Zhao Hao began to understand why the door of the opposite room was left open for ventilation in this kind of hotel-style apartment where you can move in right away.

The sealing effect is quite good!

He was the only one who smelled the odor of the rotting corpse before, and Fei Gan and Li Jiarong only realized something was wrong after going upstairs.

But it was just something wrong.

Now when the door was opened, the smell suddenly hit his nose like a rushing river, and Li Jiarong vomited on the spot and turned pale!

As a local police officer, Fei Gan's psychological quality and ability to withstand harsh environments are slightly better than his.

But as Zhao Hao entered the room first, Fei Gan followed closely behind. Within two seconds of entering, Fei Gan ran out like crazy



Even though he had vomited yellow bile, Fei Gan still showed no sign of stopping. He and Li Jiarong had become brothers in distress. It seemed that he wanted to vomit his stomach out!

At the same time, Fei Gan's face was even paler than Li Jiarong's!


Li Jiarong just vomited because of the smell, but Fei Gan saw the scene. Thinking about that scene, he was overwhelmed again, and his scalp was numb!


There was a human corpse inside, just a few steps from the entrance, and the corpse was already rotten, and there were rats on it...

That scene was unforgettable for a lifetime!

As a policeman, Fei Gan's psychological quality and ability to face on-the-spot crises were far superior to ordinary people.

But seeing such a scene, he still couldn't face the fear and disgust in his heart!

In the final analysis, he was still too young!

But when it comes to young, who among the three of them is as young as Zhao Hao?

At this time, Zhao Hao, however, did not change his face and had been patrolling the room. The rotten corpse did not seem to have any impact on his psychology!


This little junior brother is really awesome!

My god!!!

Born to do this, no doubt about it!

Fei Gan almost knelt down to his junior brother, he really admired him!

Li Jiarong almost came back to his senses at this time. Although his face was pale, he couldn't help his curiosity.

So he asked:"Comrade police, what's going on? What happened inside?"

Fei Gan opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

I don't know if it was because of vomiting or other reasons, so he just shook his head and didn't respond.

As a thief who was caught, Li Jiarong certainly didn't dare to express any dissatisfaction!

But driven by strong curiosity, he finally approached the door carefully...

Seeing this, Fei Gan squeezed out a word:"Don't!"

Unfortunately, he was still a step late.

So after a while, Li Jiarong started his life of ups and downs again!

At this time.

Inside the room.

Zhao Hao's face was solemn.

When he smelled this smell, he was already mentally prepared to encounter a murder case. After coming to this apartment, he even had a picture in his mind.

So he didn't feel strange at all when he saw the body!

What he found strange now was that the items in the room were quite intact. There was no sign of any fight, and no other suspicious behavior was found.

Looking at the body again, the blood on the floor had solidified and turned dark brown. A screwdriver was inserted into the heart of the body, which was obviously murdered.

Several mice were gnawing there. The picture looked extremely terrifying and chilling!

But Zhao Hao was skilled and courageous, and his heart was extremely strong, so he was not affected by it.

Of course, the most important point.

That is his olfactory nerve, because during the period of opening the smell recognition skill, the system will activate the self-protection mechanism, so it will not be disturbed by the stench of the corpse!

Otherwise, this smell is really unbearable for ordinary people!

Zhao Hao walked around the corpse...

There was no other discovery. If there was only one clue, it was that he smelled a smell on the body that did not match the deceased!

Body odor!!!

The deceased himself did not have body odor, but on him, or more precisely, on the handle of the screwdriver, there was the smell of body odor.

But the smell was extremely faint, almost disappearing completely.

If it weren't for the closed environment, Zhao Hao's smell recognition skill might not be able to capture it, because his skill also has limitations. If the smell is more than 72 hours old, it cannot be captured!


"The victim died within 72 hours, the murderer had escaped, and did not leave any useful clues."

Zhao Hao pondered and said,"Letting a criminal investigation expert check it out probably won't yield much. This case……"

He couldn't help but shook his head!

At least Zhao Hao has no way out at the moment!

Because he tried to track the smell by scent recognition, but it disappeared when he reached the door of the room.

He estimated that if he came in later, he would not be able to catch the faint smell of body odor at all.

Not to mention identity recognition skills, unless the murderer is within the range of his skills, he has no way at all!

However, Zhao Hao silently memorized the body odor in his heart!

If he has the chance to smell this smell again, he will definitely be able to identify it on the spot!

But the most urgent task-

Zhao Hao shouted to the door:"Senior Brother, we can't handle the situation in the room, let's report to our superiors and let the criminal police team come to deal with it.……"

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