Street Test Program: I Scold A Beautiful Woman For Taking Advantage Of Fire

Chapter 5: A Careful Plan, Lin Fan Must Fail! 【Please Customize】

At this moment.

"Are there any good men in this world?" The screen of the live broadcast room suddenly changed from Lin Fan to the hostess.

"Dear viewers, hello, I'm Xia Ling, the host of the program "Are there any good men in this world?"

"After so many days, what kind of new test will the newly promoted executives of the program group bring us?"

"Let's applaud Mr. Smith!"

After her voice fell, a blond man wearing a neat suit and combing back came out of the screen in the live broadcast room.

The man was dressed very formally, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

At first glance, it looks like a gentle business elite.

He walked into the picture, and first asked Xia Ling to leave very politely.

Then he smiled and greeted the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Hello everyone, I am Smith from the country where the sun never sets, and my major is psychology.

His smile is very sunny, with a charming taste.

As soon as she appeared on the stage, the viewers who supported women's rights in the live broadcast went crazy.

Especially those female boxers from Kyushu.

They already had a high opinion of foreign men, and after seeing Smith, they looked very proud.

"You smelly men, open your eyes and take a good look! What is gentlemanly demeanor!"

"This is the ideal man in my mind, he is so handsome!"

"Too gentle, too polite, I have already been attracted by his temperament!"

"Compared with this, the men in Kyushu are scumbags!"

"Indeed, foreign men are still handsome!"

From this, Mr. Smith's IQ must not be low, I just want to see how he can eliminate Lin Fan!

And those male audiences who supported Lin Fan had a natural resistance in the face of Smith.

"I'm stupid! There's something wrong with this person's qualifications, he should be difficult to deal with!"

"Didn't the official information say that this guy has a strong grasp of the psychology, I don't know what kind of test he will come up with!"

"Among those senior executives with 13 heads, this guy is definitely a fierce guy!"

"Better than that fat pig anyway, Lin Fan may be in danger!"

Just as the audience in the live broadcast room were discussing.

As a result, the popularity of the live broadcast room is climbing rapidly.

Audiences all over the world have learned that the program group will launch a new test.

The viewers who received the news all entered the live broadcast room as quickly as possible, for fear that Lu would hear any details.

As a result, the entire live broadcast room became lively.

As for the barrage in the live broadcast room, Smith himself could see it.

When he saw how lively the live broadcast room was, the smile on his face became even wider.

"Hi everyone, it's been a month since our last test.

"During this month, we have been reflecting on our mistakes."

"Mr. Lin Fan's character is so great that we can't even find any flaws.

"This also made us doubt for a while whether there is any need for this show to continue."

As soon as these words came out, the audience in the live broadcast room felt the hypocrisy of this person.

Unlike Steel Plate Rikawa's greasy appearance, this man's appearance is almost perfect.

Coupled with these reasonable and well-founded words.

It also fascinates many women.

Every move of Smith in front of the camera showed a sense of perfection.

"However, since I was a child, I have always heard that the people of Kyushu have a good moral character that is not afraid of sacrifice.

"This kind of spirit of not fearing life and death and sacrificing oneself for others also shocked me.

"I've always wondered, do such people really exist in the world?"

"Until now, I finally have a way to verify this conjecture."

"That is to test Mr. Lin Fan to judge whether the statement that the people of Kyushu are not afraid of sacrifice is true or false.

"I would like to ask the audience of Kyushu Kingdom a question, may I ask, is the life of a billionaire worth more than that of a poor person?"

When Smith said this, the viewers in the live broadcast room were blown away.

Especially the audience of Kyushu.

"What the hell is this guy trying to say? What's the point of asking that question?"

"The life of the rich is definitely not noble, but there is no doubt that the rich are indeed more afraid of death.

"I'll go! What is this foreign devil holding up?"

"Now Lin Fan has become a representative figure of the Kyushu Kingdom. If Lin Fan fails, I can't imagine how many people will scold him."

"At that time, it is estimated that not only people abroad will laugh at him, but even people in China will not let him go!"

"Anyway, I won't scold him, I don't come because of the peak, and I don't leave because of the trough, I am a Lin fan!"

"Hey! It's just one short sentence. It is Lin Fan's duty to restore the glory of the men of Kyushu Kingdom!"

After having the previous experience, many viewers in the live broadcast room have already had experience.

None of them believed Smith's praise.

Instead, he was on guard against his tricks.

Sure enough, after asking the previous question.

Smith also put away his smiling face, and his face became a little serious.

"The question just now, I believe everyone has the answer in their hearts, everyone's life is equally precious!"

"However, I have been a psychiatrist for so many years, and I discovered a phenomenon."

"The richer a person is, the more he feels that his life is more important than others!"

"But this in itself violates the three normal views, so I plan to give Lin Fan a small test."

"As a mysterious rich man in Kyushu, does he feel that his own safety is more important like most rich people, or does he think that everyone's life is equal?"

Speaking of this, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Smith's mouth.

His expression was that of a judge.

Speaking of this, many viewers of the Kyushu Kingdom understand the content of this test.

"Damn it, is this B trying to test Lin Fan's spirit of sacrifice? How is this going to be tested?"

"Lin Fan is such a hero! He should cherish his life even more!"

"It's over! If it's true, Lin should feel that he is superior!"

"If I were Lin Fan, worth hundreds of billions, and a decent man in my prime, I wouldn't spare my life!"

"How do you pass this test? Ordinary people would think that their lives are more important than others, let alone Lin Fan, who is so outstanding."

"Fuck! This test is getting harder and harder!"

But there are also some viewers who choose to believe and support Lin Fan.

"But Lin Fan has passed so many levels, this level should not be difficult!"

"Exactly! Anyway, I think Lin Fan will definitely pass the level, I believe him!"

"Come on for Lin Fan! He represents our Kyushu country, and all we can do is support him unconditionally!"

At this time, the barrage of viewers in the Kyushu Kingdom supporting Lin Fan in the live broadcast room also fell into Smith's eyes.

Seeing the cheering barrage of these people, the latter sneered in his heart.

In his opinion, the probability of Lin Fan failing this test is as high as 99%.

All the rich people he has come into contact with do not regard the lives of the poor as their lives.

His purpose is simple, he wants the whole world to see Lin Fan's ugly face under the mask of hypocrisy.

Once Lin Fan fails, he will fall into the situation of being reviled by thousands of people!

Thinking of this, Smith's eyes flashed a cold light, and he then told the content of the test.

"According to our investigation, Lin Fan was born as an orphan, and the orphanage that adopted him was in Longjing City.

"A month ago, we had already dispatched No. 9 female guest to the orphanage to serve as the head of the orphanage."

"Wait, we will invite Lin Fan back to participate in a school event in the name of the orphanage."

"When we got to the orphanage, we would create a small fire, and in the orphanage, there were some children who hadn't come out yet.

"Faced with this situation, will Lin Fan choose to rush in to save people, or will he choose to stay safe and leave quietly?"

"My test content has been explained clearly, next, please watch Lin Fan's choice with me.

As soon as he said this, the audience in the live broadcast room were blown away.

The audience was stunned by the test itself.

Some viewers felt the test was unfair.

Some viewers in Kyushu are also against this test.

"This test is unfair! Lin Fan is not a firefighter, he can choose not to go in and save people!"

"That's right! Lin Fan is not a teacher, nor is he a dean, and he is not a professional. What if he gets caught in a rescue?"

"It's too much! You can just eliminate Lin Fan directly, why make it so complicated?"

"If there is a big trouble, how fun is it to hurt the child!"

"One thing to say, I'm not a native of Kyushu, and I also think this test is inappropriate!"

In the face of many opposing voices, Smith's expression did not show any waves.

The smile on his face was still warm, and he added: "Please rest assured."

"In order to ensure fairness, when Lin Fan knew about the news of the fire, the female guests would clearly tell him that the fire had just happened."

"If he chooses to save people immediately, there will be no danger."

"And if he doesn't save people, our professional firefighting team will quickly put out the fire."

After hearing this explanation, many viewers understood what Smith wanted to test.

It turns out that Smith never intended Lin Fan to be a firefighting hero from the very beginning.

I just want to test whether Lin Fan will be indifferent to other people's lives because he cherishes his life in this special situation.

But in this way, if Lin Fan chooses to turn a blind eye, wouldn't the whole world know his choice!

Many foreign audiences heard this test, and their first reaction was that Lin Fan must fail.

In their view, with an identity like Lin Fan, it is impossible to choose to save people for a group of orphans.

"This test is too difficult, Lin Fan from Kyushu Kingdom will definitely fail, don't think about it!"

"The last time I saw a Shenhao, in order to save his life, he directly asked his bodyguards to block bullets! Rich people are cold-blooded!"

"Using this method to test Lin Fan, even the rich men of our Dahe nation can't save people, so Lin Fan of Kyushu Kingdom will definitely fail. Let's simply bet on whether Lin Fan will run away directly after hearing the news of the fire!"

"Indeed, failure is inevitable. Even the rich man in our lighthouse country would not choose to save others, and Lin Fan is even more impossible! This is a common problem of all rich people!"

Even some viewers from Kyushu believed that it was impossible for Lin 123 to pass the level.

"Although the danger of this test is not high, it is indeed a very difficult test from the perspective of human nature. This Smith is too bad!"

"Indeed, Lin Fan came up with such a disgusting test, how could Lin Fan pass it!"

"Lin Fan is a godly hero. There are so many rich people messing around in the news. Although Lin Fan is not that disgusting, he certainly won't help a group of orphans!"


It can be seen that the program group just wants Lin Fan to fail, so that Kyushu Kingdom will be ridiculed by the whole world, with sinister intentions!"

"Even if you can see it, so what, in the eyes of the whole world, Lin Fan is the man who represents our Kyushu country."

Many Kyushu viewers who supported Lin Fan were not happy to see these bullet screens.

They all stood up to support Lin Fan.

"The millionaires in other countries are not good, but it doesn't mean that Lin Fan in our country is not good! Don't look down on people!

"Lin Fan will not be that kind of person, I believe him!"

"As long as the program crew doesn't mess around anymore, I 100% believe that Lin Fan can pass the test!"

Even some audiences from the Kyushu Kingdom felt that this test was difficult.

Especially for a hero like Lin Fan, the difficulty has gone up several levels.

On the one hand, it is their own safety, and on the other hand, it is the comfort of the strange orphan.

How Lin Fan will choose in the end, no one knows, but they all know one thing, once Lin Fan fails, the consequences will be very serious.

But if he successfully passes the customs, Lin Fan will also gain the recognition of a large number of audiences in Kyushu.

At this time, the popularity of the live broadcast room was also unprecedentedly high.

It has risen from the 100 million popularity that just started broadcasting today to 500 million popularity.

All the viewers who entered the live broadcast room were shocked by the difficulty of this test.

Most viewers felt that Lin Fan could not pass the test.

Some extreme foreign audiences even started to discuss which country to choose as the next test subject.

At this moment.

Facing countless bullet screens that thought Lin Fan would fail, Smith was full of confidence.

And when his eyes came into contact with those barrages, he planned to support Lin Fan.

His eyelids drooped slightly, and there was a glint of coldness in his eyes.

He is a perfectionist, and when he made this plan, he had already thought of many details.

On the surface, there are some points in the plan that are beneficial to Lin Fan. Only after the actual implementation, some key details will really come in handy.

Thinking of this, Smith quickly gave orders.

Let the entire "Are there any good men in this world" program group run rapidly.

With the operation of the program group, a big drama will also slowly debut. .

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