Street Test Program: I Scold A Beautiful Woman For Taking Advantage Of Fire

Chapter 62: The Dinner Party Is Fake, But The Trap Is Real! The Test Of Humanity And Money! 【Please

at the same time.

In the "Are there any good men in this world" program group thousands of miles away.

in an office.

Chief director Qin Hanyan and a group of high-level executives are currently having an emergency meeting inside.

At this time, Qin Hanyan was sitting in front of the conference table.

Behind her, a projector is used to display the background of a woman's information.

This is an exceptionally beautiful woman, not only in appearance, but also in a very powerful aura.

Even if it's just a few ordinary snapshots.

There is also an aura of a strong woman rushing towards her face.

After these photos, there are dense introductions of background information.

Zhao Yingmeng, the female president of Hongsheng Capital, the next heir of the Zhao family, and the woman with the most investment talent in the Zhao family.

At the age of fifteen, relying on investment talent, he easily made a million dollars.

Earned a small goal at the age of twenty.

Now at the age of 27, he already controls an investment company worth hundreds of billions.

Every provincial capital city in the country has branches of this company.

"Everyone has seen the profile of this female guest, right?"

"She is the eighteenth female guest, Zhao Yingmeng, the female president of Hongsheng Capital. We originally planned to send her to test later."

"But today things are not quite what we imagined."

"Lin Fan slapped four women in the face at the speed of light, making our show the laughing stock of many people."

"So after discussing with the representatives of the consortium, I decided to send the following female guests in advance to test Lin Fan's humanity. y

Qin Hanyan's tone was very serious. After she finished speaking, she glanced at the high-level people in front of her, waiting for the response of others.

However, most of the top executives have no objection to her proposal.

After all, the purpose of their program is to prove that there are no good men in the world.

Shows made specifically to grab attention.

But one of the senior officials responded with some concern.

"Director Qin, this arrangement is certainly good, but I'm just worried that Zhao Meng will be unhappy.

"I've heard people say she's not an easy woman to deal with."

As soon as he said this, the other high-level officials nodded.

Judging from the information they obtained, this Zhao Yingmeng is not only outstanding in ability, but also backed by the Zhao Group.

In this way, she was used to test Lin Fan in advance, and it is estimated that the latter would not agree.

"Don't worry, this request was initiated by the president Zhao Yingmeng.

Qin Hanyan waved her hand, indicating that this is not a big problem.

Originally, she planned to wait a little longer, wait for the female guest to test, and then find the woman behind to target Lin Fan.

But just this morning, female president Zhao Yingmeng took the initiative to call her.

Said to apply for sanction Lin Fan.

Then he called the consortium behind the show to inform him.

Although the Zhao Consortium is not one of the consortiums hosting this show.

But Zhao Yingmeng's decision-making can also affect the decision-making of several financial groups behind the program group.

Ever since, things developed into what they are now.

Put it simply.

That is, Zhao Yingmeng couldn't understand Lin Fan's aura like a rainbow, and wanted to make an early move to end Lin Fan directly.

At the same time, it proves to the world that there are truly powerful feminist powers among women.

In this way, after discussing with many high-level officials, Qin Hanyan issued instructions to the hostess.

From then on, not long after Lin Fan arrived at the pier.

The program screen suddenly switched off.

Faced with this situation, the audience in the live broadcast room were all dumbfounded.

They also don't know what it means.

"What! Why did you suddenly cut the screen?"

"Where's Lin Fan? Where's the program crew! Come out and explain!"

"Is the signal broken? People!"

At this time, the hostess Xia Ling appeared on the screen of the live broadcast room.

"Hi everyone, I'm Xia Ling, the host. Today's show will be interrupted by an emergency order."

"The original No. 5 female guest is Gao Shuxue, but we have a strong woman."

"She saw that Lin Fan had passed four levels in a row and his momentum was too strong, so she wanted to come out of the mountain early to test Lin Fan."

"Everyone knows that the further back our female guests are, the stronger they become."

"She is the eighteenth female guest, and she is many times stronger than the fifth in front.

Her name is Zhao Yingmeng, she is the female president of an investment company, and she is the next successor of the Zhao consortium.

"Not only is she beautiful, but also has an outstanding temperament, and she is also very rich and knowledgeable. It can almost be said that she is a very perfect woman."

"And to make up for Lin Fan, if Lin Fan successfully passes the test this time, then Lin Fan will get a bonus of 50 million!"

The hostess just said some basic information about the substitution, and the audience in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

"Why did you change people! Did the show crew want Lin Fan to die!!"

"Why! Why do you want to do this!"

"This operation is too outrageous! I am convinced!"

"I have to say, Lin Fan is too strong, the program team must be scared, afraid that Lin Fan will be so angry all the way, their program team will probably be disbanded on the spot!"

"Brothers, this is Lin Fan's highlight moment! He actually made the program crew do this kind of operation!"

"It seems that this woman is very strong, Lin Fan can't GG!"

"We can only pray for Lin Fan."

And those female boxers were all very happy after hearing the news.

Before, Lin Fan yelled at gold diggers, causing many female boxers to break their defenses.

Now that the program crew has changed temporarily, they all have some hope.

"Great! The program team must be well prepared, women's rights are about to win!"

"Lin Fan has always been angry, and it's too hateful!"

"That's the way it is! Don't waste your time with those crap and come directly to the BOSS!"

"Jimeis, woo woo woo, we finally see hope!"

At this time, the hostess Xia Ling was still explaining.

"Hello everyone, I just introduced the information about the strong woman Zhao Yingmeng to you, and then I will explain to you the ultimate test we are preparing for.

"Next, we will conduct a human nature test on Lin Fan. How much is a human life worth?"

"As we all know, people's desires will become bigger and bigger because they have more things!"

"Some rich people have put money above people."

"And what about Lin Fan? He is sitting on so many assets, he is very likely to lose his humanity!"

"When the female president Zhao Yingmeng insulted an unknown person with money."

"How will Lin Fan choose? To help the unknown, or to choose money?"

"This time, we are also testing his humanity. Next, let's enjoy this big show!"

After the hostess Xia Ling finished talking about the next test.

The live broadcast room immediately exploded.

They thought that the program group would follow the previous routine, mainly relying on people to set up the routine Lin Fan.

But their test this time was different, and they even took the initiative to design a test.

"The program team spent a lot of money this time!"

"It seems that this female president prompted the program team to think a few more steps!"

"Humanity and money! This is too difficult to pass!"

"There are so many capitalists sucking blood in the news, Lin Fan is a person with billions of dollars in assets, and he is also very cold-blooded when he has accidents, it should be difficult to pass this test.

"It's gone! It's gone! Our big brother Lin Fan is going to die!"

While the audience was discussing in the live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast screen, the previous live broadcast screen was also restored, and the two figures of Lin Fan appeared.

At this time, just as Lin Fan got out of the car, he was greeted by a sea breeze.

The private yacht is parked on the sea, like a bright light on the sea.

A group of people entered his field of vision from a distance.

Before Lin Fan took a closer look at the person coming, Tong Ling beside him waved and shouted: "Dad! We are here!"

The group of people who came was Tong Yishan, Jiang Linhai and others.

Beside the two of them, Tong Shao and some reception staff followed.

After they heard Tong Ling's shout, their pace also quickened a bit.


Tong Yishan and others came in front of Lin Fan.

"Mr. Lin, long time no see, how are you doing?" Tong Yishan stretched out his hand.

"President Tong, I've been living fairly comfortably recently, thanks to your daughter.

"Tong Ling's work ability is indeed excellent, which also makes me feel at ease a lot.

Lin Fan also stretched out his hand to hold Tong Yishan's hand, with a slight smile on his face.

Tong Yishan also attaches great importance to Lin Fan.

And the three altars of 500-year-old immortal wine in Lin Fan's hands made countless people turn pale and envy them.

He looked at Lin Fan with a hint of appreciation.

In his opinion, Lin Fan is not only young and promising, but also a talented person, and he can also collect five hundred years of immortal wine.

Or the assets cannot be regarded as a group of outstanding young people, but they definitely have the potential to become the leaders of Longjing City.

It is not impossible to even fight a little harder to become a leader in the country.

Tong Ling who was standing aside was silently standing beside Lin Fan at this time.

She neither steals the word nor deliberately stands out, she appears very low-key, just like Lin Fan's little follower.

After Lin Fan chatted with his father and others for a while.

She pulled her father and walked aside to chat.

"Father, as the president, why did you come here to pick us up?" Tong Ling asked Tong Yishan in a low voice.

"As one of the organizers of this event, I was originally responsible for receiving and arranging the guests.

Besides, I can't come and see my little girl?"

Tong Yishan obviously liked his little daughter very much, so he also said to Tong Ling with a smile at this time.

While talking, they walked slowly towards the direction of the private yacht.

And those staff responsible for tracking and filming were also mixed in the crowd.

Follow Lin Fan and the others towards the luxury private yacht.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and this huge private yacht seemed to be the most dazzling existence in the vicinity.

After confirming that everyone boarded the ship.


Accompanied by a warning boat sound, the private yacht began to sail slowly out of the port.

The wine tasting conference has officially begun!

Lin Fan walked into the yacht, and Tong Shao at the side began to introduce various places inside.

From time to time, I will introduce important guests to Lin Fan.

At this time, Lin Fan also understood the importance of this reception.

Originally, he thought it was an ordinary meeting place for upper-class people.

But now it seems.

The people here are either wealthy, high-status, or talented.

If the above three are not involved, it is basically a young man who was brought in to learn and gain knowledge.

It can be said that many celebrities have already gathered on this private yacht of nearly 100 meters.

The presence of Lin Fan, and not much splash here


After seeing Lin Fan, many powerful people were only surprised by his temperament at first, and then they stopped paying attention.

In their view, Lin Fan's youth is too young, and he should be a young man brought here to learn and gain insight.

Without any recommendation from acquaintances, they would not take the initiative to talk to Lin Fan.

After the reception started.

Each of us holds a wine glass in his hand to meet friends with wine.

Many people have their own fixed circles. After chatting with old friends, they also start to walk around and chat with other people who seem to be celebrities.

at this moment.

A woman with outstanding temperament and wearing an unusually luxurious evening dress.

Appeared at the door of the reception hall.

I saw her cascading long hair hanging down to her waist, and her brows were more heroic.

The most conspicuous thing is her pair of bright eyes.

Like a pair of sharp swords, it can pierce people's hearts.

She kept her eyes fixed and walked with the wind, accompanied by Tong Yishan and other dignitaries.

In the face of these dignitaries, she is also full of aura, coping with it freely, showing her true qualities of a strong woman.

The whole person naturally exudes the aura of a queen.

And this woman full of aura is Zhao Yingmeng, the female president who was found by the program team with all her heart.

She was not the one brought in by the show crew.

Instead, relying on her strong company strength, she directly entered the reception and became one of the central figures of the reception.

After all, in her capacity.

If it wasn't because she wanted to test Lin Fan, she wouldn't have come to Long Kaishi at all.

In reality, she is also a person who respects women's rights.

Participating in the program is not for bonuses, but to prove that women's rights are king.

She showed her amazing business acumen at the age of ten, and already amazed countless financial teachers at the age of fifteen.

Today, he is only 28 years old, but he has already become the CEO of one of the top 100 investment companies in Kyushu.

Under her operation, the entire company's monthly profit exceeds one billion!

Ever since she was a child, she has never met any man of her generation who can surpass her in this financial field.

This is one of the reasons why she agrees with women's rights so much, but what she agrees with is real women's rights, not so-called pastoral women's rights.

when she showed up at the dinner party.

The aura alone has attracted the attention of countless people, the aura of a domineering beauty female president, coupled with the attitude of Tong Shan and others towards her.

It made many people have great curiosity about her identity.

Some dignitaries even wanted to strike up a conversation, but she ignored them all.

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw the female president Zhao Yingmeng, they were all frightened by the queen's aura.

"Oh my God! The show crew really did not exaggerate, this woman is definitely the most domineering woman I have ever seen, bar none!"

"This Zhao Yingmeng reminds me of a female emperor, Wu Zetian."

In terms of appearance, aura, background, and wealth, Zhao Yingdai is an S-class woman!"

"Being defeated by this kind of woman, Lin Fan has no regrets."

"The program team is too hateful! This is to want Lin Fan to die!"

The eyes of the female boxing audience in the live broadcast room glowed.

In their view, this kind of woman is the best of the best.

It is also what they imagine feminism should really look like.

"Jimei, I will become such a woman in the future! This is what feminism really looks like!"

"I suddenly felt that Lin Fan didn't deserve to be tested by this woman!"

"Indeed, compared to Zhao Yingmeng, Lin Fan is a scumbag!"

"Lin Fan must be gone this time! Originally, I didn't believe that he could pass the test of human nature and money! Let alone Zhao Yingmeng's test!"

The audience in the live broadcast room lamented how perfect Zhao Yingmeng was.

Lin Fan, who was standing in the crowd tasting wine and chatting, also noticed this woman.

The latter's aura is too strong, and it is impossible to forget it easily just by taking a look at it.

Even with Lin Fan's heart, he couldn't help but take a few extra glances.

And just when Lin Fan's eyes met Tong Yishan.

Tong Yishan's eyes lit up, and then he directly waved to Lin Fan, motioning for Lin Fan to go over.

Seeing this, Lin Fan's eyes flickered slightly, and his heart moved slightly.

He said something to Tong Ling first, then turned and walked towards Tong Yishan.

When Lin Fan walked to Tong Yishan's side.

Tong Yishan greeted directly: "Haha! Lin Fan, let me introduce you."

This is the boss of the investment company, Zhao Yingmeng, Mr. Zhao.

"Her company is one of the top investment companies in Kyushu."

"Moreover, most of the projects Mr. Zhao is looking at are big money-making projects, and they are known as the female Zhuge in the financial world."

After introducing Lin Fan, he introduced Zhao Meng again.

"Mr. Zhao, this is Lin Fan. He is the young man I told you about, who has five hundred years of immortal wine."

He is young and promising, with nearly one billion assets at a young age, and he is also a heroic young man in our contemporary Longjing City.

"Mr. Zhao, Mr. Lin, what do you think is a coincidence?"

"Mr. Lin has a large amount of working capital that he wants to invest. Mr. Zhao, you just told me that there is a project that needs funds to operate.

"So I ventured to make a way for the two of you, and I hope you don't miss it."

Tong Yishan said with a smile.

hear this.

Lin Fan also understood Tong Yishan's thoughts at the moment.

This is to introduce him to the way of making money.

So he nodded, stretched out his hand to greet Zhao Yingmeng politely and said, "Hello, Mr. Zhao."

"Hello, Mr. Lin."

Zhao Yingmeng's voice is very nice.

When she saw Lin Fan, her eyes flickered.

The reason why she told Tong Yishan that she had a project that needed investment was because she knew that Lin Fan had a large sum of money that she wanted to invest in.

So Zhao Yingmeng took this opportunity to establish a relationship with Lin Fan to facilitate subsequent tests.

She is like a patient hunter, carefully weaving a huge trap for Lin Fan.

Now that the prey is in front of him, Zhao Yingmeng's heart fluctuates a little.

But as a female CEO, she has seen too many open and secret fights in the workplace.

Her mood only fluctuated for a moment, and then immediately returned to calm.

Facing Lin Fan's outstretched hands, she also politely extended her right hand and shook Lin Fan briefly.

It was like meeting Lin Fan for the first time.

He looked very polite.

"I've heard of Mr. Lin's name for a long time, but seeing him now is really extraordinary."

"I wonder how big a game Mr. Lin wants to play?"

"From one billion to one million, we at Hongsheng Capital can take it."

Zhao Yingmeng's tone was unhurried, with a natural sense of oppression.

As if in her heart, investing a billion yuan is as easy as drinking water.

"It seems that Mr. Zhao's company has a big game. I don't know how much money I can play with my 60 million principal?"

Lin Fan didn't hide it either. For this kind of top-notch people, it is many times more efficient to talk about it than to beat around the bush.

Hearing this answer, Zhao Yingmeng looked at Lin Fan with slightly cold eyes, and stared at Lin Fan for a moment.

"It's a lot of principal, but with Mr. Lin's capital, a mere 60 million is too little.

"It seems that Mr. Lin does not trust the company very much."

If Mr. Lin's funds are difficult to operate, why don't Mr. Lin sell me a pot of immortal wine, and I can transfer 200 million cash to you.

"It just so happens that our company recently found a 150 million plate. If there is no accident, we can earn one-fifth of it in half a year."

Hearing this, Lin Fan smiled and responded calmly.

"No need, I've always been a very down-to-earth person, and I can play as big a plate as I have.

"If Mr. Zhao doesn't like my 60 million yuan, I can change to another investment company."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Yingmeng raised her eyebrows.

You know, one-fifth of 150 million is more than 30 million.

Net profit of 30 million in half a year!

I don't know how many people are crying for investment in this kind of high-return, low-risk business.

But Lin Fan seemed so calm in the face of such a huge profit.

This was somewhat beyond Zhao Yingmeng's expectations.

However, her brows quickly relaxed, and she responded with a light smile: "Mr. Lin misunderstood, 60 million investment is also an astronomical figure.

"Of course our company is willing to cooperate with a big client like you, but this dinner is too noisy, why don't you go to my company tomorrow morning to discuss in detail?"

Hearing this answer, Lin Fan glanced at the eyes gathered around him, thought for a moment and nodded.

"Okay, then I won't bother Mr. Zhao. I wish Mr. Zhao a good time tonight."

Zhao Yingmeng also responded politely: "I also wish Mr. Lin a good time."

After she finished speaking, she walked away gracefully.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room also had a panoramic view of this scene.

They saw that Zhao Yingmeng had a relationship with Lin Fan so easily.

Many viewers who support women's rights laughed.

"What about those who say that Lin Fan has strong self-control? With a female president, Lin Fan will be revealed!"

"When Lin Fan heard that Zhao Yingmeng could help him make money, his attitude changed. This is too realistic!"

"Jimei, from the perspective of Lin Fan's love of money, he must not pass this test!"

"Now that this is all said and done, if Lin Fan can still pass the test, then I will live stream handstand diarrhea!"

"Don't think about it, Lin Fan is definitely a person who loves money like his life, we will win!"

But those men were very worried, thinking that it would be difficult for Lin Fan to survive this test.

"Brothers, Lin Fan is a rational person. This kind of person usually puts interests first, so this is a problem!"

"The program team must have sent various experts to study Lin Fan's human weakness! It's too much!"

"No matter who you are, you will have shortcomings. In the face of this kind of test that is specifically aimed at Lin Fan's shortcomings, Lin Fan may really not be able to survive!"

"It's okay, it's pretty good to be able to survive the fourth woman! What's more, this is a woman with a higher difficulty!"

"If it wasn't for the sudden change of the show crew, Lin Fan would never have failed! I don't accept it!"

"I can't help it. Whoever made this show is aimed at defeating men. To pass the level, it is a difficult task!"

Just as the audience in the live broadcast room were discussing.

At this time, Lin Fan looked at the back of Zhao Yingmeng who was going away, and his eyes flashed a trace of attention.

For a long time, he wanted to make money by himself. Instead of relying on illusory system rewards, it is better to rely on his own strength and connections to make money.

But these days, no matter how big the funds are, it is very difficult to guarantee that they will not be compensated.

Not to mention being able to rely on money to make money.

With a capital of more than 60 million yuan, he seems a bit overwhelmed in the face of such a complicated business circle.

But today, he finally found a partner who looks pretty good.

If things go well tomorrow, he may even consider selling some of his collections as funds for making money.

It's just that he hasn't waited for him to think carefully about what to do next.

Tong Shan's figure broke into his field of vision.

"Lin Fan, how are you two talking?" Tong Yishan's eyes were very kind.

"It's okay. It seems that Mr. Zhao is quite reliable, but his desire to attack is too strong, so he may not be easy to get along with." Lin Fan replied calmly.

"Lin Fan, for the sake of our friendship, let me tell you a few words that you may not like to hear."

Tong Yishan's tone suddenly became very serious.

"President Tong just say it directly." Lin Fan glanced at the latter and waited for the next article.

"Zhao Yingmeng is actually not the boss of the local company in Longjing City, she is the boss of the Modu Headquarters."

"As you know, Shanghai is a place where money is paramount, so her style of acting has always been swift and resolute.

"Besides, this kind of person who often mixes in the financial circle is also a woman, so his style of acting may be more extreme."

Tong Yishan first introduced Zhao Yingmeng's background to Lin Fan.

...asking for flowers...

When he saw Lin Fan's face was still calm, he continued.

"Lin Fan, you shouldn't mix business battles often."

"As someone who has experienced it, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart."

"Business partners are business partners. You'd better not pay too much attention to other people's life style. Sometimes, you can live a more comfortable life by turning a blind eye.

Making money is making money, life style is life style, the two need not be confused.

Tong Yishan said in the tone of someone who has come here.

Hearing these words, Lin Fan immediately understood the meaning of the latter.

To put it bluntly, because he was young, I advised him to act a little more slickly.

However, Lin Fan still feels in his heart that a businessman must also have morality, because people are the same as doing things.

Because he has seen too many rich friends, because people's hearts are corrupted by desire.

Even if you made tens of millions of fortunes because of the trend at the beginning, in the end, because of the expansion of desire, you will eventually become a debt.

Of course, he and Zhao Yingmeng are not yet that kind of friends.

As long as the latter doesn't break the law, Lin Fan doesn't have that thought, and there is no need to care about the latter's behavior style.

Immediately, Lin Fan also responded: "Thank you President Tong for reminding me, I will take note of it. w

Later, under the introduction of Tong Yishan, Lin Fan also got to know some other dignitaries.

In general, the wine tasting conference has gained a lot.

Time passed slowly like this.

For many dignitaries who had traveled a long way back, Tong Yishan arranged accommodation for the latter.

Among them are Lin Fan and Zhao Yingmeng.

in the evening.

Since Lin Fan entered the private presidential suite, the program group also cut off the live broadcast about him.

Instead, the screen in the live broadcast room was switched to the perspective of the hostess Xia Ling.

"Hello everyone, I'm Xia Ling, the hostess of "Are There Any Good Men in This World?"

"It's already late at night, and the next day, we will use dreams to test Lin's attitude towards money and humanity.

"The way of testing is also very simple."

"Zhao Yingmeng and Lin Fan will take the same car and go to Zhao Yingmeng's company."

"On the way, a woman was rubbed by a car pretending to be Zhao Yingmeng when she was crossing the intersection."

"We ask Zhao Yingmeng to throw out 10,000 yuan to settle the matter without any other apology.

"At this time, as Lin Fan who is about to become Zhao Yingmeng's partner, how will he handle this matter. 11

"Are you turning a blind eye to making money and ignoring your conscience, or will you stand up and accuse Zhao Yingmeng of wrong behavior like a real man who defies power and loves money?"

"I would like to inform you that the above are scripted actions, and Zhao Yingmeng himself would not do such a thing."

"Please don't imitate."

"Facing this good show, what choice will Lin Fan make!"

"let us wait and see!"

After the hostess Xia Ling finished speaking, the live broadcast room immediately exploded.

Everyone was frightened by this bold plot design.

The same thought rose in everyone's heart.

Lin Fan is sure to fail!

The feminists in the live broadcast room became more and more arrogant.

"Hahaha! Jimeis! There shouldn't be any suspense now! Lin Fan failed 100%!"

"I've seen this kind of news a lot, Lin Fan will definitely choose to ignore it, and then he will be eliminated by the program group! It's so cool!"

"A rich man like Lin Fan will definitely not lose a partner who can make him money for a stranger!"

"This kind of test is only interesting! The previous test was too pediatric!"

And those male viewers who supported Lin Fan were a little worried about this news.

There is no way, the test is too testing, and the chance of Lin Fan passing the test is almost zero.


"Brothers, the program team is simply not human! Isn't this clearly intended to make Lin Fan fail!"

"Exactly! This kind of test, it is impossible for anyone to pass it!"

"Who would offend a partner who can make him a lot of money for a stranger!"

"To put it bluntly, even if Lin Fan fails, I don't think he made any big mistakes!"

"People's hearts can't stand the test! Not to mention such a perverted test!"

It's not just the viewers in the live broadcast room who think so.

"Is there a good man in this world?" The director team and senior executives of the program group also think so.

at this time.

Zhao Yingmeng was lying on a big bed in a five-star hotel right now.

In her hand is a mobile phone that is talking.

On the reality screen, the name of the chief director Qin Hanyan is displayed.

She is talking on the phone with chief director Qin Hanyan about tomorrow's plot arrangement.

"You should be clear by now."

"As previously arranged, pay attention to let drivers look at the signal signs on the side of the road tomorrow."

"The specific location of the crash test is at the intersection before the Huancheng Expressway on West Huancheng Road."

"All you need to do is to convince Lin Fan that you can always help him make a lot of money."

"Of course, with your investment vision and ability to make money, even if you don't lie or brag, you can still make him very excited.

Qin Hanyan's voice came from the phone.

Facing Qin Hanyan's arrangement, Zhao Yingmeng also felt that it was very reasonable.

"Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who makes fun of people's lives." Zhao Meng's tone was very calm.

"Of course I'm relieved of Mr. Zhao, I'm just afraid that Lin Fan will see something wrong."

"After all, you also know that a man like Lin Fan shouldn't exist in this show!"

"His presence has threatened our feminist status."

Qin Hanyan still said relentlessly.

"I don't have anything else to say, so I'll hang up first, I still have things to deal with here.

Zhao Yingmeng didn't take up the conversation, but just responded coldly.

After the latter stopped talking, Zhao Yingmeng slid his fingers across the phone and hung up.

After Qin Hanyan hung up the phone.

Zhao Yingmeng slowly stood up from the bed, and she stood in front of the window.

Staring at the night view of Longjing City.

The more she thought about tomorrow's test, the more her brows unconsciously frowned.

Her reasons for coming to the show are complex.

On the one hand, I want to stop Lin Fan's winning streak, so as to prove that there are real women's rights among women.

On the other hand, she wants to see Lin Fan pass the test.

Ever since Lin Fan passed the first test [she has been paying attention to Lin Fan.

Until Lin Fan broke through three levels in a row.

Facing the test of unscrupulous girls, socialites, high intellectuals and gold diggers.

Lin Fan responded perfectly.

The answer sheet handed over can be said to be without any flaws.

Its appearance, temperament, and social status are also rare among men.

As a woman, she is also the CEO of one of the top investment companies in the country.

The pressure she usually faces is much greater than that faced by any man.

Moreover, she has to face the test of the family.

Finally, he must become the leader of the Zhao-style consortium.

It can be said that since she was a child, she has been instilled with the belief that she cannot fail.

Even if she is a woman, she must be better than any man.

For a few moments, Zhao Yingmeng even wanted to find a reliable man to rely on.

But by her side, there are either a group of men who are not as good as her, or men with extremely poor quality of life.

This also led to her gradually having feminist thinking.

At this time, the appearance of Lin Fan shakes her original belief in feminism.

If Lin Fan passes tomorrow's test again.

Then she is likely to think twice about Lin Fan's behavior.

It's like saying.

For her, tomorrow's test is not only a test for Lin Fan by the program group.

It is also the test she has always wanted to test Lin Fan.

At this time, Zhao Yingmeng looked at the beautiful face reflected in the window, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Time passed slowly.

Soon, come the next morning.

at this time.

Lin Fan has already got into Zhao Yingmeng's car.

This is a business luxury car, a blue and white Bentley Mulsanne.

Lin Fan and Zhao Yingmeng sat in the back row, and the driver was a master in his forties.

The master seems to be in a very good state of mind today.

After he received Lin Fan and Zhao Yingmeng.

Hold the steering wheel with both hands, and lightly step on the accelerator.


In the inaudible roar of the car engine.

The blue and white Bentley Mulsanne drove towards Zhao Yingmeng's Hongsheng Capital Company.

On the inside and outside of this car, many cameras of program groups have been secretly installed long ago.

Moreover, many cameras were installed on the test road section.

The purpose is to present everything that happened today in front of hundreds of millions of viewers at 365 degrees without dead ends.

at this time.

Due to the appearance of the female president, coupled with the new test tricks of the program group.

The popularity of the "Is there a good man in this world" live broadcast room has risen to more than 80 million.

Countless curious netizens entered the live broadcast room one after another.

They all want to know Lin Fan who has passed four levels in a row.

Will it fall above this level?

And at this time.

In the screen of the live broadcast room, Ling, the hostess of the program group, appeared.

"Hi everyone, I am Xia Ling, the hostess of "Are There Any Good Men in This World".

"I have a very important news for everyone."

"In order to increase the drama, we will also send the fifth female guest, Gao Shuxue, to complete the interpretation of the plot!"

"She will play the role of the woman who was hit. It is about ten minutes' drive ahead, and it is about to reach the test section."

"Please wait and see!"

After the hostess Xia Ling finished speaking.

Everyone in the studio was dumbfounded.

Those female boxing audiences were even more applauded.

"Beautiful bastard! This time the program team really used their brains! This is tantamount to double-teaming between the two factions!"

"I see what Lin Fan will do!"

The program team's move was so perfect that they even left a backup player!

"Even if we pass this level, the program team still has a backup, and the chief director Qin Hanyan will always be a god!"

Faced with this situation, all the male viewers in the live broadcast room fell into despair.

"I beg the program team to be human! Although you are really not human!"

"What sin did Lin Fan do in his previous life to meet a sex program group!"

"My God! Lin Fan! You have to hold on! Give me a slap in the face of the program crew!"

"Now when I think of those female boxers laughing behind the screen, I want to punch their glasses!"

"Stop it! Stop it! Let's cheer for Lin Fan!"

"Father Sanqing, please bless Lin Fan! Let him pass this test!"

At this time, when the audience in the live broadcast room were talking about it.

The Bentley Mulsanne that Lin Fan was riding on also entered the test section.

At this moment, all the hearts attached to the throat.

They all stared at the picture nervously, and no one dared to miss any picture.

The test of money and humanity starts from this moment! The thousand!.

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