Strength Does Not Allow Me To Keep A Low Profile

Chapter 415 The Energy Of Future Technology

At the same time, he kept muttering incessantly:

"Les barbares ne méritent pasladomination denos nobles franais

This time, because of Sun Ruyu's simultaneous translation, Li Yi understood what the Gallic hen was saying.

"Savages are not worthy to wear the noble clothes of our Gallic nobility!"

"Starting today, I declare that no fashion-level clothing will be allowed to enter Kyushu!"

Li Yi couldn't help but feel amused when he heard this.

That country doesn’t know how to make clothes, but you threaten people by making clothes, you’re out of your mind!

But he never expected that when Sun Ruyu translated Bourbon's words, all the rich officials at the reception, as if they heard the sky falling, panicked one by one, and even couldn't help but started to shout at Bourbon. Beg.

What's going on here? 28 Li Yi looked at these people suspiciously, and even wondered if these people were invited by monkeys.

Seeing this scene, Bourbon on the side raised his head high, like a chicken that has won a fight, and then snarled to someone, and left swaggeringly.

"Miss, what Ms. Bourbon said just now, translate it quickly!"

After Bourbon left, the financial tycoon Duoyuan hurriedly looked at Sun Ruyu, the only one who could understand ancient Gaul, and asked her to translate what Bourbon said just now.

After Sun Ruyu heard this request, she looked at Li Yi in embarrassment, and hesitated to speak.

Seeing this, Li Yi knew that the last words of the Gallic hen must have something to do with her, and they were not good words.

But he didn't care, so he smiled and motioned for Sun Ruyu to translate directly.

Under Li Yi's gesture, Sun Ruyu finally started to translate.

"That Bourbon lady said that if Li Yi bowed her head and apologized to her with a boot kiss before she left this evening, she could get her life back!"

After hearing Sun Ruyu's translation, Li Yi was not angry except for being funny.

He just shook his head and said nonchalantly:

"Let me bow my head and make amends? Kiss boots? Hehe, if you are not beautiful, don't think too much about it!"

But Xiao Qianqian, who was at the side, was furious.

"That old woman dared to have my man's idea, she didn't want to live anymore!"

Li Yi couldn't help being surprised when he heard this, and only then did someone explain to him:

"It turns out that the so-called shoe-kissing ceremony is a kind of etiquette announced by the ancient Gaul nobles who lived a corrupt life. It represents the sincerity of the lower nobles to the upper nobles, and they are willing to sacrifice themselves as the price of their obedience!"

Hearing this sentence, Li Yi instantly thought of the ugly face of the Gallic hen that looked like a shoe awl, and couldn't help but vomit.

"Damn it, Uncle can take it and Auntie can't!"

"This old woman is so tired of her life, she dared to play Lao Tzu's idea. She is also a fashion queen, and I have to make him a fashion beggar!"

"Qianqian, haven't we announced our next goal yet! Now that we go back, we will announce to the outside world that our technology will enter the clothing industry in the future, and our goal is to rule the world's clothing! Use really high-end clothing to overthrow the so-called fake fashion!"

When Xiao Qianqian heard Li Yi's words, she nodded sharply: "I'll go back and prepare the product, because I will develop a press conference in the future!"

She also has little knowledge of the fashion industry, but she believes that since Li Yi said that she wants to rule the world's clothing industry, she must be able to rule the clothing industry.

Because, this is her man!

Soon, the news that future technology will enter the clothing industry will come out.

With the lessons learned from the catering industry, the clothing industry all over the world instantly fell to the limit of the day and suffered heavy losses.

Among them, the biggest loss is the high-point fashion clothing industry with the fashion capital.

The Gallic hen Bourbon, who had just returned to her temporary residence in Huaxia, heard the news, her eyes darkened and she fainted to the ground.

When Bourbon fell to the ground, everyone in the villa was startled instantly, and a dozen private doctors were soon to surround him.

There were injections and injections, but nothing could wake up the bourbon.

Now, everyone was in a hurry.

Most of them are Bourbon's subordinates and students, and they are the direct beneficiaries of the Gaul fashion industry.

Right now, because Bourbon offended Li Yi, Li Yi announced to enter the clothing industry, causing them to directly lose most of their life's wealth.

Some people have even turned from tens of millions or billionaires to billionaires because of this.

After all, fashion is somewhat similar to real estate. They all rely on gimmicks to gain attention, so they must be able to tell stories.

And a life so luxurious that normal people can't imagine is undoubtedly the best story about fashion.

So everyone present, including Bourbon, is a figure of extravagance.

Every day I live a luxurious life of spending money like running water, so I have to tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall, and use tomorrow's money to live today's life.

Now as soon as the property is destroyed, they fall from heaven to hell in an instant.

So even for the rest of their lives, they have to wake up Bourbon, so 970 will spare no expense!

"Whoever can wake up Ms. Bourbon, I will reward him with one hundred thousand, not one million!"

"British Pounds!!"

Money touches people's hearts, and after a while, servants and guards from the villa began to come forward to offer their ideas. There are those who pinch people, those who curse, and those who dance to the gods!

But none of these work!

Just when the subordinates and students of Bourbon were about to give up hope, a sweeping aunt stood up and said in a low voice:

"I looked at Bo or something, it's hysteria. In the countryside, a few slaps will be enough for such a situation!"

When the people in the Bourbon villa heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other.

Bourbon is the Gallic royal family, so distinguished that they have to walk on the red carpet when they walk.

It was as if it was raining at the airport when I came back to Shanghai, so the people in the Bourbon team airlifted a 3,000-meter camel wool carpet directly from Persia.

This kind of camel hair carpet can only be produced by a female camel within a week after giving birth to a calf, and about 60 female camels that have given birth to a calf can only weave one meter.

Such a one-meter camel hair carpet is worth more than 1,000 yuan in Gaul, and converted into RMB, it is about 10,000 yuan. .

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