Strength Does Not Allow Me To Keep A Low Profile

Chapter 69 Capital Game, Net Profit 8.9 Billion (First Order 415)

The night is like water.

Li Yi once again opened the stock of Feiyu Live, but it was still terrible.

From the previous 52.65, to the incredible peak of 105, then fell back to 52.65, then 40.30...20...15...

It's only ten bucks now!

It's just so miserable, so horrible.

And the four major live streaming software have all been shut down, and none of them has come back.

Even Penguin Live.

There is no way, the signboard of the beauty live broadcast has been smashed, the flag of the plain face live broadcast has been set up, but the plain face live broadcast cannot be produced, what else can be done?

In addition, Li Yi encapsulated the destruction program in the source code, causing the databases of the four major live broadcast giants to suffer heavy losses.

It's still being repaired!

It is precisely because of this that the stock prices of the four major live broadcast giants have plummeted.

The highest penguin live broadcast reached 21 yuan, a large reason is that Li Yi bought 30% of the bottom, which makes people feel that there is still hope for penguin live broadcast.

Some people even suspect that this is the case because of the strong cooperation between Future Technology and Penguin Live.

As for the other three, they were all horrible.

Li Yi sighed, spent 1.1 billion, bought 110 million shares of Feiyu Live, and returned it to Rui Capital.

In this battle of the gods, Li Yi was able to short Flying Fish live broadcast in one fell swoop, overthrowing the four live broadcast giants, and Ruizi Capital contributed a lot.

It was the 100 million flying fish shares lent to Li Yi by Ruizi Capital, which enabled Li Yi to stage a battle of gods and kill gods in one fell swoop!

However, according to the agreement between the two parties, Li Yi borrowed 100 million Feiyu shares from Ruizi Capital, and now he has to repay 110 million Feiyu Live shares.

The extra 10,000,000 shares are the profit from lending, ten points!

Unfortunately, at the time of borrowing, the stock price of Feiyu Live was 5.625 billion shares, which was 5.625 billion!

Now, although 110 million shares have been returned to Rui Capital Capital, the stock price of Feiyu Live is only 10 yuan, a total of 1.1 billion!

One positive and the other negative, I saw that Ruizi Capital lost 4.525 billion!

And when Li Yi went short, he sold Flying Fish at 100 yuan a share, making a profit of 10 billion!

Now even if we pay 1.1 billion shares back to Rui Capital, we still make a net profit of 8.9 billion!

This is the capital game!

In a few days, Li Yi earned 8.9 billion by shorting Flying Fish!

It can be said that it is incredible to make money at such a speed.

Even if 1.5 billion buys one-third of the shares of Penguin Live, Li Yi's current assets are still as high as 7.4 billion!

As for the income from the Suyan live broadcast and the Suyan magic mirror these days, there are quite a lot, but they are all burned.

The live broadcast of Suyan just started, it is a beast that swallows gold, and burns all kinds of money.

It costs money to dig top streamers, it costs money to dig executives, and it costs money to buy various equipment, etc.!

For example, the live broadcast of Feiyu and Xiaohuya has been burning money before, and it took several years to start making some money.

And Principal Wang’s panda live broadcast also kept burning money, until it went bankrupt, and didn’t make any money!

It also caused Principal Wang to bear a whole body of debts, which is miserable and miserable!

But it doesn't matter, the ability to make money from live broadcast without makeup is very strong, and it is very good to maintain a balance of payments in the early stage.

Once the platform becomes bigger and on the right track, it is time to make big money!

WeChat, QQ, etc., all started from losing money, and then they have the unshakable dominance today.

There is no way, the Internet industry is like this, and only pay will be rewarded!

Afterwards, Li Yi transferred all 110 million shares of Feiyu Live to Ruizi Capital, which can be regarded as the completion of the cooperation.

As for Ruizi Capital's expression, whether it wants to kill Li Yi or what, that has nothing to do with Li Yi.

The game of capital is like this, it is really emotional.

Just like Li Yi won this time, he successfully shorted Flying Fish Live and won a big victory. With the capital of Ruizi, he made a net profit of 8.9 billion!

But if it is the other way around, and Li Yi fails to short Feiyu's live broadcast, what will be the result?

It's very simple, Li Yi will be burdened with debts, and he can't pay at all, and Future Technology will even go bankrupt!

Even the shares will be given 5% to Ruizi Capital in accordance with the VAM agreement!

Don't look at just 5%, once Future Technology is about to go bankrupt, Ruizi Capital can inject a large amount of capital, so as to continuously increase its own shares and dilute Li Yi's shares.

Until the end, Ruizi Capital completely controlled Future Technology, and then looked for opportunities to kick Li Yi out!

At that time, the entire future technology will be in the pocket of Ruizi Capital!

This is the calculation of Ruizi Capital, and it is also the original intention of Ruizi Capital to lend 100 million flying fish shares to Li Yi!


It's like Jobs who founded Fruit but was kicked out many times!

Is the fruit Jobs's?

No, it belongs to the capital giants!

As the founder of Jobs, the shares in his hands were also diluted to a very small extent, and he was even swept out many times.

Later, the capital saw that the fruit without Jobs could not be played, and there was no other way, so they invited him back!

As the saying goes, children are the only ones who can tell right from wrong, adults only look at the interests!

Therefore, Li Yi doesn't care whether Feiyu goes bankrupt or Rui Capital loses 4.165 billion yuan!

This is the case with capital games, life and death is the right way, there is no emotion at all.

At the same time, Tsubame Kyoichi was at the mansion.


Principal Wang looked at the news hotspots one by one, with a complicated expression:

"Fortunately, I knelt down in advance of the panda live broadcast, otherwise I couldn't escape being caught by the future technology wave! This Li Yi is ruthless!"

"That's right, not only did he single-handedly overthrow the four major live streaming giants, he also bought 30% of Penguin Live's shares and became the second largest shareholder of Penguin Live!"

Li Xiaoxin shook his head: "It's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. I think Mr. Ma has the heart to kill him now!"


Principal Wang nodded, with a complicated look on his face: "A good daughter-in-law wins him!"

Li Xiaoxin's eyes lit up, and he shook his head:

"I understand your reluctance! Doing live broadcast, you lost, he won! He is much more arrogant than you! He made a net profit of nearly 9 billion in the night of shorting Feiyu live broadcast alone! Biche, Although your car is good, compared to the existence of Koenigsegg one1, it is still inferior!"

"Even your position as the country's husband has long been replaced by him! It's too difficult for you to win him!"

Hearing this, Principal Wang's face became even darker, and he said angrily: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb!"

"Haha, did you give birth?"

Li Xiaoxin smiled and didn't mind:

"Actually, it's not impossible. You can play chicken? Maybe you can meet him in the chicken game and beat him once!"

Principal Wang nodded: "It's the same reason, why can't he be so good at playing chicken? Tomorrow, I will go to the live broadcast without makeup, and eat chicken from the door!".

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