too much! Steel plate Richuan’s design test is too targeted! How can Lin Fan pass the level!

Many viewers felt that Lin Fan definitely believed in Buddhism, and even if he didn't believe in Buddhism, he might fall into the trap of Steel Richuan.

Some foreign audiences and pastoral feminists who saw hope were very happy.

"That's the way it is! This kind of test is interesting! The previous test was too simple!"

"Indeed, I let Lin Fan get away with it before, but this time I can't do it again!"

"Hurry up and get rid of Lin Fan, or the feminists in Kyushu will become extinct!"

Faced with the heated discussion in the live broadcast room, Steel Plate Rikawa himself was also very happy.

He nodded secretly, having despised Wei Meng and Jack countless times in his heart.

How harsh were all kinds of taunts from Wei Meng and Jack before, but now he feels so happy in his heart.

He even couldn't wait to see the unbelievable expressions of Wei Meng and Jack.

Thinking of this, he continued.

"It's also a coincidence this time, there is a Yunshan Temple on top of Yunshan near Yunshan Racecourse."

"Our staff contacted the abbot of Yunshan Temple as soon as they learned that Lin Fan was coming to Yunshan Racecourse."

"After some simple exchanges [obtained the consent of the host of the other party."

"They will cooperate with our performance, and in the name of traveling down the mountain, they will send Lin Fan a consecrated Jade Buddha.

"If Lin Fan listens to the host and accepts this consecrated Jade Buddha, then he will be eliminated from the competition.

Hearing this introduction from Gang Gang Richuan, the audience in the live broadcast room became excited again.

They didn't expect that this test would come so suddenly.

The program group also took advantage of the location and directly asked the host of Yunshan Temple to help them.

In this way, it will also greatly increase Lin Fan's chances of being eliminated.

"Hahaha! This time, the right time, the right place and the right people! The program group must win! Women's rights must win!"

"Unexpectedly, God help us this time, Lin Fan will definitely be eliminated!"

"Great! The victory fireworks I bought last time are finally ready to use!"

"Isn't Lin Fan dead this time? I don't believe it anymore, because Fan can still not believe in Buddhism? Disrespect ghosts and gods?"

The pastoral feminists in the live broadcast room were all very excited.

As soon as they thought that they could finally eliminate Lin Fan, they couldn't wait to see the test begin.

And those viewers who support Lin Fan are very worried.

Faced with this unfavorable situation for Lin Fan, it was hard for them to imagine how Lin Fan would pass this test.

Just as the audience in the live broadcast room were discussing.

Steel plate Richuan continued: "Of course, this time our female guest will also be on stage."

We all know that if the temple host just sends Lin Fan a consecrated Jade Buddha, then this is not a test.

"In other words, the difficulty of the test is too low, it's just the lowest level of test."

"In order to echo the difficulty of the eleventh test, we specially let female guests take on a very important role.

Hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room were a little curious.

The difficulty of this test is already high enough, what kind of character can make the difficulty of the test increase again?

"The fat pigs in this whaling country are really cheap. It's so difficult, don't you think it's not enough?"

"He has no good intentions, just waiting to make Lin Fan look ugly in front of audiences all over the world!"

"It's full of bad water, this fat pig is too bad!"

Some pastoral feminist teachers responded with anger.

"Cut! It's the eleventh level, you guys think it's just playing tricks! If you don't want the test, you can surrender!"

"That's right, a group of big men are even worse than us women, it's outrageous!"

I think they are afraid, so they say this and that!

The audience in the live broadcast room was divided into two camps again and began to quarrel.

Of course, they also want to know what kind of important role the female guest will play this time.

At this time, Steel Plate Rikawa continued to announce.

"This time, the female guest Tang Wenyu will play the role of the person who comes to fulfill the wish. She is here to enhance the credibility of the host."

...asking for flowers...

"Everyone should know that whether a temple is effective or not depends on the number of people who fulfill their vows."

"When Lin Fan saw a female CEO, she came to fulfill her wish with great fanfare, do you think he will believe in Buddha from the bottom of his heart?"

Hearing Gang Gang Richuan's words, the audience in the live broadcast room were all blown up.

Some pastoral feminists laughed.

"Hahaha! Well done! Lin Fan isn't dead this time?"

"I really want to see Lin Fan being fooled by the host!"

"In this way, it is impossible for him not to believe in Buddhism!"

"Men in Kyushu are like this. They like to follow what others say. Lin Fan will definitely believe in Buddhism even more when he sees others come to fulfill their wishes!"

Those who support Lin Fan are very worried.

I'm going! This dead fat pig is disgusting! Can think of such a disgusting thing!

"In this way, isn't Lin Fan really about to collapse?"

"It's so messed up! I even hired a female president to fulfill my wish! As expected of a man from a whaling country, it's disgusting!"

"If this kind of script is done, even if Lin Fan didn't believe in Buddhism at first, he probably believes in the existence of Buddha now!"

"It's over! It's over! Lin Fan is really going to fail this time, the program team has too many means!"

"This time, I'm afraid I will pretend to be those female boxers!"

Just as the audience in the live broadcast room were discussing.

Steel plate Hikawa also said the final concluding remarks.

"I have already introduced the content of this test. This is the eleventh test. Once Lin Fan passes this test, he will receive a bonus of 4 billion!"


"Next, let's

Look forward to Lin Fan's performance!"

After his voice fell, the entire "Are there any good men in this world" program group became busy.

With the start of this test.

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room has already broken through the sky.

It took only five minutes for the popularity to break through the nearly one billion mark from a few hundred million.

As time went by, the popularity of the live broadcast room was no longer climbing rapidly.

Audiences around the world are watching the ordeal.

They all wondered if Lin Fan would be crushed by the eleventh test.

For them, Lin Fan is now a man representing Kyushu.

If Lin Fan fails, neither will the man representing Kyushu.

Just as the audience in the live broadcast room were discussing.

Soon, another screen was separated from the screen in the live broadcast room.

Dozens of black luxury cars were driving on a straight road.

A limousine headed by, with a well-dressed woman sitting in the back seat.

This person is Tang Wenyu, and she is also the female guest this time.

Not only is she perfect in figure, she has a very beautiful face, and her whole demeanor is deliberately pretending to be a female president.

The script she got was very simple, that is, to go to Qingshan Temple with great fanfare to fulfill her wish.

Create a feeling that the domineering female president is very grateful and believes in Buddha.

The black limousine of their party was very powerful, and wherever they went, passers-by stopped to look sideways.

At the same time, in the Yunshan Temple on Qingyun Mountain.

A group of monks wearing cassocks and holding Zen sticks walked slowly towards the foot of the mountain.

Among them, some monks were knocking on wooden fish, and some monks were chanting Buddhist scriptures.

Before these monks, an old man was leading the way.

This is an old abbot, his Taoist name is not greedy, he has a kind and kind face, but he is wearing a golden cassock and holding a golden Zen staff.

He looked firmly at the Yunshan Racecourse at the foot of the mountain.

My heart is full of calculations and thoughts.

The reason why he led all the monks out of the mountain was mainly because of a huge sum of money.

This morning, a rich man came and spent half a million yuan to invite them to perform a good show.

It is simply to fool Lin Fan, the owner of Yunshan Racecourse, as long as he succeeds, he can get 10 million rewards afterwards.

Facing such a huge sum of money, the host of No Greedy agreed immediately without even thinking about it.

When he first came to the temple as an abbot, he just wanted to make a lot of money.

What kind of Buddha heart and abstaining from desires are all tricks used to deceive outsiders.

However, the Yunshan Temple has not been very prosperous for a long time. In recent years, many people are unwilling to come to worship Buddha.

This time, it was not easy to have such a good opportunity to make money.

Of course he won't let it go.

He even planned that if he made this sum, he would directly pass on the hosting to others.

Find an unusually prosperous city and spend the rest of his life in style. .

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