Half an hour later, at the crime scene.

Zhao Hao and Fei Gan were responsible for protecting the scene from being destroyed. At this time, there were still many people watching downstairs.

As for the landlord, he called Zhao Hao back and then realized that he was in trouble!

Including the tenants of this building, they also got to know the news somehow. At present, they are all panicked and dare not even go back to their own homes.

There are also brave ones, or those who want to show off, who plan to go forward to see what is going on!


When they saw Zhao Hao standing at the door, their legs suddenly became weak and they could no longer muster the courage to go forward.

And the stench of the corpse that could be smelled from a distance also made them stay away!

"A murder has occurred. This building cannot be lived in anymore!"

"It is said that the bodies were all rotten, so scary!"

"I live on the fourth floor. No wonder I feel uneasy these days, especially when I go to bed at night....Total feeling...Total feeling..."

"Hey, hey, hey, stop talking, you’re scaring me to death!"


The residents were whispering.

The landlord was worried because a murder happened in his house. If the news got out, it would be difficult for him to rent out his house again.

At this time, a group of police officers from Huxi Police Station, led by Fu Xuelin, finally arrived at the scene.

Liu Mingyuan, director of Hedong Police Station, was also there.

Since he had arrived, he had no reason not to come and take a look.

Fu Xuelin didn't say much about this. As long as he didn't make trouble, he would let him. As soon as they arrived, the special task force temporarily formed by the criminal police team rushed over.

It was a big battle!

The superiors had issued an order that the murder case must be solved in the shortest possible time, the criminals must be brought to justice, and the people would have a clear world!

So after everyone arrived, everyone immediately divided the work clearly.

Fu Xuelin and other members of the police station were responsible for evacuating and comforting the residents and the people, while the special task force went straight to the scene of the crime.

Coincidentally, the leader of the task force this time was Sun Zeyu, the captain of the second team of the criminal police brigade, who had met Zhao Hao many times. When he saw Zhao Hao,

Sun Zeyu greeted him solemnly.

There was no excessive greeting between the two sides. After all, the case was important, and Zhao Hao knew the severity of the case, so he immediately made way.

He and Fei Gan protected the scene very well, and it was hardly damaged.

Sun Zeyu took the lead and immediately frowned after leading the members of the task force in.

Because even if the wind was passed, the smell was still surprisingly strong...

Fortunately, they were all from the criminal police team and had handled many important and serious cases, so everyone adapted quickly.

Next, Sun Zeyu was responsible for commanding the scene and assigning tasks to the members of the task force, trying to get some useful clues by investigating the scene!

Collecting fingerprints and footprints, taking photos, comparing the murder weapon... Every profession has its own specialty!

The members of the task force brought by Sun Zeyu were all top criminal investigation experts in Jiangbei City, and everyone showed their due professionalism.

Not only that, the identity information of the deceased was also quickly passed to Sun Zeyu.

"The deceased was Lin Yuanrong, a foreigner who had no formal job in Jiangbei City. He rarely went out and had no friends.……"

Sun Zeyu looked at the information about the deceased sent by the criminal police team, and his brows furrowed more and more!

Outsiders, the family situation and interpersonal relationships of the deceased Lin Yuanrong's hometown need further investigation.

The key is.

How does Lin Yuanrong survive in Jiangbei City without a job?

If there is a mine at home, why should he be displaced? He lives in seclusion and has no friends!

This means that it is difficult to find relevant insiders about his whereabouts in Jiangbei City!

"This is the information we have at present, but the specific situation needs to be solved separately!"

Sun Zeyu took a deep breath.

There are too few clues.

If everything is as the information shows, it is not normal at all.

Because who would kill a person who came from another place, has no job, lives in seclusion and has no friends? If it is said to be seeking money, the things in the house are neat and tidy, and it doesn't look like it has been robbed at all.

Even the members of the special task force found more than 2,000 yuan in cash clearly placed in the closet!

So, this possibility can basically be ruled out!


Sun Zeyu paced back and forth, and somehow came to Zhao Hao again.

He looked up and forced a smile at Zhao Hao.

This giant brother is also a rare talent. It has been less than a month since he solved a murder case last time!

Unexpectedly, another murder case was discovered!


Then Sun Zeyu couldn't help but think of Zhao Hao's extraordinary sense of smell.

So he asked:"Zhao Hao, you were the first to discover the murder scene. Are there any other special clues? Zhao Hao shook his head and said,"Brother Sun, on-site investigation is not my specialty, so you all saw what I found."

"The only clue was that I smelled a very faint smell of body odor on the screwdriver located near the deceased's heart!"

"What is certain is that this is not the body odor of the deceased, and now the smell has dissipated.……"

Sun Zeyu sighed, a little disappointed, but fortunately he just said it casually and didn't have high expectations.

But Zhao Hao hesitated for a moment and added:"However, Senior Brother Sun, I have memorized this smell. If I have the chance to encounter it again, I will definitely be able to identify it!"

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