Street Test Program: I Scold A Beautiful Woman For Taking Advantage Of Fire

Chapter 8: Women's Tricks, Cry, Make Trouble, And Hang Themselves! 【Ten Chapters Of Violence】

Just as the audience in the live broadcast room were discussing.

Time passed slowly.

Since Lin Fan was also worried about the existence of other open flames, he acted more cautiously and was very focused.

And Han Wenmei seemed very casual.

At first, she thought that Lin Fan would withdraw voluntarily because of fear.

But when Lin Fan extinguished the fire source on the first floor, she came to this idea.

Later, Lin Fan ignored her temptation even more, which also made her feel that she had failed.

The idea of ​​not wanting to waste time acting with Lin Fan came up in my heart.

As a result, the "search and rescue operation" passed for more than an hour.

From the beginning to the end, Han Wenmei did not provide any help.

She followed behind Lin Fan, looking like she was doing nothing.

And in order to seduce Lin Fan, he will deliberately block Lin Fan's actions with his body.

Let Lin Fan pay more attention to her figure.

And when encountering some situations that require the joint efforts of the two, the latter only let Lin Fan do it, while she looks like a princess and does nothing.

At the beginning, Lin Fan didn't care about it, only thinking that the latter hadn't entered the state.

But later on, Han Mei's behavior was a bit outrageous.

It is completely different from the way of cooperation that was agreed before.

Originally, it only took more than ten minutes to search a floor, but it was suddenly dragged on for more than half an hour.

At this time, Lin Fan was holding the phone and lighting the flashlight.

There was already a fine layer of sweat beads on his forehead.

As he walked, he called the famous ministers of the two children.

On the other hand, Han Wenmei stood aside, with her hands clasped in front of her body, not even a little sweat on her body.

Not once did he call the child by his name.

Moreover, she clearly knew which room the little girl's dormitory was in.

In order to delay Lin Fan and create a chance for her and Lin Fan to be alone, Han Wenmei did not tell Lin Fan the exact location of the little girl.

That way, as if to travel the same.

This scene directly broke the defenses of the audience who supported Lin Fan in the live broadcast room.

"I'll go! Is this woman sick!"

Lin Fan is here to search and rescue! This Han Wenmei looks like she is here for tourism!

"Although it's a fake fire, what Han Wenmei said before is considered farting, right?"

"No way, female boxers are like this. They say one thing in front of their faces and do another thing behind their backs. It's disgusting!"

"Indeed, brothers, this is a female boxer, pastoral women's rights understand!"

"Those people who shouted about women's rights in their mouths actually look like this in reality, you can all see clearly now!"

Just as the audience in the live broadcast room were discussing.

Suddenly, a viewer spotted the problem.

"I'm going! Look at another picture, why did the trash can light up again?"

Damn! It's over! When Lin Fan and the others came in, they didn't close the door, the fire followed the wind and the fire felt like it was really burning!

What was supposed to be a fake fire is now a real fire!

"What to do! Where are the staff of the program group? Hurry up and put out the fire!"

That's right! Hurry up and put out the fire, otherwise Lin Fan and the others will come down, it will definitely be burned!

Faced with this unexpected situation, the program team of "Are there any good men in this world" also held an emergency meeting.

But they came to the conclusion that no matter what, treat it as if they didn't see it.

In their hearts, eliminating Lin Fan is already something that must be done.

At this time, an accident happens, if Lin Fan finds out about the fire, he does something to escape alone.

Then they can just eliminate Lin Fan, and then send professionals to put out the fire.

It will not cause any loss of property and personnel.

Just when the outside world was full of controversy because of this unexpected fire.

at the same time.

Lin Fan and Lin Fan are still looking for the little girl in the dormitory building.

"Little flower!"

"Little flower!"

Lin Fan shouted loudly.

He shouted on the third floor, and his voice resounded throughout the corridor.

Han Wenmei on the side looked at Lin Fan with disgust, she pinched her nose and said, "Can you hurry up.

"This top floor is full of smoke, which makes me uncomfortable."

Her tone was full of complaints.

In this situation, it seems that Lin Fan is the one who made the mistake.

She's just someone forced to follow along.

As soon as Lin Fan heard this, the anger in his heart rose.

The latter mentioned three assistances before, but now none of them have been achieved.

At this time, she still complained to him, telling him to hurry up, just when Lin Fan was about to scold Han Wenmei angrily.

at this time.

The voice of the system sounded in his mind.

[Ding Dong! Detected Han Wenmei's unreasonable troublesome behavior, and activated two options. 】

[Choose one, comfort Han Wenmei, and reward a dog licking status!]

[Option 2, scold Han Wenmei for her unreasonable behavior, and let the score just now go to a higher level! 】

Hearing this choice, Lin Fan didn't even think about it.

Just choose the second option.

He had no intention of comforting the latter, let alone systematic rewards.

Immediately, Lin Fan stopped in his tracks.

A pair of eyes glared at the latter.

It's like a beast that wants to eat people.

Seeing Lin Fan's expression, Han Wenmei immediately misunderstood.

She thought Lin Fan was going to do something inappropriate to her.

She folded her hands on her chest, looking weak and weak, she seemed to be refusing and protecting herself, but actually stood still, only thinking about further seducing Lin Fan.

See this scene.

The female boxers who supported women's rights in the live broadcast room were very excited.

"Look! What is Lin Fan doing! What does he want to do to Han Wenmei?"

"Sure enough! Lin Fan is a man who thinks with his lower body!"

"I said Lin Fan is a hypocrite, and now he really exposed his true nature!"

"Where are those stinky men who support Lin Fan? Come out and see the beasts you support!"

Those male viewers who supported Lin Fan saw this scene.

They all thought it was Lin Fan who was angry.

"Are you guys full of shit? Can you open your eyes and take a good look, Lin Fan is angry!"

"That's right, for a disgusting woman like Han Wenmei, she thought Lin Fan would like her? It's funny!"

"I don't even look at what's going on now, I found that those female boxers are thinking with their lower body!"

"Indeed, they always say that Lin Fan is a beast, but the result is all their imagination!"

Sure enough, it was as expected by the audience who supported Lin Fan.

In reality, Lin Fan did not do anything to Han Wenmei.

He stepped forward, pointed at Han Wenmei and said angrily, "If you want to leave, just get out!"

"Not helping at all, and still complaining here, do you really think you are a princess?"

"Snow White is at least kind-hearted. Apart from this stinky skin, what else do you have to show off?"

As soon as this word came out.

He directly scolded Han Wenmei for being stupid.

She originally thought that Lin Fan would touch her, and she was thinking about whether to refuse or agree in her heart, weighing the pros and cons of it.

In the end, Lin Fan scolded him.

Faced with this situation, Han Wenmei was also very puzzled.

In her view, women complain, complain about men, and use this behavior to vent their emotions.

A man should take the initiative to comfort her, and even if he doesn't comfort her, he should suffer silently.

At the moment, she looked at Lin Fan in disbelief and asked, "Where can I help?"

"I will accompany you into this scene of fire, what else do you want? Is there a woman as good as me in the world?"

At this time, Lin Fan heard that Han Wenmei was afraid to talk back to him.

Especially the last sentence of the latter, asking Lin Fan, is there a better woman than her in the world?

Lin Fan didn't even feel angry, he just laughed out of anger.

"There really isn't such a superb woman as you in the world!"

"A woman like you who is narcissistic, irresponsible, talks like fart, and doesn't know herself, I'm afraid I can't find another woman in the whole world!"

"I think people like you are simply social!"

Let me tell you, don't play tricks with me, if you like to follow me, don't influence me, if you don't like to follow me, just roll away!

As soon as Lin Fan said this, he said.

The voice of the system sounded in his mind.

【Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for scolding this woman and getting the highest S-level rating!】

[Reward 1 million cash + Whaling Nation, the second largest consortium, 70% of the shares of the Mitsui consortium!】

[This consortium has businesses all over the world that are operating simultaneously. Many high-end electronic products and game companies come from this consortium! Including Sony, Still Heaven, Kabukon, etc.]

Hearing the rewards from the system, Lin Fan's heart was also moved.

As for the woman Han Wenmei, he had no intention of comforting the latter at all.

After cursing these words again, he turned around and walked towards the depths of the top floor.

This is the last place not searched.

The little girl and boy are most likely in the last few rooms.

After Lin Fan left, only Han Wenmei was left standing there in a daze.

...asking for flowers......

She looked at Lin Fan's back, her mind was full of doubts and anger.

In her opinion, when a man makes a woman angry, it should be the man who takes the initiative to comfort the woman.

No matter whose fault it is, a man must take the initiative to admit that it is his fault.

Think about it.

She stomped her feet abruptly, and simply stood there, waiting for Lin Fan to come back to comfort her.

But Lin Fan's back was getting further and further away, and there was no sign of turning his head at all.

Seeing this scene, Han Wenmei's eyes widened and she was trembling with anger.

The female boxers who supported women's rights in the live broadcast room became more and more angry one by one.

"Lin Fan, what does this mean? Han asked Mei what did he do wrong to treat her like this??"

I didn't understand either. Are men in Kyushu born like this? They don't know how to think about women at all!

"Lin Fan asked Mei why he was so fierce? He has been so fierce so many times, this should violate the law!"

"Don't think about it, Lin is a straight steel man in his late stage! It is impossible for a woman to like him in this life!"

Even those foreign audiences stood by Han Wenmei's side and spoke for her.

In the eyes of these foreign audiences, Lin Fan's behavior is simply discrediting the word "gentleman".

And those viewers who supported Lin Fan stood up and spoke to Lin Fan.

"What are you female boxers saying? Is Lin Fan doing something wrong?"

"That's right! If it were me, I would have slapped him in the face!"

What's wrong with the woman? You can't scold me for saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong thing? I really think I'm a princess!

"The fire downstairs is already raging! This Han Wenmei is still wasting Lin Fan's time! What a cerebral palsy!"

"I can't wait to scold her directly for Lin Fan, it's just too irritating!"

"I'm not used to you

, is straight male cancer? Then, are all the men in the world your father?"

"That's right, these women only use this to kidnap men, but I've never seen a woman who dares to get angry at the boss or the traffic police, but only at her own man. What kind of stupid logic is this!"

Just as the audience in the live broadcast room were discussing.

Lin Fan also found the little girl Xiao Hua on the third floor.

Xiao Hua was hugging a little soil dog at this time, and she looked very concerned about the latter.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan knew in his heart that the girl broke into the fire to save another little life.

But the child's playfulness came up, when Lin Fan found the latter and asked why the latter didn't leave, but stayed here to play with the dog.

Only then did the latter realize that the reason she came here was to save the puppy, not to play with it.

"Hold the puppy and follow me, there are the last two rooms, I will check if there is no one else.

Lin Fan glanced at the dormitory and said after confirming that there was no one else.

"Okay!" Xiao Hua nodded, followed Lin Fan with the puppy in her arms.

Soon, they searched all the dormitory rooms.

After confirming that there is no one else.

Lin Fan returned to the stairwell again.

Here, Han Wenmei is still waiting impatiently for Lin Fan to apologize to her.

A wronged look of being bullied.

But Lin Fan ignored it directly, his nose moved slightly, and his eyes were fixed.

As the fire on the first floor is getting bigger and bigger, the smoke concentration in the corridor has also become bigger.

Just now Lin Fan searched the room inside, but did not notice the concentration of smoke.

Now when I came to the stairs, I immediately felt that the smoke concentration in the air was a little bit beyond the standard.

"Xiaohua, hold the puppy well, I will carry you away!"

Lin Fan copied it with one hand, and directly hugged Xiaohua and the puppy in his arms.

He didn't respond to Han Wenmei at all, and ran downstairs quickly.

Seeing this scene, Han Wenmei's eyes widened. She had never seen a man like Lin Fan in her life.

How could he ignore her grievances!

It felt like Lin Fan owed her millions.

But to everyone's surprise, Lin Fan just walked away.

Han Wenmei, who was ignored by no one, followed behind.

All her expressions fell into the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room.

See this scene.

The reaction of the male audience in the live broadcast room came to an end.

It turned out that Han Wenmei's grievance just now was all pretended to deceive Lin Fan to comfort her.

At this time, the female boxers in the live broadcast room were still blaming Lin Fan for not understanding women.

Han Wenmei's behavior directly slapped them in the face.

Those audiences who supported Lin Fan were all kinds of sneers. .

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