Street Test Program: I Scold A Beautiful Woman For Taking Advantage Of Fire

Chapter 60: Scolding The Gold Digger, Exposing The Darkness, The Whole Network Applauds! 【Please Cus

And Qin Hanyan, the chief director of the program group, learned of the news.

She also seemed very happy.

Before that, Lin Fan scolded three female guests in a row, and exposed the false identity of one female guest.

This also made her position as chief director somewhat unstable.

But now, Ye Li's appearance made her feel a glimmer of hope for victory.

At that moment, she made a decision, as long as Ye He can successfully seduce Lin Fan.

I will give Lin Fan the one million yuan that was originally awarded to her as a reward!

In the official scarf of the "Are there any good men in this world" program group.

The same announcement was also made.

[The latest announcement from the program group: Ye Li seems to want to seduce Lin Fan! We express our strong support and approval for her behavior. Once Ye Li makes Lin Fan out, we will give her the same bonus! 】

This announcement has been issued.

It directly detonated the entire network.

Originally, many viewers who watched the program thought that nothing serious would happen in these seven days.

So some of them didn't watch the live broadcast often.

Just wait for the wine tasting meeting a few days later, and they will open the live broadcast room to watch the latest progress.

But it was different now, when they learned that Ye Pei turned out to be a hypocritical gold digger.

They were all dumbfounded, and a large number of netizens poured into the live broadcast room of "Are there any good men in this world".

When they saw that Ye Li was really rehearsing how to seduce Lin Fan.

Everyone was shocked by the result.

Among the bibs, the trending search about Ye Li's temptation to Lin Fan also went straight to the top of the list.

Everyone is discussing this matter.

Originally, it was already shocking for Lin Fan to bring out those famous wines, but now such a character might be out of the game.

Netizens all commented and left messages below.

"Oh my god! Didn't expect the clown to be me! I'm so naive!"

"Are all the women these days so deceitful! I was so deceived!"

"Don't talk about you, even Lin Fan didn't see through her deception, how could you see through it?"

"I seriously suspect that this Ye Li is not a first-time offender, but a repeat offender! Definitely a veteran!"

"It can't be a woman who specializes in fishing for hooks! Isn't Lin Fan's current situation very dangerous!"

"Damn it! After hunting for so long, the eagle pecked at the eyes in the end! I am not reconciled!"

"If Lin Fan falls into the hands of this woman, it will be a major blow to all of us men!"

"Brothers, to put it bluntly, there is a high probability that Lin Fan will be tempted! No way, Ye Li is too good at pretending!"

"From Lin Fan's point of view, Ye Li has always been an obedient girl, and she is also very motivated. Such a woman has good external conditions, so it's okay to take the initiative to throw herself into her arms!"

"Smash it! It's all in Ye Li's hands! Disgusting! She is so disgusting!"

Regarding this matter, the entire Internet has set off a wave of discussions.

Their concern isn't just whether Lin Fan will be lured out.

I also care about whether Ye Li's three views are correct or not.

Most male audiences and women hate this kind of rubbish.

But there were also many female viewers who praised Ye Li's behavior.

They even commented underneath the scarf.

[Three kinds of farewell]: This Ye Li is too smart! She is simply the idol of our women!

[How much do you know about lip gloss]: Men are like this now, one is more attractive than the other, we can only be forced to worship money!

[Sitting alone in the BMW]: Ye Li must be doing the right thing! What's wrong with her trying to get the upper hand?

[Bring the money]: Ye Li is indeed right, I want my daughter to learn from her too!

[Forest Man I Don't Know]: Isn't it just using a little trick! As long as you can succeed in getting the position, it's a good trick!

For these comments that blow through the three views.

A large number of male and female viewers disagree.

But as soon as their comments were posted, they were angered by some female boxers.

Attacks were also carried out with various vicious languages.

In the eyes of these female boxers, as long as Lin Fan is successfully seduced, he has failed, and there is nothing wrong with Ye Dou's approach.

In other words, whether Lin Fan can successfully resist Ye Li's temptation has become the standard for the public to judge Ye Li's behavior.

If Ye Li succeeds in taking the position, many girls will only think that this is the right thing to do.

Only when Ye Li failed, they would reflect on Ye Li's problems.

For the ups and downs of the outside world.

Neither Ye Li nor Lin Fan knew about it.

Lin Fan is currently in his office, dealing with some matters.

In the past few days, he borrowed his contacts and asked Jiang Linhai and others for some advice.

The allocation of funds is currently being planned.

He now has about 60 million current assets.

In just a few days, he went from having nothing to sitting on billions of assets and more than 60 million in liquidity.

If the solution given by Jiang Linhai and the others is correct, within a short period of time, the funds can still go up and up.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Fan has no time to receive his yacht.

The yacht is parked near the sea port.

It is about a three-hour drive from the Chinese style villa.

Going back and forth, the sky can hardly do anything.

Anyway, that top luxury yacht will not run away by itself, Lin Fan plans to accept it in a few days.

In this way, while planning the investment situation of working capital, he pondered whether the paths in front of him were good or bad.

Time passed slowly, and soon came the night of the day.

At this moment.

After eating, I plan to go back to my office to catch up with Li Gong.

But Ye Li suddenly stopped him.

"Boss Lin Fan, I have something I want to talk to you about."

"Let me tell you about the dishes, can you go to the living room and wait for me?"

Ye Li said with a serious expression.

Hearing this, Lin Fan also frowned slightly.

However, he only thought for a moment before agreeing: "Okay, I'll give you half an hour.

After Lin Fan agreed, he raised his foot and walked towards the living room.

Since they didn't know the exact time of Ye Li's actions, the audience in the live broadcast room also waited for a long time.

At this time, when Lin Fan's figure suddenly appeared in the living room.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all excited.

"Lin Fan is here! It's Lin Fan!"

He doesn't usually come to the living room at night! Could it be that? Is that coming?

"It's over! It's over! Looking at Lin Fan like this, he seems to be absent-minded! He won't be taken advantage of!"

"Oh my God! Now that this matter has become so big, I can't imagine what the scarf looks like after Lin Fan failed!"

"What can we do? We have no choice but to support it!"

"Come on, Lin Fan, don't be tempted by that scheming woman!"

"Now you not only represent us men, but also represent some correct three views!"

"Brothers, let me tell you a bad news, men become bad when they have money, and women become rich when they become bad!"

"Damn! Can you bastard say something positive, why are you talking about this! You want your brothers to die?"

"Don't quarrel! Don't quarrel! This is very important, brothers, don't quarrel, I'm ALLIN!"

"Honey! There's spinach in here!"

Just when the audience in the live broadcast room were discussing.

Time also passed by every minute and every second.

Seeing that Ye Li hadn't come, Lin Fan didn't think too much, just closed his eyes and meditated on the letter he had gained recently.

Ten minutes later.

When Ye Li was wearing a loose coat and appeared in the live broadcast room.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all in high spirits.

"Why does Ye Li wear a coat in summer? Is there something wrong with her brain?"

No, why do I feel that there is something hidden under the clothes!

"It can't be a bomb! If you take it out, you will have a limit exchange with Lin Fan?"

But Lin Fan didn't notice Ye Li. He closed his eyes and meditated, but he couldn't see what Ye Li was wearing.

It was only the sound of Ye Li's footsteps that caught his attention.

Lin Fan closed his eyes, lay on the huge sofa in the living room, and asked casually: "Tell me, what's the matter.

"Boss Lin Fan, it's like this. When I was working recently, I always felt a little dizzy.

"I don't know why~"

Ye Li changed her usual capable voice into a somewhat whiny tone.

"Sick? You can go to a nearby hospital to see, if you want to grant a holiday, there is no problem.

Lin Fan still didn't open his eyes, just rubbed his temples, and responded casually.

"It's okay, I can still hold on." Ye Li was getting closer and closer to Lin Fan at this time.

Before Lin Fan agreed, she sat down beside Lin Fan.

At this time, as soon as she sat down, the bunny girl costume hidden in the coat was revealed.

Because Lin Fan closed his eyes, he didn't notice it.

But the audience in the live broadcast room is different.

They all found Ye Li's bunny girl uniform hidden under her coat.

for a while.

The entire live broadcast room was immediately fried.

"What's the situation! Engaging in uniform temptation?"

"It's over! It's over! This Ye Li is ten times fiercer than we imagined! She is simply the old driver among the old drivers!"

"If Lin Fan can stand up this time, I'll kill the village chief's chicken right away, drink the chicken blood and recognize Lin Fan as my big brother!"

"If Lin Fan can hold on this time, I'll sell the house and buy stocks immediately!"

"If Lin Fan can stand up this time, I will immediately take the dowry to buy a lottery ticket!"

"Good guy! Everyone upstairs is talented!"

And the audience of those female boxers was very proud.

"I don't believe it, Lin Fan is still alive this time?"

"This Ye Li is indeed our idol! Take down Lin Fan!"

"Let you stinking men see the real face of Lin Fan today!"

After discovering the details, the number of bullet chats in the live broadcast room soared, as if covering the entire screen.

Everyone wants to know what choice Lin Fan will make in the face of such a temptation.

However, Lin Fan didn't know about all this, and he still rubbed his temples.

He felt that there was someone sitting beside him, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

"Anything else?" Lin Fan asked casually.

And at this moment, Ye Li looked at Lin Fan with a gleam in his eyes.

From her point of view, Lin Fan is still closing his eyes, obviously he is being prudish, he can do serious things, but he pretends to be ignorant.

For her, after getting along these few days, Lin Fan is more like a sullen man.

In other words, if she wants to win Lin Fan, she must take the initiative.

Thinking of this, she stretched her fingers towards her coat.


She pulled it down so hard that the coat disappeared, revealing the bunny girl uniform underneath.

See this scene.

The audience in the live broadcast room all stared wide-eyed


They all know that now is the key. Whether Lin Fan can withstand the temptation depends on this wave.

For them, there is a high probability that Lin Fan will not be able to resist such a temptation.

But they still have a little hope in their hearts.

Hope to see the moment when Lin Fan successfully resists the temptation.

Many male viewers who support Lin Fan are silently cheering for Lin Fan.

At this moment, Ye Li took off her coat and threw it on the sofa.

Raising his hand to pull his hair, the whole ponytail spread out like a waterfall.

All of a sudden, a woman's fragrance rose in the room.

Lin Fan soon smelled the smell, and his brows were slightly wrinkled.

He still didn't open his eyes, but asked in a slightly serious tone: "What are you doing? Why don't you answer me?"

"Nothing, I just feel a little hot."

"Touch my head to see if I have a fever."

Ye Li reached out to touch Lin Fan's palm.

But at this time, Lin Fan suddenly opened his eyes.

He dodged to the side, avoiding the latter's grasping palm.

At this time, he finally saw Ye Li's bunny girl costume.

After seeing Ye Li, Lin Fan's eyes flickered in disbelief.

In his opinion, Ye Li has always been a hardworking and down-to-earth type.

Why did he suddenly seem like a different person today.

"Why are you dressed like this!" Lin Fan asked with a frown.

"Why? Hehehe~"

"Boss, why do you think I'm dressed like this? I want you to see a doctor for me."

Ye Li thought that Lin Fan wanted to play with her, so she touched her chest and responded.

As she spoke, she leaned towards Lin Fan.

In her opinion, no man can resist her temptation.

Even Shenhao is a man, as long as he is a man, they are all the same.

But Lin Fan is completely different from what she expected.

Even in the face of Ye Li's temptation, Lin Fan didn't express anything.

In Lin Fan's view, there is no free lunch in the world.

He has been in the society for so long, and he has seen many immortals dancing and beauties flourishing.

And his friends who were caught in the trap all thought that women were simple and easy to deceive.

As everyone knows, in the end, the person who was cheated to the bone was his friend.

And this Ye Li usually does things in a down-to-earth manner, but today she suddenly changed her attire to seduce herself on purpose.

If there is no ghost in it, then I really saw a ghost.

"I'm giving you one last chance, put your clothes on and get out of my sight.

"I can act as if today's events never happened."

Lin Fan wasn't sure what the latter thought.

If the latter simply likes him, then if he categorically scolds him, it will definitely cause a lot of damage to the latter's heart.

After not coming to a conclusion, Lin Fan has always acted in a steady style.

But Lin Fan's words fell into Ye Li's ears, but she didn't seem to say anything.

Now that she is like this, there is absolutely no way of turning back.

"Boss, just help me see a doctor." Ye Li still said in a coquettish voice.

Hearing this, Lin Fan already understood everything, his voice was like ice: "Get out!"

"Boss, what do you mean?"

"Can't you see what I'm thinking?" Ye Li was taken aback for a moment, and she simply pointed it out.

"So that's why you're here to apply for a butler?"

"I thought you were here to be the housekeeper, but in the end you wanted to be Mrs. Lin. I'm the one who made you feel bad."

Lin Fan's tone was mocking.

"Let me tell you the truth, I don't care for a woman like you at all!"

"Go away! You don't have to come to work tomorrow!"

His eyes were fixed, and he had already issued an order to evict the guest.

Hearing this, Ye Li was really stunned. She never expected that her carefully planned seduction would end in failure.

And Lin Fan's tone did not hide his disgust at all.

As soon as this remark came out, the male audience in the live broadcast room were all stunned by Lin Fan's behavior.

"I'll go! I didn't expect Lin Fan to be such a principled person!"

"That's amazing my brother! Lin Fan, you wait, I'll go to the village head to find the village chief now!"

"Bull! I'm going to sell the house now!"

"Come on, then I'll go to the rooftop now! It's dead anyway!"

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that Lin Fan could really resist Ye Li's temptation!"

And those female boxers were dumbfounded.

They never imagined that things would turn out like this.

"How could Lin Fan refuse? It doesn't make sense!"

"Is something wrong?"

"Lin Fan can withstand this too? Is the sun coming out from the west!"

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't expect that Lin Fan could really resist Ye Li's temptation.

At this moment, facing this situation, Ye Li felt a little unacceptable.

In her opinion, Lin Fan is a young man, and he should be able to handle it easily.

Things should never have turned out like this!

"Hey! Are you mistaken, am I not beautiful? Am I out of shape? Am I not trying hard enough?"

"Where am I not good enough for you?" Ye Li asked in disbelief.

Faced with these problems, Lin Fan decided to let the latter go without thinking about it.

But at this moment.

The voice of the system sounded in his mind.

[Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for triggering this hidden event. 】

[If the host rejects Ye Li's rude request and scolds Ye Li, he will be rewarded generously. 】

[The lowest rating is C-level, 100,000 cash + one of the world's top famous paintings will be rewarded. The rating will be based on the actual situation. The higher the rating, the better the reward!]

Hearing this voice, Lin Fan's heart moved.

He didn't expect that this would trigger the system's hidden events again.

But when he was in a daze, Ye Li felt that Lin Fan was being questioned by her.

She feels that she still has a chance to seduce Lin Fan.

So he resumed his previous sweet look, walking slowly towards Lin Fan with blurred eyes.

The audience in the live broadcast also thought that Lin Fan had regretted it.

They were all stunned. Those who went out to kill chickens, sell houses, and jump off buildings all stopped their movements at this moment.

But at this moment, Lin Fan pointed at Ye Li's nose and scolded: "If you tell me to get out, get out! Why are you such a shameless woman!"

"Don't you know it's disgusting to do this? Or, do you think you are proud of doing this? Very proud?"

"I really don't know what a person like you is pretending to be in his head! If you don't get lost now, are you waiting for me to give you a certificate of good citizen!"

After Lin Fan scolded a lot.

The voice of the system sounded in his mind.

[The host's remarks about this woman's three views are detected, and the current evaluation is B-level!]

[The highest level is S level, please work hard!]

Ye Li was taken aback by Lin Fan's sudden scolding.

She just froze in place.

Ever since she was a child, she has always been the only one who scolded others like this, and no one has ever scolded her like that!

Even her parents didn't dare to beat and scold her, they always treated her like a treasure.

And Lin Fan didn't hide it at all, scolding her so decisively.

For a moment, Ye Li only felt a little dizzy.

And the audience in the live broadcast room was even shown by Lin Fan's one-handed operation.

The male audience all laughed.

"Hahaha! I just said that there seems to be something missing! It turns out that Brother Lin's scolding is missing!"

"I'll beat you! My cabinet really moved, I don't want to look at it! Please! Lin Fan scold her!"

"The quality of the third company upstairs, right! Good guy! I'll just call him good guy!"

"The knife is not sharp, the horse is too thin, what are you fighting with me! Ye Li, I, Emperor Lin Tian, ​​have nothing to fear!"

"My elder brother Lin Fan has been doing things all his life, why should he care about other people's opinions! Good scolding!"

"Good scolding! Wonderful scolding! Frogs croaking!"

"Lin Fan is my big brother! If I don't listen to him swearing for a day, I feel bad all over!"

"—Three small barbecues a day! Big gold chain and small watch! Lin Fan can't stop being full if he curses!"

The audience in the live broadcast room is also full of talents, and one after another, the gold rushes out of the frame.

They naturally liked Lin Fan's scolding behavior very much.

Ye Li's three views are not right, the harder Lin Fan scolds, the happier they feel.

But Ye Li herself didn't think so, it took her a while to recover.

At this time, not only did she not feel that there was anything wrong with herself, but she pointed to Lin Fan and asked.

"What kind of quality are you! Why are you scolding me!"

"What the police don't care about, why do you scold me, what right do you have to scold me?"

Ye Li was also very stubborn. She already felt that it was hopeless to seduce Lin Fan, and her nature was directly exposed.

Even the voice turned into a very sharp voice, like a cock being strangled by someone's neck.

Lin Fan didn't expect that this woman would dare to refute him.

And looking at it like this, it seems that I don't feel that I have any problems at all.

For this kind of obsessed person, Lin Fan was really almost laughed at by her.

"You are amazing! Among so many unreasonable women I have met, you are really the only one!"

"I really don't know how your parents educated you! Didn't they ever tell you that you have to be down-to-earth?"

"Before I thought you were a self-motivated woman, but now it seems that you are just pretending to be more similar, but in fact you are not as good as a pig or a dog!"

"The etiquette, righteousness, honesty and shame that have been passed down for five thousand years in the Kyushu Kingdom, have you eaten all of them?"

"It's the most ridiculous thing in the world! It's ridiculous!"

Lin Fan's speech is extremely fast, like an enhanced version of Gatling.

Shooting directly at Ye Li's body, the latter's face flushed red from scolding.

And the voice of the system also sounded in his mind.

[The host has detected that the woman's three views are not right, and the current evaluation is A-level!]

[The highest level is S level, please work hard!]

The audience in the live broadcast room also listened very comfortably.

Every time Lin Fan scolded these scumbags, they felt like they were scolding themselves.

The whole person is full of joy.

You must know that in reality, the scarves are full of anti-three views of various female boxers.

Not only that, all kinds of WeChat, official accounts, and social media are gradually being eroded by these female boxers' comments that are against the normal three views.

It makes some normal women think that the real awakening of women's rights is to despise men.

This time, Lin Fan used his scolding voice to express the anger that hundreds of millions of viewers wanted to scold but had no place to scold.

"Good scolding! That's the way it is! Let those female boxers reflect on themselves!"

"That's right! For five thousand years in the Kyushu Kingdom, I have always taught ideas with etiquette, justice, integrity and shame as the core, but now these female boxers, each of their own

Not only do they not understand etiquette, but they mess up the rhythm everywhere, they are just a bunch of idiots!"

"Actually, I've wanted to scold this kind of shameless woman for a long time! Let me explain in advance, I am a woman, so I look down on this kind of slut. It is because there are more such women that we women

Discriminated against!"

"Hey! There are not many people in the world who dare to speak the truth like Lin Fan. They are afraid of being punched by women everywhere. They are all cowardly like chickens. No celebrity dares to stand up.

Speak up! It breaks my heart!"

"Good scolding! Lin Fan scolded once! I fan Lin Fan once! Lin Fan is our forever big brother!"

In the live broadcast room, the audience was mobilized by Fan's scolding.

The anger that had been suppressed for a long time in the past was also released at this moment.

And the female boxers who were scolded all dared not say a word.

They themselves also know that what they do is actually wrong.

But usually no one unites against them, that's why they are so arrogant.

Now, most people are angry at them, even if they are always unreasonable, they dare not offend public anger at this time.

And Ye Li, who was scolded so badly, also lowered her head at this time.

The previous anger was also scolded by Lin Fan, leaving only some so-called self-esteem to support her.

Suddenly she seemed to gain strength, summoned up the courage to retort: ​​"Do you think I want to do this!"

"It's not that doing so can be exchanged for the highest benefit! A woman's youth is only a few years!"

"I will not take this opportunity and find a good person to marry. The only person who will regret it will be myself!"

At this time, Ye Li's voice also gradually became louder, as if the fallacies in these words gave her strength.

And as her voice became louder, the female boxers in the live broadcast room seemed to have found their way.

"Ye Li is right! A woman's youth is only for a few years! If you miss it, it will be gone! There is nothing wrong with her choice!"

"Lin Fan must have been a rich second generation who grew up shouting for the golden key. How can he understand how hard life is for us poor people!"

"That's right! Jimeis! Don't be misled by Lin Fan! Women should be like Ye Li!"

"No way! If we women want to succeed, we can only make a little sacrifice. It doesn't matter if no one understands us. The important thing is not to give up!"

At this time, they seemed to be bewitched by evil spirits, and they were all led astray by this fallacy.

They seem to think from the bottom of their hearts that it is right for women to do so.

The male audience in the live broadcast room was also a little speechless for a while.

From this aspect, Ye Li seems to be a really hardworking woman.

She worked hard to find Shenhao, investigate what Shenhao needed, and then went to learn various related knowledge.

Find a way to get close to Shenhao, and then take the initiative to seduce Shenhao, in exchange for the life she wants.

It seems that life is also very tiring.

But at this time, facing Ye Li's rebuttal, Lin Fan sneered.

".々A woman's youth is only those few years? It's ridiculous! It's as if a man's youth is only a few years more!"

"Not to mention that everyone's time is the same, do you simply think that your efforts will definitely be rewarded!"

"Relying on the physical superiority of a monk, only a brainless person like you can figure out the middle things!"

"Could it be that you can stay young forever? Be beautiful all your life? When the time comes, don't you have to spit out everything you got in exchange for your face!"

Lin Fan scolded this, he pointed to the latter, and continued to scold.

"It seems that you don't know what women like you are in the eyes of rich people!"

"To put it bluntly, it is a stock that will keep falling, but any rich person with a little brain will not hold this kind of stock that will keep falling for a long time!"

"That's right! I see, women like you will end up posting a scarf on the Internet, saying that you were cheated by a scumbag!"

Then find a so-called honest man to marry, and finally become a resentful woman in a lifetime of complaints!

Lin Fan's scolding can be said to have directly hit the most painful point in this kind of woman's heart.

Of course they are not fools, they just like to deceive themselves all the time.

And in order not to make them feel uncomfortable, they will go to the Internet to lie to others.

It's like a Ponzi scheme, it seems that only in this way will they forget the most painful point.

Ye Li naturally understood what the final consequences would be if she did this.

For her, everything she did was like a gamble.

If you win the bet, you can win everything, but if you lose the bet, you have nothing!

And Lin Fan's scolding directly lifted all her fig leafs.

Let her ugliness be completely exposed to the sun.

Lin Fan just finished scolding Ye Li.

And the voice of the system also sounded in his mind.

[The host's remarks about this woman's three views are detected, and the current evaluation is S-level!]

[Congratulations to the host for reaching the S-level evaluation, and getting a bonus of one million plus a gallery of the world's top, which houses most of the famous paintings lost in ancient and modern China and abroad!】

[In order for the host to accept the aspect, the gallery has been set up in the safe room of your luxury yacht, please host to receive it as soon as possible! 】

Hearing the rewards from the system, Lin Fan also felt at ease.

The disgusting feeling caused by Ye Li before has all been expressed now.

At this time, the male audience in the live broadcast room were also conquered by Lin Fan's scolding.

They couldn't help applauding Lin Fan's wonderful scolding.

"Good scolding! This kind of woman is really stupid! She is doing business at a loss, and she thinks that rich people are as stupid as her!"

"Indeed, if rich people are this stupid, they wouldn't be able to make so much money!"

"Rich people are just playing for fun, how can they really marry this kind of woman and go home! Isn't that something a fool would do!"

"The worst thing is! This kind of woman will finally blame all the mistakes on the man, saying that it is the man's problem! It's disgusting!"

"No way, this is the fundamental reason for the emergence of female boxers. These women are obviously thinking too naively, and instead blame the scumbags on men!"

"It's ridiculous to make it look like a man hasn't lost his youth!"

"Lin Fan's insights are too unique, he is indeed my big brother! Liuliuliu!"

"It's too thorough. Most people really don't understand this truth. To put it bluntly, female boxers are just a bunch of people!

The male audience in the live broadcast applauded Lin Fan's scolding.

At this time, the female boxers are all obedient and dare not speak.

Lin Fan has just touched their most unspoken secret, at this moment, no matter how unreasonable they are.

I didn't dare to say a word, there was no way, [Lin Fan blocked their way.

At this time, Ye Li herself was also annoyed by Lin Fan's anger, and she lost her temper.

Lin Fan saw that the benefits of the system had already been obtained, so he didn't bother to waste his saliva on educating the latter.

For him, the latter is just a passer-by he encountered.

If it wasn't for the system's reward, he would just silently ask the security to drag her out.

No matter what the latter becomes later, he will not care anymore.

Anyway, there is so much scum in the world, and he doesn't need to eradicate it.

"Let's go, you are not welcome here." Lin Fan's face has returned to a calm expression, he said in a cold voice.

At this moment, (well received) Ye Li faced Lin Fan's calm words, but she no longer had any strength to resist.

She was like a balloon whose air had been evacuated, and she lost her support.

With a coat on his body, he walked slowly towards the outside of the villa with blank eyes.

Along the way, some management staff recruited by her were a little puzzled when they saw her miserable appearance.

Since it was Ye Li who called them in, they also had a kindness for the latter.

But when they saw the latter's clothes, they immediately understood, and all of them showed disgusted expressions.

At this time, Ye Li seemed to be the object of everyone's disdain.

She paid a heavy price for her previous misconduct.

And Lin Fan scolded this video of a gold digger.

It was also uploaded to social media such as bibs by countless enthusiastic viewers.

This video, once released.

The heat immediately exploded.

The whole internet was shocked by Lin Fan's righteous words.

They didn't expect that Lin Fan was not only a great god, but also possessed such profound insight.

To be able to see this issue so clearly.

for a while.

The major media also published Lin Fan's essays one after another.

Penguin: 【Lin Fan's words of justice! It is the benchmark for our generation to learn from!】

UC:【Shocked, a mysterious rich man in Kyushu country did such a thing to a gold digger!】

Baidu: [Lin Fan's remarks not only touched on the crux of the problem, but also touched on the pain points of gold diggers, there is really nothing wrong with it!]

Headline: [Lin Fan! The pride of Kyushu men!]

Sohu: [Big news! Lin Fan is furious at the gold-worshiping girl! The whole network is a sensation!]

Douyin:【Those old iron family members who think my brother Lin Fan is right! Remember to double-click 666!】

For a moment, Lin Fan's popularity skyrocketed.

Most Kyushu netizens know Lin Fan's name.

We all know about Lin Fan's actions.

Even some female netizens felt that there was nothing wrong with what Lin Fan said.

Compared with the brainless speech of the female boxer, Lin Fan's reasoning is very clear. Anyone with a little brain can understand what Lin Fan is saying.

Many netizens also forwarded the video of Lin Fan angrily beating the gold-worshiping girl to their friends.

Even the video of Lin Fan appeared in the group of family members who love each other.

Lin Fan's fame spread not only among young people, but also among some older people.

Of course, except for Dragon City.

Because all news about the program "Are there any good men in this world" was blocked.

The citizens of Longjing City didn't know that such a big event that shocked the whole country had happened.

Lin Fan himself has no knowledge of those things that happen naturally on the Internet.

After he fired Ye Li, there was a vacancy in his hand.

At this time, with the lessons learned from the past, he didn't want to recruit people casually anymore.

After thinking about it, Lin Fan decided to call Tong Yishan.

When the phone rang, it was picked up by someone.

"Hi! Is it Mr. Lin! I don't know what business Mr. Lin is looking for me so late?"

Tong Yishan's voice came out from the phone, and the latter's tone seemed very happy.

It seems that Lin Fan took the initiative to call him, which made him emotional a lot.

"President Tong, have you eaten yet?" Out of politeness, Lin Fan asked very politely.

"Of course I have eaten, Mr. Lin, you are calling me so late because you are concerned about this issue, right?

Tong Yishan responded with a smile, in his opinion.

Lin Fan is not only young and promising, but also knowledgeable and sensible. He is really a rare talent.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. I just want you to introduce me to a villa housekeeper."

After exchanging simple greetings, Lin Fan didn't go around the bush, and directly told the reason why he came to find Tong Yishan.

"Oh! I thought it was a big deal!"

"It's simple, I happen to have a young daughter who studies management, and I will ask her to come to your house to report tomorrow.

"Her name is Tong Ling. She just finished her senior year this year and needs to find an internship job."

"Because she is my daughter, don't be shy about talking about her. If my daughter does something wrong, please forgive me.

Tong Yishan is also a straightforward person, without thinking too much, he just pushed his precious daughter out.

Hearing this answer, even Lin Fan couldn't help being stunned for a moment.


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