As soon as Zhao Hao opened his mouth, Fu Xuelin and Yu Yuanzhong's scalps went numb.

Send a bus to follow you, and then you don't have to do anything, just follow behind and pretend to be a thief?

Damn, is it really that exaggerated?!


Thinking about what Zhao Hao has done in the past few days, including his various previous performances, the two couldn't help but agree with it.

It's not an exaggeration at all!

After Fu Xuelin thought about it again and again.

So he said:"No problem, but Zhao Hao, I have to tell you one thing, our detention center can no longer accommodate criminals.……"

Zhao Hao was stunned.

Damn, it can't fit in now?

I was thinking of going all out to catch all the criminals in the city. Is it okay if you can't fit in now?

You know, the thieves caught these days include the B-level wanted criminal in the hospital.

Zhao Hao received many rewards from the system. No new skills appeared, but his strength, speed and temperament have improved.

Including the experience points of his various skills, they have also been greatly improved.

Among them, driving and firearms are the most, both of which are about to be upgraded to the intermediate stage!

Therefore, when Zhao Hao knew that his superiors allowed him to patrol in multiple areas, he immediately became ambitious and wanted to quickly improve his skill level.

Catch criminals, improve the level, and then catch more criminals, and improve the level faster... snowball!

As a result, Director, you tell me that the detention center is full?

At this time, Yu Yuanzhong also smiled bitterly and said,"If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself. Now there are still a dozen thieves under the big banyan tree in the detention center who have nowhere to go!"


It can't fit in now?!

Zhao Hao scratched his head. What should he do?

Suddenly, he had an idea.

"There is a way!"

Zhao Hao grinned and said,"Director, it doesn't matter if our detention center can't accommodate all the thieves. We can just catch the thieves, register them, and then send them to other detention centers for detention, right?"

Fu Xuelin and Yu Yuanzhong looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Isn't this too mean?"

Yu Yuanzhong said with a smile:"We register the criminals here, and then use the police force of other departments to help guard them. Isn't that hooliganism?"

Fu Xuelin's eyes lit up.

Then he made the final decision:"I think it's okay, especially the Hedong Police Station. Zhao Hao, you can stuff as many people as you can into their detention center!"

"Damn it, Liu Mingyuan's grandson has been looking down on me openly and secretly for a long time. This time, let's let him see the real strength of our police station!"

Yu Yuanzhong smiled and said,"Old Fu, it seems that you have been dissatisfied with your cheap junior brother for a long time. Are you going to use this dirty trick on him? He will be mad to death!"

Fu Xuelin groaned and said,"It would be better to madden that grandson to death. Who made him always say that Hedong Police Station is the model representative of all police stations in Huli District?"

"You don't know how proud that grandson is every time we go to the city for a meeting, but this time, huh……"

He didn't say the rest.

Because according to the current development of Huxi Police Station, in the annual performance evaluation of all police stations in the city this year, Huxi Police Station will definitely be able to break through the siege and reach the top!

By then, let alone the police station in Huli District, I'm afraid that no police station in the city can compare with the performance of Huxi Police Station!

Therefore, Fu Xuelin has such confidence!

"Anyway, Old Yu, don't worry about it, this matter is settled!"

Fu Xuelin said in high spirits:"Zhao Hao, you don't have to worry about arranging for the thief to move in!"

"You just need to be responsible for catching the thief, and the rest of the logistical work will be done by me, the director, and I guarantee that it will be done well!"

In this way, the tone of this matter was set.

Zhao Hao suddenly felt a little confused. Would his method make the neighboring police stations cry?

Especially Director Liu of the Hedong Police Station, he seemed to be very concerned about his reputation...

Never mind, never mind!

Just like the director said, I will be responsible for catching the thief, and I will leave the rest to the station!

Even if someone cries at that time......That has nothing to do with us!

Thinking of this, Zhao Hao started a new journey in a hurry! At two o'clock in the afternoon of that day.

Zhao Hao rode his beloved big motorcycle, took the revolver that had never fired a shot to this day, and led a bus from the station to set off!

Of course, there was not only the driver on the bus.

Senior brother Fei Gan and a senior sister named Lin Jia accompanied them, and they also brought six auxiliary police officers.

At that time, when Fei Gan and Lin Jia heard that they were going on a mission with Zhao Hao, they really ran faster than rabbits and rushed over.

Now everyone knows that following Zhao Hao is just picking up credits!

Like him, Fei Gan, he went down with Zhao Hao several times and got two third-class merits. Needless to say, when he was evaluated next year, he would be promoted to at least one level and get a raise!

So now, when there is a chance to partner with Zhao Hao, the police officers in the police station can even fight for it.

In the end, Fu Xuelin came forward to mediate, and then slightly changed the previous system a little bit, so that people would follow up in turns!

In the past, Zhao Hao would rotate with them in different areas!

But now Zhao Hao is free, and the whole Jiangbei City is at his disposal, so everyone rotates with him.

In short, everyone has a chance.


Around 2:30 in the afternoon.

Jiangbei Railway Station West Station, formerly known as Guoxing Railway Station.

This is a very old railway station in Jiangbei City.

But even though it is very old, when the trains pass through this station, they will stop for about five minutes to let people get on and off.

Zhao Hao still remembered that when he went to Guoxing Bus Station to catch a thief, his cheap master He Chengfu once said that compared to the bus station, the railway station is a paradise for thieves.

It's just that he didn't have a means of transportation at that time, and it took a lot of time to go back and forth.

Now that he has a beloved big motorcycle, and the gas money can be reimbursed by the station, Zhao Hao will certainly not miss this paradise for thieves.

After the group arrived at the station.

Zhao Hao asked Fei Gan and others to park the bus to the side of the road, and his big motorcycle was parked behind the bus.

"Senior brother, I am traveling in casual clothes, so don't get too close to me."

Zhao Hao said:"By the way, you should say hello to the senior brothers or sisters in charge of the railway station to avoid misunderstandings."

Fei Gan immediately smiled and said:"Okay, we will do whatever you say, Brother Zhao."

The conversation between the two was also interesting. One called Senior Brother and the other called Brother Zhao, and they both used the title of"you".

But Lin Jia and others are used to it, because they also call each other that way! Let's get back to the point. After the two sides discussed, they began to act according to their respective division of labor.

Zhao Hao first came to the exit of the railway station.

He had checked the information before he came, and knew that there would be a train passing by at about this time.

So if nothing unexpected happens, the exit that looks deserted at present will soon become crowded.

On the other side.

Fei Gan and Lin Jia led six auxiliary police officers and soon met the police officers from the Hedong Police Station who were on duty at the railway station.

There are a total of four people with full-time positions.

The leader is called Gao Qi Zheng, the leader of the patrol team of Hedong Police Station.

There are three left, one is Wu Xinghuai, an ordinary police officer.

The other two are trainee police officers, one male and one female, who look very young and should be newcomers who have just joined the company.

There are also eight auxiliary police officers.

The police force is not small, but compared with the huge flow of people at the railway station, it is still a drop in the bucket.

Every now and then, there will be passengers calling the police to report that they have lost something.

But the probability of finding the lost property is really slim, which is a common phenomenon in most railway stations across the country.

The two sides met.

Naturally, there is a round of greetings.

Then Gao Qizhen couldn't help but ask:"Brother Fei, have you been assigned by your superiors to help us maintain order at the railway station?"

"Haha, what a coincidence! It’s a holiday now and there are too many people at the train station. We are too busy every day!"

"I didn't expect that you would be sent here today after we requested reinforcements from the director yesterday.……"

Gao Qizhen seemed very enthusiastic. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But Fei Gan and others had strange looks on their faces!

Damn, what kind of person is your director? Old Gao, don’t you have any idea?

You applied for reinforcements yesterday, can he arrange for someone to come to you today? Or the police force from our Huxi Police Station?

I think you are dreaming!

But on the surface.

Fei Gan said carelessly:"Yes, yes, we are indeed here to reinforce Senior Brother Gao, but you guessed one thing wrong"

"That's right, we came here with Brother Zhao this time, not assigned by Director Liu!"

Gao Qizheng and others were stunned.

"Brother Zhao, which Brother Zhao?"

In the public security system, there are very few people who call each other brother. Most of them call each other brothers. How come there is another Brother Zhao?

Fei Gan smiled and said,"You may not know who Brother Zhao is, but you must have heard of the name Zhao Hao, Senior Brother Gao!"

Zhao Hao!!!

Gao Qizhen's pupils shrank immediately.

How could he not have heard of this name?

Not to mention that their director kept talking about it every day, just the commotion Zhao Hao caused in the Jiangbei Public Security System during this period of time is well-known!

Not only Gao Qizhen, but other members of the Hedong Police Station were also surprised!

Obviously, everyone has heard of this name!

However, they are responsible for the public security of the railway station, so they did not participate in the last operation, and naturally they have never seen Zhao Hao.

Now that they heard that it was Zhao Hao who was leading the team, everyone became interested and wanted to meet this legendary policeman in the Jiangbei Public Security System!

However, Gao Qizhen wanted to ask more clearly, at this time an auxiliary police suddenly shouted:"Team leader, it seems that something happened at the exit.……"

Something happened?!!!

Swish, swish, swish.

Suddenly, everyone looked towards the exit of the train station.


Everyone saw a big guy standing at the exit who looked as burly as the Hulk, but exuded a bad temperament.

At this time, the man was holding a man and a woman in his hands. Seeing that the two were wearing couple outfits, they should be a couple.

But at this time, the two were already trembling with fear, their faces were pale and bloodless, and they were screaming all kinds of things.

As for the other passengers at the scene, there was also a commotion. Many people wanted to run, but after the man yelled, no one dared to move.

"Damn, making trouble in our area?"

Gao Qizhen was immediately furious and said,"Quick, everyone follow me, I suspect that man is a gangster, everyone be careful!"

No doubt, he is a gangster!!!

All the people present at the Hedong Police Station had solemn expressions.

But the two trainee police officers and auxiliary police officers were also a little timid at the same time, but they still rushed with Gao Qizhen because of their duty.

Fei Gan and others were stunned when they saw this.

It was not until Gao Qizhen and others rushed out that Fei Gan came back to his senses:"Shit, it's a mistake, Senior Brother Gao, wait a minute!"

Unexpectedly, Gao Qizhen said without turning his head:"Junior Brother Fei, don't just watch the fun, since your brother Zhao brought you here for reinforcement, you should follow too!"

"I don't think we can handle that gangster.……"

Fei Gan was completely stunned!

Damn, are you crazy?

Brother Zhao brought us here to reinforce and capture Brother Zhao himself?

Lao Gao, don't tease me!

"Senior Brother Gao, don’t, that’s my Brother Zhao, don’t mess around, otherwise you will suffer a great loss!"

Zhao Hao’s fighting ability is so strong that he will have no problem dealing with Gao Qizhen and the others. Fei Gan has no doubt about this.

So if you rush over, wouldn’t that be delivering food to my Brother Zhao?!

Unfortunately, Gao Qizhen and the others have already gone far away.

Fei Gan was immediately anxious:"Quick, quick, catch up with them, the flood has washed away the Dragon King Temple, there will be a big misunderstanding!"

Lin Jia and others also realized the seriousness of the problem, and immediately did not dare to neglect it, and then rushed over there!

Let's talk about the exit.

The person who was dragging a man and a woman was, of course, Zhao Hao.

He didn't expect that the train station was really a paradise for thieves!

Damn, a train just arrived, and among the people who got off, the first to come out were two thieves.

A man and a woman, dressed as a couple.

But with Zhao Hao's identity recognition skills, their identities were immediately exposed.

And through the smell recognition skills, Zhao Hao also smelled hundreds of different smells from them, among which there must be stolen goods.

There was nothing to say, Zhao Hao immediately started to drag them up.

The poor two thieves, just passed the exit, and thought it was another great harvest without danger!

As a result, they never expected that the danger was at the exit.

The two were still discussing where to have a sumptuous dinner, but they were caught by Zhao Hao!

They were scared to death!

And after Zhao Hao caught them (good) But he didn't leave immediately.

Because with his identification skills that have a range of 50 meters, many thieves can't escape his eyes!

Among this wave of passengers leaving the station, there are more than a dozen thieves!

Some of them succeeded, some did not but have criminal records, and one is a scammer on the run!

Of course, there are also thieves with no criminal records and who get away with nothing. Zhao Hao can't catch such people, because there is no evidence to prove that they are thieves...

But no matter what.

The train station is the right place!

These thoughts flashed through Zhao Hao's mind. At this time, he caught two thieves and saw that the crowd was in a commotion because of his arrest, and they were about to scatter like birds and beasts.

Zhao Hao couldn't help wondering, why did it take so long for Senior Brother Fei and the others to say hello?

Come and help quickly!

But the priority is that he can't care so much. He must stop the crowd from rioting, otherwise it is easy to cause trampling and other accidents, and someone may take advantage of the fire to rob.

So Zhao Hao was full of energy and immediately shouted to the crowd:"The police are investigating the case, everyone stand still and don't move!"

Suddenly, the originally frightened crowd was stunned!

The police are investigating a case?

Is this big guy a policeman? Shoot!

The crowd was full of doubts!

But no matter what, no one dared to move at this time.

Because some sharp-eyed people have discovered that this big guy who claims to be a policeman actually has an oversized pistol on his waist!!!

Gao Qizhen, the leader of the patrol team of Hedong Police Station, is also a sharp-eyed person.

He was about to lead people to arrest Zhao Hao, but when he was still more than ten meters away from Zhao Hao, he inadvertently saw the pistol on Zhao Hao's waist...

Dam, this gangster is too rampant!!!

He actually carried a gun in broad daylight and came to the train station to blatantly kidnap a couple. What on earth does he want to do?!

"Everyone, please pay attention. The gangster has a gun. Let's not alarm him. Xiao He, call for help right away.……"

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