The people of Jiangtou City Anti-drug Team were preparing to launch a net-closing operation under the arrangement of Yu Yuanxun.

But at the critical moment, Yu Yuanxun was stunned, because through the monitor, when he was about to give the order to take action, someone took action before them!

This shocked him so much that he burst into swearing!

And the person who took action, needless to say, who else could it be except Zhao Hao?

In fact, Zhao Hao was also speechless. He settled the bill with Pei Jinxin and Ju Xiaoshuang, and then came out of the Chinese restaurant.

Originally, he had not yet activated his dual skills at this time!

However, the behavior of Zhao Heping and others looking up at the camera in the Chinese restaurant attracted Zhao Hao's attention.

Although Zhao Hao has done a lot of things with the help of the system and caught countless thieves!

But he himself is from the police academy and his own grades are also excellent!

So even if he has no skills, he himself fully meets the qualities and acumen of an excellent people's policeman.

The first reaction is that this group of people is not right!

If only one or two of them pay attention to the surveillance camera, it is understandable.

But a group of people do this, and the leader is still pointing at the camera, which is obviously a problem!

For insurance purposes.

Zhao Hao activated his dual skills immediately, and then locked the identity of the other drug dealers. He also detected some contraband through odor recognition!

And guns!!!

Since Zhao Hao returned to Jiangnan City for vacation, his large revolver had been handed in. Later, he went directly to the provincial capital without carrying a gun.

In addition, Pei Jinxin and Ju Xiaoshuang were with him.

Therefore, Zhao Hao did not act rashly. The moment he met the drug dealers, Zhao Hao pretended to be calm and grinned at them to show his goodwill.

Of course, he didn't know that his goodwill almost made the drug dealers collectively pull out their guns!

Things were simple after that.

They passed by the drug dealers, and Pei Jinxin and Ju Xiaoshuang didn't realize anything at this time.

The drug dealers, led by Zhao Heping, also subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief because Zhao Hao did not take any further action.


Just when they breathed a sigh of relief, Zhao Hao suddenly turned around and took out his gun! 31 Attack bravely!

With lightning speed, Zhao Hao used two punches and one kick to kill three drug dealers!

Zhao Hao used heavy hands.

Because he did not have a gun, but the other party was a drug dealer with a gun and was extremely vicious. If Zhao Hao did not go all out, the consequences would be disastrous if he overturned.

So under the full-scale attack, the three drug dealers did not react, and were beaten unconscious by Zhao Hao's two punches and one kick!

The remaining nine drug dealers were terrified!

Among them, Zhao Heping reacted quickly and pulled out his gun at the first time.

But Zhao Hao had scanned the identities of these people, so he knew that Zhao Heping was the leader of the drug dealers, so most of his attention was on him.

And the three drug dealers that Zhao Hao killed were not random!

These three people were obstacles between him and Zhao Heping!

When the obstacles were cleared.

At the same moment when Zhao Heping pulled out his gun, Zhao Hao started running and rushed over like a gust of wind.


Zhao Hao punched Zhao Heping in the chest with a punch. With a crack, Zhao Heping broke several sternums at that time, and the whole person was knocked away.

The pistol he took out was taken over by Zhao Hao, and it was disassembled into a pile of parts.

Then, while the others were confused, Zhao Hao was like a tiger into a flock of sheep, firing at full power, and no one else could match him. He was not even given a chance to draw his gun!

Zhao Hao himself was extremely powerful and fast, and he also had comprehensive martial arts that were about to break through to the advanced level.

With so many external support, how could the rest of the people compete with him?

In a few seconds, the battle was over!

Except for one"drug dealer" who was safe and sound.

None of the remaining drug dealers could still get up, and their arms were basically crippled, and they lost the ability to use guns!


At this time, Zhao Heping's face was about to touch the ground, and Zhao Hao was quick and grabbed the back of his neck.

Then he picked him up like a chicken:"Master Zhao is smiling at you, what do you mean by not smiling?"

"You don't give me face, right? Who are you looking down on?!!!"

After saying that, he slapped him again, knocking out his two front teeth along with a mouthful of hot blood!

At this time, the remaining person who was still standing had trembling legs. He had already taken out a pistol and pointed it at Zhao Hao, but his hand holding the gun was shaking slightly. His face turned pale with fear!!!

At the same time, the anti-drug team was thinking,"Fuck it!"

In the van, Yu Yuanxun slammed his fist on the table,"Fuck you!"...Is that all?"

"Who is he? Who is he? Why is there no information about this person among the clues we have collected?"

"What is his relationship with drug dealers like Zhao Heping? Is this revenge or a case of thieves eating thieves?"



Completely stunned!

In order to take down this drug trafficking gang, everyone in the anti-drug team has not had much rest in the past few months.

Needless to say, the manpower and material resources spent!

Finally, the day of closing the net came, but I never thought that a giant snake would come out halfway and rush up with bare hands to beat them!

The drug trafficking gang of twelve people, except for the police informant, the remaining eleven people all lost the ability to resist!

And this battle lasted less than a minute!

Who dares to believe that those lying on the ground are all crazy drug dealers who regard human lives as worthless?

God knows how many people died at the hands of these people, and how many families were broken because of their existence?

But in front of that giant, these people were not as fragile as three-year-old children, and they were not vulnerable at all!

The punches and kicks were so fast that people couldn't keep up, so accurate that people's scalps were numb, and so cruel that people shuddered!

And the giant's familiarity with disassembling guns made the police's scalps numb!

How much knowledge of firearms must be done to be so simple and crude?

Everyone is confused!

It happened that Zhao Hao killed all the drug dealers and only let the police informant go. Such a result made the drug enforcement team confused.

For a moment, they didn't know what to do!

The third team, who played the role of buyers, had already walked out of the Chinese restaurant at this moment, and were ready to catch the drug dealers at any time.

But seeing the scene in front of them, they didn't know how to deal with it at all!

The first team, who was ready to move, was also numb!

In this situation, should we go up?

The second team, who was ready to appease and evacuate the citizens, was also stunned at this moment.

The battle was over. Except for a few stunned passers-by who stopped to watch from a distance, there was only a little disturbance in the Chinese restaurant.

The whole street was fine!

Who to appease?

Who to evacuate?

It seemed......Is this unnecessary?

For the drug enforcement team.

Zhao Hao's origins are unknown, but so far, he has not done anything that is detrimental to the police.

On the contrary, he has done all the tasks that the drug enforcement team has to do today by himself!

This made the drug enforcement team completely at a loss.

Including Yu Yuanxun, he was confused and didn't know how to command the team next!

It can be said that in all the years of being a drug enforcement police and a captain, Yu Yuanxun has never encountered such a situation. I really don't know how to deal with it.

So, the three teams can only wait on the spot.

Among them, the first and second teams are fine, but the third team pretending to be buyers is really embarrassed. They put their hands in their pockets, and they can't take out the gun or not!

They are frozen, and their legs are like lead.


As for the scene of the incident, the drug dealers are now lying on the ground crying, and Zhao Heping, who was taken away, has a cruel and ferocious face.

His sternum is broken and he is seriously injured!

But at this time he was still hysterically shouting:"Du Lesheng, you are a dead man? Shoot him to death, shoot him to death!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"If we can't kill him, we'll kill those two women. Damn, he doesn't let us have an easy life, so we want him to suffer too....Oh......"

Before he could finish his words!

Zhao Hao slapped him again, smashing his remaining teeth into pieces!

Then Zhao Hao pouted and said,"I don't have time to mess with you. Listen carefully, I am Zhao Hao, a police officer at Huxi Police Station in Huli District, Jiangbei City!"

"Now I suspect you of several crimes including drug manufacturing, drug trafficking, illegal possession of firearms, and illegal assembly. I will arrest you according to the law!"

"Anyone who resists again will be considered resisting arrest!"

"As for the consequences of resisting arrest, based on the weapons you are currently armed with, I have the right to shoot you dead on the spot......."

After these words, the drug dealers were completely disheartened.

But Zhao Hao ignored them and looked at Du Lesheng who was still standing.

He frowned.

Then he grinned and said,"What is that?...You should be a police officer, right? Can you please stop pointing your gun at me? We are one!" Zhao Hao showed his ID card!

Du Lesheng was stunned when he saw it! Then he realized it belatedly and quickly put away the gun, trembling and saying:"Zhao

...Officer Zhao, what's going on here?"

Du Lesheng was dumbfounded to see that Zhao Hao's police rank was higher than his own, but he was also a local police officer.

But he was a policeman, and he could tell at a glance whether Zhao Hao's ID was real or fake.

But because of this, he was even more confused, and was completely at a loss!

How could you, a local police officer from Jiangbei City, get involved in this big case and intercept the drug dealers that our anti-drug team wanted to catch?

Facing his doubts.

Zhao Hao couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and said,"Isn't the situation just what you saw? My girlfriend and I just came out of dinner and saw that something was wrong with them."

"Then I have a keen nose and I smell drugs and guns on you. As a glorious people's policeman, can I just sit back and do nothing?"

"Of course, kill them all!"

There seems to be nothing wrong with this explanation?

But it's still not right!

Du Lesheng was stunned and said,"Then why did you let me go again?"

I knew he would ask this question.

Zhao Hao was well prepared.

He didn't attack Du Lesheng, of course, because the identity recognition skill collected his personal identity information and knew that he was an undercover police agent.

In addition, when he activated his dual skills, he also scanned the first group that set up an ambush, as well as the member information of the third group behind him.

From this, it can be inferred that this was an action of the anti-drug team.

But the reason why Zhao Hao took the initiative was, first, for the system reward, and second, for fear that the anti-drug team would get into trouble and affect Pei Jinxin and Ju Xiaoshuang.

So, Zhao Hao went up without hesitation!

But of course he couldn't say that.

So he said in a matter-of-fact tone:"We are all police officers. Your temperament is incompatible with those drug dealers. It's obvious."

"My intuition told me that you are not in the same group with them, so I let you go!"

This explanation is far-fetched.

Du Lesheng was full of doubts.

Finally, he couldn't help but say:"Then...What if you saw it wrong?"


The next moment, Zhao Hao suddenly appeared in front of him, picked him up, snatched his pistol, and disassembled it into a pile of parts.

"It doesn't matter if you are wrong...In this case, can you still pose a threat to me?"

No matter how much he explained, he could not dispel the other party's doubts, but after this move, Du Lesheng's doubts were immediately dispelled.

Until Zhao Hao put him down, his eyes were still full of horror!

I Nima...

This explanation is awesome, I fucking believed it!

I have to believe it, and I have to admit it!

Of course, he was also hit hard!

Because he knew what Zhao Hao meant. Even if Zhao Hao was wrong, what could he, Du Lesheng, do?

If you dare to have any evil thoughts, he will be knocked down in the next second. Even if you have a gun, it will be useless!

He didn't even see clearly how he fell into Zhao Hao's hands just now, and Zhao Hao's familiarity with disassembling guns also made his scalp numb.

Damn, is the Jiangbei Public Security System so awesome?

Such a fierce general is just a police officer in a police station?

Du Lesheng had a hundred thousand questions in his mind!

But he didn't know because he had been undercover in the drug trafficking gang of Zhao Heping for too long and didn't know some of the recent intelligence in the public security system.

But the other people in the drug enforcement team understood it now.

"It turned out to be him, the pride of the police force!"

"Damn, he is Zhao Hao!"

"A giant snake in Jiangbei’s public security system!"

"Legendary police officer!"

"He came to the provincial capital...I see, he is here to attend the awarding ceremony this afternoon!"

"My fuck~!~He got it intercepted!"

"Oh shit, we worked so hard for several months, and Captain Zhao came over and did a slam bang, and that’s it?"


The members of the anti-drug team were all dumbfounded!

Yu Yuanxun, the captain of the anti-drug team, almost had his eyes popped out.

"Oh my god, it’s Zhao Hao!"

Yu Yuanxun was amazed and sighed,"It’s definitely him, this guy is not the first time to do something like intercepting!"

"A few months ago, the criminal investigation team tracked down the missing persons case for three years and finally found that the criminal group was in Jiangbei City."

"In the end, he was intercepted. The provincial department leaders were still making arrangements, but this guy destroyed their lair......."


Almost vomited blood!

However, what can Yu Yuanxun say about this?

Zhao Hao didn't come here on purpose to intercept. Just like he said, he just happened to meet him.

As a glorious people's policeman, can he just sit back and do nothing?

The key is that he has the ability to do it!

In less than a minute, all the drug dealers were dealt with!

If they had only heard about this kind of Arabian Nights feat, they would definitely sneer at it.

But seeing it with their own eyes, how could they not believe their own eyes?

"Although it can't be said that our efforts were in vain, we have been almost making wedding clothes for him in the past few months!"

Yu Yuanxun said gloomily:"But things have come to this point. We are not as skilled as others and can only admit defeat. There is nothing to say!"

"Let's go, I want to meet this legendary police officer in Jiangbei City in person......."

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