Lying in the white ward, Zhao Hao began his boring hospitalization life again.

He had reason to doubt whether the cheap master could not afford to play?

I came to pick you up from the hospital with good intentions, but you left with a dark face. What does it mean?

It's not intentional to be late!

Then if I encounter bank robbers and cause large-scale casualties, can I, a people's policeman, sit back and watch~? Petty...

Zhao Hao was speechless.

After the brother who sent him here left and the nurse sister Pang Qianning was busy taking care of other patients, Zhao Hao began to fall into boredom-.

Originally, this minor injury was not a big deal for him!

But this was the order of the director.

So even if his deeds have now spread in Jiangbei City, everyone knows that he is the hero of the bank robbery, and the hospital dare not give him convenience in this regard.

Must ask him to heal his injuries before he will be released from the hospital!

Finally, Zhao Hao also thought about it himself. The recent noise has been a bit loud, so it's good to take a break.

So he stayed at ease.

But he didn't know that the noise he made was more than a big one?

The bank robbery case shocked the public security system in Jiangbei City, and even the provincial department leaders showed great concern. In fact

, Zhao Hao's deeds have gone beyond the circle and have caused a certain influence in the national public security system!

You know.

In the great country of Longguo, there are only a few bank robberies since the founding of the country, so the 9.9 bank robbery in Jiangbei City has attracted widespread attention.

But the attention is over!

Because the provincial department just received a report from the municipal bureau, and before they had time to discuss the plan, they received another call here, saying that the robbers have been brought to justice!


The arrest of Zheng Xinzhi, a AAA-level wanted criminal, immediately spread from one person to ten, and from ten to a hundred, causing a thousand waves in the public security system of the whole province!

And because of this bank robbery, Zhao Hao, the legendary police officer, has received much attention, and his past deeds have gradually been dug up!

Two months after joining the job, a total of more than a thousand criminals have been arrested!

From AAA wanted criminals to petty thieves, wherever Zhao Hao appears, he will definitely not return empty-handed!

When patrolling, he would always have a bus following him, for fear that he would catch too many criminals and not have enough handcuffs...

This kind of thing that sounds like a fantasy to others is reflected in Zhao Hao. It is even worse than that!



"The strongest police officer!"


The provincial public security system was originally busy, but because Zhao Hao, a strong general, emerged in the police world, many bigwigs couldn't help but jump out to praise him!

As a result, the Jiangbei City Public Security System, which was not very famous compared to the provincial public security system, suddenly broke through the siege and became widely known!

Including Huxi Police Station!

It is a sure thing and indisputable that Huxi Police Station has become the first in Jiangbei City's annual performance assessment!

Director Fu Xuelin's mouth is almost cracked with laughter!

"This kid, I gave him a holiday out of kindness and asked him to pick up Lao He from the hospital, but he did something weird again?"

Fu Xuelin said with a smile:"And this time the commotion was so big that my phone was almost blown up."

Instructor Yu Yuanzhong also exclaimed:"It's really reckless, but it's also really awesome. There are eight robbers, one of whom is a AAA wanted criminal, and they all carry guns."

"As a result, Zhao Hao relied on his own strength to pin them all down in Jiangbei City, not letting them leave Jiangbei City even a step!"

The two looked at each other in surprise.


The lucky star of Huxi Police Station is worthy of its reputation!

Whether it was the director Fu Xuelin or the instructor Yu Yuanzhong, both were filled with endless sighs and lamentations.

"Old Fu, be prepared!"

Yu Yuanzhong shook his head and said,"Comrade Zhao Hao is destined to not be trapped in our shallow water forever. He must soar into the sky!"

Fu Xuelin couldn't help but calm down his inner excitement.

But he soon smiled and said,"It doesn't matter. After all, Zhao Hao got out of here."

"Besides, Zhao Hao values friendship and loyalty. If our police station really encounters any difficulties in the future, will he just sit back and do nothing?"

After saying this, Yu Yuanzhong nodded in agreement.

Then the two changed the subject.

Yu Yuanzhong smiled and said,"Let's go, let's go and comfort our old comrade He!"

Fu Xuelin immediately curled his lips and said,"Come on, don't think that this old guy will be so proud of himself when he returns to the team even though he looks depressed!"

At this time.

He Chengfu, who was about to knock on the door, suddenly froze the smile on his face, and then chose to tiptoe and leave quietly...

At the same time.

In the inpatient department of the People's Hospital, on a chair in the corridor.

At this time, there were two patients sitting on the chairs bragging, one with his arm in a sling and a cast, and the other with his face wrapped like a zongzi.

The man with the broken hand said arrogantly,"Although that guy looks big and strong, like a Behemoth"

"But he dared to punch my girlfriend first, how could I tolerate this? I definitely couldn't tolerate it, so I went up and fought him!"

"Even though I have a broken hand, that guy is in a worse situation. I broke his nose and he cried like a 300-pound kid on the spot!"

The pig-headed man nodded rapidly.

Then he said angrily,"Or is it fate? Brother, I also met a strong man who looks as fierce as the Hulk!"

"Coincidentally, that guy also punched my girlfriend. How could I tolerate this? I definitely can't tolerate this!"

"So I went up to fight him, and even though my face was swollen like a pig's head, the strong man also……"

Before he could finish his words, the man with the broken hand suddenly interrupted him and said,"Wait a minute, man, you are not talking about him, are you?" The pig-headed man was stunned, and then he looked in the direction the man with the broken hand was looking.

~!~ real...Is there really a person as strong as the Hulk?!

Then, the two of them trembled and watched Zhao Hao walk past them.

Zhao Hao was depressed.

He couldn't stay in the ward, so he wanted to go out for a walk. Maybe he could catch a Class B wanted criminal like last time?

So he turned on the identity recognition and wandered around the hospital.

As a result, he saw these two people sneaking around, and they looked more awesome than each other.

【Name: Sun Weiqi, 26 years old, unemployed, no criminal record, fractured right arm due to falling off a bicycle……】

【Name: Li Zhiyuan, 32 years old, real estate agent, no criminal record, beaten by his wife, causing facial swelling……】


I thought they were two petty thieves!

Zhao Hao lost interest and walked past them without much interest.

But when he left.

Sun Weiqi and Li Zhiyuan were dumbfounded.

Li Zhiyuan said:"Brother, you are so awesome, if this big brother punches your girlfriend, what will you do?"

Sun Weiqi looked at Zhao Hao's tall back like a hill, and swallowed his saliva subconsciously.

Then he said embarrassedly:"I will strongly condemn him in my heart!!!"

Li Zhiyuan immediately sneered, his face full of disdain and contempt!

Can Sun Weiqi tolerate this?

So he hummed and said:"What about you? You were also awesome just now, tell me, if your girlfriend was punched by him, what would you do?"

Li Zhiyuan is different from Sun Weiqi.

He immediately raised his head and chest, with a chivalrous posture:"Hmph, then I will definitely let him know what a real coward is!"

Sun Weiqi:"……"

The nurse Pang Qianning, who was passing by, happened to hear the conversation between the two.

She originally thought that the two were plotting something bad against Zhao Hao, and was ready to teach them a lesson the next time she changed their dressings....

You guys are smart!!!

"Brother Zhao, why did you come out again? Doctor Zhu said that you need to rest to recover from your injuries. Come back to the ward with me. I have made pigeon soup for you!"

Pang Qianning trotted after him.

It would have been fine if she hadn't spoken. As soon as she spoke, Zhao Hao's originally slow pace was almost forced to sprint!

However. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Even if he avoided Pang Qianning, Zhao Hao went around the inpatient department, outpatient department, and emergency department of the People's Hospital, but found nothing.

It cannot be said that there is no criminal!

Some of them are responsible for trivial cases such as fighting, and some have done petty thefts outside, but there is no evidence at the scene.

Including the occasional encounters with a few"milk tea sisters" who came to see gynecological diseases, Zhao Hao turned a blind eye and was too lazy to reach out.

Zhao Hao really had no interest in this kind of criminals.


Zhao Hao's next days were really hard to endure...

Time flies, and finally half a month later.

Zhao Hao was"released from prison". Before dawn that day, he packed up and ran away. When Pang Qianning came over with chicken soup early in the morning, he didn't even see his shadow.

"Master Wang, open the door, open the door quickly, I'm back!"

When Zhao Hao returned to the police station, it was still dark, and the gatekeeper, Master Wang, was woken up by him and was completely stunned!

"No, Xiao Zhao...Why did you come back?"

Old Wang said in confusion,"No, the director said that we will go to the People's Hospital to pick you up today. You can't come back alone. You have to go back!"

Zhao Hao almost vomited blood. I have to go back?

I am full and have nothing better to do, so I have to go back?

Zhao Hao didn't want to talk.

With a whoosh, he jumped over the lifting pole and entered the station. Then he threw a pack of Huazi bought on the road to the gatekeeper Old Wang.

"Master Wang, please continue to rest, I will not disturb you!"

After saying that, he did not even turn his head.

Then Zhao Hao went to the locker room, changed into his police uniform, and tidied up his appearance and clothing.

He is back in the team!

This means that in the days to come, the thieves in Jiangbei City will be in trouble!



Then he went to the lounge to wait, waiting for his senior brothers and sisters to go to work!

He was going to ride his beloved big motorcycle that he hadn't touched for half a month, and he had to bring his large revolver.

Leading the senior brothers and sisters to gallop around Jiangbei City and eradicate all evil!

So, after Director Fu Xuelin and others came to work, they learned from Lao Wang that Zhao Hao had returned to the team, and they were all stunned.

One by one, they ran to the lounge, and the look in their eyes when they looked at Zhao Hao was as curious as looking at a national treasure.

"Report to the director, Zhao Hao's injury has healed, and he requests to return to the team immediately!" Zhao Hao stood at attention and saluted. Fu

Xuelin was stunned. Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?

The senior brothers and sisters were dumbfounded. Is it necessary to be so aggressive?!

Even the instructor Yu Yuanzhong was speechless and choked by Zhao Hao's posture!

He thought, Xiao Zhao must have been bullied by criminals in his previous life?

Those thieves are also unlucky in eight lifetimes to meet Zhao Hao, an excellent policeman who is dedicated to his job and almost paranoid!

But it must be said.

Everyone almost knelt down to Zhao Hao. He is really a role model for our generation! So much so that some senior brothers and sisters who usually like to slack off can't wait to find a crack in the ground to crawl into!

Compared with Zhao Hao, they suddenly found that they were nothing...

What could Fu Xuelin say?

Of course, it was in accordance with Zhao Hao's wish , according to the duty roster, two police officers and six auxiliary police officers were assigned to Zhao Hao and sent him out on patrol.

Zhao Hao was so happy that his life was finally back on track!

During his days in the hospital, he missed catching thieves all the time. Now that he is back in the team, he is also full of energy! He must catch them today!

One car is not enough?!

So, Zhao Hao quickly set off on his beloved big motorcycle and first took a tour around the Huxi Police Station.


After going through several areas, there is not a single thief?

By the way, the area within the jurisdiction of the Huxi Police Station has been cleared by himself, and I guess no thief dares to come, right?

Okay, let's change places!

Move to the jurisdiction of the Hedong Police Station and go to the bus station���Circle!

What? Nothing?!

"Damn it, I still don't believe this!"

Zhao Hao was also dumbfounded, not knowing what was going on.

Then he led his men to the train station, but after an entire afternoon, they still didn't get anything.


Where's the thief? Where's the thief?

A police officer with the team said embarrassedly:"Brother Zhao...Well, have you been so depressed in the hospital that you lost your keen sense of smell?"

How ridiculous!

He used to follow Zhao Hao, and catching a thief was as easy as eating and drinking. But today, after a whole day, it was almost dark.

In the end, he didn't see a single thief?! He was questioning his life!

But what he didn't know was that Zhao Hao was also questioning his life!

He even began to doubt the system. Was there something wrong with the system? The identity recognition and odor recognition skills were no longer useful?

But this was not right, because when he turned on the skills, the identity information and smell of the people nearby could still be clearly identified by him.

But there was no thief!

Not a single thief, not even a petty theft!!! It was ridiculous!

Zhao Hao almost got depressed because of this.

But just when he was losing interest and was about to lead the team back to the station.


【Name: Lin Haonan, 19 years old, professional thief, no criminal record……】

Shit, I finally met a thief!

A gleam of light flashed in Zhao Hao's eyes, and then he looked towards the entrance to the station, and saw a thin young man in a baseball cap and a backpack.

This man was Lin Haonan. He flipped the blade in his hand, and then a hole instantly appeared in the bag of the girl in front of him.

Then, a mobile phone slipped and was caught by him!

Zhao Hao ran towards Lin Haonan without saying a word.

At the same time, once his figure and temperament were revealed, the crowd at the entrance suddenly quieted down.

Lin Haonan seemed to have seen Zhao Hao...


Without waiting for Zhao Hao to come over.

Lin Haonan knelt down with a plop, then held his head with both hands, and exposed the stolen mobile phone in his hands.

"Officer Zhao, I, I, I...I admit defeat, I admit defeat! Please don't mention it to me, I admit everything..."

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