Zhao Hao glanced at the surrounding environment.

The alley is deep, and the terrain is complex, with multiple intersections.

It can be seen that the criminals chose this place after careful consideration, so that they can escape in a scattered manner if something happens.

In addition.

A surveillance camera can be seen from a distance at the door of the residential house mentioned by Tong Yongfeng.

Zhao Hao also noticed that on the second floor of the residential house, there was a window with no curtains drawn, but the situation inside could not be seen from the outside.

Therefore, this may be a one-way glass window, and someone inside is always observing the movements outside.

Not only that, Zhao Hao also found that at the intersection of one of the alleys, there was a person sitting there smoking, his eyes scanning the surroundings from time to time, and he looked very vigilant.

There is no doubt that this person must be responsible for the lookout!

One is upstairs and the other is downstairs.

The inside and outside work together, seamless!

Therefore, it is simply unrealistic to approach the residential house quietly and break in!

Zhao Hao had a headache!

Fortunately, the location where he and Tong Yongfeng were located was in the blind spot of the residential surveillance.

And because they had not yet formally approached the house, they were not discovered by the people watching inside and outside.

"It seems that there is no other way but to ask for help from the headquarters!"

Zhao Hao considered it again and again, and finally made a decision.

He is tall and strong, and when he arrests criminals, he is also seen as a rather reckless person by others.

But Zhao Hao knows very well that he dares to be reckless because he has a system that can accurately confirm the identity of the criminal.

So in fact, he is actually a very meticulous person!

Otherwise, he would not have performed so well in all aspects in the comprehensive examination results of the police academy...

Zhao Hao is going to take Tong Yongfeng back the same way.

Moreover, at this time, Tong Yongfeng's mission has been completed, so he is of no use at all.

In order to prevent him from escaping, let Fei Gan deal with it!

Just as he was about to speak, Zhao Hao found that the man who was originally sitting on the lookout suddenly stood up and walked slowly in their direction.

Tong Yongfeng immediately said timidly:"Brother policeman……"

"Shut up!"

Zhao Hao glared at him and said in a low voice:"Hide behind me and don't say a word!"

"If the situation is not right later, I will allow you to leave first, but you have to go to our police station to surrender yourself afterwards!"

Tong Yongfeng almost vomited blood. If I have a chance to run away, can I still go back to your police station to surrender myself?

However, standing behind Zhao Hao, Tong Yongfeng looked up, because the distance was too close, he could only see the other's broad shoulders.

But just for this reason, Tong Yongfeng solemnly said:"Don't worry, police brother, I will definitely cooperate with your work!"

Zhao Hao didn't care whether he was sincere or not.

At this time, he focused all his attention on a smart-looking guy who was about to come to the entrance of their alley.

Twenty meters!

Ten meters!

Eight meters!

【Name: Qiao Hui, 28 years old, a member of the human trafficking organization Lookout, with a criminal record……】

The moment the other party entered the range of Zhao Hao's identity recognition skills, his identity information was immediately displayed in Zhao Hao's mind.

Qiao Hui was whistling casually, while flicking the cigarette butt that was about to be smoked to the end with a handsome gesture.

It just fell into a trash can!

Then, he looked at the entrance of the alley where Zhao Hao was, and after finding nothing unusual, he pulled up his pants and unzipped them....

Huh? Something is wrong!

How come this alley is dark in the broad daylight?

Or is it that the weather has changed?!

Qiao Hui subconsciously looked up.

That was...Legs?

Human legs?

Look up....

Is it a person ?


The next moment, he groaned, and was slapped on the forehead. He turned three or four times on the spot, and then the whole person completely lost his fighting ability.

At the same time, Qiao Hui's mouth was also covered tightly by a big hand like a palm leaf fan.

Until he couldn't make any sound!

And the one who attacked him was Zhao Hao who was waiting for him!

Tong Yongfeng, who was hiding behind Zhao Hao, witnessed the whole process, and immediately began his trembling journey again!

That slap was too fierce!

Tong Yongfeng couldn't help but feel lucky that he didn't run away or resist arrest before.

Otherwise, thinking about the scene of being slapped by Zhao Hao, he was immediately terrified!

At this time.

Zhao Hao directly pinched Qiao Hui's neck with one hand, and then said in a deep voice:"If you can communicate well, blink your eyes. If not, I will crush you directly!"

Qiao Hui was still confused, but as the feeling of suffocation came, he finally sobered up a little.

At this time, being stared at by Zhao Hao's copper bell-like eyes, Qiao Hui had already been scared out of his wits!

So without any hesitation, he just blinked.

Zhao Hao was skilled and bold, and was not afraid of his tricks, so he threw him to the ground.

Qiao Hui's eyes were full of stars, but he didn't dare to slack off, let alone scream.

Not only that, he immediately got up and gave Zhao Hao a flattering smile.

""Brother, what kind of gang are you from? If it's convenient, please tell me your name. If I have offended you, I, Qiao Hui, will give you a satisfactory explanation!"

Zhao Hao was too big, and his explosive muscles made Qiao Hui have no intention of making an enemy of him.

What kind of gang am I from?

Zhao Hao pulled the corner of his mouth, then took out his ID from his pocket.

"Look carefully, I am living a righteous life!!!"

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