Strength Does Not Allow Me To Keep A Low Profile

Chapter 96 Unfavorable Room, Kill All (44)

Imprisoned, indefinitely suspended for rectification...

A few simple words, but full of meaning.

The plot is reversed instantly, and it turns out that there is no problem with future technology.

The live broadcast without makeup is even more clean and thorough!

Everything is Feiyu's live broadcast to discredit future technology, and it is all Feiyu's live broadcast to make pornography and pornography, trying to kill future technology.

Unexpectedly, the future technology is fine, Feiyu's live broadcast is over, and even the old home has entered...  

Overnight, the wind changed sharply.

Originally, it was a fishing boat that discredited future technology and resisted the live broadcast without makeup, but turned back in an instant, and became a praise for the future and support live broadcast without makeup!

For this big melon, netizens said they enjoyed eating it!

It is precisely because of this that the reputation of future technology and live broadcast without makeup has become even louder.

The number of users has soared across the board.

It can be said that after reaching this stage of development, Feiyu's live broadcast is completely over, and there is no chance to see the sun again.

The 28th line of making yellow and involving I yellow is the bottom line, which cannot be touched!

And those unscrupulous media who participated in this matter and slandered future technology also knelt down.

Originally, this kind of thing was a trivial matter, and it would not be on the outline or on the line, and there would be no big consequences.

But they are unlucky, they are involved in the pornography system and become accomplices, then the nature has completely changed!

At this time, Xiao Qianqian walked over with a cup of coffee, and said gently:

"Boss, refresh yourself."


Li Yi took it, took a sip, and said with a smile:

"Qianqian, Feiyu is completely finished, and you don't have to worry about the contract! Hire all of Feiyu's traffic anchors, as well as valuable executives "all come here!"

Flying fish was half dead before, and the contract was added. No matter if it was an anchor or an executive, facing such a high liquidated damages, they would not dare to change jobs.

But now that Flying Fish is completely useless, bankruptcy and liquidation will begin immediately, and those contracts have become a joke.

No more scruples!

"Boss, I've already got people to take action, but Little Huya, YY, and Penguin are also taking action, vying to eat away at Feiyu's live broadcast! Especially Penguin, after all, a giant, still attracts the hearts of many executive anchors."

Xiao Qianqian said, also helpless.

Even if Suyan live broadcast develops rapidly, but the time is short and the background is limited, many people are still not very optimistic about it.

Unlike Little Huya, which is the number one live streaming giant, Flying Fish Live, and YY is even an old club.

Combined, the influence is multiplied.

Although Penguin Live is not as good as Little Huya and Flying Fish, but there is a giant Penguin Group behind it, which is even more terrifying.

On the contrary, although the future technology is developing rapidly, it has only been established for a month, and its background is limited, so it is naturally not optimistic.

"It's easy to say, release the news, say that Future Technology will not withdraw the lawsuit against Huya Live, YY Live, and Penguin Live, and will sue it to the end, let them continue to suspend business for rectification!"

Li Yi smiled and said decisively:

"You dare to snatch someone from me before you get over the difficulties? Isn't this looking for abuse?"

"Does it also include Penguin Live? Boss, we are the second largest shareholder of Penguin Live..."

Xiao Qianqian couldn't help but speak, Li Yi's behavior made him feel like killing a thousand enemies and hurting himself by eight hundred.

"What's wrong with the second largest shareholder? It's just a godson, not his own! Only the live broadcast without makeup is the future department of Genhong Miaozheng, and the others are not important.

Li Yi shook his head and said with a smile:

"Even if Penguin Live is over, we will only lose 1.5 billion in principal, and we will gain more! Once Penguin dies, Suyan Live will dominate. It is not 1.5 billion, but billions, tens of billions. interests! That is, there is no chance, otherwise I don’t mind killing the Penguin live broadcast!”

"Okay boss, I'll let someone release the news!"

Xiao Qianqian said quickly, completely understanding what Li Yi was thinking.

Make every effort to promote the live broadcast without makeup and develop future technology.

I didn't think about the Penguin live broadcast at all, let alone the Penguin alliance, it didn't exist.

Suyan live broadcast is the real son!

As for the Penguin live broadcast, to put it bluntly, it is a hostage, affecting Penguin, the hostage of Disgusting Pony!

After all, as the second largest shareholder of Penguin Live, future technology can affect many decisions, and even influence the development of Penguin Live.

Tell me, can Brother Ma be disgusting?

"No need to release the news."

But Li Yi shook his head:

"Tomorrow, a media conference will be held directly to announce this resolution, which shows that our future technology will be brought to the end! At the same time, let everyone understand that the current live broadcast industry is no longer the world of the four giants, but the future technology live broadcast without makeup era!"

"In addition, there is no need to take the initiative to poach those executives and anchors, as long as they like it. When they see the situation clearly, they will naturally make the right choice!"

Xiao Qianqian was extremely excited when she heard the words, this is the attitude of a giant!

Small businesses only need to beg the other party to come over, and large companies are all about attracting the other party to take the initiative to defect!

It's like chasing a goddess, licking a dog, just leaning in for a few blind licks, until the end, nothing left!

And a high-value male god like Li Yi needs to take the initiative?

You don't need to do anything, and you can attract the best goddess to take the initiative to post.

This is the sexual relationship between two people, it has nothing to do with men and women!

When your own value is low and you are not worthy of the other party, you will take the initiative to lick, go to 690 to please, and chase after.

And when one's own value is high, far surpassing the opponent's, and the dimensionality reduction is directly hit, do you still need to chase? Do you still need to lick?

What a joke, high-value existence, what needs to be done is screening!

Filter the objects that come to your door!

"By the way, boss. A capital tycoon behind Xindongbao sent a message, asking us to raise your hand, let Xindongbao go, and is willing to give 50 million as compensation!"

Xiao Qianqian spoke again.

"Xindongbao?" Li Yi frowned slightly:

"It's the most powerful media that hacked us? Which one issued "Three-year-old daughter asked me handjob is so good, why did I play?", and "After watching the live broadcast without makeup, my five-year-old son learned to be indescribable"?"

Xiao Qianqian blushed slightly, nodded: "Exactly."

"Ma De, this bastard, the unscrupulous media, still begging for mercy with 50 million? Dreaming!"

Li Yi was furious, the small media dared to provoke future technology, they really didn't show their power and treated me as a sick cat:

"Tell them that future technology is not short of money, Xindongbao is dead!

Not only Xindongbao, but all the twenty-three media, all reporters, etc. who participated in this matter and smeared Future Technology and the live broadcast without makeup, sue me to death!

Let all the legal affairs be dispatched and punish me to death!".

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