Street Test Program: I Scold A Beautiful Woman For Taking Advantage Of Fire

Sixty-Ninth: The National Treasure Is Now Alive, And The Entanglement Of Two Generations Of Emperors

at this time.

Looking at the three wrapped paintings inside.

Mister's face looked a little stiff.

Gao Shuxue couldn't believe it.

The program team told them that Lin Fan should not have any famous paintings in his home.

Where did these three things come from?

But when they looked at these three such simple packages, a trace of doubt arose in their hearts.

You know, if there are really Darwin's paintings among these three paintings.

It is absolutely impossible to pack and display in such a random way.

If it is not placed in Pagani's car, just looking at the outer packaging, there is almost no difference in the packaging of paintings on the roadside.

At this moment.

The audience in the live broadcast room were also taken aback by the three paintings in front of them.

What they glanced at, the bullet screen was full of disbelief.

But more doubts.

If it is a famous painting, then the packaging method is too simple.

At this moment, everyone is looking at a painting in Lin Fan's army.

They didn't know exactly what paintings were inside, so they had to wait for Lin Fan to open it himself.

"Tong Ling, open the painting on the left, remember to move steadily."

Lin Fan looked at the three paintings for a few moments, and then calmly instructed Tong Ling.

"Okay!" Tong Ling nodded.

She also understood at this time that one of these three paintings was likely to be a famous painting handed down from generation to generation.

Although not as famous as the paintings of Monet, Van Gogh and other masters.

But it is also another kind of rarity and preciousness.

I saw Tong Ling fetching a painting on the left, and gently took the painting out of it.

Lin Fan didn't know the value of these three paintings at first.

The packaging is also just casually wrapped.

With just a few clicks, Tong Ling took out a painting from inside.

But when everyone sees the content of the painting.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Because this is a relatively abstract oil painting, a white devil with a red cross on his chest.

The devil had a kind smile on his face, but his exposed teeth were covered with blood.

It felt like a Van Gogh painting, but nothing like the Darwin painting Meister showed.

for a while.

Those female boxers who support women's rights in the live broadcast room complained one after another.

"That's it? Is this the real painting that Lin Fan is talking about?"

"Oh my god! I really thought Lin Fan had a real painting just now, it seems I was thinking too much!"

"Indeed, it is true that Lin Fan is rich, but if it is said that he has such a famous painting in his collection, I wouldn't believe it!"

But some of the male audience who supported Lin Fan, including some sharp-eyed professional artists, were dumbfounded.

"I...... I read it right! Is this painting Van Gogh's posthumous work "Van Gogh Decomposed"!"

"It is said that before Van Gogh sealed his pen, he once painted an oil painting satirizing the Holy See, but it has not been discovered by the Holy See all this time!"

"Now in He Lan's Capital Museum, there is still this simulation painting of "Van Gogh Decomposed"! It is exactly the same as the one in Lin Fan's hand!"

"Oh my god! This is indeed exactly the same as the legendary painting "Van Gogh Decomposed"! Could it be a simulation painting!"

13 "Didn't you notice the expressions of Gao Shuxue and Mister! They are all experts in this field, the kind of experts who can tell the authenticity at a glance! Their expressions tell me that this painting is very likely to be authentic !"

"On May 15, 1990, the "Portrait of Doctor Gachet" was sold to a collector in Whaling Nation for $82.5 million. It is now one of the most expensive works of art in the world!"

"In this way, if the painting in Lin Fan's hand is authentic, it would be worth at least 80 to 500 million?!!!"

When the audience in the live broadcast room learned the value of Van Gogh's paintings.

Everyone was shocked by this high number.

It was sold for more than 80 million US dollars in 1990, so it must be a sky-high price now!

And on the spot.

When Tong Ling took out the painting.

I haven't waited for passers-by who don't understand to complain.

Some experts have their eyes lit up.

Especially Mister and Gao Shuxue.

In terms of professional appreciation level, the two of them can be regarded as the top level in the world.

Just glanced at the painting at this time, and was shocked by the familiar texture.

They subconsciously wanted to take a closer look.

But there were already artists in the crowd who were more excited than them.

It was an old man, about sixty years old.

The moment he saw the painting.

The whole person seemed to have a second spring, and rushed to Tong Ling's side with one stride.

Unlike ordinary people's way of appreciating, he uses his nose to smell the painting.


The nose with some age spots moved.

With every breath, the old man's eyes also flashed a gleam.

"Yes...that's the smell! I once smelled the original Van Gogh's work, and it's the smell!"

"Van Gogh's painting sequence is probably from the distant view to the close view, and the foreground and the foreground overlap each other. The different local brushstrokes in the paintings are very rich and varied, which is in line with Van Gogh's painting habits!"

"Because Van Gogh painted very fast, different areas of the painting showed different mixed colors! This is the same!"

"The pigments used at that time were living pigments, so many places will have different degrees of color fading. It is said that Van Gogh once used egg white to paint. Emerald is even a kind of pigment, which is exactly the same as the pigment in this painting!"

The old man spoke as fast as a young man, and he uttered four reference points as authentic works in a row.

In the end, his voice trembled a little: "This is the real work! This is definitely the real work! Decomposed Van Gogh! This is the "Decomposed Van Gogh"!"

The people present heard that it turned out to be the real Van Gogh.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

In addition to pictures on the Internet and paintings in textbooks.

Even in museums, they have never seen the authentic Van Gogh.

And the audience in the live broadcast room was even more blown away.

You must know that there are not only audiences from the Kyushu Kingdom in the live broadcast room now.

Even foreign audiences, for them, this authentic painting of Van Gogh seems to be a very shocking existence.

"My God! How could our country's Van Gogh paintings be in the hands of Lin Fan!"

My holy son Jesus! Where did Lin Fan get the real one!

"Could it be that he not only collected famous wines from all over the world, but he also collected famous paintings from all over the world?"

"If this painting is auctioned, it is estimated that it can be auctioned for at least several hundred million yuan!"

"I heard that one of He Lan's imitation paintings sold for several million! If it's the real one, it won't go to heaven!"

At this time, Lin Fan accidentally misremembered the order of the paintings, which attracted the amazement of countless people.

And this painting by Lin Fan has caused a huge sensation all over the world.

Some well-known collectors stared enviously at the paintings in Lin Fan's hands.

This kind of thing is already a famous painting recognized all over the world.

If you collect it for a few years, the value may go up several times.

As for He Lan, they were even more eager to buy the painting immediately.

For them, this is almost equivalent to Chinese painting.

At this time, the people of Helan Country had already posted the news on their social media.

It immediately caused a huge sensation.

A top mansion in Holland's capital.

In a luxurious office of over 100 square meters on the top floor.

An old man in a suit and leather shoes is correcting documents.

He is Billy, the curator of the largest museum in the capital of Holland.

Now nearly fifty years old, he is still struggling on the front line.

For him, what he is most proud of is the evaluation of his country by the world.

The hometown of art, all words linked to quiet art can be linked to their country.

At this moment.

Just as he was seriously correcting the documents.

"Boom boom boom boom—"

A hasty knock on the door echoed in Nuo Da's office.

"Come in." Museum curator Billy didn't take his eyes off the file.


"Knock knock..."

The sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the floor came from far and near.

A tall beauty with a slender waist and long legs stepped on high heels and walked towards him gracefully.

"Your Excellency Billy, there is one thing that I must tell you."

The voice of this great beauty was a little anxious.

"Speak slowly." Billy, the curator of the museum, was not in a hurry. He was over fifty years old.

After going through ups and downs, the whole person seemed very calm.

"In Kyushu, in the hands of a man named Lin Fan, Van Gogh's last posthumous work "Van Gogh Decomposed" unexpectedly appeared!"

At this time, the secretary also regained a bit of reason, but her speaking speed was still extremely fast.

For her, the importance of this matter has reached the peak of her life.

"When did you get the news? Is the news true?"

Curator Billy's face was calm.

You know, there are tens of millions of painters imitating Van Gogh in the world.

Everyone wants to make money by imitating Van Gogh and forging his paintings.

"Even we don't know where the original "The Decomposition of Van Gogh" is, so how could you know the news.

Boss Billy raised the teacup on the table.

I want to take this leisure time and drink a sip of tea to quench my thirst.

"True and reliable, and audiences all over the world know about it!"

"The brush strokes, paint, age, smell, and details have all been confirmed. The painting in Lin Fan's hands is the authentic work of "Van Gogh Decomposed"!"

The secretary swallowed, she didn't believe it at first, but she had to believe it.



Curator Billy sprayed a sip of tea onto the table.

All the above documents are wetted.

But he didn't care at all, he asked the secretary: "Say it again!"

And similar things are happening all over the world.

A painting of this level seems to have caused quite a stir.

Through this incident, Lin Fan's name was directly spread in the art circles all over the world.

Meanwhile, by the side of Pagani's car.

Everyone was also shocked by this news.

If it weren't for the presence of the police, it is estimated that passers-by at the scene might have extraordinary thoughts.

When Tong Ling heard the old man's analysis, her hand holding the painting trembled.

It was an uncontrollable trembling. The painting that was so light just now seemed to have turned into a heavy mountain.

"I misremembered, you put it aside first, it should be the one in the middle."

Compared to everyone's shock, Lin Fan seemed very calm.

His own understanding of these arts is almost zero.

He knows about Van Gogh, but he doesn't know how much his paintings are worth.

In his opinion, these people are so shocked, the painting should be worth hundreds of thousands.

Perhaps for ordinary people, this is a lot of money, but for Lin Fan who owns the system, that's it.

He cares more about the famous painting of Darwin, which is the focus of his painting.

And Lin Fan's indifferent attitude once again shocked countless viewers in the live broadcast room.

"Just put famous paintings like this? My heart is broken!"

"If I get this kind of famous painting, I would like to buy a palace for it! On the other hand, Lin Fan, I finally realized what it means to be proud."

"How proud is Lin Fan? He can keep calm in front of this kind of painting!"

"Thinking about it this way, it's no wonder that Lin Fan doesn't feel anything about the fake paintings there. It turns out that it's because his level has reached an extremely high level!"

"Who said Lin Fan doesn't collect paintings? Stand up and hit 500 boards first! There are such god-level paintings, and this painting alone can be worth tens of millions of famous paintings!"

"Vision limits our thinking, Lin Fan has already stood at a very high level, and he treats this kind of famous painting so indifferently, which is too fierce!"

"This painting is so awesome, so the other two paintings can't go to heaven?"

"I'm also curious, how good are the other two paintings!"

At the same time, there is an antique calligraphy and painting shop in Kyoto, thousands of miles away.

Brother Gongzi, who recognized the painting "Van Gogh Decomposed" at first glance, looked at the screen with anticipation.

His family's antique calligraphy and painting shop had already been well-known in Kyoto as early as the Republic of China period.

Over the past few decades, it has been honored as one of the top antique calligraphy and painting shops in Kyoto.

There are countless precious and famous paintings, and he has seen a lot of them.

Although this painting of "Van Gogh Decomposed" is extremely valuable.

But for him, the shock was not that strong.

So he looked at the madness of these barrages as if he was watching a play.

The name of the famous painting was mentioned at the beginning of the speech, but it was just for fun, the group reminded everyone.

But when he thought about it, the curator of He Lan's museum knew about it.

He couldn't help but want to laugh when he was so anxious that he was out of breath.

His grandfather often said that the paintings in other national museums are at most two hundred years old.

The value is almost all hyped up.

This also virtually made him disdain foreign paintings.

Tread Tread...

At this moment.

An old man in a Tang suit with a ruddy complexion and gray hair walked slowly towards him.

Behind the old man, followed a group of old people.

There was a kind smile on the old man's face: "Grandson, what are you looking at? So happy?"

This old man is Sun Lao, the old shopkeeper of the antique calligraphy and painting shop, and the group of old people behind him are the masters of this line.

Anyone who stands up can shake the antique calligraphy and painting market in Kyoto.

For Sun Lao, the old man in Tang suit headed by him, if his grandson is happy, so is he.

"Grandpa, recently there was a show on the Internet that went viral, and there was a Shenhao in it, and a collection of this "Van Gogh Decomposed" painting.

Brother Young Master pointed at the computer screen and responded.

"Hey! This is a rare thing. Which kid is so promising that he bought all the good goods from abroad?"

The old man and grandson grinned, showing his old teeth.

Hearing this news, the other elders also became interested.

"Where? Let my brother open his eyes!"

"It's rare to encounter such a happy thing, let me see if it's real or fake!"

"Old Sun is lucky, such a good thing can be bumped into by him!"

These masters, they are not very interested in the painting itself, but they have obtained famous paintings from other countries for the people of Kyushu.

They are more interested in this matter.

Especially Sun Lao, who has been in the business for more than 60 years, and after accepting this shop from his father's generation, he also made the shop famous.

Among the experts in Kyoto, he has become an existence that everyone knows everything.

The status seems to be the top figure in the circle.

Every year, the value of the gifts received during the holidays alone can buy half a house in Beijing.

Every time a capable person hears about this kind of thing, he tries his best to tell the old man, just to make him laugh.

Old Sun didn't expect that his grandson could bring him such good news.

The old man took a closer look at the screen, and the smile in the corner of his eyes became stronger: "That's right, you have a good eye, this painting is indeed a real painting."

The other elders also came over and became very interested in the content of this live broadcast.

"Look at this, this young man has other good paintings, so I have to use my reading glasses to see them.

And while they were watching the live broadcast.

The audience in the live broadcast room were a little curious about what the other two paintings were. At this time, everyone turned their attention to the other two paintings.

Those who ridiculed Lin Fan for not knowing art also shut up.

If you don't understand art, you will collect Van Gogh's posthumous works?

In everyone's eyes, Lin Fan is a hero who hides deep connotations and knowledge.

Not only rich, but also has the world's top art.

After Lin Fan finished speaking, Tong Ling couldn't be so calm. She carefully put "Van Gogh Decomposed" away.

Then another painting that Lin Fan said was taken out.

A piece of glass is placed under the three famous paintings.

As a result, Tong Ling couldn't detect the texture of this famous painting through the sense of touch.

With the lessons learned from before, Tong Ling's movements became gentle again.

Faced with such slow movements, everyone present did not dare to urge her.

They are afraid that a 307 urging from themselves will destroy a world-class painting.

The painting just came out.

Everyone present was stunned.

This turned out to be a traditional Chinese painting, meticulous painting.

In this painting, it is an emperor with his back facing Lin Fan. The emperor is wearing a dragon robe to show his majesty.

But the emperor didn't look back, and put his hands behind his back, as if he was thinking about something important.

The most peculiar thing is that there are actually two seals on this painting.

Compared with the previous oil painting, it feels completely different.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room were also shocked by this portrait.

At first, they just felt that the painting style was very interesting.

But soon, there were professionals who knew the history of the painting very well, and explained the origin of the person in the painting in the live broadcast room.

When they knew that the person in the portrait turned out to be Tang Gaozong Li Zhi.

The entire live broadcast room was fried on the spot.

They could never have imagined that they could see this level of national treasure and famous paintings in Lin Fan's hands!

"My God! Am I dreaming or is there something wrong with my eyes? This is actually a portrait of Tang Gaozong Li Zhi!"

"Look carefully, it's still covered with the seal of Chuan Guo Yuxi!"

"It's unbelievable that Lin Fan has such a treasure!"

"Who said Lin Fan doesn't know how to paint? To own and collect such a national treasure, he is not a master, who is a master?"

Just when the audience in the live broadcast room were shocked.

at this time.

In a store in Kyoto thousands of miles away.

Elder Sun and other elders, at the moment they saw this painting.

Their bodies trembled in unison.

Elder Sun hastily took out a pair of expensive reading glasses from his pocket.

Then he moved closer and looked at it carefully.

For a full minute, the old man's movements froze, and his eyes widened.

The fingers holding the reading glasses couldn't help trembling.

The other old men also looked like they had seen a ghost.

Almost at the same time, they pointed at the paintings on the computer screen and exclaimed.

"This turned out to be a portrait of Tang Gaozong Li Zhi!"

You must know that in the field of antique calligraphy and painting, the paintings of the Tang Dynasty have always been the paintings with the most artistic appreciation value.

The Tang Dynasty itself was an extremely rich era.

Various arts at that time also developed to the pinnacle of the world.

Famous paintings, famous poems, ceramics, silk, and the army are all the pinnacle of that era.

In the nine days, the palace is opened, and the clothes of all nations are worshiped.

It is about the prosperous Chang'an scene.

The portraits of Tang kings in the past are also the most popular portraits.

For these old people, they only need one glance to see that the person in the painting in Tong Ling's hand is Tang Gaozong Li Zhi himself.

"These two seals! How is that possible! The big seal is the imperial jade seal, and the small seal is actually Wu Zetian's personal seal!"

"What is the identity of this young man, and why does he have this painting!"

"Looking at it, could it be that Wu Zetian painted a portrait of Li Zhi himself?"

"It is rumored that Wu Zetian has been entangled with Li Zhi's feelings for a long time. Now it seems that this portrait can tell a thing or two!"

"This painting actually recorded two emperors of the Tang Dynasty at the same time! It's incredible!"

"The most important thing is that it is still extremely well preserved! It is almost impossible!"

A group of old people exclaimed again and again.

They have also seen antique calligraphy and paintings for decades, and they are not used to seeing any weird national treasures.

But this is the first time they have seen a national treasure of this level.

Originally in history, the relationship between these two emperors was extremely delicate.

Objects related to the two of them are rarely handed down to modern times.

Not to mention such an extremely precious portrait.

"Good grandson, hurry up and tell the grandpas, what kind of program is this?"

"Yes! This portrait is definitely a national treasure, and it cannot be damaged easily!"

Get the helicopter ready now! I'm going to meet this young man myself!

All the old people were very excited. .

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