Chapter 123 Step by step

Looking at the backs of Wang Gang and Wu Jingyan leaving, Lin Fan took a deep breath of fresh air.

I have to say that this couple is indeed a bit difficult to deal with, especially Wu Jingyan, a shrew, when she gets angry, she is like a demon, vicious and vicious.

Lin Fan guessed that if Wu Jingyan died in a car accident, she would definitely become a ghost.

After thinking about it for a while, he shook his head, put what had just happened behind him, walked straight back into the office, closed the door, and then lay on a simple sling, closed his eyes, his whole body was in a relaxed state, and gradually Into dreamland.

The next day, the sun rose from the east, and the soft light shone on the earth. The big banyan trees in front of the supermarket were bathed in the sunlight, and the dewdrops on the leaves gradually evaporated, forming a hazy, if Hidden "August 17" if the scene now.

After breakfast, Lin Fan strode out of the hotel entrance, stood next to a brand-name car, opened the door, got into the driver's seat, started the engine, set foot on a wide and flat road, and drove towards the supermarket at an even speed.

On the road, all kinds of vehicles came in an endless stream, and occasionally there was a harsh horn sound. There were crowds of people on both sides of the road, and the stream was endless, and there was a turbid smell in the air.

Unknowingly, the car arrived at the entrance of the supermarket and stopped under a big tree.

After getting out of the car, Lin Fan strode towards the office. Everywhere he passed, everyone smiled respectfully and flatteringly, calling Lin Fan the boss.

Regarding this, Lin Fan remained silent, but smiled faintly at the crowd.

On the way, when he passed the cosmetics counter, he suddenly found a familiar figure, and the owner of that figure was Li Xiaomei.

He stopped walking, turned to look at Li Xiaomei, with a puzzled look on his face, and asked her why she still came to work.

The reason why he asked her this was because after she had a conflict with Wu Jingyan yesterday, Lin Fan was afraid that Wu Jingyan would be unfavorable to Li Xiaomei on her way home from work, so out of good intentions, Lin Fan asked Li Xiaomei to take a few days off. After the news of this incident has passed, she will return to work in the supermarket.

Who knows, he could still see her in the supermarket today.

Li Xiaomei smiled sweetly, and lifted a strand of hair next to her ear with her hand, and told Lin Fan the reason with all kinds of flair.

It turned out that since Wang Gang and Wu Jingyan were taken away by the police, Li Xiaomei had an idea. The two interfered with the operating order of the supermarket and seriously violated social security regulations. Once they entered the police station, they would definitely be detained by the police for between three and seven days.

In other words, during those three days, both of them were locked up in the small black room of the police station.

Therefore, she believed that the two of them could not have any influence on her during their detention at the police station.

So, she made a decision, and within three days, she continued to go to work in the supermarket.

After three days, she will go home and take a few days off. She will not go to work in the supermarket until this matter is over.

After finishing speaking, Li Xiaomei ignored Lin Fan, turned around and walked to a customer, and introduced the efficacy of a cosmetic to her in detail.

Seeing this, Lin Fan didn't stop, and walked towards the office.

After a while, he walked into the office and sat in a window seat, tasting the top red wine while looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window.

Before I knew it, half an hour passed.

Lin Fan's mind flashed, and he still remembered one thing.

Not long ago, he also specified several ways to deal with Zhang Long's department store, but the plan was delayed because of some things.

Now, as he happens to be free, it is the perfect time to start implementing the first project.

Just doing what he said, Lin Fan walked out of the office, walked around the huge shopping hall, found fifteen beautiful female salespersons one by one, and then assigned them a task: go back to the dormitory immediately to change clothes, change clothes for Wearing ordinary clothes, it is best not to be recognized by outsiders as supermarket salespersons.

After changing their clothes, the fifteen salespersons were divided into two groups. One group went to nearby small and medium-sized stores to inspect the commodity prices of each store, and the other group pretended to be ordinary customers and sneaked into the store run by Zhang Long. store, and record the price of each item.

In a word, during that process, no matter what means they used, everyone had to bring each product back to the supermarket and hand it over to Lin Fan.

Of course, during the period of going out, everyone's salary will be calculated according to the original double salary...

However, it is worth mentioning that wages will not be settled for any time beyond working hours.

After receiving this task, the fifteen salespersons immediately took action. According to Lin Fan's instructions, they were divided into two groups. One group went to the nearby small and medium-sized stores to investigate, and the other group entered the department store run by Zhang Long.

After sending out the task, Lin Fan had nothing to do, followed behind the eight salespersons, kept a certain distance from them, and walked slowly towards Zhang Long's department store.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Fan and others entered Zhang Long's department store, stood on a shelf, and kept browsing the prices of each commodity.

After observing for about five minutes, Lin Fan felt a little dizzy, so he left the department store and walked towards the supermarket with big strides.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to cross a road, a white van drove up and stopped beside him.

Then, the car door opened, and two young men in black jumped down, walked straight to Lin Fan, bent slightly, with respectful smiles on their faces, cupped their hands and said, "Hello, are you Mr. Lin Fan?" ?"

Lin Fan was slightly taken aback, looked the two young men up and down, and said calmly: "Yes, I am Lin Fan, what do you want from me?"

"Sir, it's like this, we are all members of the Ax Gang, and we have just been ordered by the leader Hong Shengqi to come here to invite you to Long 5. Restaurant for dinner.

"Okay, I know."

"Sir, please get in the car."

Lin Fan glanced at the white van, with mixed emotions in his heart, shook his head and said, "No, I'm not used to sitting in other people's cars, you guys go there first, I'll be there soon."

Hearing this, the two gang members did not dare to force Lin Fan to get in the car, turned around and walked back to the van, opened the door, got into the driver's seat, started the engine, set foot on a busy street, and roared away.

Lin Fan stood beside the road, reached out to stop a taxi, explained the whereabouts straight to the point, and asked the driver to go to Longfeng Tea House.

The driver was a middle-aged man. Seeing Lin Fan's easy-going personality and gorgeous clothes, he thought he was a rich man and he should be able to take the opportunity to kill him. .

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