A man can be killed but not humiliated!

The members of the Binjiang City special case team, headed by Zou Haomiao, are all glorious people's police.

So even if they are at an absolute disadvantage, they would rather die standing than live on their knees!

"Be careful, they are going to make a final counterattack, brothers, don't stop, keep fighting!"

At the critical moment.

Liu Yixian suddenly sneered:"With our firepower and bullets, it may be a bit boastful to take down their Municipal Public Security Bureau."

"But with just one member of the task force, it would be as easy to crush them as to crush an ant!"

Many criminals burst into laughter.

But they did become much more vigilant.

After all, it was a gunfight, and bullets don't have eyes!

No one dared to joke with their own lives, in case the task force really fought back desperately.

They can indeed win the final victory, but who can guarantee that their side will be unscathed?

So at this last moment, they chose to advance step by step, alternating firepower to cover each other while advancing forward.

Doing so is to not give the task force any chance!

Whoever dares to show up will die!!!

Zou Haomiao and others were immediately chilled.

Everyone realized that although this criminal organization looked arrogant and domineering, they were also calm enough and an absolute formidable enemy!

The members of the task force seriously underestimated their strength and caution!

And in the sound of gunfire, they could even hear the footsteps of the criminals.

This gave the task force a signal.

The criminals are about to arrive at the fountain!

And the support of the task force...

Unconsciously, a desperate and tragic atmosphere quietly spread among the members of the task force!

Everyone looked at each other, and then their eyes were full of determination. Zou Haomiao, the leader of the task force, was ready to stand up and lead all the team members to fight a desperate battle!


At this moment.

~!~Da da da~!~Boom boom boom!!!

A burst of fierce gunfire and artillery fire suddenly resounded in all directions of the Future City fountain.

Seeing victory in sight, the criminals' smiles suddenly froze!

Liu Yixian took the lead and lay down first.

Ang~! Ang~!

But at this moment, everyone heard the sound of motorcycles and the roar of engines at the same time.

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

Then, six gunshots rang out.

Liu Yixian, who was lying on the ground, was splashed with blood and brain matter on his face, and he also saw the horrifying scene of the six brothers around him having their heads blown up!

"Boss, it’s bad, the police support has arrived!"

"Stronger firepower than ours!"

"Run, run!"

"637 It will be too late if you don’t run away now!"

"Brother, brother!!! Boss, my brother is dead!"

"The leopard's head was blown up!"


The criminals were dumbfounded.

The sudden sound of gunfire, artillery fire, and the noise of motorcycles mixed with the roar of engines made them wonder if their ears were broken?!

"It’s fake, the gunshots are fake!"

Liu Yixian stood up quickly and shouted,"Don’t panic, the police don’t have much reinforcement!"

"Open your eyes and take a good look. If those sounds of gunfire and artillery fire were real, how could only six brothers be killed?"

""Everyone calm down! Don't panic!!!"

The scene suddenly became quiet.

All the criminals saw that Liu Yixian stood up without any injury, and they immediately realized that there was something wrong with the sound they just heard!

So, swish, swish, swish.

Everyone stood up immediately, and then looked around vigilantly.

Although the various gunshots were still ringing, this time they saw clearly that the gunshots were very realistic, but there was no spray of fire. Is this still worth thinking about?

"Fake, all fake!"

Someone shouted:"Brothers, be alert, be alert immediately, the people coming are very accurate in shooting, but there are definitely no more than five of them!"

"Even he only has one......"


Before he could finish his words, the man's head was blown up.

At the same time, everyone saw the bullet marks. Looking in that direction, everyone couldn't help but look up.

Then, they saw a motorcycle on the roof of the building behind them. Even from a distance, you could feel its domineering power. On the motorcycle sat a burly giant!

When the moonlight shone on his face......

Such a picture is like a giant knight, looking down at all of them!

It was this glance!

They saw five bullets coming suddenly, and then five people's heads were blown up! Hitting the target with a hundred steps, never missing a target!

The person who came was none other than Zhao Hao!

He rushed all the way, and finally arrived at the scene before the Binjiang City special case team was wiped out.

Tut tut tut~! Da da da~! Bang bang bang~!!!

Zhao Hao killed twelve people right away, but the criminal organization was still large in number, so he needed to mix some wisdom in the process of moving forward!

And the elementary ventriloquism was the smoke bomb he released to the other party!

At the beginning, he shocked them, and then killed six.

When the criminals came to their senses, Zhao Hao had reloaded the bullets, so he killed another six!

The sudden loss of twelve brothers, no matter how arrogant and unstoppable the criminals were, they would be terrified.

So when Zhao Hao's ventriloquism sounded again, they immediately forgot that it was a fake gunshot, a firepower that did not exist at all!

One by one, they immediately fell to the ground.

As a result, six more criminals were killed!

Zhao Hao's advanced firearms skills were a hundred percent accurate, and one bullet was a head!


From the time he appeared to now, in less than a minute, the number of criminals with powerful firepower suddenly dropped by 18!

Including the woman next to Liu Yixian, she was holding an assault rifle, but in the end, Zhao Hao blew her head! She completely became a red and pink skeleton!

"Bastard! Bastard!!! Damn bastard!!!"

Liu Yixian could no longer feel ecstatic. His gentle temperament instantly turned crazy.

After roaring for a while.

Da da da~!!!

Liu Yixian stood up, picked up the AK and fired at Zhao Hao.

A volley of bullets poured down, and Zhao Hao had to temporarily avoid it!

Ang~! Ang~!

So when Liu Yixian opened fire, Zhao Hao immediately rode his motorcycle left and right, and continuously crossed three buildings!

In the end, there was a bang, and he and his motorcycle crashed into the building head-on. The second to last floor of the building where the technical staff of the Binjiang City Task Force were located!

Many broken glass pieces fell from the sky, clanging and splashing all over the ground.

Ang~! Ang~!

Then Zhao Hao disappeared from everyone's sight.

Liu Yixian's shuttle did not cause any harm to Zhao Hao at all!

At this time, the members of the Binjiang City Task Force finally came to their senses.

The iconic Dodge Tomahawk motorcycle, as well as Zhao Hao's unique figure and temperament, made everyone recognize him at the first time.

"It’s Captain Zhao!"

"Captain Zhao from Jiangbei City has arrived!"

"We had previously declined the support of their task force, but we didn’t expect Captain Zhao to come here as soon as possible!"

"But...Are you alone?"

"What's wrong with one person? Didn't you see Captain Zhao's sudden attack? He killed 18 criminals right away!"

"Every shot is a headshot!"

"Brothers, we are saved!"


The members of the Binjiang City task force, who were preparing to fight to the death, suddenly found their way back to life, and cried with joy!

Although Zhao Hao was alone!

But his figure and bravery gave the members of the task force endless confidence and hope!

His perfect shooting skills and cool driving skills!

This man.

Too handsome!!! (To read the most exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Zou Haomiao was also excited.

When he was desperate just now, he also regretted that he declined the support of Zhao Hao and others.

Otherwise, with the special task force of Jiangbei City, they would not have become so passive!

But it's too late.


Zhao Hao used practical actions to tell them that it's not too late now!

He rushed to the scene, and when the members of the special task force might be wiped out, he fought with more than 40 criminals alone!

Relying on a highly maneuverable motorcycle and a large revolver!

How many bullets can a revolver have?

How powerful are the firepower of the criminals?


Zhao Hao happened to break common sense and rescued everyone from dire straits by himself.

All the members of the special task force (dbbd) were instantly in tears.

After seeing Zhao Hao disappear from everyone's sight, Zou Haomiao was ready to organize his brothers to counterattack!

But he just opened his mouth.

Zhao Hao's voice came through the intercom:"Captain Zou, you are now���I will take over the Binjiang City task force!"

"I order you all to stay where you are. Do not move without my permission!!!"

Zou Haomiao was stunned! He was going to seize power right away?

However, his mouth responded faster than his brain thought:"Yes, Zou Haomiao got it!"

After that, he immediately said to the other members of the task force:"Everyone listen up, from now on, the task force will obey the command of Team Leader Zhao!"

The others were stunned for a moment, and then they all responded!

Zhao Hao only said a few words, the main purpose was to avoid causing more casualties.

Then he kicked open the security door at the entrance of the corridor, and then rode his motorcycle downstairs quickly.

After a while, he met the technical staff of the task force in the safety passage on the first floor.

"Find a shelter for yourself and protect your own safety. Don't worry about the rest, just leave it to me!"

Zhao Hao saw that everyone was looking at him, so he ordered.

Ang~! Ang~!

After that,

Zhao Hao rode his motorcycle and rushed out directly. In a flash, he came to the fountain where Zou Haomiao and others were.

At this time, most of the criminals were scared by him, so they looked for shelters nearby and dared not show up to suppress fire.

There was no way, Zhao Hao's shooting was too accurate.

The scene of hitting the target every time and shooting in the head was too simple, crude, and full of blood.

The blood and brain matter on the ground were mixed together. The criminals with poor psychological endurance had already vomited yellow bile.

At the same time, they also felt despair!

At this time, they finally realized what the members of the special task force were like just now.

The only difference from the members of the special task force was that the special task force had just endured the fire suppression of more than 40 of them, while they were suppressed by Zhao Hao alone!

"Brothers, don't be afraid, he uses a revolver with only six bullets, I don't believe it......"


There were also fierce bandits among the criminals, who were not completely intimidated by Zhao Hao, but just when he wanted to incite his accomplices to organize a counterattack.

A gunshot was heard, accompanied by the clang of a huge flower pot. Before he could finish his words, his head exploded, and he was shot dead on the spot by Zhao Hao, along with the flower pot!

The criminals were going crazy, and everyone was under unparalleled pressure!

Indeed, Zhao Hao's revolver could only load six bullets at most at a time!

But his six bullets meant six heads!

Who would be willing to be the dead soul under those six bullets?

The nineteen people who had died, couldn't they prove something?

Little did he know.

By now, Zhao Hao actually only had one bullet left in his pistol, and he had no spare bullets on him.

Because in this operation to support Shuitian City, he only had twenty-four bullets! He fired a warning shot at the door of the village chief's house in Shuangshui Village, another shot at the battlefield, and then two shots at the Dihao Nightclub!

Here, nineteen shots were fired!


Twenty-four bullets, only one left!

But the criminals didn't know this.

They were already scared to death by Zhao Hao's shooting skills, so how could they care about how many bullets he had?

Besides, even if there was only one bullet left, who would be willing to take that bullet?

No one wanted to die!

But with Zhao Hao's shooting skills, he would kill someone if he fired. Who dared to bet on their own stubbornness?!

Suddenly, the criminals at the scene trembled!

Future City suddenly fell into a deathly silence!

It was extremely quiet! There was no sound!

You could hear a pin drop!

Liu Yixian, the leader of the criminal organization, was terrified by this and no longer had the high spirits just now!

And these 19 lives also made him calm down completely.

He put away the hysterical madness in his heart!


And at this moment, Zhao Hao fired his last shot.

The criminals were shocked, but after waiting for a long time, they didn't hear any screams? Or the sound of a brother falling to the ground?

Was the gun empty?

That devil, he was empty-handed?

He could actually empty his gun?

The criminals were immediately excited!

But at the same time——

"Everybody listen to me, I order you all to put your hands on your heads, stand up and surrender to the police!"

Zhao Hao shouted in a voice as loud as a bell:"If anyone dares to resist, I will not listen to anyone who surrenders later!"

"You have all seen my marksmanship. I can hit a person in the head with one bullet. If any of you think you are stubborn enough, you can withstand my second bullet!"

"Well, you can try it!!!"

These words made the criminals who had just started to think about it suddenly lose hope and feel like they were in an ice cellar.

"Surrender, I surrender���!"

"I surrender too!"

"Boss, I'm sorry, I don't want to die. My mom is still waiting for me to make a lot of money and come back to build a house for me. I surrender!"


With the sound of weapons falling to the ground, most of the remaining twenty or so criminals surrendered on the spot.

They were all frightened by Zhao Hao!

"All of you, lie down with your heads covered, and put your hands where I can see them. Anyone who dares to play tricks, watch out for your heads!"

Zhao Hao shouted, and then looked in the direction of Liu Yixian,"Listen up, everyone else, you only have ten seconds left!"

""In ten seconds, I will launch a strong attack!!!"

After saying this, Zhao

Hao pointed his pistol at the place where Liu Yixian was hiding, and waved at Zou Haomiao and the others with his other hand.......

But the criminals were already scared out of their wits, so Zhao Hao thought again and again and thought that the members of the task force could now come out to help.

Zou Haomiao and the others immediately understood, and then they all became alert, pointing their guns at Liu Yixian and the others, and slowly revealing their bodies.

In this way, the remaining five or six criminals, including Liu Yixian, were under even greater pressure!!!

It can be said that

Zhao Hao's arrival immediately reversed the situation in an instant!

If it was said that the criminals were strong before, with a large number of people and strong firepower.

Then, now is the time for the police to hunt them down.......

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