The thief Zhao Hao brought back was named Shi Xiuzhen.

His identity information showed that Shi Xiuzhen was a thief who had committed crimes in many provinces and cities and had been imprisoned three times.

But every time he came out, his methods of committing crimes became more sophisticated.

He had certain anti-reconnaissance capabilities and was extremely clever!

When Zhao Hao caught him, Shi Xiuzhen was frightened at first, and then he wanted to incite the masses to put pressure on Zhao Hao by shouting.

Unfortunately, Zhao Hao was as still as a mountain!

With his size and temperament, plus the police uniform, who would dare to meddle in other people's business?

Later, Shi Xiuzhen wanted to create public opinion, but Zhao Hao directly searched out the stolen goods on him and asked him to cooperate with the investigation.

You said it was your mobile phone? Okay, show me your facial or fingerprint unlock!

You said it was your own wallet?

Good guy, your ID card says it's a woman. If you insist that you came back from Sawadika, then go to the police station with us to prove it!

Just these two points, Shi Xiuzhen admitted defeat on the spot.

Then he started to cry and beg for mercy!

But Zhao Hao didn't buy it at all!

When you steal someone's things, you should be prepared to be caught. Besides, you have been in prison three times, and you still think that stealing is a joke?!

Stop talking, just go in!!!

When Zhao Hao arrested Shi Xiuzhen, he first locked him by the unusual smell on Shi Xiuzhen's body.

Then he walked closer and scanned him with his identity recognition skills. Shi Xiuzhen's identity as a thief was immediately exposed!

That's easy, just catch him!

"real...What a thief?"

When Yu Yingwei saw Zhao Hao coming back, all the words he wanted to say died in his stomach, and all his anger was swallowed back.

Good guy, he caught the thief red-handed!

But even with the facts in front of him, Yu Yingwei still found it hard to believe!

At this moment, he couldn't help but recall what He Chengfu had said to him just now, what the second day of employment, what the elite in the police force...

He didn't take it seriously at the time, and even thought that He Chengfu was deceiving himself, catching three thieves by himself, giving the credit to Zhao Hao, and then bringing him here to show off to him.

Now it seems, my God, is it true?

This is really a little expert in catching thieves?

How did he do it?

Yu Yingwei couldn't help but feel lucky that he didn't finish his words just now.

Because, he originally wanted to show off that his apprentice Xie Ziqiang was a real genius. After more than a month of employment, he caught a thief with his own hands this morning, and even the director praised him highly!

Now look at Zhao Hao...Come on, Xiaoqiang needs to keep up the good work!!!

Just at this time.

Zhao Hao grinned and said,"I just happened to catch one. It's just a trivial trick. I'm sorry to make Officer Yu laugh. By the way, where were you just now? What happened to Brother Xie?"

Damn, don't hit someone in the face, and don't expose someone's shortcomings when you scold him!

Don't you understand this principle?

Yu Yingwei was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into!

On the surface, he smiled and said,"It's nothing. It was just a misunderstanding just now. Oh, forget it, let's not talk about it. By the way, Zhao Hao, you are too awesome, right?"

"We didn't even see this guy's figure just now, how did you know there was a thief inside, and confirmed that it was him?"

Zhao Hao scratched his head.

I am good at catching thieves, but I am really not good at pretending!!!

Fortunately, Master He Chengfu was there, and because they were all brothers in the department, He Chengfu did not hide anything, and then roughly explained Zhao Hao's ability.

Yu Yingwei was stunned!

Xie Ziqiang's face was also full of doubts.

After a while.

Yu Yingwei chuckled and said,"No, Lao He, do you think this is a story? How can it be so mysterious?"

Damn, don't believe me?!

He Chengfu also wanted to save face, and in order to cling to his cheap apprentice, he didn't want others to question his apprentice in person.

So, he immediately told Zhao Hao's glorious deeds again.

On the first day of work, he arrested a thief and a Class A wanted criminal in the morning, and arrested two human traffickers in front of the deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau at noon! After going out for patrol in the afternoon, he caught a thief and a woman selling milk tea. By the evening, the number of arrested criminals added up to six or seven!

The second day of work, which is today.

That's even more awesome.

In the morning patrol, he caught a thief, and then took down a criminal den. A total of 42 people did not escape, and six innocent women and five children were rescued!

One of the children is a municipal leader!

Finally, this, these thieves behind him are all the harvest in the afternoon!

At this time, it was less than two hours since He Chengfu and Zhao Hao came out on patrol!

"You can check this information at your police station, especially the information about Class A wanted criminals and criminal dens. You can get the exact information once you check it!"

He Chengfu said in a boastful tone,"Old Yu, don't stare at me with your suspicious eyes. You are just bragging. I won't brag so much."

"How about it? Does it sound like a fantasy? Hey, let alone you, even I, who experienced it firsthand, am confused now.……"

At this moment, Yu Yingwei and Xie Ziqiang were really dumbfounded!

They were dumbfounded!!!

This is fucking...No way? No way? No one would believe this is true, right?

But if this is false, then Old Yu is too boastful!

If I call the institute to ask, won't you be embarrassed?

But what if. This is true?

Yu Yingwei couldn't help but look at Zhao Hao:"Zhao Hao, are all these deeds your master said true?"

Zhao Hao was also embarrassed.

Just when he was thinking about what to say, his nose moved.

Something is happening!!!

"That should be about it, that's about it!"

Zhao Hao said, looking towards the exit,"Officer Yu, let's not talk about the past, we are serving the people!"

"The most urgent matter is that a group of thieves came out of the station entrance, about seven or eight people, it might be a small gang, do you want to lend a hand?……"

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